From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy
From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Seeing how quickly Jiang Ciyou agreed, Bo Jinxiu’s eyes flashed with suspicion. But for now, he had no way to verify it. Since Jiang Ciyou agreed, he sent the bid documents to Yan Corporation as promised.

On the other side, Yan Feng was in a meeting at the company. Among the dozen or so projects Yan Corporation currently had, half were losing money, with some showing huge losses. If they couldn’t secure the resort project, Yan Corporation might be in real danger.

However, thousands of construction companies nationwide were eyeing this lucrative project, with dozens to hundreds in Rongcheng alone. Yet Bo Corporation hadn’t even invited Yan Corporation to bid. The chances seemed almost impossible.

For the past few days, they had been meeting from morning till night, trying to find a way to make Bo Jinxiu change his mind, even researching his preferences. But as a top figure, he lacked nothing. What else could they do?

Suddenly, the secretary burst in holding a laptop, looking extremely excited. “General Manager, General Manager…”

Yan Feng, irritated, said, “What’s the matter? Can’t you see we’re still in a meeting?”

“Bo Corporation sent us the bid documents.”

Yan Feng was taken aback and then excitedly stood up. “Really? Let me see.”

He checked the email and, sure enough, the bid documents from Bo Corporation were there. This meant Haifeng Construction finally had a chance to compete with other companies. Yan Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

But he was soon filled with confusion. “Why did Bo Corporation suddenly change its mind?”

The secretary was still very excited. “I don’t know, it came out of the blue. Maybe the Prince Charming was moved by your sincerity, General Manager.”

Others chimed in with praise. “Although Yan Corporation isn’t on par with Bo Corporation, the General Manager is exceptional, personally visiting so many times with such sincerity. Even though the Prince Charming hasn’t met you, he must have felt it.”

“The General Manager can adapt and respond, and his future achievements might even surpass that of the Beijing Prince.”

“With the General Manager in charge, Yan Corporation will surely continue to develop.”

But Yan Feng suddenly furrowed his brow, deep in thought. Despite his numerous personal visits, Bo Corporation hadn’t given Yan Corporation a chance. Today, after Jiang Ciyou visited Bo Corporation, Yan Corporation received the bid documents. Could it be… just a coincidence?

After seeing that the bid documents had been sent, Jiang Ciyou turned to leave. Her steps were brisk.

Just as she was about to leave, Bo Jinxiu had a strange feeling. He called out to her retreating figure, “I’ll be waiting for you at Green Garden Villa tonight.”

Jiang Ciyou ignored his words and continued on her way.

Watching the hurried departure of the woman, Bo Jinxiu felt something was amiss.

At nine in the evening, Jiang Ciyou had just finished bathing at the old house and came out of the bathroom when she received a call from Bo Jinxiu. The man’s voice was icy and clearly restrained with anger.

“Jiang Ciyou, how dare you stand me up!”

Jiang Ciyou responded with a smile, “What do you mean by that?”

“You clearly promised me you would move from the Yan family house to Green Garden Villa.”

Jiang Ciyou’s tone was leisurely. Bo Jinxiu could imagine her relaxed and content demeanor as she spoke on the phone.

“I did promise to move to Green Garden Villa, but I didn’t specify when. I plan to move in five years.”

Five years.

By then, the resort project would already be completed. At that time, Bo Jinxiu would no longer be in Rongcheng.

The man was so enraged that he laughed. “Five years? Why don’t you say fifty years?”

Jiang Ciyou remained cheerful. “Is there anything else, Master Bo? If not, I’ll hang up. Good night.”

With that, Jiang Ciyou cheerfully ended the call.

A certain man at Green Garden Villa, standing on the balcony of the third floor, was so infuriated that he threw his phone down.

Jiang Ciyou, truly impressive. Who would have thought she could be so unreasonable?

Jiang Ciyou was not afraid. Her task was already accomplished. Since the resort was a centrally approved project, it had to be openly bid on and couldn’t be internally assigned. As long as Yan Corporation received the bid documents, everything would proceed officially. With government oversight, Bo Corporation couldn’t do anything to kick Yan Corporation out. If Yan Corporation didn’t win the bid, it was just fate, and it wouldn’t be her concern.

Jiang Ciyou had a pleasant sleep.

The next morning, she went to the TV station. Although she was the host of the noon news, her station handled both reporting and editing. Jiang Ciyou was not only a host but also a reporter, and she had to gather a lot of news material herself.

When she arrived at the office, she overheard her colleagues gossiping.

“I heard this new person graduated from Columbia University’s Journalism School and interned at NBC. Her resume is impressive.”

“With that resume, she could have been a host at a major station in Beijing. Why would she come to our Rongcheng TV station?”

“Does this mean Jiang Ciyou’s position as the golden news anchor might be in jeopardy?”

“At this critical moment, the director hired such an impressive person. There must be a reason behind it.”

“That’s just right. Jiang Ciyou is nothing special. She’s only pretty, which attracted a lot of advertisers. She’s only been here for a year. Professionally, who here isn’t better than her?”

As Jiang Ciyou listened, she returned to her desk. Several gossiping women suddenly noticed her. Their expressions changed instantly.

“Ciyou, when did you arrive?”

Jiang Ciyou smiled and said, “When you were praising my looks.”

Jiang Ciyou’s face was exceptionally beautiful, especially now. With her smile, she was like a blooming flower, her bright gaze almost blinding.

Yet there was no trace of anger on her face. It was as if she truly heard everyone praising her.

The women forced smiles while feeling angry inside. She always pretended to be so magnanimous and perfect, making others seem like clowns.

Vivian from the morning news stepped forward. “Ciyou, we were just joking. Don’t take it to heart. We were worried that someone might take your golden news anchor position.”

“You probably don’t know yet, but today, a new person came to the TV station. She graduated from Columbia’s Journalism School, and the director seems to want her to replace Sister Lin.”

A girl dressed in Chanel nearby also said, “The director is really something. With Sister Lin leaving, that position should have been yours. After all, Ciyou, you’ve brought in so many sponsorships and earned so much money for the station.”

Vivian sneered, “But to be honest, the golden news slot needs a professional host, not a sales champion. Ciyou, you might be in real danger this time.”

Jiang Ciyou knew they were mocking her as a sales champion. But she didn’t mind. “Being a sales champion is better than being a parasite. Besides, the director’s decisions are up to him. I heard the morning news’s advertising slots haven’t sold out this month, and the director is already very dissatisfied. You should worry about your own issues.”

“Jiang Ciyou, who are you calling a parasite? Also, I’m the news anchor for the 3 a.m. slot. It’s normal if ads don’t sell out. If you’re so capable, why don’t you sell out the 3 a.m. slots? It’s easy to talk when you’re not the one doing the work.”

“What’s all this commotion early in the morning?”

A man in his forties, Tang Fei, the news director of the TV station, arrived. “Today, we have a new colleague at the station.”

Tang Fei smiled and looked at the girl beside him. “Xia, please introduce yourself.”

“Hello everyone, I’m Xia Ling.”

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