Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 55

When Qin Ruqing came to see Qin Deming, he had just finished a meeting with two minor clan leaders from affiliated families.

He felt very satisfied, noting that both families had shown excellent attitudes and were working diligently, especially the Cheng family.

Every time the Cheng family head, Cheng Xin, spoke with him, his attitude was incredibly respectful and warm.

Qin Deming felt almost flattered and began to wonder if his personal charm had recently increased.

Seeing Qin Ruqing approaching, Qin Deming waved and called out, “Daughter, come here!”

Qin Ruqing sat down across from her father and took a sip of tea.

Qin Deming started talking to her about some clan affairs, and Qin Ruqing occasionally offered some suggestions.

This had become a regular way for the father and daughter to interact.

After discussing official matters, Qin Deming casually mentioned the Cheng family, “The Cheng family is quite good. Their clan head is especially enthusiastic towards me, and their family is very proactive… It seems like they are deliberately trying to impress me.” Qin Deming was a bit puzzled by this enthusiasm.

Qin Ruqing took a sip of her spirit milk tea and calmly said, “Dad, if you want me to praise your leadership and charisma, just say it directly. No need to go around in circles.”

Why are they enthusiastic?

Because they have a good son and see a bright future following our family.

They naturally want to impress us. But there was no need to say this to her father; it was better to let him enjoy his own happiness.

Qin Deming’s beard twitched, and he retorted with a flushed face, “Who’s asking you to praise me…?”

Even if he wanted it, his good daughter shouldn’t say it outright!

He wanted to save some face.

Feeling exposed by his daughter, Qin Deming quickly changed the subject, “So, what brings you here today?”

This was his reception room as the clan leader, where he usually received guests.

Typically, Qin Ruqing wouldn’t come here to find him; they usually talked at night in their courtyard.

Qin Ruqing looked up.

She had originally come to talk about the small breakthrough pill, but halfway there, she remembered that the pill hadn’t materialized this time.

She needed to come up with a good excuse before bringing it up.

This wasn’t difficult; her father was easy to fool.

The main issue was the pill’s probability of success.

She didn’t want to give it to her father casually, fearing that if he was unlucky and it didn’t work, it would be a huge waste.

Although Qin Ruqing was somewhat impatient, she never slacked off on important matters.

She had managed to obtain a pill that could improve cultivation and perfectly matched her father’s condition.

This opportunity couldn’t be missed.

She had to find a way to increase the chances of success, perhaps by choosing an auspicious day.

In the world of cultivation, auspicious days weren’t just superstition.

Even demons and monsters would hide on these days.

After thinking it over, Qin Ruqing came up with a random excuse, “Oh, I came to discuss the production capacity of our pills.”

“Although our family has made significant reforms, it’s still difficult to rapidly increase production capacity. The main issue is that alchemists rely on talent and are hard to train, while the growth cycle of spiritual plants is long. So, I’ve thought of some ways…”

Before she could finish, Qin Deming’s heart skipped a beat, “What are you planning now?”

My daughter…

Whenever Qin Ruqing stirred up something at home, it always caused a commotion.

The family had just undergone significant reforms and was now united and moving forward.

Qin Deming was satisfied with the current state and didn’t want any disturbances.

Qin Ruqing rolled her eyes, “What kind of tricks, Dad? Do you think I only know how to stir things up? This time, I’ve come up with a proper plan!”

Qin Deming sighed with relief, “That’s good. So, what is it?”

“Well, since we can’t increase manpower, I’ve thought of improving our tools. Do you remember that guest elder I brought over from the Zhang family? He’s a very talented craftsman.”

“You mean Elder Tang?” Qin Deming frowned, “Wasn’t he a pill master? Didn’t he improve Qi Revitalization Pills? How is he now a craftsman?”

Tang Zifeng was brought over by Qin Ruqing.

After discussing collaboration with the ancestor, he had been under Qin Ruqing’s management.

The Qin family was so large that adding one more person went unnoticed.

