From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy
From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Yan Feng’s destination was clear to Jiang Ciyou.

She opened the car door with understanding.

Jiang Ciyou took a taxi back to the Yan family’s old residence.

When Yan’s mother saw Jiang Ciyou had returned alone, she guessed what had happened and planned to go out and bring him back herself.

But Jiang Ciyou stopped her.

“Don’t worry, Mom. His heart isn’t in this home. Even if he comes back, he’s just a shell. Let him be.”

With that, Jiang Ciyou went upstairs.

Yan’s mother had rarely seen Jiang Ciyou so distraught.

She didn’t know what had happened that day.

Yan Feng returned a week later.

During that week, Jiang Ciyou’s life continued as usual, with one difference: she hadn’t been to the Green Villa again.

Previously, she had visited there two or three times a week.

After the old lady’s birthday, Jiang Ciyou hadn’t seen Bo Jinxiu.

Had he really let her go?

Life was calm, but Jiang Ciyou still felt an underlying unease.

That night, when Yan Feng returned, Yan’s mother exploded at the dinner table.

“Do you even care about this family? From today on, if you stay out again, I’ll act as if you’re no longer my son.”

Yan Feng, intimidated by his mother’s anger, looked grim and said, “Mom, I’ve been at the company these past few days. I just returned and am not familiar with the company’s business yet. I’ve been working around the clock and even sleeping at the company. I came back today because of work.”

Yan’s father also spoke up: “That’s right. I asked Secretary Zhang, and Ah Feng has indeed been staying at the company’s apartment.”

Yan’s mother’s expression changed and she shifted the topic. “How’s work going?”

Yan Feng put down his chopsticks and glanced at Jiang Ciyou. “Thanks to someone, it’s been very problematic.”

Yan Haifeng frowned. “What’s the matter?”

Yan Feng explained, “Today, Bo’s company publicly invited bids. Hundreds of construction companies received invitations, including several with lower profiles than Yan Feng’s, all invited to BJ Tower. But Haifeng Construction didn’t get an invitation and didn’t receive the bid documents. All thanks to your excellent daughter-in-law.”

BJ Tower was Bo’s Group’s office building in Rongcheng, right across from the TV station.

Jiang Ciyou recalled once running into the “young man” coming out of there after work. She had joked, “Sweetheart, have you changed jobs?”

She had thought the “young man” was working at the Black Horse Club.

The “young man” had replied, “I am the owner of this building.”

Jiang Ciyou had laughed at his fanciful claim, and he had then willingly gotten into her car.

They had both gone to the Green Villa together.

At that time, they had been together for only two months, full of passion and revelry.

It turned out he had hinted at his identity back then.

Jiang Ciyou felt some regret for having provoked such a man.

Hearing Yan Feng’s words, Yan’s mother defended Jiang Ciyou: “Xiao You doesn’t work for Yan’s company; how is this her fault?”

“She offended the heir three years ago and even insulted him with a thousand yuan.”

Yan Feng brought up the incident at the old lady’s birthday party.

The atmosphere at the table grew intensely quiet.

Yan Feng glanced at Jiang Ciyou with a hint of gloating. “If this issue isn’t resolved, Bo’s will never consider Haifeng Construction for the resort project. Jiang Ciyou, you’ve caused this mess; you’ll have to clean it up yourself.”

After a long pause, the old man spoke, “If we really can’t secure this project, then so be it.”

Yan Feng was agitated. “Grandpa, you previously said this project was crucial for Yan’s survival. Why is it now that when it involves Jiang Ciyou, it’s just a matter of letting her apologize? She’ll be embarrassed, but isn’t Yan’s survival more important than her face?”

The old man’s partiality was becoming somewhat outrageous.

He seemed about to say something more.

Jiang Ciyou stood up. “Grandpa, I’ll bring some gifts to BJ Tower tomorrow to apologize to the heir and ensure Yan’s company gets the bidding qualification.”

The resort project was a special approval by the central government and required public bidding.

With hundreds of construction companies vying for it, the chances were already slim.

Now, without even a chance to bid, the opportunity seemed completely lost.

Since this issue was due to her, she would not shirk responsibility.

Yan Feng smiled. “Alright, I’ll wait to receive Bo’s bidding documents tomorrow. Don’t disappoint me.”

Yan Feng didn’t believe Jiang Ciyou would succeed.

After all, he had experienced the heir’s pettiness and grudges.

If apologies were effective, he wouldn’t have said all this.

In fact, he had already visited several times these past few days.

Bo Jinxiu had refused to see him, and during the last visit, even had security throw him out.

Yan Feng’s face was left in disgrace.

It was all because of Jiang Ciyou.

She should also experience being publicly thrown out by security.

Early the next morning, Jiang Ciyou drove to BJ Tower.

The car stopped in the terrace parking lot. Looking up at the towering building, the gilded BJ shimmered in the morning sun.

BJ had become a landmark in Rongcheng within less than three years of its completion.

Jiang Ciyou initially thought it was some rising tech company but realized it was a branch of the Bo Group.

BJ was likely an abbreviation for Bo Jinxiu’s name.

Jiang Ciyou entered the lobby on the first floor of BJ.

She then approached the front desk.

“Hello, may I ask which floor Master Bo Jinxiu’s office is on?”

The pretty receptionist at the front desk had varied expressions when she heard the woman mention Bo Jinxiu’s name.

The tallest, sharp-chinned girl said, “Our president’s name is not something you can just call out. What is your relationship with our president?”

Jiang Ciyou almost blurted out: “I’m his kept woman.”

Instead, she smiled and explained, “I’m here on behalf of Yan’s company to discuss work matters with Master Bo.”

The sharp-chinned receptionist’s eyes showed a hint of disdain. “Yan’s company is quite devious, trying to use a beauty trap. Sorry, but our president has said that no one from Yan’s company is allowed through the doors of BJ.”

With that, she raised her hand to call security.

Before she was escorted out, Jiang Ciyou said to the security guard, “Sorry, I just need to make a quick call.”

The security guard, seeing her as a beautiful woman, didn’t insist and quietly waited while she made the call.

The receptionists exchanged glances and whispered among themselves.

“Being pretty has its perks; she’s getting special treatment everywhere. Even the security guard looks at her differently.”

“Where did Yan’s company find such a gem? She’s even more beautiful than movie stars.”

“Beauty is useless. Yan’s company has ulterior motives. Previously, the general manager of Yan’s company came in person and even then, the president didn’t give any face. Now they’ve sent a vase. Our president is too wise and mighty to be fooled.”

Jiang Ciyou finished her call.

The sharp-chinned receptionist immediately ordered, “Why are you still standing here? Hurry up and get her out!”

At that moment, the phone at the front desk rang.

The sharp-chinned girl glanced at it and saw it was from the president’s office.

In the three years she had been at BJ, she had never received a call from the president’s office.

She answered the call cautiously.

A pleasant male voice came through. “Let her come up.”

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