Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 57.2

When the formalities were prepared, Cheng Xin took the precaution of showing them to his son, Cheng Yiming.

After confirming that there were no mistakes, the father and son talked about the Qin family’s head’s foundation.

Their voices were very low. “Yiming, I heard that the young lady asked you to see the clan leader’s fortune for a whole month. Shortly after the fortune was very good, the clan leader built a base?”

Seeing Chen Yiming nod, Cheng Xin was suspicious. “Could it be that the role of fortune is so great? In that case, if I call you to see me one day and pick a lucky day, I can also build a base?”

However, Cheng Yiming said, “Impossible! Dad, fortune is just an auxiliary way. It can’t play a decisive role. On the day the clan leader built the base, there must have been other means behind it, not just a simple fortune telling.”

“Fine, so be it then.” Cheng Xin sighed again, “It seems that the Qin clan leader’s foundation establishment must have been driven by the young lady.”

“Not just possible, but definite,” Cheng Yiming’s tone was firm.

With his keen perception of fortunes, Cheng Yiming deeply understood how difficult it would be for the Qin clan leader to establish a foundation solely relying on luck.

There must have been someone behind the scenes.

Who this person was, however, remained unclear.

Because of this, Cheng Yiming’s respect for Qin Ruqing grew even deeper.

He found her actions and motives mysterious and unpredictable.

Cheng Xin always trusted his son’s judgment.

Hearing this, he sighed beside him, “Son, you haven’t mistaken her. The future of the Qin family is limitless, and the Fifth Miss you follow seems quite mysterious. I used to worry when you chose her so decisively, but now I see your insight surpasses even mine.”

Cheng Yiming remained noncommittal.

The Fifth Miss was a person of great destiny, far more than just mysterious.

He hesitated for a moment before continuing, “It seems to me that the Fifth Miss is planning something significant.”

Curious, Cheng Xin responded, “The Qin family already has three members at the Foundation Establishment stage. What more could she be planning?”

If it were up to him, there would be no pressure for achievements in the clan for at least three years.

Relaxation would be sufficient.

“Recently, the Fifth Miss has still asked me to pay attention to the clan leader’s fortunes.”

“Hmm, now that the Qin clan leader has established a foundation, why would she need to watch his fortunes? That does seem rather peculiar,” Cheng Xin speculated, though he quickly dismissed the idea.

Currently, the Southern Range was peaceful, and there were no reports of disturbances in the primeval forests.

Even the periodic beast tides were predictable, and the next one was still far off.

The Qin clan leader lived in comfort and luxury on a daily basis; there couldn’t possibly be any danger.

Cheng Yiming couldn’t figure it out either.

Finally, he concluded, “The Fifth Miss must have her reasons for doing so. I suppose I should just follow her instructions.”

Cheng Yiming had a very clear plan for his future path.

Since he had chosen to follow the Fifth Miss, his future prospects depended entirely on her.

With this in mind, he would leverage his strengths, becoming the most trusted advisor to the Fifth Miss, ensuring she couldn’t do without him.

The next day, the Qin family held a small celebration banquet.

Despite external confusion about why such good news wasn’t being grandly celebrated by the Qins, everyone still found ways to flatter them.

The Qin family’s prestige remained intact.

Inside the Qin clan, Qin Ruqing joyfully sorted through the gifts that filled her room.

Some of the gifts were for the Qin family, but the majority were for her father.

Qin Deming, knowing full well how much his daughter had contributed to his recent foundation establishment breakthrough, had intended to give all the gifts to his precious daughter.

However, Qin Ruqing didn’t take all of them.

The main branch also needed to save some for themselves, and she didn’t lack anything herself.

Even so, she ended up with about a third of the gifts.

She was now sorting the gifts into three small piles.

The first pile was for her dear mother.

These were offerings from her as a daughter to her mother.

She guessed her father would also give offerings to her mother later tonight.

Heh heh, that was how things were in their family.

“The second pile of gifts was also substantial, as it was for Tang Zifeng.