Qin Deming had heard his daughter mention him a few times but hadn’t paid much attention.

Now he realized that Tang Zifeng was a skilled craftsman.

Qin Ruqing nodded, “Yes, his name is Tang.”

She explained his background and the cooperation he proposed with the Qin family.

“Such a background!” Qin Deming exclaimed. “The Tang family is a prominent family in Xiling. I wonder what grievance led to his expulsion.”

“Did he agree to help improve our pill furnaces?” Qin Deming asked, curious.

Qin Ruqing nodded, omitting the details of how she persuaded him, “He agreed, but he has conditions.”

Qin Deming was still pleased.

He believed conditions were normal in such collaborations.

Partnerships between noble families were based on mutual benefits.

It was suspicious only if there were no conditions.

With such a skilled craftsman, the family’s development would surely advance further.

Qin Deming was delighted and praised, “Our daughter has a good eye. She managed to bring in such a talented craftsman.”

The father and daughter duo were shamelessly praising each other.

Qin Ruqing proudly puffed out her chest, “Of course!”

With a glint in her eye, Qin Ruqing couldn’t help but laugh to herself.

And I didn’t just bring in one person; there’s another one who came on his own to seek our support.

Qin Ruqing casually mentioned, “By the way, Dad, I recently brought in another handsome young man…”

Qin Deming paused, instinctively asking, “What handsome young man? From which family? How did you bring him in?”

Qin Ruqing calmly said, “From the Cheng family, Cheng Xin’s son… As for how I brought him in, to be honest, I didn’t. He came on his own.”

Seeing her father’s stunned expression, Qin Ruqing smiled and added, “Oh, he’ll come with my waist token soon. When he does, please arrange for him to stay in Xinglin Courtyard.”

Sure enough, the handsome young man Qin Ruqing mentioned arrived shortly after.

When Cheng Yiming came to see Qin Deming, he felt a bit strange because he sensed something odd in the clan leader’s gaze.

This odd feeling might have been his imagination.

The Qin clan leader still seemed kind and benevolent.

He gave Cheng Yiming various instructions, had someone make him an identity token, and personally explained the Qin family’s rules to him.

In addition to the monthly cultivation resources.

Because he was brought in by the Fifth Young Miss, he received even more cultivation resources than the average direct descendants of the Qin family.

Finally, someone took him to a courtyard and told him that this would be his place to live from now on.

Cheng Yiming was very satisfied with this courtyard.

Behind the yard was a grand forest of spiritual apricot trees, filled with spiritual energy, making it a great place for cultivation.

However, he felt a bit puzzled, as the Qin family seemed to be very particular about this place and had repeatedly reminded him of many things.

After settling in, Cheng Yiming asked the attendant who brought him here where he could find the Fifth Young Miss.

The attendant, wearing the Qin family’s standard blue-gray robe, showed a bit more respect when mentioning the Fifth Young Miss.

He said that the Fifth Young Miss was unpredictable; sometimes she would be cultivating in a secret realm, other times she would be at the Ancestor’s Shadow Residence, and occasionally in her own courtyard.

In summary, finding her was a matter of luck.

But today, Cheng Yiming was in luck.

He didn’t have to look for Qin Ruqing; she came to him.

“Fifth Young Miss,” Cheng Yiming greeted her respectfully.

Qin Ruqing raised her hand and smiled, “How do you like this courtyard?”

Cheng Yiming was curious why the Miss cared so much about this courtyard but still replied, “It’s great. The spiritual apricots are beautiful.”

Qin Ruqing nodded with a smile, “That’s good.”

She then became serious and said, “You came just in time. I have something that requires your help.”

For the past few days, Qin Ruqing had been thinking of ways to increase the chances of her father successfully using the Small Breakthrough Pill to assist in his foundation building.

However, she found it difficult.

The probability was inherently a mysterious concept, meaning it was uncontrollable.

When she heard about Cheng Yiming’s arrival, she realized he could be of use.

