Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 61.1

As for how the Elder of the Celestial Bureau in Southern Ridge was recruited, there is naturally a story behind it.

It was already the third day since they returned from the jungle.

In the previous two days, Qin Ruqing had prepared meticulously and devised a detailed plan.

According to the plan, they should have set off immediately, but Qin Ruqing hesitated unexpectedly.

She felt that something was lacking in this plan. What was lacking? It was the sense of security.

There shouldn’t be a problem with luring the Spirit Spirit, as it was only at the Foundation Establishment stage.

With three Foundation Establishment experts in their family, even if two were sent out, it would be more than enough.

The main concern was with the Ancestor.

It wouldn’t be too difficult for the Ancestor to lure the Great Tiger out of its cave in the early stages.

After all, the Ancestor had achieved Peak Foundation Establishment Stage and was skilled in combat.

Therefore, although the Ancestor couldn’t defeat the Great Tiger, escaping from its grasp wouldn’t be a problem.

The problem lay in how to deal with the enraged and frenzied Golden Core stage beast after obtaining the grass.

Since both the Wolf King and the Great Tiger would likely be angered simultaneously if the grass were taken while they were distracted, considering their covetousness of the grass.

Qin Ruqing had considered whether to have the Ancestor return quickly to retrieve the grass while the Great Tiger was lured away to the Wolf Clan’s territory.

However, she dismissed this idea after thinking it over.

Firstly, time was too tight.

Regardless of the Ancestor’s strength, which was only at Foundation Establishment, he couldn’t match a Golden Core stage beast.

Trying to lure it to the Wolf Clan’s territory while retrieving the grass ahead of it carried its own risks.

Secondly, if there were no beasts of equal rank to entangle the Great Tiger, it would inevitably be furious upon its return to find the grass missing and would chase the Ancestor with all its might, putting him in danger.

Therefore, the Great Tiger had to be delayed!

They had to wait until the Wolf King discovered the suspicion of the Spirit Fox infidelity, went mad with rage, and wanted to fight the Great Tiger to the death.

When two Golden Core stage beasts fought with all their might, it wouldn’t be child’s play.

That would be the best opportunity for the Ancestor to retrieve the grass.

Even if the Greatt Tiger discovered the missing grass and wanted to chase the Ancestor, the irrational Wolf King could still delay it for some time, providing enough opportunity for the Ancestor to escape.

At this point, the plan seemed quite complete and had a high chance of success.

However, Qin Ruqing also had to consider one thing: when the two Golden Core stage beasts woke up and realized they had been deceived and that the Ice-Fire Dual Grass had been taken away, they would inevitably be furious and riot, potentially causing havoc outside the primal jungle and harming the surrounding people.

If such a situation arose, the matter would develop in an uncontrollable direction, causing significant consequences that the Qin family could not afford.

Therefore, there had to be someone to take responsibility for this matter! And ideally, this person should have a legitimate reason to take responsibility.

Thus, the Celestial Bureau naturally came to Qin Ruqing’s mind.

In the middle of the contemplation, when Qin Ruqing mentioned the Celestial Bureau , the Ancestor immediately frowned, sat up slightly straighter, and became serious. “You want to involve the Celestial Bureau in this matter?”

The Ancestor didn’t think this idea was far-fetched, but asked seriously, “Since you dare to propose this, I assume you have a reason. Speak, under what pretext?”

Qin Ruqing chuckled lightly, but her eyes sharpened as she softly uttered two words, “There’s been unusual activity in the southern primal jungle, with a large gathering of high-level beasts frequently appearing on the outskirts. The Qin family happened to inform the Celestial Bureau and seek guidance!”

“Beast tide ahead!”

The air fell silent for a moment.

The Ancestor seemed startled by these words and took a while to find her voice again. “You, girl, dare to say such things… a beast tide ahead? Aren’t you afraid that the Celestial Bureau will punish you under the guise of spreading rumors!”

Qin Ruqing smiled faintly, but her gaze remained calm.

She dared to propose because there was room to maneuver in this matter.

