Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 48.1

One day, all the elders and important figures of the Qin family received a message from their ancestor.

A clan assembly was to be convened.

Another clan assembly!

It seemed that these gatherings had become more frequent for the Qin family recently.

Yet upon closer reflection, they realized each assembly had significant matters to discuss, making them necessary.

Ultimately, they attributed this to the rapid development of the Qin family.

With rapid development came more matters, and with more matters came daily meetings.

In a way, this was a sweet trouble.

But this time, they wondered what the meeting was about.

As usual, they gathered in the Council hall.

Those who were close exchanged knowing glances without needing to speak, their empathic connection fully attuned.

“Why do you think we’re meeting this time?”

“It’s probably about the Zhang family. We just finished that battle, and there are loose ends to tie up.”

“It could also be about the western market and the secret realm.”

Qin Deming had already arrived.

Looking around, he didn’t see his daughter anywhere.

She was always busy—either lazing around at the Shadow Residence or running off to the secret realm.

Recently, he heard something about her bringing someone back from the Zhang family, but there hadn’t been any follow-up. It didn’t seem very important.

Qin Deming had been in good spirits lately.

His daughter had been proactive since gaining the right to speak at meetings, and her strategizing had contributed to the recent victory over the Zhang family.

Seeing her promising future, the rest of the family had warmed up to them, especially the Main branch.

Even the most stern and serious third elder now treated him with a bit more leniency, though she still maintained her stern demeanor.

At least now, she considered Qin Deming’s position as clan leader in her words.

His son’s cultivation had also progressed.

Recently reaching the sixth stage of Qi cultivation, he had begun participating in family affairs after leaving school.

With Qingqing around, relations between the Main and Third branches were improving.

Although Dexin wasn’t very close to him, she had given his son a good task in the secret realm.

Recently, she had been dealing with matters in the Zhang family’s secret realm with his son.

His wife, Luo Xian, had gained prestige among her sisters-in-law.

After their daughter received the Ice Cave, the finances of the Main branch had become more comfortable, allowing Luo Xian to acquire many personal assets.

She had been busy every day during this period, leaving no time for arguments with him.

Qin Deming was quite pleased with this, as he wasn’t good at arguing and avoiding scolding made him happy.

The clan assembly hadn’t started yet, and Qin Deming was staring into space, lost in his thoughts.

Now that Guyu was grown up and involved in family affairs, Qin Deming couldn’t help but start thinking about whether his son could take over from him.

As for why it wasn’t his daughter taking over, Qin Deming knew exactly why.

With Qingqing’s talent, she had a bright future ahead, possibly even succeeding their ancestor.

Being clan leader was a burdensome role involving managing those older and younger than oneself.

Making his daughter do this would hinder her progress—it would be foolish and detrimental to her future.

His son’s talents weren’t as dazzling as Qingqing’s, so he was leaning towards a managerial role.

If he could become a junior clan leader while Qin Deming remained clan leader, the main branch would remain strong, supporting his daughter.

He wasn’t unaware of the murmurs in the clan about Qingqing gaining the right to speak at meetings.

However, the Ancestor said so, they can’t really voice out their thoughts.

Finally the Ancestor appeared.

Everyone rose and paid their respects.

Qin Deming caught a glimpse as he did so—his daughter Qingqing had entered with the Ancestor.

No wonder he hadn’t seen her earlier.

Her arrival with the Ancestor meant she received the Ancestor’s formalities, which was a bit awkward.

She might even get scolded a few words.

Being so young, she couldn’t handle such formalities.

Qin Deming couldn’t help but worry about his daughter.

Sure enough, after the formalities, everyone stood straight.

Qin Ruqing comfortably took her seat, making everyone frown.

Clearing his throat, Qin Deming pretended to scold Qingqing to silence the others.

Suddenly, he sensed her aura and widened his eyes in surprise, blurting out:

“Qingqing, your aura… Have you broken through?”

With that sentence, everyone’s attention shifted from Qingqing’s manners to her cultivation.

To their astonishment, this young girl had reached the sixth stage of Qi cultivation!

