Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 49.2

Qin Ruqing had already thought about this. She explained, “We won’t change everything at once. The original stores in the east market will remain the same for now. We can select a few good stores in the west market as a trial. Once people get used to it, we can gradually make the changes.”

The third elder nodded, his expression softening, “You’ve thought this through very well. I have no more to say.”

So, it seemed that no one opposed the Qin family’s reform.

The Ancestor appeared very satisfied with this result but didn’t relax. Instead, she became even more serious.

She sat up straight and said solemnly, “This reform is necessary. Never forget that our Qin family is not the Qin family of Nanling, but the Qin family of the Eastern Region!

The Qin family cannot stay in this place forever. We carry the burden of vengeance and cannot develop peacefully. We must be aggressive.”

“This reform proves the Qin family’s determination to revitalize!”

Everyone stood up and responded in unison, “Yes!”

With the reform confirmed, it was time for the exciting task of job distribution.

This time, the elder didn’t let Qin Ruqing announce it.

It was too easy to make enemies.

The Ancestor feared that if something went wrong, this girl might really get attacked.

“Due to significant changes in the Qin family’s industries, the pharmacy will be split into three sections: a medical hall, a pill workshop, and a pharmacy.

Previously, the third elder was in charge of the pill workshop. She is most familiar with this area, so she will continue to oversee the pill workshop.”

No one was surprised by this.

The third elder had been managing the pill workshop and had a lot of experience.

Even with the reform, the pill workshop didn’t change much.

It made sense for her to continue in her role.

Seeing everyone nod in agreement, the elder continued, “The second elder will be responsible for the medical hall.”

Hmm… giving the medical hall to the second elder made everyone think quickly.

The second elder was known for being a peacemaker, with the best temper and the widest network of friends.

The medical hall dealt with many external matters and needed someone like him who could handle lots of cultivators.

If the strict third elder or the sharp-tongued fourth elder were in charge, patients might be scared away.

Moreover, the medical hall wasn’t set up to make money but to gain fame.

Its importance wasn’t extremely high, so giving it to the second elder was just right.

Everyone nodded in agreement, likely also due to the second elder’s good relationships, and no one objected.

At this crucial moment, only a few key positions were left.

With the pill workshop and medical hall assigned, the main roles remaining were the medicine fields and affiliated families.

As everyone thought about this, the elder indeed mentioned the medicine fields.

“As for the development of the spiritual and medicine fields…” The elder paused and looked at Qin Dexin, “I’ll leave it to the fifth elder, Qin Dexin.”

It went to the fifth elder!

This was a prime position!

The spiritual and medicine fields were crucial assets of the family.

Plus, it had been mentioned before that some of the medicine fields could be rented to affiliated families, bringing in countless spirit stones in taxes!

Some people considered competing for this role, glancing at Qin Dexin.

But seeing her standing there with a cold demeanor and holding her sword, they gave up.

She was one of the Qin family’s foundation cultivators.

This role suited her.

Qin Dexin seemed surprised too.

She first glanced at Qin Deming, who looked just as puzzled, then at Qin Ruqing—the girl gave her a little smile, showing her white teeth.

Qin Dexin understood and bowed to the elder, “Yes, I will not disappoint.”

Qin Ruqing had just done her a huge favor.

Compared to her previous responsibility over the secret realm, the spiritual and medicine fields were much more substantial.

Qin Dexin noted this favor in her heart and returned to her seat with an unchanged expression.

The main branch still had a battle ahead, and if there is a conflict, she had to speak up to help. Qingqing, must have seen this as her leverage to gain assistance.

The tasks in the medicinal field were all completed, and there was a slight stir below.

What remained was the most crucial position—the subsidiary family.

This task must have arisen between the main and second houses.

The main house had Qin Ruqing, backed by the ancestral elder; the second house had the Grand Elder, with long-standing authority.

Amidst all eyes, the Ancestor unexpectedly turned his gaze towards Qin Deming.

Qin Deming’s heart skipped a beat, and he hurried forward.

