Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 60

After capturing Spirit Fox, Qin Ruqing and her group didn’t linger in the area for long.

Although it was no longer within the wolf pack’s territory, they were still cautious about being discovered by the Wolf King.

They dashed ahead for a while before finally stopping.

Qin Deming glanced at the black cloth bag Qin Dexin was holding and asked, “Qingqing, since when did your blood have this effect? That little fox came running just from smelling it.”

Indeed, Qin Ruqing had added her own diluted blood to the tail.

In addition, she had mixed in highly concentrated Spirit Flower nectar.

Spirit Flower nectar was a grooming aid for beautiful fur and was greatly favored by Fox Iris Spirits as a delightful treat.

However, Spirit Flowers were rare.

Qin Ruqing had searched all through her family’s repeated secret realms and even exchanged points with the system to gather enough concentrated nectar.

But Qin Ruqing later thought it might not be secure enough.

Sweet treats were still just sweet treats and might not be enchanting enough.

If there was something that could quietly attract monsters’ spirits, like how rare spiritual items attracted monsters…

Qin Ruqing went to ask the Ancestor if he could provide her with such a powder.

The Ancestor looked at her with a gaze that seemed like he wanted to crack open her skull to see what was inside.

Her strange request was like saying, “Hey, Ancestor, can you concoct a poison that quietly kills Golden Core monsters so we can gather grass?”

Under the Ancestor’s silent gaze, Qin Ruqing belatedly realized that her request might have been a bit much.

Well, since the Ancestor couldn’t produce it, she would find her own solution.

In the end, Qin Ruqing really thought of something.

No one understood how—she actually wanted to try her own blood…

But Qin Ruqing felt her reasoning was quite understandable.

Didn’t she have the Blue Lotus Dao Physique? According to the Ancestor, the awakened Blue Lotus blood had powerful healing effects, comparable to sixth-grade elixirs.

It had been proven; last time she fought with Zhang Li, that old thief, she had been blasted into a sorry state but bounced back after lying in bed for three days.

Qin Ruqing believed her blood was truly valuable, its effects rivaling mid-grade spiritual items.

But whether this blood could attract monsters remained to be seen.

Qin Ruqing set out to prove it within her family’s secret realms, enlisting Qi Rong, Lu Wei, and Third Aunt.

Since they needed to provoke Golden Core monsters, they naturally brought along Third Aunt, a Foundation Establishment cultivator skilled in combat, to ensure their safety.

The experiment proved that the blood was very effective—extremely effective.

It was so effective that it nearly caused a riot in half the forest’s monsters the day it was used.

Fortunately, Qin Dexin was very capable, driving those monsters back with a big sword.

After it was over, her robe was in disarray, and she couldn’t help but glare at Qin Ruqing.

Although Qin Ruqing had told her what this trip was for, she couldn’t believe the blood had been so effective.

The monsters smelled it and immediately became intoxicated, as if they had drunk fake alcohol.

Qin Dexin knew the situation was serious and brought Qin Ruqing in front of the Ancestor.

After listening, the Ancestor was also quite surprised. “So the blood of the Blue Lotus Dao Physique actually has such a strong attraction to monsters?” Based on her knowledge of pharmacy, he quickly understood

“Step Two of the Plan” — Luring the Great Tiger out of its Den.

The plan was roughly this: the Ancestor held a low-grade version of the Ice and Fire Dual Herb, attracting the attention of the Great Tiger, then swiftly ran towards the territory of the wolf pack, where the scent would eventually disappear.

This low-grade Ice and Fire Dual Herb was something Qin Ruqing found, resembling the aura of Ice and Fire, soaked in the Ice Spring and Fire Spring for three days.

Normally, the herb would have died from such treatment, but Qin Ruqing used her blood to keep it alive.

Thus, this ” Ice and Fire Twin Herb” with its Ice and Fire aura was created.

It was essentially not meant for observation or play; at most, one could only smell it.

Hence, the Ancestor needed to attract the attention of the Great Tiger and then flee swiftly.

