Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 24.2

Qin Ruqing: Hmm… So the “the freshness of being home only lasts for three days” rule applies everywhere, huh?

It had indeed been a while since Qin Ruqing visited the Qin Family School.

She didn’t mind meeting her sisters and fellow clan members and saying hello.

As soon as she and Qirong stepped into the school, they attracted numerous admiring glances.

Qin Ruqing roughly understood the meaning behind these looks.

The labels on her and Qirong now read:

“The two most talented among the younger generation of the Qin family”

“Personally taught by the Ancestor”

“Different from us, anyway”

Qin Ruqing wasn’t afraid of being special.

She honestly preferred to shine a bit brighter than to blend in with the crowd.

Qin Ruqing greeted everyone and then looked towards her own brother.

She called out loudly, “Brother!”

She wondered if her silly brother, Qin Ruyu, was being bullied in the school still.

Qin Ruyu had a good posture and temperament.

He smiled slightly and patted Qin Ruqing’s head.

Their second brother, Qin Luxuan, whom Qin Ruqing had always had a complicated relationship with, just gave them a complex look and surprisingly didn’t make any sarcastic remarks.

It seemed like there weren’t any conflicts in the school (at least on the surface).

That was good.

During breaks between classes, Qin Ruqing and Qin Qirong were naturally surrounded by many people asking questions.

After these people left, another person slowly approached Qin Ruqing’s desk.

Qin Ruqing looked up and saw a delicate and standard oval-faced girl.

This person was Qin Luwei, Qin Luxuan’s younger sister.

Their uncle had two children, and Qin Luwei was his younger daughter.

Honestly, Qin Ruqing didn’t like her uncle because he always caused trouble for her father.

She also didn’t like Qin Luxuan; he was just like their uncle—crafty and scheming.

Among the second branch of the Qin family, Qin Ruqing only liked Qin Luwei.

Leaving everything else aside, this little girl was truly beautiful—big eyes, petal-like lips, resembling a delicate Barbie doll, but in a fairy version.

At this moment, Qin Ruqing smiled sweetly at the little fairy and gently asked, “What’s up?”

Qin Luwei pursed her lips and whispered, “I heard from my annoying brother that you’ve cultivated Qi and even broke through to the third layer of Qi cultivation.”

Annoying brother… Hah, yes, these siblings didn’t see eye to eye.

Qin Luxuan thought his sister was foolish for not siding with him, while Qin Luwei thought her brother had a dull mind, always provoking others in a low-level manner.

Qin Ruqing smiled and said, “Yes, I recently managed to break through.”

Qin Luwei blinked her eyes and said seriously, “Continuous breakthroughs are said to be something only geniuses can achieve. You can do it, so you’re truly a genius, not just lucky.” She looked into Qin Ruqing’s eyes. “You’re amazing.”

Aww, the little fairy was so straightforward and cute.

Qin Ruqing felt a bit embarrassed by the praise and scratched her head, saying, “So, Third Sister, did you come to me for something?”

Among the legitimate descendants of the Qin family in the same generation, Qin Ruqing was the youngest, ranked fifth, while Qin Luwei was third.

Qin Luwei didn’t beat around the bush either. “I know you and Qirong moved out of Shadow Pavilion this time to train in the secret realm. I also want to go with you.”

As if knowing what Qin Ruqing was going to ask, she explained, “I don’t get along with my brother and don’t want to go with him.

He’s also too lazy to take me.

But if I go alone, my parents won’t agree, so I thought of joining you two. Don’t worry, I’m also at the second layer of Qi cultivation, and the elders have praised my alchemy skills…”

Qin Ruqing interrupted the little fairy’s self-promotion, “That’s enough.”

A trace of genuine disappointment flickered in Qin Luwei’s eyes.

Couldn’t she…

Qin Ruqing quickly followed up with a smiling expression, “Third Sister wanting to join us is truly something we’re delighted about. There’s no need to say so much.”

“I’ve heard at Shadow Pavilion from the Ancestor about your excellent talent in alchemy. Several elders have praised you when they met the Ancestor, saying you have the potential to inherit her mantle.”

As for why Qin Ruqing didn’t inherit the mantle, well, Qin Ruqing’s alchemy skills are lacking, no need to say more about that.

Qin Luwei was taken aback, her eyes brightened. “Really?”

Among everyone in the Qin family, she admired the ancestors the most.

If possible, she wanted to become as formidable as the ancestors and Aunt Dexin.

“Yeah,” Qin Ruqing nodded.

She wasn’t lying; her third sister’s talent in alchemy was indeed outstanding.

Qin Qirong also poked his head from the side table, “Yeah, I heard it too.”