Could it not be what they expected…

Indeed, the ancestor slowly spoke: “Qin Deming is the head of our Qin clan, with significant contributions in managing clan affairs.

Given his experience, he shall handle the recruitment of subsidiary families and their subsequent management.”

He actually gave it to the main house! Qin Ruqing, earned such trust from the Ancestor!

The senior members of the Qin family were shocked.

This was about the subsidiary family—the first time the Southern Ridge County was recruiting a subsidiary family.

Whoever managed this symbolized the prestige of the family and was highly trusted.

Ignoring prestige, part of the Qin family’s alchemy industry would also be delegated to the subsidiary family.

With the deductions involved and the annual offerings and taxes from the subsidiary family, the benefits were immense.

Such a lucrative position, both inside and out, and the Ancestor had actually given it to Qin Deming!

Previously, this would have been unthinkable.

Wasn’t it supposed to go to the Grand Elder?

With his venerable status and numerous contributions to the Qin family, he was the most suitable for such matters!

Finally, someone couldn’t sit still.

Qin Dehao stood up directly, bowed, and asked, “Ancestor, Dehao has doubts. Handling the subsidiary family is a matter of great importance, requiring scrutiny and assessment from across the Southern Ridge.

Shouldn’t this responsibility belong to the Grand Elder? Who else in the Qin family can manage such a situation?”

Qin Deming’s face darkened: “Second brother, what do you mean? Can’t I, as the head of the clan, handle a few subsidiary families?”

Qin Dehao glanced at Qin Deming coldly and said, “You know very well how you became the clan head.”


“That’s enough!” The Ancestor shouted angrily, “In the Council Hall, arguing like this is disgraceful!”

“Qin Deming is the head of the Qin clan, and managing the subsidiary families is completely legitimate. This matter is settled, and there should be no doubt!”


The Ancestor had made a final decision!

Before this, they thought the Ancestor merely trusted and favored Qin Ruqing.

Now it seemed that the young girl had completely won over the Ancestor’s heart.

Or perhaps, there was something behind her that made the Ancestor value her so much, disregarding the dignity of the Grand Elder.

“Ancestor…” Qin Dehao was somewhat unwilling and wanted to argue further.

At this moment, the Grand Elder closed his eyes fiercely.

When he reopened them, he stepped forward directly, preempting Qin Dehao and bowing, “The Ancestor’s arrangement is excellent. I have no objections.”

Qin Dehao widened his eyes, unable to believe that the Grand elder would give up so easily.

This was about the subsidiary family!

If Qin Deming managed all affairs, the subsidiary family would essentially be handed over for free and gave it to Qin Deming.

From now on, who would still regard their second house highly?

Even the Grand Elder didn’t look at him and bowed again, saying, “I request to manage the secret realm, and I hope the Ancestor will agree.”

The Ancestor was somewhat surprised, “Are you sure, Grand elder? The secret realm is currently only in routine development, all matters are stable. Managing the secret realm might be a bit of a waste of your talents.”

The Grand elder remained expressionless, “I am sure. I am old and nearing the end of my life. It’s appropriate for me to give opportunities to the younger generation. The quiet life in the secret realm suits me.”

After some thought, the Ancestor agreed, “Since the Grand elder has taken the initiative, I have no reason to refuse. It shall be as you wish.”

“Thank you, Ancestor.”

Qin Dehao watched as the Grand elder returned to his seat without a care.

His heart sank, feeling an unprecedented sense of panic.

His panic wasn’t about the second house not getting an important position this time, but rather, the attitude of the Grand elder.

Why did he request to manage the secret realm?

The development of the secret realm had its set rules.

Even if extraordinary talents or treasures were discovered, they were supposed to be reported to the clan.

What profit could there be in this?

Did the Grand elder really intend to retire peacefully?

If the Grand elder did want to retire, what would he do?

Others were also surprised by the Grand elder’s request to manage the secret realm.

Moreover, why didn’t the second house clash with the main house this time? It was all very strange.