Good heavens, wasn’t she just breaking through recently?

At her age, reaching the fourth stage of Qi cultivation was impressive enough.

Now, in just a blink of an eye, she was at the sixth stage? It wasn’t supposed to be that simple!

Calculating the time, Qingqing had just completed her spiritual cultivation about a year ago, a few days short of a full year since her birthday.

At around thirteen years old, reaching the sixth stage of Qi cultivation! Even the talented prodigies from ancient prestigious families weren’t this remarkable.

Initially, the elders had high hopes for Qingqing, thinking she might reach the Golden Core Formation stage.

Now, they were considering even greater ambitions.

Some were even hesitant to think further.

They felt that Qingqing didn’t need their formalities, and if she reached the Nascent Soul realm in the future, they would willingly bow to her.

Some elders who were planning to criticize Qingqing closed their mouths.

Regardless of their relationship with the main branch, they couldn’t afford to offend Qingqing.

She was exceptionally talented and cunning.

She held grudges, and if you provoked her, she wouldn’t hesitate to complain to the Ancestor and make sure you remembered it!

With such a talented youngster, it was better to support her.

There was no need for unnecessary conflicts.

Thus, until Qingqing sat firmly on her pearwood chair, no one dared to speak.

Qingqing seemed oblivious to the atmosphere in the council chamber.

After sitting down, she turned to her father with a smile and casually explained:

“It’s nothing. I just had an epiphany.”

Just an epiphany!

The elders who had restrained themselves from scolding Qingqing were once again struck dumbfounded.

Can an epiphany just be had like that?

Many people never touch the threshold of enlightenment in their entire lives.

This mysterious concept depended on one’s own understanding and the favor of the heavens.

Did this young troublemaker realize how fortunate she was?

Even Qin Deming, as her father, was taken aback.

He thought, “Daughter, acting like this could easily get you into trouble!”

However, having an epiphany… heh heh, my daughter..

The talent of the child is really impressive; there’s nothing for Dad to worry about.

Qin Deming was delighted inside but maintained a stern face, pretending to admonish: “Having an epiphany is one thing, but advancing too quickly can lead to unstable foundations. Take it slow and don’t get too proud.”

Qin Ruqing nodded obediently. “Yes! I understand, Dad!”

The father and daughter’s exchange made everyone in the Qin family roll their eyes.

Qin Deming was pretending to scold her while secretly feeling proud.

It was obvious to everyone.

The Ancestor, sitting at the head, seemed oblivious to this little game below and calmly stated, “I called you all here today for a reason.

Recently, in our conflict with the Zhang family, Qin emerged victorious.

Zhang Xiao has been deposed, and their Grand elder, Hao Gou, has been persuaded to our side.

Currently, the Zhang family is in turmoil.

This is a golden opportunity, and Qin cannot afford to do nothing. The reason for today’s meeting is to discuss this matter.”

Yes, this was necessary. Furthermore, the detailed handling of the two important places promised when we reclaimed Hao Gou from the Zhang family, the secret realm and the western market, has not been decided yet.

Presumably, today is to discuss this matter.

The Qin family members were preparing to hear more from the Ancestor, but to their surprise, she raised her hand, and Qin Ruqing stood up from her seat and walked to the center of the hall with a smile on her face.

The members of the council chamber were taken aback and had a bad feeling.

The Ancestor said, “Regarding how the Qin clan should develop next, this girl has made meticulous plans. Please listen.”


What plans?

Does the Qin clan need a little girl to teach them how to develop?

Of course, they did not doubt Qingqing’s intelligence.

It’s just that managing a family requires experience, and Qingqing hadn’t even touched on family matters.

What good advice could she give?

Therefore, when the Ancestor spoke, a buzzing discussion began below.

Qin Ruqing stood in the center of the hall, smoothly looking around, glaring back at everyone staring at her, and then flashed a mouthful of small white teeth, smiling and opening her mouth:

“Everyone, hear me out. With the recent defeat of the Zhang family and their internal turmoil, it’s a perfect opportunity for the Qin clan to rise and expand.

