Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 9.2

Qin Ruqing was small in stature but her voice was clear and piercing.

After this long string of words, the entire martial arts arena fell silent.

Grand Elder Zhang had already darkened his face when Qin Ruqing began speaking.

Now, as he looked at her without saying a word, his gaze was deep and oppressive.

Qin Ruqing lifted her small head defiantly, showing no fear.

She wasn’t rashly trying to uphold justice; she knew what she was doing.

Not to mention her recently discovered Dao physique, personally acknowledged by the Ancestors as a top-tier aptitude.

Just judging from Grand Elder Zhang’s character, based on her own observations and her parents’ evaluations— he wasn’t someone who blindly favored others.

Grand Elder Zhang stood for justice within the Qin family, but he did have some personal interests as long as they didn’t jeopardize the family’s future.

Overall, he was a qualified elder.

An elder like him wouldn’t ignore factions forming and provocations leading to internal conflicts within the school.

On the other hand, Qin Ruyu, who had been relatively calm until now, finally felt nervous seeing Qingqing directly confront Grand Elder Zhang.

He pulled Qin Ruqing behind him, intending to explain, “Grand Elder…”

Grand Elder Zhang’s gaze swept over the individuals involved, and finally he spoke sternly, “All of you, come forward!”

The troublemakers were singled out by Grand Elder Zhang, and he began to interrogate them, summoning their respective elders.

Qin Ruqing thought to herself that calling the parents was no big deal; she was used to it.

She already anticipated what would happen next—it was highly likely that each side would receive some form of punishment.

This was unacceptable. What had Big Brother done wrong? Clearly, he had been unjustly harmed today!

There was no reason for the victim and the perpetrator to receive equal punishment.

Qin Ruqing’s eyes darted around, and she began to write in Qin Ruyu’s palm.

Suddenly, Qin Ruyu felt a ticklish sensation in his palm.

After sensing it for a moment, he looked up in surprise.

He lowered his head and saw his sister’s grape-like eyes sparkling as she looked at him.

When she noticed him looking back, she pursed her lips and smiled sweetly, her eyes gleaming with cleverness.

Qingqing’s intention was…

Qin Deming and a few others who were called over heard about the incident.

Actually, in their eyes, this matter wasn’t a big deal.

Children would fight; who didn’t fight when they were in school? And this fight was still considered “official”—if you didn’t fight, what was the point of attending the sparring class?

But why did they still come over? Because this fight, to some extent, was a bit special.

The eldest young master and the second young master of the Qin family fighting—this involved the main house

“The first sons of the second branch actually represent the Qin family to a certain extent.

They fought. Isn’t that a conflict within the Qin family?

Even if it’s true, it can’t be put out in the open—wouldn’t that be embarrassing?

So, this matter needs handling.

Serious handling.

It must be fair and presentable.

Because this incident, although not large, is somewhat special, Grand Elder Zhang not only called the elders from both sides but also summoned several other elders, forming a small family council.

At this moment, the called elders exchanged glances, understanding they were here merely to observe.

How this matter would be handled depended mainly on the opinions of the main and second branches.

At this moment, Qin Deming and Qin Dehao were seated on opposite sides of the meeting hall.

Qin Deming was still contemplating, but Qin Dehao had already begun.

He lazily sat in his chair, adjusting his clothes casually, and smiled, “It’s just a dispute that started as an argument between the children, which escalated into a fight during sparring class. It doesn’t amount to a violation of clan rules. A simple warning for each, maybe a couple of days of temple cleaning, and that should be it.”

In his words, the initial provocation from the second branch became a mere argument.

Qin Dehao knew well that upon careful consideration, their second branch was indeed at fault to some extent.

However, considering that his second brother’s son had suffered serious injuries, if the main branch wasn’t intent on making an issue out of it, this matter could be smoothly settled.

Would the main branch make an issue out of it?

Qin Dehao’s fox-like eyes lazily scanned Qin Deming, and he couldn’t help but curl his lips in a contemptuous smile.

