Fallen Into A Warm Bed
Fallen Into A Warm Bed chapter 4

“You, working several times a week at a motel?” Yu Zi pretended to be calm.

“More than that, when business is good, I can handle one or two hundred orders in a week.”

Yu Zi raised an eyebrow suspiciously, “One or two hundred orders?!”

“What’s wrong?” Xie Dongcheng didn’t understand why the person in front of him looked so puzzled.

“Although it’s a bit offensive to say this, I still have to ask. Are your clients men or women?”

“Of course, I have both men and women. Sometimes even old men and old women. What’s the matter?”

Old men and old women…

Yu Zi thought he had seen some extravagant things before, but he had never seen someone who could engage in such activities so casually. He shook his head to dismiss these disturbing thoughts.

Seeing his skeptical expression, Xie Dongcheng scratched his head.

“Cough.” Yu Zi knew he shouldn’t judge other people’s private lives, “Take care of your health.”

“Oh, it’s fine. Our job strains the waist, but otherwise, it’s okay.” Xie Dongcheng nodded.

Strains the waist. That was quite straightforward.

Yu Zi subconsciously glanced at his waist and abdomen, but they were covered by the oversized T-shirt.

His gaze shifted to the man’s face in front of him. Unexpectedly, you look so upright with your thick eyebrows and big eyes, but your moral bottom line is even lower than mine.

“Eat. I have to go back to work in the evening. There’s a TV at home; you can rest there.” Xie Dongcheng urged when he saw Yu Zi not touching his food.

Work. He called that kind of thing work.

Yu Zi watched him eat heartily, seemingly accumulating energy for the evening.

Yu Zi unexpectedly felt a bit of pity. At this moment, he suddenly understood why many men in ancient times had a soft spot for saving fallen women.

Yu Zi picked up a piece of beef from his plate. Before he could speak, he couldn’t help but ask, “How long have you been doing this?”

“Since I left your house,” Xie Dongcheng replied.

Yu Zi did the math in his head; it had been quite a while. “Are you still adapting to it?”

“It’s okay. The work is more or less the same. It’s just that before, I was working for you, and now I’m finding clients everywhere.”

Yu Zi looked up at him. What did he mean by that? Could driving for him be compared to this kind of work?

Although he hadn’t had a particularly good temper in the past, at least he didn’t have such thoughts about him, he was generous with money, and he respected people.

Before he could ask more, Xie Dongcheng added, “But my Corolla is not as good as your Bentley to drive.”


“Wait, are you still driving for people now?” Yu Zi finally realized.

“Yeah, I’m a ride-hailing driver. What’s wrong?”

Yu Zi paused for three seconds before saying anything, really wanting to slap himself.

Yu Zi, your mind is really dirty.

He took legal, pure, and uncontaminated regular ride-hailing passengers.

Driving for ride-hailing strains the waist, that was not wrong.

“Is something wrong?” Xie Dongcheng asked.

“It’s nothing.”

“By the way, what about that Bentley now…” Xie Dongcheng seemed to recall the vehicle with fondness; it was the best car he had ever driven in all his years. The interior was like a work of art, and he didn’t dare to touch it too much.

“I sold it.” Yu Zi finished and let out a soft sigh.

Xie Dongcheng sensed he might have asked the wrong question and didn’t continue.

After finishing lunch, it started raining outside, and Xie Dongcheng’s umbrella came in handy.

“Let’s go.” Xie Dongcheng stepped outside the restaurant first, holding up the black umbrella.

He reached out his hand to Yu Zi, gesturing for him to come under the umbrella.

Yu Zi suddenly felt this scene was somewhat familiar, as if once upon a time, during another rainy day, he had also held an umbrella for himself like this. Only, back then, Xie Dongcheng had driven him in the black Bentley.

Xie Dongcheng was half a head taller than him, and the umbrella was held quite high, not obstructing their view at all.

However large the umbrella was, it couldn’t completely shelter two men from the rain. As they walked, Yu Zi accidentally brushed against Xie Dongcheng’s body.

The scent from this person was not unpleasant, reminiscent of lemon soap.

“Watch out, there’s a car!”

Yu Zi had just stepped out, when suddenly his wrist was grabbed.

Xie Dongcheng’s grip was strong; he squeezed Yu Zi’s wrist a bit too hard, causing some pain. His palm was warm, tightly gripping Yu Zi’s sleeve.

Yu Zi turned to look at him. Xie Dongcheng suddenly realized his mistake and quickly let go of his hand.

After releasing his hand, he didn’t know how to walk properly anymore and almost tripped.

Yu Zi caught a glimpse of his expression and struggled to suppress the urge to laugh.

The rain hadn’t stopped in the afternoon, and Xie Dongcheng went out again around two o’clock. Yu Zi watched as he got into the small black Corolla.

The car quickly disappeared into the drizzle.

However, no matter how he looked at that black car, it seemed oddly familiar. It wasn’t until the car drove out of the neighborhood, leaving a trail of exhaust fumes, that he remembered seeing it on the way to the motel that night.

He hadn’t expected this person to be quite skilled at driving. How hadn’t he noticed before?

