Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 37.2

Qin Ruqing happily praised the ancestor in her heart.

The ancestor was cleverly saying, “I’ll dismantle the roof first and then tell you I’m demolishing the house.”

If the ancestor had only said the ice cave’s ownership was given to her, do you believe it?

These elders would argue endlessly until the ancestor revoked her decision.

But the ancestor added another point, saying the development rights belonged to the Qin family.

The Qin family could develop it, and the members could use it as usual.

So, the bottom line was set, and she rephrased it:

Actually, Qin Ruqing handed over the ice cave according to the rules, but the ancestor rewarded it back to her.

At this point, the core issue shifted from Qin Ruqing getting an ice cave to whether the ancestor could reward the ice cave.

Wasn’t the ancestor more important than an ice cave?

The issue’s significance elevated.

So, the elders didn’t dare speak up.

As for the so-called “development rights” given to the Qin family, Qin Ruqing didn’t care at all.

This actually helped her.

The ice cave was under the Mirror Lake, near the dangerous border between the Qin and Zhang families’ secret realms.

Getting the ice cave required further arrangements: setting up protective formations, arranging guards… all these were tasks.

But Qin Ruqing herself couldn’t handle these tasks.

Now the ancestor said the development rights belonged to the Qin family, so the Qin family had to manage the ice cave.

Yet, all the outputs from the ice cave belonged to Qin Ruqing.

In other words, the ancestor made the Qin family work for her, giving her the benefits without her spending a penny.

Qin Ruqing happily bit her little handkerchief: Wow, this is perfect!

Qin Ruqing thought, “Ancestor, you’re amazing! You say what you mean and do what you say!”

Next to Qin Ruqing, her father, Qin Deming, shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

He thought, “Wow, our Qingqing got a great deal.”

He initially thought the family members would definitely oppose this, but now, after hearing the ancestor’s reasoning, it seemed like this matter was going to be settled.

He chuckled to himself, thinking he had planned to stand up and say a few words for Qingqing if there was too much opposition.

But seeing everyone looking hesitant, he decided to stay quiet and keep a low profile.

So, Qin Deming lowered his head, appearing indifferent and without opinions, truly living up to his nickname, “Old Tortoise.”

In the silence, the first to speak was the Third Elder.

She managed the medicine workshop and was a real power holder, well-respected.

She said, “Qin Ruqing found the Heart of Frigid Ice for the ancestor and was seriously injured because of it. Rewarding her with an ice cave is no big deal.”

This was clearly a sign of support.

The Third Elder had always been a staunch supporter of the ancestor, so her support wasn’t surprising.

Qin Dexin, who was holding a sword, said, “I also think there’s no problem.”

She was the second Foundation Establishment cultivator in the Qin family, and she agreed as well.

With these two speaking up, the matter was basically settled.

The Great Elder finally nodded and said, “Approved.”

Wow, the Great Elder was really sparing with words today…

But though he spoke little, he was clear and concise.

The matter was decided with no further doubt.

The rest of the people naturally started speaking up, and surprisingly, no one disagreed.

The ancestor finally smiled and said, “Then this matter is settled.”

Qin Deming finally lowered his slightly raised buttocks back into his seat.

Qin Ruqing noticed her father’s movement and a smile quietly curled at the corner of her mouth.

The ancestor then said, “This is the first matter. Now, there is a second matter.”

Hmm, another one?

“The Third Elder of the Zhang family, Zhang Li, is currently imprisoned in our dungeon. The Zhang family attempted to infiltrate our secret realm and spy on us. This matter needs to be addressed.”

Oh, everyone suddenly understood.

This was indeed important.

If not handled well, it could cause a serious rift between the Qin and Zhang families, and needed to be treated cautiously.

The Fourth Elder, who had once guarded the secret realm and had several encounters with Zhang Li, spoke up, “Zhang Li’s identity is somewhat troublesome. He is the only son of Zhang Xiao, the ancestor of the Zhang family, and he himself has reached the peak of Qi Refining. He is likely a Foundation Establishment candidate for the Zhang family. The Zhang family will definitely demand his return.”

This was the crux of the issue: Zhang Li’s special identity.

He was the son of Zhang Xiao, the highest-ranking Foundation Establishment cultivator in the Zhang family, and Zhang Li himself had impressive cultivation.

He was very important to the Zhang family.

Therefore, if not handled properly, this could result in a deadly feud between the Qin and Zhang families.

The ancestor nodded, “So, I called you here to discuss whether to keep Zhang Li or not. The Zhang family will surely demand his return. So, should we keep him or not?”

In other words: to kill or not to kill.

The Great Elder said, “Given his troublesome identity, it might be best to use him as a bargaining chip. We could ask the Zhang family for some benefits and then release him.”

This seemed like the best way to handle it.

Given how important Zhang Li was, using him to threaten and extort the Zhang family could result in a substantial payoff.

Moreover, the Zhang family would have to endure this loss, as they were the ones who broke the agreement first.

The noise in the council chamber gradually grew louder, and the ancestor tapped the table with her finger.

Tap, tap, tap—three times, and everyone immediately quieted down.

The ancestor remained calm and said, “Actually, I also believe that Zhang Li should be killed.”


Qin Dehao, no longer as calm as before, looked at the ancestor in astonishment—she chose to hide Qin Ruqing?

What was so special about that mischievous girl! Just because of a Dao Physique?

Yes, Qin Dehao admitted, she was indeed exceptionally talented, but the Qin family didn’t only have her as a talented younger generation.