Both father and son in the main branch were like turtles, each more timid than the other.

How could they possibly make an issue out of it? How dare they?

Qin Dehao withdrew his gaze, feeling absolutely confident.

Qin Deming, on the other hand, was pondering in his mind.

Originally, they hadn’t done anything wrong in the main branch, but unfortunately, Ruyu had accidentally injured the second son.

It was a clear handle for others!

If the main branch pursued this matter, it would only lose its composure and give others a handle.

Qin Deming sighed inwardly and had already made a decision.

He felt somewhat aggrieved but still had to speak up:

“This matter isn’t so complicated. Since Qin Moli started with disrespectful words, he is at fault;

Qin Luanxuan did not mediate and instead instigated the challenge, which is also wrong;

As for Qin Ruyu, for not showing humility to his clan brothers and accidentally injuring Qin Luxuan during the match, he is also at fault.”

“Since all three are at fault, they will each be punished with the spirit herb and spirit stone subsidy issued by the academy this month, and also be required to kneel at the temple for three days. Do any of you have objections?”

As soon as this was said, Qin Dehao couldn’t help but lift the corners of his mouth in disdain.

Indeed, his elder brother’s character was as cowardly as ever.

He anticipated this with both joy and certainty, while also feeling a hint of contempt.

Qin Moli shook his head first.

Considering his biggest mistake in this matter, if the Patriarch didn’t investigate further, it was probably because he intended to let the second branch handle it privately.

In any case, he had managed to escape this time.

Qin Luxuan naturally had no objections either.

The only one left was Qin Ruyu.

Given Ruyu’s temperament, there shouldn’t be any problems.

Thinking like this in their hearts, everyone was already planning to disperse.

However, what they didn’t expect was for Qin Ruyu, who had always been gentle and kind, to slowly shake his head and calmly

Qin Ruyu’s voice echoed through the chamber: “I have an objection!”

He lifted his robe and walked out from his position at the lower end, standing in the center of the council hall.

Qin Deming looked down at his son, furrowing his brow in surprise, “What is your objection?”

Qin Ruyu first bowed respectfully to the elders below, maintaining a composed yet respectful demeanor as he spoke, “Ruyu does not believe he is at fault. There are three reasons for this.” He raised three fingers.

“First, Ruyu did not engage in private conflict with clan members but participated in a legitimate sparring class. Since it was a sparring class, how can it be considered internal strife?”

“Second, Ruyu had already agreed to spar with another clan brother, and it was Qin Moli who initiated the challenge. Later, my younger brother proposed a challenge to me, and I accepted passively.”

“Third, the injury to my younger brother was accidental, resulting from an unexpected breakthrough in combat, not intentional.”

“Just now, father mentioned two faults of mine: not showing humility to my clan brother and injuring Luxuan.

Does this supposed humility mean enduring provocations quietly? Or does Ruyu’s accidental breakthrough in combat also constitute a fault?”

“Is my younger brother’s injury not due to his inferior skill? In both the cultivation world and within the Qin family, since when has the victor in a battle between stronger and weaker opponents been considered at fault?”

“Therefore, Ruyu refuses to accept this judgment as fair!”

The declaration of unfairness resounded through the council hall, shaking everyone present.

Who would have thought the usually gentle Ruyu would oppose, and moreover, oppose his own father?

Observers couldn’t help but cast amazed glances at Qin Ruyu.

In their eyes, this youth who hadn’t yet come of age but had already grown tall stood in the center of the hall.

Despite wearing the ordinary family training uniform, he exuded a dignified and upright aura, like a straight and sturdy pine tree.

Clear and resolute, with an air of integrity.

As they watched him, some felt as if they were in a trance.

Since when did Qin family’s inconspicuous eldest young master possess such a charismatic presence?

Qin Ruyu was unaware of the astonishment in everyone’s hearts.

At this moment, he was thinking of the words Qingqing had written in his palm.

“Brother, retreat one step, and you’ll retreat step by step.”

Therefore, we cannot retreat even one step.

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