Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 41.1

In the Zhang family, everyone had been unusually quiet lately, almost behaving cautiously, afraid to do anything that might displease the patriarch.

Since Zhang Li’s death, the family had been in turmoil.

Even the alchemists who were supposed to examine Zhang Li’s body were half dead.

It all started with a remark from Guest Elder Tang: “Elder San wasn’t poisoned, he just took the wrong medicine…”

At that moment, Zhang Xiao grabbed Tang Elder’s neck, his face twisted in anger: “Speak, what medicine did he take wrong!”

Tang Elder struggled to maintain his usual cold demeanor, as his life seemed to hang in the balance.

He said with difficulty: “The Qin family fed Elder San a top-grade healing elixir. Its effects were strong and had been working inside him.

After returning to our family, Third Elder shouldn’t have used any other herbs to avoid conflicting effects.

But from what I’ve seen, he ended up taking many rare supplements.”

“It’s not that these supplements shouldn’t be used, but the Qin family’s medicine was special. Common supplements conflicted with it, causing Third Elder blood to reverse and his meridians to rupture.”

“If the Ancestor wants to find out the truth, he should get the elixir recipe from the Qin family and compare it with our alchemists’ prescriptions. That will show which herbs clashed…”

Seeing Tang Elder struggle to breathe, fearing he might actually kill him, Elder Hao couldn’t help but intervene: “Ancestor, Tang Elder’s skill in alchemy is exceptional. He just administered a needle to temporarily clear Third Elder’s mind. Besides, we need his cooperation for further investigations. You can’t just kill him like this…”

Zhang Xiao closed his eyes, veins bulging on his forehead, as if suppressing extreme anger.

After a while, he finally released Elder Tang.

“Very well, Elder Tang, it’s up to you to investigate the issue with the herbs.” Zhang Xiao’s voice was eerily calm, sending chills down everyone’s spine.

The Zhang family wasn’t foolish; they didn’t blindly believe any outsider.

They consulted their own alchemists, who agreed with Elder Tang’s reasoning.

Though some alchemists suggested other possibilities, Elder Tang’s viewpoint was logical and convincing.

Thus, the urgent matter for the Zhang family now was to request the elixir recipe from the Qin family for verification.

However, the response from the Qin family was infuriating.

They said: “The elixir we fed to Elder Li was our top-secret medicine.

When he was gravely injured and on the brink of death, to avoid worsening relations between our families, we used this top-grade treasure medicine.

But now the Zhang family doesn’t appreciate it.

They failed to take care of their own, yet they come asking for our secret elixir recipe.

Do you expect us to casually hand over our family’s lifeblood, our secret recipes? Absolutely not!”

Naturally, the Zhang family was furious.

They already suspected the Qin family’s involvement in Third Elder’s incident, and now they were being evasive about sharing the elixir recipe.

The Zhang family retorted: “Could it be that the medicine recipe given to Third Eldef itself was the problem? That’s why the Qin family is being so evasive. If everything is clear and honest, why not show us the recipe?”

The Qin family replied: “Absurd! Asking for our top-secret medicine recipe is like saying, ‘Let me borrow your family’s most precious treasure, and I’ll return it when I’m done copying it.’ Can your family’s precious treasures be lent to anyone at will?

If the precious family treasure was truly lent out, and though it’s still there, there’s a chance to get it back.

But once you’ve seen the recipe, how do you return that?

Dig up the part of your brain that saw it and hand it back to the Qin family?!

So, let’s stop bringing up such ridiculous things; the Qin family won’t agree to anything.”

Thus, relations between the two families dropped to an all-time low.

At the Zhang family council meeting, Elder Hao Gou attempted to calm things down: “Ancestor, actually, the Qin family’s arguments are not entirely baseless.”

“All our alchemists can attest that the medicine the Qin family provided for the third elder was indeed effective.

It’s a top-grade healing elixir, and since the Qin family specializes in alchemy, it’s understandable they wouldn’t want the recipe to spread.”

“Perhaps the third elder’s injuries were just too severe… We shouldn’t let this issue cause anxiety and unrest throughout the Zhang family!”

Indeed, Elder Hao’s words struck a chord with everyone.

After the third elder’s death, how many people in the clan were investigated, and how many alchemists died?

Although the Zhang family’s main livelihood isn’t alchemy, the business of medicine shops is still significant.

Killing alchemists like this would ruin their reputation.

Who would dare to serve the Zhang family at that time?

Even the Second elder, who has never liked this son-in-law, agreed: “Yes, Ancestor, let’s step back. It’s just the words of a guest elder.

With his mysterious background and stubborn nature, he never fully submitted to the Zhang family.

Such a suspicious person might be a spy sent by another clan. How can we trust his words?”

The people of the Zhang family exchanged words, but Ancestor Zhang Xiao sat at the head, eyes closed, silent.

As if sensing something, the people in the meeting gradually quieted down and looked towards the Ancestor at the head.

Zhang Xiaofu slowly opened his eyes, and his calm gaze seemed to harbor a hint of killing intent.

He casually said, “Detain that Guest elder Tang for now. Once I’ve sorted out this matter, we’ll deal with him.”

No one objected to this decision.

To be honest, this person hasn’t shown any obvious flaws so far.

Suspecting and being cautious of him are basic qualities of a noble family.

Most of the Zhang family are just annoyed that he won’t fully submit and accept discipline.

Otherwise, with his talent, his position in the Zhang family would be even higher.

Zhang Xiao stood up again and calmly dropped another bombshell: “I intend to ally with the Han family and eradicate the Qin family. The reason is the Qin family’s harm to our elders.”


