Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 6

Qin Ruqing lay on the bed, letting out a long sigh of relief.

“System, how are things? Has my assessed potential reached the level you mentioned? Are our lives safe now?”

Earlier, in the clan hall with so many people around, including the ancestor, Qin Ruqing didn’t dare speak to the system for fear of exposing any flaws.

It wasn’t until she returned to her own room that she finally relaxed.

The system didn’t directly answer her questions but presented an option instead.

【The system interface has undergone a major change. Would you like to update?】

Qin Ruqing knew that success or failure hung on this decision.

Although she awakened to Dao physique and her potential was recognized as top-tier by the ancestors, whether it could change the prosperity of the family was still unknown.

She had chosen the most feasible path with the highest chance of survival among many possibilities.

She had done all she could; now, it was up to fate.

Qin Ruqing took a deep breath and uttered two words firmly, “Update!”

Suddenly, the system transformed.

The once empty and monotonous interface became rich and detailed.

In the virtual space, Qin Ruqing looked up, feeling that the system now truly looked like a “system”—

【Name: Establishing the Top Aristocrat Family in the Cultivation World】

【Main Quest: Elevate the Qin Clan from a declining cultivation family to the top sect in the cultivation world.】

【Side Quest 1 (Unlocked): Cultivate Outstanding Descendants】

The younger generation is the foundation for a family’s future development.

Having descendants with excellent potential is crucial for a family’s long-lasting prosperity.

【Other side quests await development…】

【Family Prosperity Value】

【Family Members】

【Family Wealth】

【System Store】


Skipping over other entries, Qin Ruqing focused directly on the Family Prosperity Value—after all, this was the only thing that determined whether she could keep her life.

“Are there specific methods for increasing prosperity values, or do I need to continue exploring?”

The column representing the Family Prosperity Value was distinct from the others.

Instead of text, it displayed a bright green progress bar divided into ten segments, each representing a level.

Qin Ruqing tentatively clicked on this progress bar and discovered more detailed numerical divisions inside.

The value for the first segment was:

The value for the second segment was:

The value for the third segment was:

… and so on.

The pattern of value growth was clear.

The first level had the lowest requirement, with increasingly higher requirements for each subsequent level, reaching almost exponential increases towards the end.

Currently, the prosperity bar was halfway through the first segment, displaying the value:

Qin Ruqing was somewhat surprised because the increase in prosperity was greater than she had imagined.

She remembered that before the system update, the progress bar had been just a hair’s breadth away from the final segment.

At that time, the system had marked this “hair’s breadth” in vivid red as a warning.

Now, the red line was gone, replaced by a healthy green segment of progress.

This was clearly a “relatively” safe distance — much safer than the previous thin line.

Qin Ruqing breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, her life was temporarily safe.

Even though the family’s prosperity value was still declining, with this progress bar, she should be able to buy more time.

After a moment’s thought, Qin Ruqing asked the system, “System, do you know the specific methods for increasing the prosperity value after I awakened to the Dao physique? Or do I need to continue exploring?”

“System, what exactly is this Dao physique?”

This unknown Dao physique seemed quite impressive.

Just having this Dao physique had propelled the family’s prosperity value forward by half a segment.

Although part of this was due to the system’s early upgrade with lower numerical requirements, and the good results of others’ aptitude tests.

But Qin Ruqing knew she was a significant factor in this.

【The system cannot comprehend unknown entities and can only analyze and respond to known and existing phenomena.】

Huh? Qin Ruqing was slightly surprised, then quickly understood.

Essentially, her system was categorized as a management and upgrade-oriented system, different from those transmigration systems with inherent storylines.

Like herself, it had limited understanding of this world.

It needed to collect data through experiences and specific events.

Therefore, it could only analyze and judge based on existing information and couldn’t explain unfamiliar terms.

So, was this why only one side quest had been activated?

Qin Ruqing had wondered before why there was only one side quest with the rest marked for future development.

Now, it seemed triggering Side Quest 1 was due to her decision to give the Awakening Pearl to Qin Qiurong.

And perhaps the other side quests hadn’t appeared because there hadn’t been an “event” to trigger them?

Considering this, Qin Ruqing asked, “System, must side quests be triggered by specific events?”

The system responded: 【Not entirely. If the host has a self-planned strategy for the family’s development, and if this strategy, after system analysis, is deemed capable of advancing the main quest, then the system will adopt it as a new side quest.】

Got it.

In other words, there are two ways to activate side quests.

“One approach is triggering events like before, while another relies on the ‘host’ actively creating.

The host can customize the developmental path for their own family.

As long as the direction is correct and advances the main storyline, the system can approve it.

That sounds great!

Qin Ruqing couldn’t help but feel delighted.

After all, she was an advanced player of ‘Top Aristocrat Family’, with strategy guides she authored receiving tens of thousands of likes and bookmarks on Livestream.

Since the operation logic of this dog-like system is similar to the game, she can completely use her experience to upgrade the system and set up side storylines.