His eyes could see luck and fortune, which meant he might be able to check her father’s luck.

When her father’s luck peaked, she could give him the Small Breakthrough Pill, significantly increasing his chances of successful foundation building.

Cheng Yiming immediately straightened up and looked attentive when he heard there was something he needed to do. “What do you need me to do?”

Qin Ruqing smiled brightly and said casually, “It’s simple. I need you to use your eyes to look at my father luck every day.”

Cheng Yiming was stunned.

The Miss’s father was none other than the head of the Qin family!

After agreeing to the Miss’s request in confusion, Cheng Yiming began to visit the Qin family head daily to pay his respects.

During this process, he would discreetly use his special eyes to check the family head’s luck for the day.

Afterward, he would report back to the Miss.

“How is it today?” Qin Ruqing asked.

Cheng Yiming replied, “Today, the family head is surrounded by a gray fog, indicating bad luck.”

Qin Ruqing merely said, “Oh,” without showing disappointment. “We’ll check again tomorrow.”

The next day, she asked, “How about today?”

“The luck is still bad.”

Qin Ruqing responded, “Hmm.”

On the third day, Cheng Yiming looked bewildered. “Today’s luck is terrible!”

Later, he reported, “It’s terrible!”


“Extremely terrible!”

As time passed, even Qin Ruqing herself was confused and couldn’t make sense of it.

She had never known her father’s luck could be so bad…

She had thought that with her father’s level of competence, becoming the family head was the result of incredibly good luck.

She had believed her father was extraordinarily fortunate.

However, it seemed she was mistaken.

That one moment of brilliance…

It seemed her father had used up all his good luck for the rest of his life…

For almost half a month, Cheng Yiming observed her father’s fortune, and he never had a single day of good luck!

Oh my goodness!

No wonder I am so unlucky, it’s completely inherited!

By the end, Qin Ruqing was completely numb to the situation, adopting a “whatever” attitude.

She thought if her father’s luck remained this bad for another month, there would be no point in waiting any longer. It would mean he would never trigger the Small Breakthrough Pill’s Foundation-building effect in his lifetime.

However, on the last day of the month, Cheng Yiming came to report, his expression excited: “Miss, it’s good, very good luck today!”

Qin Ruqing jumped up.

That day, Cheng Yiming had gone for his routine (numb) greeting.

After days of greeting, the Qin family head’s gaze had started to look puzzled and impatient when seeing him.

Cheng Yiming couldn’t explain that it was the Miss who asked him to check her father’s luck, so he just kept going.

That day, as soon as he looked at the family head, he noticed his forehead glowing brightly.

When he opened his special eyes, the family head was shining with golden light.

Cheng Yiming almost cried.

Finally, good luck! Since he got these eyes, he had secretly checked many people’s fortunes out of curiosity, but no one had ever had luck as bad as the Qin family head’s.

It was almost ridiculously bad.

Now, finally, good luck! Cheng Yiming was so emotional he had tears in his eyes.

He no longer had to endure the family head’s impatient look every day!

At that moment, Qin Ruqing leaned on the table, her eyes shining. “Are you sure?”

Cheng Yiming said loudly, “I can guarantee with my eyes, today might be the best day of luck the family head has had all year.”

Qin Ruqing clenched her fist. “You’ve worked hard! You don’t need to go anymore for now.” She said and hurried out.

Cheng Yiming watched her leave, wondering what it could be.

What was so important that she needed him to check the family head’s luck?

Three days later, Cheng Yiming found out. He had indeed seen correctly.

That day was indeed the best luck the family head had all year, and maybe even longer because…the family head successfully built his foundation.

Foundation Establishment Stage!

There were no words to describe Cheng Yiming’s shock.

It truly was remarkable—the Fifth Miss was indeed a person of destiny.

What he thought was just a minor task from the Miss turned out to be a crucial matter for the Qin family head’s foundation building.

Now, the Qin family had three foundation builders, making them undoubtedly the top family in the Southern Ridge!

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