I have drafted a plan, which I invite you all to review.”

As she spoke, Qingqing produced a scroll.

When everyone’s gaze fell on it, she deftly flicked her wrist, causing the scroll to unfold like flowing water.

It cascaded down from her leg to the floor, rolling forward for quite a distance before finally coming to a stop.

Everyone: …

So, your plan is measured in units of “several scrolls.” And wow, that scroll is really long!

“Firstly,” Qingqing held the scroll, her voice rising, “I want to address the issue of the Qin clan’s development in recent years.”

This statement caused an even louder buzzing below.

She actually started with such a sensitive topic.

As Qin family members, they naturally believed everything about their family was good, but now she was saying there were problems with the family’s development.

Who could be happy hearing that!

Qingqing didn’t care how they felt.

She continued confidently, “The development of the Qin clan in recent years has been too conservative!” She deliberately emphasized the word “too”

“Monotonous,” she emphasized, “severely lacking in competitiveness!”

She stressed the word “severely.”

“Our Qin family is renowned for our alchemy expertise, so naturally, the alchemy industry should be our top priority.

However, since relocating to Nanling County, our development in alchemy has been mediocre, even inferior to the Zhang family’s!

Keep in mind, the Zhangs aren’t even primarily focused on alchemy—they’re a diversified family.

Yet, we struggle to compete with them and at best achieve a draw…

until recently, when we discovered the Stalactite Spirit Cave and acquired better materials.

But this success relied on external factors rather than our own management!”

Qin Ruqing shook her head with a tone of regret and frustration.

Although she started with such a heavyweight topic, she wasn’t wrong.

The Qin family’s conservative development in recent years was indeed a fact, but…

The Second Elder spoke up.

“Qingqing, the issues you mentioned are true, but what can we do about it?

The Zhang family is an established family in Nanling, while we, the Qin family, are newcomers with shallow roots.

We’ve managed to achieve a draw with them now— isn’t that already commendable?”

Qin Ruqing looked at the Second Elder.

He was always the kindest elder in the family and doted on her.

His objection at this moment wasn’t to argue but to genuinely express his doubts. His doubts were shared by many in the Qin family.

—The Qin family, newcomers to Nanling, are on par with the long-established families there.

This achievement is already quite good, isn’t it?

Qin Ruqing smiled, a sweet and lively smile that made people naturally fond of her.

However, her gaze was sharp, and she slowly uttered two words with emphasis: “Not enough!”

“Of course, it’s not enough!”

She turned her gaze back to the others below. “Not only is it not enough, but I am also surprised that with such meager accomplishments, we Qin family members are satisfied.

Do we genuinely believe it’s normal to be unable to surpass the Zhang family just because they are an established family?”

Qin Ruqing’s tone conveyed surprise and disbelief.

However, her surprise ironically made others feel challenged.

“I thought you elders, being older than me, would remember our Ancient Ancestors’ glory better than I do.

Wasn’t every moment spent thinking about leading the Qin family back to the Eastern Region reviving our Qin’s former glory?

But I was wrong. With age comes forgetfulness, and some things are truly forgotten over time!”

As she spoke, Qin Ruqing’s voice grew softer, and the hall grew quieter.

She smiled gently and continued, “It’s okay. Since you all seem to have forgotten, let this younger generation, Qingqing, remind you.”

“The so-called venerable and feared old families of Nanling—what are they really? In the entire Southern Region, they’re merely mid-tier families.

The highest cultivation level in their clan is Foundation Establishment. Not to mention comparing them with places like the Eastern and Western Regions.”

“And our Qin family, the current Qin family of Nanling, the former Qin family of the Eastern Region’s, was once a Silver-tier family with an ancestor who reached the Nascent Soul Realm!” Qin Ruqing raised her voice dramatically.

“Now, our family has fallen somewhat after relocating to Nanling for just a century. Yet our people have completely forgotten our Ancient Ancestors’ glory and are bowing to a mere mid-tier family?!”

Qin Ruqing’s expression was mocking, her words full of sarcasm.