Qirong from the Third Branch was also quite good and also her own daughter Luwei.

Was it really worth escalating things with the Zhang family just for Qin Ruqing?

The people below were all wide-eyed.

It could be said that the ancestor taking sides in this matter was even more surprising to them than the question of whether Zhang Li should die or not!

The ancestor, who had never intervened in family affairs before, suddenly spoke out before a decision was reached.

Did she really intend to protect and hide Qin Ruqing?

Indeed, the ancestor continued, “Qin Ruqing is exceptionally gifted, with an ancient Qinglian Dao Physique.

She is a top-tier talent and the hope for the future rise of our clan.

How can we endanger her just because of Zhang Li? However…”

The ancestor paused for a moment, seeming somewhat troubled.

“If Zhang Li is really killed, the Zhang family will probably bear a grudge against us.”

The people below were taken aback.

Did this mean the ancestor wasn’t taking sides?

Was she really considering the Zhang family’s position?

Then, Ancestor Wenxuan casually straightened her sleeve, raised the corner of her mouth, and said lightly, “But then I thought, so what if they bear a grudge? The Zhang family has two Foundation Establishment cultivators, but does our Qin family not have any? Even when I was injured and couldn’t fully recover, I could still hold back their two Foundation Establishment cultivators. Now, with the Heart of Frigid Ice, my strength has already returned to its peak.”

“What is there for the Zhang family to fear?” The ancestor dropped this statement casually.

What is there to fear?

Yes, what is there to fear!

The people suddenly felt enlightened, with a surge of heroic spirit in their hearts.

They had previously endured silently because the ancestor was seriously injured and the Qin family’s strength was weak, so they could only yield.

But now, as the family gradually grew stronger and the ancestor’s strength gradually recovered, what did they have to fear!

The ancestor continued, “Moreover, saving Qin Ruqing and using Zhang Li as a bargaining chip to seek benefits are not contradictory. Zhang Li deserves to die, but his death can be postponed, done skillfully, and with a method…”

The ancestor slowly explained her plan, and the people’s eyes lit up as they listened.

It turns out things could be handled this way…

In the end, the ancestor smiled at Qin Ruqing and added, “This plan was also proposed by Qin Ruqing.”

Qin Ruqing felt the gaze of the high-ranking members of the Qin family and straightened her back calmly.

She often visited the ancestor’s Shadow Residence for greetings.

But of course, these greetings were not just greetings:

The high-ranking members of the Qin family keenly sensed a change in direction from the ancestor’s simple words:

First: The ancestor seemed to be gradually returning to the center of power in the Qin family.

The former ancestor, though she had participated in family meetings before, had always quietly listened to everyone’s discussions and made decisions after they had reached a conclusion.

But today, the ancestor had already expressed her attitude before a decision was made.

Did this mean she had made up her mind to protect Qin Ruqing?

Ancestor Wenxuan, the most important person in the Qin family, was respected and admired by everyone in the family.

However, because the ancestor was injured, she had not been involved in Qin family affairs for a long time, at most just listening and advising.

Over time, they seemed to subconsciously feel that the ancestor would not interfere in these matters.

To say something disrespectful, they sometimes even ignored the ancestor’s opinions.

But today, everything was different.

The ancestor clearly expressed her attitude: Zhang Li must die; Qin Ruqing must be saved alot of trouble.

Firstly, at today’s family meeting, the ancestor seemed to convey a clear message:

Qin Ruqing is extremely important, so important that the Qin family is willing to incur the enmity of the Zhang family for her sake.

The ancestor seemed to be subtly elevating Qin Ruqing to a quite high position.

She was exceptionally gifted, but she was still a junior!

Her future would be brilliant, and once she grew up, she would definitely be a pillar of the clan.

But it wasn’t time for that yet.

What made the ancestor defy common sense and exert so much effort to elevate Qin Ruqing to such a prominent position?

Could it be that besides the Dao Physique, there was something else about Qin Ruqing that the ancestor valued?

In other words, was there something else in this world that was more important than the Dao Physique, something that made the ancestor change her stance so drastically?

The high-ranking members of the Qin family were all astute individuals.

They sensed a remarkable significance from the ancestor’s attitude.

In their eyes, Qin Ruqing, who was originally just a junior, was now unavoidably raised to an equal position with them.

Even the previously insignificant First Branch now seemed mysterious to them.

Next, as if to confirm their speculations, the ancestor said, “Qin Ruqing is exceptionally talented and intelligent.

This time, she has contributed a brilliant plan to the Qin family.

From now on, let’s give Qin Ruqing a seat in the council chamber!”

The ancestor didn’t say whether Qin Ruqing should be given a seat in the council chamber or not, but rather, she said, “Let’s give her a seat.”

The deep meaning behind this made people ponder deeply!

As for Qin Deming, he had no other thoughts now.

He raised his buttocks slightly and looked around urgently.

Where was the seat? He had to find a seat for Qin Ruqing quickly! Once she had a seat, everything would be settled!

Qin Ruqing seemed to be prepared.

She calmly stood up from her small round stool, which was a bit shorter, put it away, and then, with a bang, took out a huge chair from her storage bag.

Upon closer inspection, this chair was exquisitely crafted, intricately carved, and made of pear wood!

Qin Ruqing placed the chair next to Qin Deming and then smiled at the ancestor, saying loudly:

“No need to look for it, ancestor. I’ve brought my own chair. I’ll just sit here.”

So, she sat down firmly and steadily on it.

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