This task required someone with a higher cultivation level who could escape under the Gold Core stage beast.

Naturally, the Ancestor took on the responsibility without hesitation.

She was at the Peak Foundation Establishment stage, and the Great Tiger was only at the early Gold Core Formation stage and injured.

Despite the difference in realms, the Ancestor couldn’t defeat it in battle, but escaping was well within her capabilities.

Now, the Ancestor was wandering around the territory of the Shuangquan Mountains, holding the low-grade Ice and Fire Twin Herb.

She couldn’t stop; if she did, the Great Tiger would lock onto her scent.

So, the Ancestor was constantly moving back and forth, blending into the shadows like a dark ghost.

Inside the cave, the Great Tiger suddenly opened its beastly eyes, sniffing the air with its nostrils.

A human-like confusion appeared on its fierce face.

How did it smell the scent of the Ice and Fire Dual Herb?

But it didn’t quite seem right; the scent was even better than that of the Ice and Fire Dual Herb?

The Great Tiger sprang up in a single leap, transforming into a streak of red light.

First, it rushed to the side of the Ice and Fire Dual Herb, seeing the precious herb still vibrant and alive, it relaxed slightly.

However… sniffing with its nose, it found that the aura very similar to the Ice and Fire Dual Herb was still present.

Releasing its spiritual consciousness to lock onto it, it discovered that the aura was elusive and impossible to capture.

The Cold-Fire Tiger Demon hesitated.

It wanted to chase after the mysterious aura and see what it was, but it didn’t dare to venture too far from its territory.

Just as it hesitated for a moment, the aura unexpectedly moved downstream along the Shuangquan.

Wasn’t that… the territory of the Three-eyed Wolves?

The mysterious scent enticed the Great Tiger, causing intense internal turmoil.

Moreover… heading towards the territory of the Three-eyed Wolves, could it be that the Three-eyed Wolves were up to something again?

Wasn’t it here to steal the herb and drive it away? Could it have turned back?

After pondering for a moment, the Great Tiger swiftly moved from upstream to downstream of the Shuangquan.

A round trip at full speed took no more than a dozen breaths.

Even if there was an accident, it could rush back in time.

It followed the mysterious aura.

Not long after the Cold-Flame Tiger left, three figures in concealed black robes swiftly entered its cave.

After Qin Ruqing stopped, she quickly surveyed the cave.

Seeing a circle of small stones surrounding the tallest platform and some dried grass, she figured it must be the Great Tiger’s bed.

“Hurry, Thied Auntie, put the Spirit Fox up there!”

Qin Dexin didn’t say much, placing the small white fox from the black cloth bag onto the stone platform and was about to turn and leave.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ruqing carefully approached and gently brushed Little White Fox, messing up its smooth fur, presenting it as if it had been bullied.

Finally satisfied with how things looked, Qin Dexin’s mouth twitched.

Meanwhile, Qin Deming, who was on lookout duty, anxiously called out, “Daughter, hurry up and leave before the Cold-Flame Tiger returns.”

Qin Ruqing responded, “Alright, alright, let’s go!”

But after taking a few steps, she suddenly stopped, looking up at a certain spot on the cave ceiling.

That aura…

Qin Ruqing stepped onto the rocks a few paces away and pulled aside the dried grass stuffed outside.

Sure enough, inside was a small hole, where two fruits—one red and one white—lay peacefully.

Qin Ruqing quickly cast a spiritual barrier over the fruits to seal their aura, swiftly stashing them into her storage bag.

Then she turned and said, “Let’s go, let’s go, the Cold-FlameTiger might return any moment.”

Her actions were so fluid and uninterrupted, leaving Qin Deming and Qin Dexin stunned.

But this wasn’t the time for words.

The three shadowy figures arrived swiftly and departed just as silently.

Meanwhile, the Cold-Flame Tiger, chasing after the mysterious aura, suddenly realized the scent had disappeared around the territory of the wolf pack.

Unknowingly, it had entered the wolf pack’s territory—there was no help for it; the scent was too enticing and matched its Ice and Fire nature.