Recently, Qin Ruqing had a pang of conscience, feeling she had taken advantage a bit too much lately.

To make it up to him, she picked out all the best materials for refining from the gifts, intending to send them all to Tang Zifeng.

He shouldn’t be grumbling now.

The last pile of gifts was the largest, because it was for Cheng Yiming.

Since his father could establish a foundation this time, it could be said that Cheng Yiming had contributed greatly to this.

If it weren’t for him seeing his father’s good fortune with his own eyes, his father probably wouldn’t have been able to establish a foundation so smoothly this time.

Moreover, Qin Ruqing understood the principle that to take something, one must first give.

Since Cheng Yiming was her follower, she carefully selected some things that he currently needed the most.

For example, refining materials, martial arts secrets, and even took some cold profound ice and spirit milk from her private collection for him.

Cheng Yiming came from a humble background and lacked the most in terms of cultivation resources and knowledge.

By giving these to him, she should be able to reach his heart.

Qin Ruqing’s meticulous selection naturally showed how highly she valued Cheng Yiming’s insight.

It wasn’t surprising she acted this way; mainly because Cheng Yiming’s eyes were truly remarkable!

As for spiritual energy, it was another matter.

Judging fortunes was a real bug!

Wasn’t this a walking fortune detector?

To fully understand these eyes, Qin Ruqing even had in-depth conversations with Cheng Yiming to understand both their strengths and weaknesses.

Although these eyes were buggy, they still followed the laws of all things and had their limitations.

According to Cheng Yiming himself, the limitation of his eyes was that the accuracy of his fortune judgment decreased as the observer’s cultivation level increased.

In other words, the higher the cultivation level of the person he was observing, the less accurate his judgment became.

For instance, now that her father had established a foundation, Cheng Yiming could see his father’s fortune clearly before.

But now, as Cheng Yiming put it, ‘The fortune seems veiled by a thin layer of gauze, making it hard to see clearly.’

Cheng Yiming later added that besides those with high cultivation levels, there were also people like the Fifth Miss, who was born under a lucky star, whom he couldn’t see clearly.

If he looked at them too much, he would even suffer backlash.

“When Cheng Yiming mentioned ‘backlash,’ Qin Ruqing’s mouth couldn’t help but curl up slightly, almost breaking character.

Couldn’t help but to resist blurted out, ‘Hey bro, that’s not backlash, that’s the system lightly infecting you with a virus!’

As for ‘people born under a lucky star,’ this was a term Cheng Yiming often used to refer to her.

Qin Ruqing wasn’t sure if she was one of those ‘people born under a lucky star,’ but based on her understanding of this world, there were examples of beings reincarnated by great powers, so there likely were true ‘people born under a lucky star.’

It remained to be seen if Cheng Yiming would encounter one in the future.

After their in-depth conversation about the strengths and weaknesses of his eyes,

Qin Ruqing solemnly said, “I am aware of what you’ve mentioned. There’s another matter here that I need you to handle.”

Cheng Yiming was still buoyed by the news of the Qin clan leader’s foundation establishment and was full of enthusiasm.

He bowed deeply and said, “I will heed your orders, Fifth Miss.”

Qin Ruqing’s voice was clear, “I need you to continue monitoring my father’s fortunes as usual.”

Cheng Yiming looked up in surprise.

Qin Ruqing knew full well that he didn’t understand why she still wanted him to watch over the Qin clan leader.

Qin Ruqing had her reasons, mainly because… they were about to set off for a journey to the Southern Jungle soon.

If her father’s luck turned too bad, Qin Ruqing feared it could ruin things.

Cheng Yiming was a smart man.

After a brief moment of confusion, he nodded in acquiescence.

It seemed he had no curiosity about Qin Ruqing’s intentions.

Qin Ruqing was very pleased with his attitude and decided to use Cheng Yiming more in the future, rewarding this subordinate generously.

So, Cheng Yiming continued to monitor for over half a month…

During this time, according to Cheng Yiming’s vague assessments, the Qin clan leader’s fortune remained… extremely bad.

