Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 38.1

Qin Deming stared in astonishment at his daughter’s actions, seeing how smoothly she handled the situation without changing her expression, he couldn’t help but sincerely give her a thumbs up.

‘Daughter, you’re amazing!’

Meanwhile, the people in the council chamber watched Qin Ruqing’s actions with complex expressions, but no one dared to speak up to stop her.

The ancestor’s intentions were already very clear.

She was not seeking others’ opinions; she had already made the decision.

This was a clear signal, even a warning to them: I am the ancestor of the Qin family, and I am the most powerful person in the Qin family.

She valued Qin Ruqing, so she could break the rules and allow Qin Ruqing, at the age of twelve, to enter the Qin family council chamber.

From then on, Qin Ruqing would have the status equivalent to that of a deputy elder and could legitimately participate in major family matters.

No one would dare to treat her as a child anymore.

After the meeting, Qin Deming walked out of the council chamber with one foot high and one foot low.

He felt that the way people looked at him had completely changed.

Even his sister Qin Dexin, who usually held herself in high regard, said to him with a hint of complexity before leaving, “You’ve raised a good daughter.”

Qin Deming had never felt so glorious!

The news spread quickly among the upper echelons, and it could be said that the lower levels of the family were the ones who were truly perceptive.

They needed to adjust their attitudes and actions according to the family’s direction at all times.

So, by evening, the entire Qin family knew about what had happened at the family meeting that day.

Luo Xian was beaming with joy.

When Qin Ruqing returned home, she received enthusiastic affection from her mother.

Luo Xian hugged Qin Ruqing, calling her endearing names and making her mother’s face glow with pride.

Luo Xian, with a hint of crying in her voice, said emotionally, “I can only rely on you, your father is so useless. The First Branch doesn’t know when they’ll stop being bullied. It seems we can only rely on our daughter, Who quietly accomplished such a great thing!”

Qin Ruqing (feeling buried/chest unable to breathe): What do you mean, quietly? I’ve been planning and operating this in my mind for a long time…

Qin Deming, who had been watching this scene with a smug look on his face, suddenly felt a chill when Luo Xian said, “your father is so useless.”

He forced a cough and said, “What are you saying in front of the child… give me, the Clan Leader, some face.”

Luo Xian, holding Qin Ruqing, rolled her eyes. “What? Isn’t what I said the truth? Moreover, what child? Qingqing has been granted permission by the ancestor to participate in the council chamber discussions, her status is at least equivalent to half an elder.

When her cultivation improves in the future, she will be no worse than an elder. What are you still saying about a child, don’t look down on my daughter”

Qin Deming’s beard twitched slightly.

He had been shut down firmly by his wife.

So, he began to argue back, “What elder? Don’t you understand? Obviously, our ancestor is grooming Qingqing to be the future successor of the family. She’s going to take over the ancestor’s position…”

Wow, he dared to argue with her?

Luo Xian’s fiery temper couldn’t take this!

She let go of Qin Ruqing, put her hands on her hips, and started arguing with Qin Deming again.

This scene was simply a common sight in the Qin family’s courtyard, so Qin Ruqing didn’t even bother to lift her eyelids.

At the side, the boy with the appearance of a green bamboo finally found an opportunity to smile at Qin Ruqing and said,

“Congratulations, little sister, on being allowed to enter the council chamber.”

He certainly knew that his sister had also been rewarded with a Cold Profound Ice Cave by the ancestor, but compared to the ice cave, being allowed to enter the council chamber held a deeper symbolic meaning. Therefore, he congratulated her on the latter first.

Qin Ruqing chuckled and threw herself into her brother’s arms.

Qin Ruyu patted his sister’s head complexly, half-jokingly saying, “Uh-oh, now little sister has surpassed big brother. From now on, big brother will have to rely on little sister for protection.”

Qin Ruqing said, “What’s wrong with me protecting my brother?” Then, she lowered her voice, “Brother, don’t worry, you’re next…”

She still had the side task of “Young Clan Leader with Outstanding Achievements”!

Don’t say anything else, that position of Young Clan Leader is welded onto my brother!

As for herself… there is a customary standard in the prestigious families, generally the future clan leader or young clan leader is not the one with the best and most outstanding talent, but rather those with comprehensive management talents.

Because managing such a large family is not a simple matter, it consumes energy and time, leaving less time for cultivation.