Qin Luwei seemed to gain some confidence and said, “Alright, as long as you don’t mind me, let’s go to the secret realm together this time.”

Qin Ruqing grinned.

How could they mind?

She had already planned it out; she would be a high-attack mage in the future and Qirong would be a body cultivator, leaving just the support role for her.


Now that their third sister, who had the best alchemy talent in the Qin family, was teaming up with them, it was like getting a pillow when you wanted to take a nap—perfect timing.

Seven days later, after Qin Ruqing finished practicing her techniques, the three agreed to meet and finally set off for the secret realm.

The Qin family’s territory was a distance from the secret realm, and Luo Xian, worried, personally piloted the flying boat to take them to the entrance of the secret realm.

“When you enter the secret realm, don’t wander around, don’t enter the dense forests randomly. Go east first, visit the family’s base camp in the secret realm, and inform the Second Elder to arrange for you…” As she saw her mother about to give endless reminders, Qin Ruqing shouted, “Got it, got it, Mom, don’t worry.”

Then she grabbed Luwei with one hand and Qirong with the other and headed straight for the secret realm.

Luo Xian stared at the disappearing figures of the three and muttered, “Clearly the youngest in among the three, yet acting like the big sister. I wonder how Luwei and the others are so convinced by you…”

As they stepped into the secret realm, Qin Ruqing and the others heard a crunching sound as their feet landed on dried leaves.

Looking around at the towering ancient trees, Qirong exclaimed in awe, “Is this the secret realm?”

The temperature and spiritual energy inside the secret realm were noticeably higher than outside.

They seemed to be on the outskirts of a dense forest, with towering ancient trees and occasional rough bird calls.

Qin Ruqing was alert.

Despite appearing impatient earlier, she had taken her mother’s words to heart.

“Don’t look around randomly. Hold onto my hand, let’s first go to the base camp and find the Second Elder.”

Qirong acknowledged obediently, while Luwei took Qin Ruqing’s hand and stepped forward, saying, “Sister, let me lead the way.”

Being the oldest among the three, it was only natural for her to take the lead and bear the brunt of any danger that might arise.

Qin Ruqing hesitated for a moment but nodded.

The three of them controlled their flying artifact, heading towards the direction of the base camp.

The Qin family’s base was situated in a sheltered valley within the secret realm.

Before they even reached it, the Second Elder, who had heard the news, came out to meet them.

The Second Elder was a cheerful person, sitting on a giant alchemy furnace, waving happily at them. “Little Qingqing, Little Qirong, oh, and Weiwei is here too!”

The three youngsters put away their flying artifact and climbed onto the alchemy furnace.

“Let’s go, back to the base,” the Second Elder controlled the furnace and pointed in a direction.

With a swoosh, the furnace took off.

Thus began the Qin family’s journey within

The base camp was quite substantial by now, considering they had been developing the secret realm for several years and were about to exploit a spirit stone mine, which required a large workforce.

The importance of the secret realm to the Qin family was self-evident, so at least two elders were always on duty: one at the base camp and one near the spirit stone mine.

The Second Elder said, “I’m on duty this month, and your Aunt Dexin is stationed near the spirit stone mine.”

The mention of the spirit stone mine caught the interest of the three youngsters. “Can we go take a look?” they asked eagerly.

“Sure, the eastern area has been cleared by the Qin family. You can go on your own. During your daily cultivation, you can practice in the forest area, but remember, stay on the outskirts and don’t venture deep inside!”

Qin Ruqing nodded repeatedly.

She definitely wasn’t going.

Primitive forests like that probably held unknown dangers at their core.

The Second Elder then assigned them lodgings and left them to their own devices.

For cultivators like them, there wasn’t much to settle.

They quickly stored their belongings in storage rings and bags.

Qirong whispered, “Sister, what should we do now?”

Luwei patted the sword at her waist and suggested seriously, “How about hunting some demonic beasts?”

Qin Ruqing looked at Luwei in surprise. “Sister, aren’t you an alchemist? Why suggest hunting demonic beasts right away?”

Luwei smiled faintly, a smile that was very charming. “I am an alchemist, but I also practice swordsmanship. Both Aunt Dexin and our ancestors were sword cultivators. I want to follow in their footsteps.”

Ah, the power of idols.

It seemed like her sister was leaning towards a more combative path as an alchemist in the future.

Qin Ruqing clapped lightly and smiled, “We just arrived today. How about we relax a bit and go treasure hunting?”

“Treasure hunting?” Qirong and Luwei exclaimed simultaneously.

Of course! Qin Ruqing hadn’t even used her newly acquired ” Spirit Treasure Detector” yet.

Why not test its effectiveness?

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