Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 36.2

Qin Ruqing thought for a moment and replied, “Ruqing doesn’t know what qualifies as extraordinary, but there are a few unusual things.”

She listed them, “First, when you mentioned the state of Perfection, which is extremely difficult and achieved only by ancient people.

Few in this world have reached it, yet I achieved it after just four years of nurturing my spirit.”

“At the time, you praised my diligence, but truthfully, I didn’t spend much effort on it—it just naturally happened… That’s one thing.” Qin Ruqing blushed slightly, and as the Ancestor looked at her with a serious expression, her hand holding the cup tightened almost to the point of crushing it.

“Secondly, I seem to have a vague sense of Heavenly and earthly treasures. But I can’t pinpoint their exact locations; I only have a rough idea of their range… I’m not sure if that counts as extraordinary.” Qin Ruqing’s tone was hesitant, tinged with a hint of regret, as if dissatisfied with her own abilities.

“Lastly,” Qin Ruqing hesitated for a moment but decided to speak up, “Lastly, Ruqing was born with innate wisdom, though I don’t remember my past life, I have the mind of an adult. My parents have known this for a long time. However, they seemed quite cautious about it, warning me not to disclose it publicly, fearing it could bring disaster upon myself.”

“All three points I’ve mentioned can be substantiated with examples, and none of it is fabricated!”

After Qin Ruqing finished speaking, she looked at the Ancestor, blinking, as if awaiting her guidance.

The Ancestor remained silent for a long time.

Qin Ruqing’s revelations were astonishing, requiring her to digest and control her emotions carefully to avoid revealing her surprise.

After a long

The Ancestor spoke slowly, pausing to choose her words carefully.

After a moment of contemplation, she solemnly delivered her conclusion:

“Qin… you, very likely, are the reincarnation of a true great power… or perhaps the chosen one.”

Qin Ruqing exclaimed in disbelief, “Ancestor, aren’t those… just legends? I don’t feel like I’m anything… like a reincarnation of a great power.”

Ancestor Wenxuan shook her head seriously, “In this world, true reincarnations of great powers do exist, it’s not just a legend.

It’s just that they are rare and few encounter them, making them seem as mythical as legends.

There is some evidence to support this…

Do you know how those noble families with celestial and golden lineage pass down their power through generations?

The foundational requirement for these families is the continuation of top-tier strength.

However, realms like Refinement and Great Accomplishment are not simply continued through lineage.”

The ancestor’s words were cryptic, but Qin Ruqing began to understand.

Her eyes widened in shock as she realized, “Are you saying that those families… they all have…”

The ancestor nodded subtly, “Not all of them, but a considerable number. They seem to possess a mysterious technique that allows the transfer of souls…”

Qin Ruqing fell silent, digesting this astonishing information.

Ancestor continued, “I initially thought you had Daoist qualities, favored by the heavens. But judging from recent signs, it seems it’s not just that.”

“The Innate Perfection of the Primordial Complete Body, which is only spoken of in ancient legends—you have achieved it, and with a middle-grade soul cultivation technique no less. And your ability to sense celestial treasures and earthly wonders, it’s almost divine…”

At this point, Qin Ruqing interjected, “But the range of my sensing is too vague, I can’t pinpoint accurately!”

The ancestor almost chuckled in exasperation, “The fact that you can sense it vaguely is already astonishing. Such almost heaven-given abilities, and yet you’re still not satisfied? Truly, you’re not aware of the good fortune you’re in!”

Ancestor sighed and continued, “And your innate wisdom… your parents were right not to let it spread. It’s highly taboo for such matters to be known. I will let it rest as well. From now on, you must not speak of this to anyone else, understand?”

Ancestor Wenxuan’s expression was unusually serious, and Qin Ruqing straightened up, earnestly assuring that she understood.

“Also, what you’ve told me today, does anyone else know?”

Qin Ruqing quickly shook her head, “Ancestor, besides you, no one else knows, not even my parents. I only told you because I trust you and because you have broad knowledge to help me understand.”

The ancestor smiled warmly, “You’ve always been a clever child.”

Having made a decision, the ancestor looked towards a certain direction, seeming to contemplate.

Seeing the ancestor hesitate, Qin Ruqing asked softly, “Ancestor?” with a hint of anxiety.

The ancestor looked into Qin Ruqing’s clear eyes.

This child was blessed and had an astonishing background.

Being born into the Qin family was a gift from heaven, a chance for the Qin family.

After today’s confession, the Qin family should make a move.

The ancestor seemed to have made up her mind, her expression turning extremely solemn.

She said slowly and emphatically, “Rest assured, having you is a blessing for the Qin family. Without you, today wouldn’t be possible for the Qin family.”

The ancestor’s final words were simple in essence: from now on, Qin Ruqing was the core of the family, prioritized above all else.

Qin Ruqing understood perfectly and responded, “Ancestor, rest assured. There’s no need for more words. I’ll just say this: I, Qin Ruqing, am forever a member of the Qin family!”

With today’s “frank discussion,” Qin Ruqing and the ancestor reached a mutual understanding.

Afterward, the ancestor entrusted Qin Ruqing with some matters before allowing her to leave the mountain.

Back in her room, Qin Ruqing closed the door and leaned against it.

Finally, a secretive smile crept onto her lips.

Today’s conversation had yielded unexpected results.

In fact, Qin Ruqing had long pondered a question: if she could timely procure what the family needed and provide solutions to their problems, how would the family regard her?