Therefore, those with high talent in cultivation will be cultivated towards becoming the “pillar” of the family, that is, they only need to focus on cultivation and nothing else.

Improving their own cultivation is stronger than anything else.

After cultivating such talents, they represent the face of the family, or the future ancestor.

Otherwise, why did Qin Deming say earlier, “Qingqing will take over the ancestor’s position in the future”? With Qin Ruqing’s talent, if she were to be cultivated towards management, it would be a waste.

Sure enough, when Qin Ruyu heard this, he didn’t feel surprised.

He just raised a corner of his mouth and said softly, “Then I’ll just wait to bask in my little sister’s glory.”

While they were whispering to each other, Qin Deming and his wife had also finished their argument.

Qin Deming, as usual, was defeated miserably.

He straightened his sleeves calmly, clearly accustomed to this outcome.

Then he began to talk about serious matters, saying strangely, “The ancestor seems to value Qingqing so much, it’s really strange…”

Luo Xian was unhappy when she heard this.

She had an eighteen-layer thick filter for her daughter.

She immediately said, “Isn’t it natural for the ancestor to value Qingqing? She has the Dao Physique and is already in the Innate Body Perfection. Oh, you don’t know yet, she broke through another level after this injury. How long has it been since she finished her cultivation? With such high talent, if I were the ancestor, I would also want to elevate Qingqing… I think I’m even a bit late. The ancestor used to be injured and was gentle, not as decisive as before…”

Qin Deming choked up.

His wife started to get angry whenever she mentioned Qingqing.

Of course, he also thought his daughter was perfect everywhere, but as the Clan Leader, he had to be objective about things that didn’t quite make sense.

Qin Ruqing understood what her father was worried about, but those things, she could tell the ancestor because the ancestor was the highest cultivated person in the Qin family, the most core and practical decision-maker.

So, there were some things she had to let the ancestor know.

But her parents, Qin Ruqing felt, she should progress gradually, not to be too shocking.

So, Qin Ruqing deliberately blinked at Qin Deming and said, “Dad, don’t worry, your daughter knows what she’s doing. Everything is reasonable and well-deserved for your daughter.”

In secret, she had done so much for the Qin family.

Who dares to say she doesn’t deserve it?

Qin Deming knew that Qingqing had always been clever and had great ideas.

With her saying this, he finally let go of half of his worries.

Following that, Luo Xian talked about the matter of the Cold Profound Ice Cave.

She sighed with emotion, “So, when the ancestor told you to retrieve something from Mirror Lake, what you retrieved was the Heart of Frigid Ice. No wonder the ancestor’s instructions were so vague and cryptic.”

Qin Ruqing thought, can’t you guys figure it out?

These reasons were carefully designed by the ancestor, and the arrangement was so reasonable and well-deserved.

Speaking of Mirror Lake, Luo Xian thought of Qin Ruqing’s injury and immediately felt a sense of dread, “Although she has made great achievements this time, Qingqing also suffered a lot. If something had gone wrong at that time, Qingqing would have been afraid…”

Luo Xian shook her body, quickly dispelling this thought, and said to Qin Ruqing, “Didn’t the ancestor reward you with an ice cave? When the output of the ice cave is exchanged for spiritual stones, buy some protective magic tools for yourself and your brother…”

When it came to the Cold Profound Ice Cave, Qin Deming couldn’t help but sigh at the ancestor’s generosity.

After expressing his admiration, he had to explain to Qin Ruqing about the follow-up issues with the ice cave.

Qin Ruqing nodded and said, “The matter of taking over the ice cave still needs to be discussed with the ancestor.”

Qin Deming nodded, not realizing that his attitude had unconsciously changed.

He began to talk to Qingqing about some internal family matters, no longer treating her like a child.

Towards the end of the conversation, Qin Deming mentioned Zhang Li and couldn’t help but frown.

“This person is a big problem for my daughter and must be dealt with as soon as possible.”

Although the ancestor had decided to kill Zhang Li, as long as Zhang Li was not dead for a day, he still felt anxious.

Qin Ruqing said with a smile, “Dad, rest assured, I will discuss with the ancestor tomorrow and deal with it properly.”

Such a big matter concerning her life, it must be handled well.

After bidding farewell to her parents and returning to her own courtyard, Qin Ruqing immediately opened the system.

After this wave, it was time to check the results!

First, the side task “Outstanding Descendant” progressed!

This should be related to her previous breakthrough.