The Cold-Flame Tiger wasn’t alarmed, as the Three-eyed Wolf sneaked into its territory every day, and it had to drive away this persistent nuisance.

Now, it had only entered the Three-eyed Wolf’s territory, which wasn’t a big deal.

Just as it was about to carefully search for the aura, the Great Tiger seemed to sense something.

Its body shook, and a trace of fury surged on its beastly face. Roaring loudly, it turned to dash back.

However, its roar alarmed the patrolling wolf pack.

Discovering the intruder was the Cold-Flame Tiger lurking near the Shuangquan Mountains, the wolves couldn’t help but howl in unison, summoning their king.

The Green-Eyed Wolf King had been about to return, but upon hearing the wolves’ calls, it knew something major was happening in its territory.

Its third green eye suddenly lit up, swiftly navigating through countless obstacles to witness the skirmish in its domain.

An Arctic Flame Beast had actually barged into its territory and was fighting with its wolf brethren!

This was outrageous.

The Wolf King roared furiously and swiftly rushed back like the wind.

A Gold Core stage beast could move incredibly fast.

Within moments, the Wolf King arrived before the Cold-Flame Tiger.

Without a word, it swiped a claw at the Great Tiger’s hindquarters.

The Cold-Flame Tiger Beast winced in pain, then turned to wrestle with the Wolf King.

‘How dare you trespass in my territory!’

“Who invaded your territory? I even suspected you stole my Ice and Fire Dual Herb!”

That aura had disappeared around the wolf pack’s territory.

The Wolf King didn’t understand, but that didn’t stop it from sinking its teeth into a chunk of the Cold-Flame Tiger’s flesh.

‘Roar, foolish wolf! Don’t bother me; I must swiftly return to my territory!’

The Wolf King remained silent but delivered another heavy blow.

Was its territory a place where anyone could come and go as they pleased?

The two beasts fought fiercely.

In the end, the Great Tiger, anxious to leave, tricked the Wolf King and swiftly escaped.

Feeling victorious, the Wolf King was about to celebrate when its wolf subordinate rushed over, reporting that the Spirit Fox was missing.

The Wolf King’s eyes widened in shock.

Indeed, Spirit Fox was nowhere to be found.

The Wolf King and its subordinates searched the entire territory but found no trace of the Spirit Fox.

The Wolf King’s search was not aimless; it knew Spirit Fox often sneaked out to play. Normally, it turned a blind eye, but engaging in some back-and-forth with several male foxes, the Wolf King ended up raiding the homes of those foxes but still found no trace of Spirit Fox.

The Wolf King was now thoroughly panicked.

Where could she be? Where did she go?

At that moment, a wolf subordinate conducting a thorough search reported finding traces of Spirit Fox.

Along the path leading up the Shuangquan River, they discovered her fur.

Judging from the marks left by her fur, Spirit Fox had headed towards the direction of Shuangquan Mountains.

Initially hesitant to question the report, the Wolf King soon erupted in rage.

Shuangquan Mountains—that was the territory of the Cold-Flame Tiger.

No wonder it had suddenly intruded into their territory and left in a hurry earlier. Could it be that the Great Tiger had kidnapped Spirit Fox?!

The Wolf King let out a long howl, ‘Everyone, follow me to Shuangquan Mountains! The entire wolf pack mobilized!’

Meanwhile, the Great Tiger, on its way back to its territory, first checked on the Ice and Fire Dual Grass.

The little grass was still standing there, which relieved the Great Tiger.

But soon its beastly face tensed up again because it sensed a strange aura coming from the cave.

Just as the Cold-Flame Tiger was about to investigate, a black shadow swept in like a tornado from downstream—it was the Wolf King.

It charged towards the Cold-Flame Tiger as if preparing for a life-or-death battle.

The Great Tiger’s body tensed up instantly.

Could it be that the Wolf King was here to snatch the herb?

As it turned out, that wasn’t the case.

The Wolf King arrived near Shuangquan and immediately demanded, “Where have you taken my Wife, Spirit fox?”

This puzzled the Cold-Flame Tiger Beast.

