Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 5

The words “Dao Physique” dropped like a thunderbolt on flat ground, leaving everyone stunned and dizzy.

If having a special constitution is already rare, then Dao Physique is even rarer, almost unheard of.

Dao Physique, just as its name suggests, implies a connection with the Dao itself, blessed by its favor.

If special constitutions are the Dao’s favored children, then Dao Physique is akin to being its direct descendant.

Qin Deming was breathless, “Grand Ancestor, is this really true?”

The Ancestor nodded, “Judging by the unique aura in her blood and its ability to resonate with the spiritual energy within me, there’s no doubt it’s Dao Physique.”

Truly! Heaven blesses the Qin family.

However, after the Ancestor spoke, she furrowed her brow and sighed inexplicably, “It’s just a pity that our Qin family lacks the spiritual tools possessed by those major clans to accurately determine the type of Dao Physique.

We can only speculate that it’s Dao Physique, but which specific type remains unclear. I know only a few types of Dao Physique, but none seem to match.”

Confirmed as Dao Physique, yet the specific type remained unknown.

For Qin Deming and his wife, this was no issue.

They had never dared to hope for Heavenly Spirit Roots; having Dual Spirit Roots had already satisfied them.

Now, with Dao Physique emerging, what more could they ask for?

Qin Deming was filled with gratitude, silently thanking the ancestral spirits of the Qin family, believing that the Qin family’s rise was now assured.

Dao Physique was a sign of the Qin family’s revival.

Meanwhile, as a mother, Luo Xian considered more practical and long-term matters.

She first thanked the Ancestor and then respectfully asked, “Now that it’s confirmed Qingqing has Dao Physique, what about her spiritual nurturing…”

After assessing her aptitude, they would begin determining the quality of her spiritual nurturing.

Testing aptitude was just a process; determining spiritual nurturing was their ultimate goal.

This involved allocating resources and planning for the child’s future.

Asking such a question in this context carried a clear intention, even risking offense.

But she had no choice.

The other branches of the Qin family were dissatisfied with the main branch.

If the Ancestor determined Qingqing’s aptitude and then withdrew from further involvement, leaving only a few elders to determine her nurturing, conflicts were bound to arise.

Therefore, it would be best if the Ancestor made the decision then and there.

The Ancestor was the family’s unwavering pillar.

Normally, she focused on cultivation and avoided family disputes. With her making the decision, the rest of the family would have no objections.

Moreover, emotionally speaking, the Ancestor had the closest relationship with the main branch.

When Qin Deming was young, he had been raised under the Ancestor’s guidance for a period.

The Ancestor was fair-minded and might not favor anyone, but he would at least not neglect the main branch.

Sure enough, as soon as the topic of spiritual nurturing arose, the atmosphere in the quiet room changed abruptly.

Qin Dehao and Qin Dexin both glanced in Luo Xian’s direction.

The struggle for interests and resources touched their sensitive nerves.

Especially Qin Dexin.

Qin Dehao had a son and a daughter, both well over eight years old with their futures already planned out, so this conflict did not concern him much.

His confrontations with Qin Deming were purely personal.

But Qin Dexin happened to have an eight-year-old son.

He was the primary contender for Qin Ruqing’s resources.

Luo Xian felt a powerful, oppressive gaze behind her – it was Qin Dexin!

This woman was staring at her.

Qin Dexin’s cultivation was higher than hers.

Humph, but she didn’t care!

Luo Xian assumed a humble demeanor, bowed again, and said loudly:

“Please, Ancestor, make the decision!” This was almost urging the Ancestor to settle the matter.

Qin Deming finally reacted, astonished at his wife’s audacity.

Would the Ancestor be angered by this? But he understood her reasons—it was all for Qingqing.

Now that Qingqing’s Dao Physique had been confirmed, how much effort would nurturing such a physique require?

If they didn’t implore the Grand Ancestor now, Qin Dexin would surely obstruct them later, which would delay Qingqing’s future.

Qin Deming, rigid and proud, had to set aside his reservations.

With a firm resolve, he followed Luo Xian in bowing respectfully and said, “Please, Ancestor, make the decision!”

The third voice to speak up was unexpectedly Qin Dexin’s.

She understood the situation clearly.

At this point, with the main branch pleading so earnestly, the Ancestor would surely not refuse.

If she went against the flow now, it would only displease the Ancestor.

It was better to go along with it. The Ancestor was always fair; at least she wouldn’t disadvantage her son, Qiurong.

Everyone present was astute enough to see how things were unfolding, prompting others to join in.

The Ancestor remained composed throughout. “Very well, I will determine the status of these two children.”

She first looked at Qin Ruqing.

“You have the Heavenly Fire Spirit Root and also possess Wood Qi in your body. You are an excellent material for alchemy, a treasure for our Qin family’s alchemy. This is categorized as Silver High Grade.”

“You have also awakened the Dao Physique. Those who awaken the Dao Physique are favored by the heavens and are carriers of great fortune. This is a blessing upon our Qin family and a sign of its resurgence.”

She closed her eyes briefly, then slowly uttered the final sentence: “Therefore, it shall be classified as Gold High Grade—supported by the full efforts of our entire clan.”

Qin Ruqing didn’t fully grasp the significance of the Ancestor’s words or the weight of “supported by the full efforts of our entire clan.”

To her, the Ancestor’s tone was calm yet authoritative, making “Gold High Grade, supported by the full efforts of our entire clan” seem like a trivial matter.

But the others had faces of shock.

Even Qin Dehao, who enjoyed watching drama, sobered up and took it seriously.

A child requiring the full efforts of the entire clan for nurturing—was the Dao Physique really that precious?