Of course, if she only achieved the above, the family would see her as a promising junior with talent, worthy of their nurturing.

But what if she added some qualifiers—what if the things she procured for the family, the problems she solved, exceeded the current capabilities of the family? How would the family then view her?

“Is she an anomaly? How could someone normal achieve such feats?”

“Is she truly a member of our Qin family, or does she harbor ulterior motives?”

At that point, suspicion, caution, and testing would follow.

Relationships would become fragile and fractured.

Qin Ruqing didn’t want it to come to that.

Therefore, finding reasonable explanations for her extraordinary qualities became her top priority.

Consciously or subconsciously, Qin Ruqing had always been laying the groundwork for this.

Even when she first arrived in this world, before the system appeared and before she developed such thinking, she had subtly revealed her “clever” traits.

Back then, it was subconscious self-protection.

And now, it was conscious self-protection.

Qin Ruqing never underestimated the people here.

Immortals had long lifespans and vast life experiences.

Moreover, this wasn’t a peaceful society; coming out of the strict hierarchy and various life-threatening situations, these people weren’t easily deceived.

Therefore, Qin Ruqing absolutely couldn’t casually fabricate a lie to deceive others.

She couldn’t lie; she had to speak the truth. But the results derived from this truth must protect herself and seem reasonable to others—that was Qin Ruqing’s goal.

Qin Ruqing thought of many reasons.

Among these, the first one she dismissed was “I possess invaluable treasures.”

Absolutely, under no circumstances could she give others that impression!

It would be like a child parading with gold in the marketplace—it would surely attract attention.

Even within the family, such matters were absolutely off-limits. People’s hearts couldn’t withstand such tests!

Qin Ruqing pondered deeply, and the best direction seemed towards mystery, heavenly principles, and so

Qin Ruqing began aligning herself towards the direction that commanded respect, reverence, and fear in the world of cultivation.

And so, the term “reincarnation of a great power” came to Qin Ruqing’s mind.

This thing wasn’t something Qin Ruqing made up.

After living in this world for so many years, she was well aware that various legends about reincarnations of great powers circulated frequently.

Countless stories in books spoke of great powers reincarnating to seek revenge.

Then Qin Ruqing carefully considered herself and realized: “Goodness, if I didn’t know about the system, I would seriously suspect that I am indeed a reincarnation of a great power.”

Crossing over with memories = innate wisdom = only big shots reincarnated.

The treasure-seeking detector drawn by the system = sensing celestial and earthly treasures = such divine techniques are beyond the capability of anyone but a great power.

Each item the family needed fell one by one = favored by heaven, gathering of luck.

Qin Ruqing felt that if she didn’t attach labels like “Child of Fortune” or “Future Star of the Family” to herself, it would be a waste of the system. A total waste!

However, Qin Ruqing still hadn’t made up her mind until she saw the ancestor’s actions—when she was unconscious and hadn’t communicated with her, the ancestor took the initiative to cover up her anomaly and took responsibility.

Qin Ruqing realized that perhaps this incident was the best opportunity.

With cause and effect in play, it was most suitable for “frankness.”

Thus, she carefully crafted the elaborate statement from before.

Qin Ruqing assured that every word she said would lead the ancestor to think in the direction of being a reincarnation of a great power—it was too fitting!

The ancestor simply couldn’t help but consider it! The more knowledgeable one was in the cultivation world, the easier it was to think in this direction!

Moreover, 90% of what she said was true, except she tactfully substituted the system’s factors with a more suitable “dreamland” that aligned with the cultivation world’s style.

Even Qin Ruqing’s third sister, Luwei, could say things like “cultivators sense heaven and earth, revealing karma.”

The ancestor’s understanding would only become deeper and more reverential.

The only thing Qin Ruqing didn’t expect was that the one to confirm this matter wasn’t herself, but the ancestor.

—”There really are reincarnations of great powers in this world, oh my!”

She had always thought it was just a legend.

Qin Ruqing was genuinely shocked by what the ancestor said about how noble families with celestial and golden lineage continued their heritage.

The disparity was too vast; she had never heard of it before!

But this news undoubtedly benefited Qin Ruqing greatly.

She had only hoped to guide the ancestor’s thoughts in this direction, but she hadn’t expected the ancestor to confirm it herself.

Thus, Qin Ruqing could achieve her core objective today:

To inform the ancestor, to tell the Qin family that the development of the Qin family today, not entirely, but at least half of it was due to her efforts.

If she improved, the Qin family would improve—she was the greatest hope for the Qin family to rise, return to the Eastern Region, and even reach its peak!

—I can contribute to the Qin family, but you must protect me and prioritize me.

—There’s no gain without sacrifice, no reward without effort. I have contributed what I should have, but I have yet to receive what I should have gained. So, shouldn’t the Qin family make a gesture?

Qin Ruqing wasn’t afraid that the ancestor would think today’s “frankness” was deliberate.

It should be said that with the ancestor’s wisdom, she would definitely see through her “little tricks.”

However, everything she said was the truth. What she wanted was simply an attitude from the Qin family.

It was precisely because the ancestor knew this that she promptly and clearly expressed: even if the Qin family were to fall, they would do everything possible to protect her—her priority was above all else.

Qin Ruqing lay down on her bed, and only now did she feel a little relieved.

Oh, by the way, before she left the mountain, the last thing the ancestor told her was:

In three days, at the clan meeting, the ancestor would announce that the Heart of Frigid Ice had been found.

And she would inform the clan that the person who found the Heart of Frigid Ice was Qin Ruqing.

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