Otherwise, waiting for this broken plot to trigger itself, wouldn’t that take forever?

Who knows, she might already be long gone before the next side storyline triggers.

Okay, okay.

Qin Ruqing calmed down and started thinking about which side storylines she could set up.

She immediately thought of today’s clan inspection.

Seemingly calm clan inspection, but actually tumultuous.

One thing is very obvious — internal conflicts within the Qin family.

This family unexpectedly has a tendency towards internal strife!

This is not good.

Truly prosperous and thriving large families are very united and of one mind.

If the family continues like this, with internal divisions persisting, problems are bound to arise in the future.

And the reason for the family’s conflicts is simple — the instability of the Qin family’s main branch has caused dissatisfaction among the other branches, who are now eyeing each other warily.

Look at Second Uncle today arguing with Dad in the ancestral hall, it’s practically…

“He staged what could be called a living troublemaker. He’s not only unwilling to accept Dad as the clan leader, but with the Grand elder standing behind him, his authority is even greater.

Hmm… As for why Second Uncle and Grand Elder are so closely connected, that goes back to the disputes of the previous generation.

Qin Ruqing herself isn’t very clear on it.

She only knows that the Grand Elder’s biological son died saving the previous clan leader.

Since Grand Elder didn’t have any more children, he adopted Second Uncle.

But adoption is just the mortal world’s term for it; it’s not that strict.

It means Second Uncle serves Grand elder, but he still follows the generational hierarchy with Dad’s generation, hence the second branch of the Qin family.

Think about it, the Grand elder is from the generation of the ancestors, highly respected in the Qin family.

With him backing Second Uncle, the second branch naturally becomes powerful.

This has also led to division within the family and even factions forming.

In addition, unlike Second Uncle , who has powerful support,

Aunt Qin Dexin relies solely on her martial prowess.

I heard her cultivation is now on par with the Grand elder , but unlike him, her biggest advantage is youth.

It can be said that Aunt Qin Dexin is currently the most promising person in the Qin family to build a foundation, with limitless potential.

Because of this, she married using ‘recruitment’ methods and brought her uncle into the Qin family, giving birth to Qin Qiurong, a legitimate descendant of the Qin family.

In this world, strength is everything, so she never holds back against her own father the current patriarch.

By comparison, the main branch appears relatively weak.

Dad’s strength isn’t outstanding, and his household management skills aren’t remarkable either.

To put it nicely, he ‘leads by virtue,’ but less charitably, he’s considered somewhat mediocre and too gentle, thus unable to deter those beneath him.”

“Although the ancestor shows more favoritism towards our main branch, considering he raised and taught Dad, this closeness seems insignificant when it comes to major matters.

After all, the ancestor is fair-minded and usually focuses on cultivation and healing, rarely involving himself in family affairs.

Qin Ruqing sighed inwardly, ‘Dad, your methods of running the family are too gentle! This won’t work!

Gentleness needs to be backed by strong power.

If your own strength isn’t enough, being gentle will only make others think you’re easy to bully.’

After this analysis, Qin Ruqing already knew how to establish the second subplot.

[Side Quest 2: Creating a harmonious and united family atmosphere.]

No internal strife! Only when united can a family act as a strong cord, where 1+1 equals more than 2!

To ensure the subplot she created is substantial, Qin Ruqing emulated the system by adding a few explanatory sentences below.

‘Well done! This is very systematic.’

Qin Ruqing became addicted and set a subplot task below this one.

[Subplot Task: Enhance the prestige of Clan Leader Qin Deming.]

Initially, she wanted to write about enhancing the clan leader’s strength.

However, upon reflection, she realized focusing solely on strength would be too narrow, considering there are other factors to consider.

—Improving household management skills, fair judgments, rallying the hearts of the people…

These can all enhance prestige.

Of course, strength is the most direct means of enhancement.

With a clan leader possessing strong prestige, the entire family can form cohesion and be tightly knit.

Planning to develop this…

With these thoughts in mind, Qin Ruqing turned to the system and said, ‘System, please evaluate whether this subplot can be established.’

This was an experiment.

If successful, she would have a clear direction in mind.

The system quickly responded: [Evaluation meets criteria. Shall I update to the subplot interface?]’

Qin Ruqing was delighted and immediately replied, ‘Update.’


She felt she now thoroughly understood the essence of how the system operated.

Having successfully added one subplot, Qin Ruqing continued with her thoughts, starting to establish a third subplot.

In truth, she didn’t need to think too hard; the answer was almost ready to burst forth in her mind.

The Ancestor!

As the peak combat power of the clan, the Ancestor was an unavoidable focus.

It could be said that the potential of a clan was largely determined by the Ancestor.

Reflecting on today’s events in the ancestral hall, Qin Ruqing recalled several key points from her memory.

Firstly: The Ancestor is injured.

This point was crucial! Het injury, especially if it remained unrecovered, significantly diminished the Ancestor’s strength.