He was the first to voice disagreement. “Ancestor, there seems to be no precedent in the Qin family for classifying something as Gold High Grade. Without precedent, how can we provide such support?”

“Moreover, even if Qin Ruqing has awakened the Dao Physique, we still don’t know what specific type it is. Is it not too hasty to classify her spiritual nurturing level as Gold High Grade?”

Qin Ruqing lowered her eyes, secretly impressed by her second uncle’s boldness.

He truly deserved his reputation as the top strategist of the Qin family, daring even to challenge the Ancestor.

Before the Ancestor could respond, the Grand elder, with the most experience present, also mildly expressed his dissent.

His words were not as forceful as Qin Dehao’s; he simply stated his views directly.

What Qin Ruqing heard was: The Qin family is currently experiencing a financial crisis, also known as the harbor, and they don’t have any money. He didn’t have any opinion on the Grand Ancestor’s decision; he just wanted to know where the resources for supporting it came from.

To put it more bluntly: No money. Can’t afford it. Aptitude is useless.

As the second highest-ranked person in the Qin family, the Grand elder’s words naturally carried weight.

Seeing the Ancestor classify Qingqing’s spiritual nurturing level as Gold Grade,

Luo Xian hasn’t even had a chance to rejoice when she hears the voices of opposition.

Luo Xian grits her teeth.

How dare you all oppose the Ancestor’s words?

Today, she dared to raise this topic boldly; she is determined to see this through.

Anyone who dares to hinder my child’s future is going to have to deal with me!

Luo Xian immediately speaks up loudly: ” Ancestor, solutions are always found by people. Now that the Qin family has finally produced a descendant with a Dao Physique, this is a sign of great prosperity! If we don’t nurture her more now, when will we? Are we going to wait another ten or twenty years for another Dao Physique to appear in the Qin family?”

Seeing the Ancestor’s lack of response, she grits her teeth and adds fuel to the fire: “If we miss this once-in-a-millennium opportunity, when will my Qin family ever return to the Eastern Domain, Ancestor?”

If Luo Xian’s previous words were like a Category 5 typhoon, then this last sentence was akin to a Category 100 tornado.

Qin Ruqing clearly felt the change in everyone’s expressions when her mother mentioned “returning to the Eastern Domain.”

This included even the Ancestor, who had remained composed throughout.

The words “Eastern Domain” seemed to touch a sensitive nerve among the Qin family members—a hidden pain that made them all moved and dazed.

However, Qin Ruqing didn’t understand what it meant.

The Eastern Domain? What’s the Eastern Domain? Aren’t we the Qin family of Nanling?

Qin Dehao suddenly straightens up, his gaze sharp as he points directly at Luo Xian.

“Luo Xian, what do you mean by this? Are you threatening the future of the Qin family? Your daughter may have good talent, but she hasn’t grown up yet. How can you say that without your daughter, the Qin family can’t return to the Eastern Domain?”

He brushes his sleeves and asserts coldly, “Your daughter is not that important!”

Luo Xian shows no fear, “Is this something you, as Second Uncle, can say? Qingqing is not yet grown up; precisely because she isn’t, the family needs to nurture her more. Are we supposed to wait…”

“Enough.” Two simple words instantly halt all the arguing.

The Ancestor speaks.

Her expression turns unusually stern, “What kind of scene is this with all the bickering?”

Everyone bows their heads.

The Ancestor softens her tone, “Both sides have valid points. The Qin family is currently facing difficulties and cannot afford to support a Gold Grade aptitude. However, since our Qin family has produced a descendant with a Dao Physique, this is a sign of heaven’s favor and cannot be ignored.”

“Therefore, the resources to support these two children will come from my private treasury.”

She tosses a sword and a jade slip in front of Qin Deming, “This is the Fallen Stream Sword, an eighth-grade superior artifact. Use it to exchange for the spiritual plants listed in the jade slip, which can be used to refine the Marrow Cleansing Spirit Liquid.”

Upon hearing the words Marrow Cleansing Spirit Liquid, Qin Deming’s breath tightens.

This was a spiritual nurturing medicine even more precious than the Spirit Awakening Pearl.

Before he could even rejoice, he realized something—Fallen Stream Sword… Wasn’t that the Grand Ancestor’s personal sword?

Qin Deming suddenly looked up, panic-stricken, ” Ancestor, this can’t be! The Fallen Stream Sword is your personal sword!”

Other elders also voiced their dissuasions.

They believed the Ancestor shouldn’t use her personal sword, let alone her private treasury, to support two children.

Someone couldn’t help but say, “Your private treasury is meant for your recuperation…” The person behind him pulled him back

He could only swallow his words.

However, the Ancestor said indifferently, “My injury cannot be healed by things in the private treasury. It’s better to contribute them to the family. As for the sword, there are hardly any opportunities to wield it nowadays, so what use is there in keeping it?”

Seeing others still wanting to dissuade her, she waved her hand, silencing all arguments. “It’s fine, I still have my lifebound artifact, just a sword for personal carry. Selling it would be selling it.”

“No need to say more.”

With that, everyone fell silent.

Qin Dexin, seated below, lowered her eyes, quietly pondering.

Qin Ruqing’s recent rise had brought considerable glory to the main branch.

However, it had little to do with her, and the main branch’s conflicts were not their concern.

She only cared about Qiurong.

After speaking to Qin Ruqing for a while, the Ancestor seemed to gaze deeply into Qin Dexin’s face, as if trying to foresee the Qin family’s future.

“In that case, let’s disperse.”

Her voice was light as a breeze.

When everyone snapped out of their daze, the Ancestor had vanished from where she stood.

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