If the Wolf King wasn’t here for the herb, why was it so aggressive?

Before the Great Tiger could respond, the Wolf King sniffed the air and its dark beastly face suddenly contorted in an intense expression.

It had caught the scent of Spirit Fox—inside the Cold-Flame Tiger’s den.

The Wolf King went berserk, letting out a wild howl and transformed into a black streak, rushing into the Great Tiger’s cave. The Great Tiger seemed to realize something and followed suit.

The Wolf King stood dumbfounded in the cave, staring at the scene atop the platform.

The Spirit Fox was still lying there, asleep (or unconscious), her fur disheveled, a look of ecstasy (dreaming of that haunting aura), appearing as if she had been…

Ahhh—! (Cue the red wolf going mad meme)

The Wolf King screamed frantically, then turned to look at the bewildered Great Tiger who had followed behind, its eyes turning red on the spot.

The next moment, all hell broke loose.

The Wolf King dragged the Great Tiger out of the cave and began tearing into it furiously.

The Great Tiger, bewildered, fought back after taking a few blows.

“What madness is this!”

“How dare you take my wife, Spirit fox…” The Wolf King didn’t finish its sentence, consumed by the frenzy of biting down with every breath.

“What Spirit fox? It wasn’t me!”

Eventually, unable to explain itself, the Cold-Flame Tiger was completely enraged.

Both rulers of their domains, who would fear whom!

The two Gold Core stage beasts fought with all their might, their commotion spreading throughout the entire Shuangquan Mountains.

Just as birds scattered and small animals fled, a dark shadow silently arrived at the confluence of the Shuangquan rivers.

Without stopping for even a moment, like a dragonfly skimming water, she snatched the herb and fled in the direction of the exit to the primeval forest.

Amidst the ongoing battle, the Great Tiger suddenly froze, its beastly eyes fixating, followed by a roar, “Grass, stop fighting, Grass!”

The Wolf King was beyond reason, blinded by rage, paying no heed to whether it was about the Ice-Fire Dual Grass or not, He only wants to fight to the Death!

During the moment the tiger was distracted, the Wolf King viciously bit its backside.

The Cold-Flame Tiger Beast was now truly enraged.

Finally letting loose without holding back, it struck the Wolf King with a powerful blow and roared, “Your three eyes are useless! The Ice and Fire Dual Grass is gone!”

“You’re so blind! No wonder the Spirit fox ran to me on her own!”

Upon hearing this, the Wolf King’s three green eyes widened in unison, preparing to fight the tiger head-on.

However, at that moment, a furry figure emerged from the only intact den nearby.

Rubbing her eyes, Spirit Fox looked at the battling beasts and asked in confusion, “Great King, where am I?”

The Wolf King was momentarily stunned.

It glanced at the almost panicked Cold-Flame Tiger, then at the bewildered Spirit Fox, and finally at the empty spot where the Holy Gras had been.

It suddenly dawned on them—they had been tricked!

Both beasts immediately turned their efforts toward chasing after the intruder into the outskirts of the jungle.

Meanwhile, at the entrance of the primeval Jungle, Qin Deming and Qin Dexin respectfully bowed to a long-browed Cultivator.

Qin Deming spoke loudly, “Elder Fifth, there are two Gold Core stage beasts fighting in the primeval forest, causing a disturbance. We request your intervention!”

The Elder raised their eyes, sensing the turmoil in the forest where birds and beasts were startled, and detected two powerful beastly auras heading towards the outskirts of the forest.

His brows furrowed with a hint of anger.

“You all wait here,” the Elder said as they vanished from the spot in an instant.

Seeing this, Qin Ruqing, who had been respectfully bowing, finally let a small smile play on her lips.

The final step of the plan, the “Green Hat Plan,” involved finding a powerful cultivator from Celestial Bureau to serve as a backup.

Even if they didn’t retrieve the herb, it would prevent a catastrophe in the primeval Jungle and save their lives.

Now that the Fifth Elder of the Celestial Bureau had intervened, someone had indeed come to their rescue.

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