Shaking her head, she said, “Spreading rumors? I wouldn’t dare take that charge. Ancestor, you know in your heart that I haven’t lied. Previously, when we explored the jungle, we found the atmosphere strange, with a large number of high-level beasts appearing on the periphery and frequently becoming agitated. Such a situation is already unusual. The Qin family, as guardians of the Nanling Mountains, discovered abnormalities and promptly reported them to the Celestial Bureau. As for the beast tide coming early, it’s just a reasonable inference in our report. What crime is there in that!”

The Ancestor looked at Qin Ruqing with a complex expression but remained silent.

There were things she understood better than Qin Ruqing.

The Qin family fulfilled their duties by reporting abnormalities promptly.

It was the duty of the Celestial Bureau to maintain balance among the noble families and ensure stability in the Nanling Mountains.

Now that someone had reported unusual activities in the southern jungle, possibly the precursor to a beast tide, the Elder of Celestial Bureau had no choice but to investigate.

Each Elder of Celestial Bureau served locally for a hundred years, and then they either moved up to a higher level within the Celestial Bureau hierarchy or stepped down.

Stepping down meant they could no longer hold this position.

If what the Qin family said was true about the beast tide coming early, it would indicate mismanagement by the Fifth Elder in Celestial Bureau Southern Ridge, and therefore, regardless of duty or personal reasons, the Fifth Elder should make a visit.

After sighing, the Ancestor immediately made up her mind.

There was indeed something unusual in the jungle, and the Qin family had reported it promptly, as they should have.

Whether the Elder of the Celestial Bureau cared or not was no longer within the Qin family’s control.

Ancestor Wenxuan stood up, glanced at Qin Ruqing, and suddenly said, “I will visit the Celestial Bureau Office. You shall accompany me.”

Huh? Asking her to accompany him to the Celestial Bureau Office?

There was meaning behind this…

Qin Ruqing’s eyes flashed briefly, without hesitation, she smiled and agreed.

The Celestial Bureau was situated north of the Nanling Mountains, nestled between the Nanling and Beiling ranges.

It was located on a moderately sized mountain peak, not striving for an unattainable height in appearance because its position and influence were already established.

A few short pine trees stood at the mountain’s entrance, and between white walls and grey tiles, wisps of clouds drifted, exuding an ethereal and aloof aura, indifferent to worldly affairs.

Ancestor Wenxuan flew with Qin Ruqing to the entrance of the mountain.

The Ancestor stopped, and Qin Ruqing approached to knock on the door.

It was opened by a young child who, upon hearing that the Qin family had arrived for a visit, respectfully ushered them inside.

After serving them spirit tea, he said, “Please wait a moment, the Elder will be here shortly.”

The most distinctive feature of the Fifth Elder of the Celestial Bureau Office was his two long eyebrows and the feather duster he held, giving him a very immortal-like demeanor.

After he entered, a man in a blue robe followed him.

Before Qin Ruqing approached, the Ancestor had reminded her that the Fith Elder was always accompanied by a scribe, and she should show due respect when meeting him.

After the Fifth Elder took his seat, he looked towards the Ancestor without any airs and spoke in a friendly tone, “Wenxuan Ancestor, what brings you here…?”

The Ancestor didn’t beat around the bush and spoke directly, “A few days ago, my Qin family journeyed to the southern primal jungle and discovered highly unusual conditions. There’s been an extraordinary number of high-level beasts appearing on the outskirts, and these beasts are unusually agitated, frequently engaging in battles. We fear there may be… complications. Thus, we’ve come to report to the Celestial Bureau.”

Upon hearing this, both the Fifth Elder and the man in the blue robe behind him visibly changed their expressions.

Unusual turmoil among the jungle beasts could range from minor disturbances—since beasts were never quiet and scuffles were normal—to major disruptions affecting the nearby residents or even hinting at a beast tide.

The situation could escalate to astronomical proportions.

As the Fifth Elder pondered, Ancestor Wenxuan continued, “In response, the Qin family conducted several days of reconnaissance around the jungle and gathered information from the residents of Yuanshan Town.

The phenomenon in the jungle appears not to be isolated. After careful consideration, the Qin family believes this matter to be of great significance, possibly indicating an early onset of a beast tide. Therefore, we dare not delay and have come to seek guidance from the Celestial Bureau.”

The man in the blue robe glanced at Qin Wenxuan with a strange look.

Known for his prudence and adherence to facts, Qin Wenxuan rarely spoke with such seriousness, especially mentioning a “potential complication” and now “an early onset of a beast tide.”