Qin Ruqing even speculated that perhaps it was because of the Ancestor’s injury that the Qin family had fallen to its current state.

If the Ancestor’s injury could be healed, could the Qin family’s strength rise to a higher level?

Thus, the third subplot was now clear to her.

[Subplot 3: Top-tier Combat Power — Enhancing the Ancestor’s Strength.]

As the peak combat power of the clan, the Ancestor determines the upper limit of the family’s development.

If our family wants to become the foremost in the cultivation world, then our Ancestor must be the most formidable!

Under this subplot, Qin Ruqing also set a task.”

[Subplot Task: Heal the Ancestor’s Injury.]

Looking at the subplot she had outlined, Qin Ruqing nodded in satisfaction.

The system should approve this subplot as well.

But was this all? Besides the Ancestor’s injury, was there anything else she could explore?

Qin Ruqing couldn’t help but think of something that had particularly concerned her today.

— The Ancestor’s attitude.

Despite the family’s treasury being insufficient, the Ancestor unexpectedly took out his personal sword and instructed someone to sell it.

She even mentioned that resources for nurturing Qin Ruqing and Qin Qirong could come from his private treasury.

Both she and Qin Qirong had high-grade aptitudes, with Qin Ruqing being even of Gold Grade, making the costs involved astronomical.

The reactions from the elders at that time were extremely strong, with many expressing disapproval.

Giving away the sword would inevitably affect the Ancestor’s strength to some extent.

Using his private treasury to support younger generations — with limited resources, allocating them to younger generations would make it even harder for the Ancestor’s injury to heal.

Therefore, the elders naturally opposed it in every way.

However, in the end, the Ancestor forcefully suppressed all opposing voices, unexpectedly firm in her stance.

What did this indicate? On one hand, it certainly showed the Ancestor’s selflessness and dedication to the family.

That was beyond doubt. But was that the only reason?

— Could it be that the Ancestor himself also had a problem with her mindset?

Various thoughts flashed through Qin Ruqing’s mind.

It reminded her of something the Ancestor had said before.

“As for the sword, there aren’t many opportunities to wield it anymore. What use is there in keeping it?”

Aren’t many opportunities to wield it anymore? What did that mean? Did the Ancestor no longer wish to fight? Or… was there something fundamentally

already unable to move her hands a few times?”

To be honest, when Qin Ruqing thought of this, she instinctively shook her head.

This speculation was too distressing; she had a good impression of the Ancestor when they first met.

The Ancestor must have been a remarkable figure in her youth, perhaps even a deity-like character.

Now, seeing her pessimistic mindset made Qin Ruqing feel uneasy.

Yes, she had figured it out.

The reason the Ancestor was so selfless was partly due to her concern for the family.

But could it also mean that she felt hopeless about her injury ever healing? With a despondent heart, had she lost much of her will to persevere?

After pondering for a while, Qin Ruqing felt her guess made sense.

Thinking it over, she decided to make unraveling the Ancestor’s emotional turmoil a new subplot task.

Once she confirmed there were no omissions, she submitted it to the system for review again.

This time, the system took longer to analyze.

The final result was that Subplot Three was successfully established, which was within Qin Ruqing’s expectations.

However, the issue lay with the last task.

[Resolve the Ancestor’s Emotional Turmoil (Pending Confirmation)]

Indeed, the system updated it on the interface, but the task was grayed out, indicating it couldn’t be activated or closed.

Thinking about it, Qin Ruqing understood the system’s intention.

The conclusion that “the Ancestor has emotional turmoil” was her speculation, but there was too little evidence at present to prove its validity.

Therefore, the system couldn’t classify it as a formal task; it could only remain in a “pending confirmation” state.

If in the future she found sufficient evidence to substantiate this, then the subplot task could be activated.

Looking at the refreshed system interface, Qin Ruqing breathed a sigh of relief.

She was methodical and enjoyed planning. With the direction set, all that remained was to press forward.

Feeling somewhat excited, Qin Ruqing’s gaze sharpened, and she exclaimed, “System, expand the complete subplot interface!”

[Subplot One: Outstanding Descendants]

[Subplot Two: Harmonious and United Family Atmosphere]

Task (1): Enhance the Clan Leader’s Prestige

[Subplot Three: Top-tier Combat Power]

Task (1): Heal the Ancestor’s Injury

Task (2): Resolve the Ancestor’s Emotional Turmoil (Pending Confirmation)

Qin Ruqing’s eyes scanned these subplots, privately assessing which one to tackle first.

The clan inspection had just concluded, and the Spirit Awakening Pearl had been used up, so there was definitely no immediate way to enhance the aptitude of other descendants.

Subplot One was currently at a standstill.

As for the Ancestor, his level was too distant from hers, and he was often in seclusion, making it impossible for her to reach him.

Subplot Three couldn’t develop either.

Only Subplot Two…

That seemed promising.

Well, after all, the Clan Leader was her own father.”

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