He wasn’t sure exactly how bad, especially now that the clan leader had established a foundation.

Qin Ruqing: Hmm… well, she could actually anticipate this.

Qin Ruqing just wanted stability and feared her father’s exceptionally bad luck might cause trouble.

But if there was no real solution, it wouldn’t really matter.

With three Foundation Establishment cultivators traveling together in the Southern Range, they appeared to be quite formidable.

As long as they didn’t venture too deep into the jungle, they had little to fear.

As usual, Qin Ruqing discussed with the Ancestor about the plan to explore the Southern Jungle — yes, after internal deliberation, they had finally decided to investigate the situation of the Ice-Fire Dual Grass in the southern jungle.

Note, they were investigating, not taking.

Even if there was a slight chance during this trip, they absolutely wouldn’t risk taking it.

They would wait until they had a meticulous plan before attempting anything.

After the Qin family’s celebration banquet and Qin Deming’s stable cultivation, they were ready to set out.

Initially, Qin Ruqing hadn’t held much hope for her father’s luck.

However, a few days before departure, Cheng Yiming suddenly reported that the Qin clan leader’s fortune today seemed not so bad.

Qin Ruqing stood up decisively.

Alright, not so bad!

Father, it’s not easy for you to have a not-so-bad day!

Qin Ruqing made a quick decision.

They couldn’t afford to miss this not-so-bad opportunity; they had to depart early.

Naturally, the Ancestor wanted to inquire further about why they needed to leave early.

Qin Ruqing explained Cheng Yiming’s report.

There was nothing to hide.

The Cheng family was an affiliated branch of the Qin family, and Cheng Yiming was her follower, making him almost part of the Qin family.

The Ancestor knew about Cheng Yiming’s situation, and it was perfectly legitimate.

Given the Ancestor’s experience, he might even know what was behind those eyes.

Sure enough, when the Ancestor heard this, she furrowed her brow, stood with her hands behind her back, and pondered for a while before hesitantly saying.

“Based on what you’ve said, that child likely has opened the Heavenly Eye, capable of observing fortunes, discerning good and bad outcomes, and seeing through all worldly illusions and confusion. If this eye could also be used to study divination, it would be immensely valuable.”

Qin Ruqing exclaimed, “Ancestor, the way you put it makes it sound really awesome!”

The eye itself already had a mystical aura, and if it learned divination too, it would become even more mysterious.

The Ancestor choked up.

Whatever Qin Ruqing said always left her speechless. She let out a slow breath and continued, “However, his cultivation is not high, and he’s still young. The Heavenly Eye is probably not fully mature.”

Qin Ruqing nodded understandingly. “I get that. Anything really impressive isn’t going to mature right away. Look at my Dao Physique; it’s only just awakening, and I haven’t even seen any signs of advancing.”

Qin Ruqing had decided to make a trip to Small Floating Island in the Western Ridge.

On one hand, she needed to find some Profound Heart Liquid for the Elder, and on the other hand, her Dao Physique advancement and refining of her life-bound magical tool required countless treasures from heaven and earth.

According to Tang Zifeng, Small Floating Island was a high-yield secret realm of heavenly treasures.

With her spiritual treasure exploration detector, she planned to go in and reap a windfall.

Qin Ruqing was already lost in thoughts about the Western Ridge when the Ancestor waved her hand to bring her attention back.

She still had a mysterious smile on her lips as she asked, “Haha, Elder, what did you just say?”

The Ancestor sighed helplessly. “…I said, since the Heavenly Eye indicated your father’s fortune is still favorable today, you should depart immediately.”

Qin Ruqing quickly covered her mouth with her hand, suppressing the laughter that she couldn’t hide, and then replied seriously, “Yes!”

The Ancestor turned away casually. “Stop covering up; your mischievous thoughts are written all over your face.”

Qin Ruqing hurriedly followed with quick, small steps.

In other words, it was that obvious!”

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