Could the situation in the southern primal jungle truly be this severe? With these statements, the Celestial Bureau had no choice but to intervene.

Sure enough, the Fifth Elder nodded solemnly and said, “Is that so? The Celestial Bureau will certainly dispatch someone to investigate thoroughly.”

Seemingly here solely to report this matter, Wenxuan Ancestor continued matter-of-factly, “Furthermore, the disturbances around the jungle perimeter are related to a clash between two Golden Core stage great demons.

These two beasts are fighting over a Ice-Fire Dual Grass and have taken up residence on the jungle’s outskirts, posing a threat to the residents of Yuanshan Town.”

This statement from Ancestor Wenxuan carried significant weight.

While it seemed like a report, it subtly pointed out that the root of the problem lay in the “clash between Golden Core stage Demon Beast.”

Since it involved Golden Core beasts, mere foot soldiers couldn’t handle it; the Fifth Elder had to take action.

The man in the blue robe asked, “How could there be two Golden Core stage great demons on the jungle’s outskirts?”

Ancestor Wenxuan remained composed and replied firmly, “That’s precisely the abnormality in the jungle.”

After a few more exchanges, during which the Ancestor and the Fifth Elder conversed, Qin Ruqing sat respectfully at the lower end, seemingly brought here today solely to listen.

As they prepared to leave, the Fifth Elder finally turned his gaze towards Qin Ruqing.

His scribe, sharp-eyed, asked, “And who might this be?”

“Oh, this is a clever little girl from our family, brought out to broaden her horizons.” Ancestor Wenxuan’s reply was casual.

Qin Ruqing stepped forward calmly and paid her respects to the Celestial Bureau Elders.

Apparently, meeting the Fifth Elder as a junior was already considered “broadening her horizons.”

The Fifth Elder’s eyes lingered on her for a moment, a flicker of surprise passing through them.

He nodded warmly to Qin Ruqing and even had his scribe offer her a token of respect.

Outside the mountain gate, Qin Ruqing opened the storage pouch—after all, it was from the Celestial Bureau .

The token of respect was packaged in a storage pouch, which might seem common but was actually quite valuable.

Typically, a simple wooden box would suffice for such gestures, but this pouch was a touch of luxury.

Closed the opening of the pouch, Qin Ruqing withdrew her divine sense and resealed it in an instant.

The Ancestor, hands behind her back, observed her actions. “How was it?”

Qin Ruqing grinned mischievously. “The Elder of the Celestial Bureau is quite generous. He gifted me a Four-Leaf Spirit Ganoderma.”

A flicker of surprise passed through the Ancestor’s eyes, then she chuckled. “Accept it. It means the Elder likes you.”

Qin Ruqing naturally accepted the gift without further comment.

“Likes me?” In reality, the Ancestor bringing her along today was merely symbolic: “This is a highly talented junior from our family. We’re betting on her future achieavements.

So, we’ve brought her here for you to see. If you also see her potential, it might raise our family’s favorability.

If there are difficulties in the future, could the Celestial Bureau provide some convenience?”

The Celestial Bureau’s response implied, “We’ve seen this child and find her quite promising. Here’s a token to affirm our approval.”

The Four-Leaf Spirit Ganoderma was highly valued by prominent families, and the fact that the Celestial Bureau gave it indicated their satisfaction.

After Qin Ruqing and the Ancestor left, the scribe in the blue robe stood behind the Fifth Elder.

“Sir, they’ve left.”

The Elder, hands behind his back, looked towards the mountain’s base and nodded.

“The Qin family is likely to return to the primal jungle. Are you planning to head there to investigate?”

“Why not?” The Fifth Elder’s tone remained calm. “With anomalies in the jungle, it’s the responsibility of the Celestial Bureau to investigate. Moreover, involving Golden Core stage demons beast, it’s appropriate for me to personally inspect.”

“But, you clearly understand that the unrest caused by those two Golden Core stage great demons may be related to the Qin family. They might have instigated the demon beasts and now seek your protection.”

The Fifth Elder remained unfazed. “As long as their reasons are sufficient and factual, intervening once won’t hurt. Besides, anomalies in the jungle are unlikely to be fabricated.”

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