“In my opinion, at the very least, we should be able to look at them eye to eye.

I thought we could swiftly subdue these local forces, rapidly strengthen ourselves, and then quickly pack up and return to the Eastern Region to seek revenge?”

“I never expected our family to be like this,” Qin Ruqing shook her head in dismay, “We’ve become too comfortable here in Nanling, treating ourselves as if we’re a native family of Nanling!

We still revere the Zhang and Han families so much. Even though we’ve managed to overpower the Zhang family, we’re still not thinking about quickly absorbing them.

Instead, we’re moving forward with slow and cautious development!”

Qin Ruqing smiled as she observed the varying expressions of anger, embarrassment, and shame among the crowd below.

She found the situation somewhat amusing.

The Qin family’s issue had persisted for more than just a day or two.

Since moving to Nanling, some had grown complacent and sluggish.

When the family’s influence was weak, conservative development made sense.

Now that the opportunity was ripe, their mindset was still sluggish, just taking small steps.

At this rate, how could the Qin family overtake others on the curved road, head into the city for revenge, and become the leading family?

They needed a serious wake-up call!

However, speaking out like this as a younger member would likely provoke dissatisfaction among those below.

Someone would probably soon reprimand her.

After all, the words she had just spoken were indeed quite harsh.

Sure enough, it took only a few seconds before someone couldn’t contain themselves.

Qin Ruqing glanced over and unsurprisingly, it was her professional troublemaking second uncle.

In her mind, she couldn’t help but complain, thinking, “Of course, it had to be you, second uncle!”

Qin Dehao didn’t know what Qin Ruqing was thinking.

He frowned, a restrained anger swirling on his face. “Qin Ruqing, as a younger generation, is this how you speak to your elders?!”

Look, the hierarchy of respect for elders and juniors was brought up!

Regardless of whether her words were right or wrong, as a younger generation, questioning the elders put her on shaky ground.

But could Qin Ruqing be intimidated by this?

She smiled sweetly, turned her head to look at Qin Dehao, and even politely bowed slightly before replying, “Yes, I am indeed a younger generation, but—compared to you, Second Uncle, I have slightly better talents, a sharper mind, and a stronger memory of our Ancient Ancestors’ glory and grievances. Isn’t that worth something?”

Qin Ruqing shook her head as she spoke, calmly uttering words that could choke a person.

Respecting elders and juniors—was she joking?

If my dad can be intimidated by you, it’s because he’s not good with words.

But if it were me, Qin Ruqing, I could argue with you for three days and three nights without a break!

Qin Dehao’s eyes widened instantly, seeming incredulous.

She actually dared to talk back like this?

This was at a family meeting! Qin Ruqing seemed to be daring to defy the heavens with her backing from the Ancestor!

No one had ever dared to be so disobedient to him before.

Qin Dehao couldn’t help but flush red in the face, his anger rising to his head.

He stood up suddenly, “You—”

Seeing the situation turning sour, Qin Deming quickly rebuked, “Qin Ruqing, how dare you speak to Second Uncle like that!”

Although my daughter said nothing wrong, if I followed her words, she would have to be punished today.

He had to start scolding her first so that the others couldn

“Wow, you really dare to speak up like that! Aren’t you afraid of being punished to kneel in the ancestral hall?”

In the end, the Ancestor stepped in to smooth things over, saying, “Alright, Qin Ruqing does have a say in family matters.

What she said just now points out the truth of the matter, which shouldn’t be seen as disrespectful.”

With that, the matter was settled.

Seeing the Ancestor defend Qin Ruqing, everyone suddenly understood.

It seemed that she had previously aligned herself with the Ancestor, and today’s words were not just hers alone but also reflected the Ancestor’s intentions.

Qin Ruqing had become the spokesperson chosen by the Ancestor to warn everyone.

Realizing this, the others quickly fell silent.

The Ancestor stood up silently and walked over to Qin Dehao, firmly pressing him back into his seat with a hand on his shoulder.

Grand Elder then bowed to the Ancestor and said, “Dehao was disrespectful. Please forgive him, Ancestor.”

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