All the elders suddenly looked up.

Although the Qin and Zhang families have been at odds, they’ve managed to maintain a decent facade.

Even though things have soured this time, they never expected the Ancestor to actually decide to go to war.

This wasn’t just talk; if it was for the sake of the third elder—truth be told, the cause of their deaths remains unclear to this day.

While the Qin family is the prime suspect, it hasn’t been confirmed.

Hao Gou hesitated and said, “Ancestor, there’s no direct evidence proving the Qin family’s involvement. The Celestial Court may not approve of this.”

Zhang Xiao’s expression remained cold and unmoved. “It’s just a pretext. The Celestial Court forbids noble families from starting wars without cause.

But now we have compelling reasons that can be investigated.

Even if the Celestial Court holds us accountable later, the punishment will be manageable and within the Zhang family’s tolerance.”

Yes, although Zhang Xiao acted impulsively

Some were smart in their own way.

The Celestial Court prohibits noble families from fighting without a reason, but if there’s a “reason,” the handling afterward depends on the specifics.

As for what happens later, they’ll deal with it when it comes.

Even if they’re held accountable, the Zhang family can handle it — that’s Zhang Xiaofu’s current thinking.

“Moreover,” Zhang Xiaofu paused and continued, “It’s clear to everyone that Li’s death is connected to the Qin family.

Even if the medicine wasn’t the issue, Li wouldn’t have died from it without the serious injury inflicted by the Qin family.”

Everyone fell silent.

Indeed, leaving everything else aside, the injury was clearly caused by the Qin family.

“With the Secret realm before and the medicine workshop after, and now Li’s case, the Qin and Zhang families have been in constant conflict.

Qin’s continuous expansion threatens our position. Since a battle is inevitable, why not now?”

Zhang Xiao was indeed furious over his son’s death, but as the head of the family, he hadn’t lost his reason.

The Qin family had long been a major concern for the Zhang family, and this enemy was becoming stronger.

Previously, they had to consider the Celestial Bureau before going to war.

Now, Zhang Li’s death provided a ready-made reason.

Even if the Celestial Bureau investigated later, the justification was solid.

So, now was the best time to seek revenge on the Qin family for harming their elders.

Zhang Xiao’s reasoning was indeed sound and reasonable.

No one dared to speak up against him anymore.

Zhang Xiao already had his mind made up, and persuading him was futile.

Therefore, no one in the Zhang family “opposed” this decision, and it was settled.

However, while Zhang Xiao managed to resolve matters within his family, he didn’t anticipate resistance from the Han family.

Because Han Yumen, the Ancestor of the Han family, refused to join forces with the Zhang family to attack the Qin family.

When Zhang Xiao approached him, Han Yumen used the excuse of seclusion.

Despite Zhang Xiao’s repeated requests, they finally met.

Upon hearing Zhang Xiao’s intentions, Han Yumen shook his head firmly, “Sorry, Zhang brother, it’s not possible. I had a fight with Qin Wenxuan last time and I’m still recovering. Now, the Qin family is getting stronger day by day, and we’re the weakest. When your people fight, don’t drag our weak little family into it…”

Since Han Yumen was beaten by Qin Wenxuan, maybe that hit his brain, and his actions changed from reckless and stupid to timid and fearful.

Zhang Xiao widened his eyes in disbelief, “Han brother, are you scared?”

Han Yumen smiled bitterly and nodded, “Yes, I am scared. We’ve lost the rights to the Secret realm exploration, and we’re already behind you. The injury from that day still hasn’t healed. How can we endure more turmoil?”

Zhang Xiao scratched his beard, wanting to persuade him further, but Han Yumen politely interrupted, sincerely saying,

“Zhang brother, it’s not that I don’t agree, but you also need to understand my difficulties.

Your Zhang family has two Foundation Establishment cultivators, but we Han family have only me struggling alone…

You don’t understand my hardships.

If I had to say, it was clever of you to find a son-in-law for your daughter. Now this son-in-law has even reached Foundation Establishment…”


As he kept drifting off topic, avoiding the main issue, Zhang Xiaofu’s heart sank.

Han Yumen’s attitude was crystal clear; he didn’t want to get involved in this matter.

After several attempts to persuade him failed and seeing their relationship souring, Zhang Xiaofu finally gave up.

After Zhang Xiaofu left, another person emerged from behind the curtains in the inner room.

This young man bore a resemblance to Han Yumen and was none other than his son, Han Jingkun.

Seeing his robust aura and Foundation Establishment cultivation, it was clear that the Han family didn’t have just one Foundation Establishment cultivator, as commonly believed.

Han Jingkun stepped forward, “Father, are we really not going to participate in this? Now that you’ve recovered, and there’s a chance for further advancement, joining forces with the Zhang family might not be a bad idea.”

Han Yumen snorted with his hands behind his back, “Might not be a bad idea? Even if it might not be, I won’t do it. If Qin and Zhang families fight, why should we get involved…

Besides, I feel that the Qin family is very mysterious now.

According to Zhang family, did Qin really kill Zhang Li? He was Zhang Xiao’s only son.

If the Qin family dared to do this, they might have some assurance and confidence.”

Han Jingkun frowned, not fully agreeing, “Rumors can’t be trusted. Who knows if Zhang Li was really killed by the Qin family? Maybe Zhang family intentionally framed the Qin family?”

Han Yumen glanced at his son and chuckled, “You also know rumors can’t be trusted. Maybe Qin really did kill Zhang Li, but Zhang Xiao thought it wasn’t them, tried to outwit them, and fell into a trap.”

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