However, the progress was not much, after all, she had only broken through to the fourth level, without undergoing a qualitative change.

The seventh level of Qi Refinement was a major checkpoint.

Most ordinary cultivators would be stuck at this level for a while, and after passing the seventh level, they would become high-level Qi Refinement cultivators.

When she passed the seventh level, this “Outstanding Descendant” should make significant progress.

Qin Ruqing was very concerned about the side task “Top-tier Battle Power”.

This side task was equivalent to being tailor-made for the ancestor.

This time, she had found the Heart of Frigid Ice for the ancestor, so this side task should have made significant progress.

What surprised Qin Ruqing was that the progress bar for “Top-tier Battle Power” didn’t move at all.

What’s going on?

The ancestor got the Cold Profound Ice Heart, even if he hasn’t used it much, shouldn’t I get some points for it?

After thinking about it, Qin Ruqing guessed that the system should wait until the ancestor had used the Heart of Frigid Ice and partially recovered from her injuries before rewarding her.

After all, this side task was of great importance.

Okay, then I’ll wait a little longer.

The most surprising thing was that the progress bar for the task “Become the Face of the Family,” which she had put aside, suddenly surged forward!

As for becoming the face of the family, Qin Ruqing had been neglecting it because she hadn’t realized it yet.

She found the right opportunity to develop this side task, so she temporarily put it aside.

But today, how did she manage to push it forward?

And because of the remarkable progress, the system not only rewarded her with points but also gave her another chance to draw a lottery (Well, if you play me like this, I won’t feel sleepy anymore).

Qin Ruqing finally paid attention to this task and found that the system was very generous with this task, whether it was the lottery chance or the points.

Could it be that “Become the Face of the Family” and “Top-tier Battle Power” were both core tasks?

It seemed so.

Qin Ruqing nodded in her heart.

Being the face of the family and having top-tier battle power were both very important.

Qin Ruqing couldn’t help but carefully consider why this “Face of the Family” task had made such great progress (in order to better take advantage of the system in the future).

Actually, the answer wasn’t hard to find.

Her biggest change and breakthrough this time was that she had entered the family’s council and obtained the qualification to participate in the council.

This was of profound significance, as it was equivalent to the ancestor firmly standing behind her and directly pushing her to the forefront.

Hmm… So, being the face of the family is not only about being recognized by outsiders as the face of the family, but also about being recognized by your own family?

More or less like that.

It seemed that her actions for self-preservation this time had inadvertently pushed the task forward, and because of this accidental progress, she had gained another lottery chance.

In addition, the side task “Create a Harmonious and United Family Atmosphere” didn’t need to be mentioned.

The ancestor rewarded her with an ice cave and gave her the right to participate in the council.

This not only elevated her status but also the status of the main branch where she belonged.

Didn’t you see how excited her parents were when she returned?

If the main branch where the Clan Leader was stable, then the Qin family would naturally be stable.

Therefore, a harmonious and united family atmosphere = factors of discord couldn’t stir up big waves – isn’t that the case?

However, this task was probably not high on the system’s priority list, so it only gave her a large number of points as a reward, without a lottery (that’s fine).

Finally, Qin Ruqing turned her attention to the last side task, Side Task Five, “Build a Stable and Long-lasting Industry.”

This Side Task Five was triggered by the return of the Qi Revitalization Pill incident.

Afterward, she promoted it through the marketing of the script (Jing’er Fairy and Qin Aotian), and the Qi Revitalization Pill sold well.

This task progressed, and she was also rewarded with a lottery chance.

Calculating it like this, she had already accumulated three lottery chances now.

Previously, she discovered the Stalactite Spirit Cave once, the Qi Revitalization Pill sold well once, and now this time.

In the future, when the ancestor consumed the Heart of Frigid Ice and her injuries greatly improved, there would probably be another chance, making it four times.

Oh my god, four times! Rounded off, isn’t that halfway to the goal of ten consecutive draws already?

Qin Ruqing was almost in tears of joy.

There was no way around it; accumulating lottery chances was really hard work!

However, hard work was hard work.

The gains during this time were still significant.

Although she was injured, her cultivation level had broken through, her family status had improved, she had obtained the right to participate in the council, the system’s various tasks had made significant progress, and most importantly, she had accumulated four lottery chances!

Qin Ruqing was satisfied, and that night, for the first time, she didn’t think about anything and just went straight to sleep.

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