Xie Dongcheng’s house was indeed small, with only a television for entertainment. Yu Zi sat on the tiny sofa, staring out the window at the rain.

During these three months, Yu Zi had thought about finding a job to support himself. Previously, he had worked in the marketing department of a hotel managed by Yu Qing.

However, everyone knew he was the young master of the boss’s family, so he wasn’t given any real tasks. He went to work as if he were playing, just passing the time until it was time to leave.

At the time, he had lamented that what he had learned at a prestigious business school in China was completely useless in his job.

The only thing he could use his brain for was selecting which wines from which vineyards were good and which coffee beans were more robust.

With the bankruptcy of the family and the closure of the hotel, his work experience became worthless. Some slightly well-known companies in North City had some connections with his family. Two of them had found him promising during mid-level management interviews, but when it came to the final offer stage, they avoided him after checking his background.

Yu Zi could understand; after all, who would want to hire a ticking time bomb for their own company?

If things didn’t work out, he could do what Xie Dongcheng did and get an old second-hand car to drive for ride-hailing.

Yu Zi thought pessimistically.


He heard the sound of water splashing behind him. Very light, but he did hear it.

Yu Zi turned around and noticed the fish tank next to the TV.

He hadn’t paid much attention when he came in the morning, but there were actually quite a few fish in the tank, although they were all small. The water in the tank was clear, with several clean water plants floating inside, and colorful stones covering the bottom of the tank. There was also a small oxygen machine next to it.

This person looked rough and rustic, but he had put some effort into raising fish.

In the evening, around seven o’clock, Xie Dongcheng finished work much earlier than usual. Usually, he would work until at least nine o’clock. However, today he remembered that there was someone at home and decided to close the order app without hesitation.

When Xie Dongcheng arrived home, it was very quiet, and the lights were off. He took a few steps inside before realizing that Yu Zi was asleep on the sofa.

Xie Dongcheng bent down and looked at him sleeping.

Yu Zi usually seemed a bit aggressive, although this aggressiveness mostly stemmed from his overly assertive facial features. His eyes were long, with not too thick but very long eyelashes.

After closing his eyes, most of his sharpness disappeared, and he even looked somewhat gentle.

“Yu…” He had just uttered one syllable.

The person on the sofa slowly opened his eyes, his gaze unfocused and somewhat dazed.

Xie Dongcheng felt a bit nervous, unsure of what to say next.

“Are you done with work?” Yu Zi spoke first.

“Yeah.” It occurred to Xie Dongcheng what he had forgotten; he picked up a plastic bag from beside his feet and showed it to Yu Zi, “I bought groceries. We’ll have dinner at home tonight.”

After sitting up straight, Yu Zi realized that he had fallen asleep wearing his coat directly, and there were deep creases on the hem of his clothes.

He quickly got up from the sofa, unbuttoned his coat, took it off, and revealed the shirt underneath.

The shirt was made of satin, neatly tucked into his waistband, accentuating his handsome waistline.

Yu Zi was not thin; in fact, he had some muscular strength. However, years of living a pampered life had made his skin more delicate than other men his age.

After turning around, he noticed that Xie Dongcheng was staring at him without moving.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing, nothing.” Xie Dongcheng quickly took a step back.

“Do you have a clothes steamer at home?” Yu Zi turned his head and asked.

“No, I usually don’t need one…”

Thinking about it, Yu Zi could understand. He could only find a hanger and hang up his coat.

Initially, Yu Zi didn’t have high expectations for this meal. The person in front of him seemed clumsy; if he could cook a packet of instant noodles well, that would be good enough.

However, half an hour later, Xie Dongcheng brought out two dishes and a soup from the kitchen. Yu Zi realized he had jumped to conclusions too quickly.

Yu Zi asked him, “Do you usually live alone?”

Xie Dongcheng nodded, “Yeah, for now.”

For now. Yu Zi thought to himself; it seemed like there was a story behind it. He wasn’t interested in prying into other people’s privacy, so he didn’t continue to ask.

After dinner, Xie Dongcheng casually took off his oversized T-shirt and went to the TV to fiddle with his fish tank.

He was wearing a tight-fitting light gray tank top inside, the fabric looked a bit worn, probably worn for several years.

He bent over to look at his fish, his legs were long and straight, his waist wrapped tightly by the tank top, and his butt was quite perky, a type rarely seen even in gyms.

Yu Zi watched his back and couldn’t help but sigh.

“Tsk, his waist would be really powerful if wrapped with legs.”

In the past, he might have just pointed out a wad of cash and stuffed it into his shirt.

But now, he didn’t even have a single bill in his pocket, and he had to rely on this person for a living these days. Thinking about this, he lost all desires. No wonder they say you only think of lust when you’re well-fed and warm.

“What kind of fish is this?” Yu Zi stood next to him and asked.

“Peacock fish,” Xie Dongcheng replied earnestly, using a siphon to clean the impurities in the tank.

Yu Zi looked down at the groups of small fish inside. He thought the name was quite fitting. The fish were small and grayish, but their tails were large, like they were dragging a colorful train.

Seeing him silent, Xie Dongcheng thought he didn’t understand and turned his head to him, adding, “These fish are beautiful and easy to care for.”

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