And so, in the eyes of everyone, the appointment of the manager for the subsidiary family, which was expected to cause huge waves, was decided so lightly.

With this appointment set, the main house was soaring high, finally deserving its title as the “main house.”

The crucial parts of the “meat” had been divided; all that was left were minor roles.

The management of the medicinal fields and the sale of spirit plants were assigned to the fourth elder.

As for Qin Dehao, he was surprisingly sent to manage a branch of the Qin family…

A branch. Qin Dehao walked out of the council chamber with a light step.

The curtain fell on today’s drama, leaving people sighing with emotion.

All decisions were personally made by the Ancestor.

Qin Ruqing seemed obediently seated in her place today, seemingly not uttering a word.

But who couldn’t see that her hand was in everything that happened today?

The Ancestor’s attitude needed careful consideration; and Qin Ruqing’s importance in their hearts needed to be elevated further.

After the clan meeting ended and the Ancestor left, Qin Deming was surrounded by people, showered with compliments.

In contrast, Qin Dehao seemed somewhat lonely by his side.

Qin Dehao left with the Grand elder.

When they reached a quieter place, Qin Dehao couldn’t help but ask, “Why?! Why did you do this?!”

Handing over power and position like this, Qin Dehao couldn’t understand at all.

“Why…” The Grand Elder closed his eyes, remembering the scene with Qin Ruqing, the young girl, before the clan meeting began.

It was indeed a chance encounter.

He could tell that the Qin Ruqing hadn’t intended to talk to him.

It was just that the Grand elder thought about the changes in the Qin family recently and took the initiative to strike up a conversation with her.

The Grand elder asked Qin Ruqing a question, “If your second uncle repeatedly opposes you and shows no restraint, what would you do?”

Upon hearing his question, Qingqing wasn’t surprised at all.

She tilted her head and thought for a moment, smiling gently:

“Qingqing is someone who must repay grievances and is timid. If someone makes me unhappy

“I must repay what I owe.”

She counted on her fingers, saying casually, “First, Zhang Li injured me. Hehe, I turned around and gave him something good in return, and even extorted a sum from the Zhang family.”

“Then there was Hao Gou. He didn’t do anything to me… but he knew I had influence in family affairs, which posed a threat. So, I gave him something to keep him coming to see me every month.”

Qin Ruqing spoke nonchalantly, but the Grand elder listened with growing heaviness in his heart.

Hao Gou, who didn’t harm her directly but was perceived as a threat, was also given a “good thing” by her.

And Qin Dehao, who repeatedly challenged the main house…

The Grand elder looked at Qin Ruqing, who continued to smile, feeling a mixture of emotions.

Now at the age of 113, unable to advance further in cultivation, he didn’t have many years left to live.

Throughout his life, he had seen all sorts of people, encountered extraordinary talents in the Qin family in Yingzhou and the Eastern Region.

But he never imagined that in Southern Ridge, within their own Qin family, there would emerge such a genius younger generation like Qin Ruqing—so talented and with such a character.

He couldn’t attribute it to luck anymore; it was fate.

The Grand elder gazed at Qin Ruqing for a while, and she allowed him to stare at her with her smile unchanged.

After a while, the Grand elder spoke softly, “You know, Qin family will eventually be yours. I have been anticipating that day.

But you are still so young, so youthful. You haven’t even reached the best years of your life. Why involve yourself in these murky affairs so early… and even handle things so decisively?”

Qin Ruqing’s smile deepened, “Grand Elder, why do you say this? If I don’t intervene now, when should I?

Wait until my second uncle completely pulls my father down from the clan leader position, and takes over himself? Should I intervene only then?”

The Grand elder fell silent.

“All I’ve done is what I should do. My father and I have always positioned ourselves correctly. But not everyone in our family can do the same.”

“Grand Elder, you are the most respected figure in the Qin family, and Qingqing deeply respects you.

However, now that things have come to this, I must ask you: Have your words and actions over the past decade truly fulfilled the responsibilities of the Grand elder.. Have they been fair?”

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