From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy
From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy Chapter 21

Chapter 21

The crowd erupted in envy.

“This meal hasn’t even started, but we’ve already had a lot of ‘dog food’.”

Vivian led the teasing, “When will you bring your boyfriend over for us to see? A man like that is really rare.”

Xia Ling blushed and smiled, “Sure, I’ll bring him over when I get the chance.”

Although Xia Ling was answering the others, her gaze remained fixed on Jiang Ciyou’s face.

Jiang Ciyou’s expression was indifferent, seemingly unconcerned.

A trace of disappointment flickered in Xia Ling’s eyes.

The waiter arrived with a tablet holding the menu. Xia Ling promptly handed the tablet to Jiang Ciyou, “Ciyou, order whatever you like, don’t be polite.”

Jiang Ciyou took the tablet gracefully and began selecting dishes.

Jiang Ciyou ordered quickly.

A few minutes later, she returned the tablet to Xia Ling, “Take a look.”

Xia Ling handed the tablet back to the waiter, “Your taste is impeccable, I trust you.”

Soon, the dishes began to arrive.

At first, everything was fine, and everyone was enjoying the meal.

But Xia Ling soon noticed something was wrong.

Two hours had passed, and the dishes kept coming, along with various kinds of alcohol.

Everyone was immersed in the food and drinks, praising her generosity, so Xia Ling kept quiet.

When the meal was over, the waiter brought the bill.

Xia Ling was stunned when she saw the total.


Xia Ling looked at the waiter in disbelief, “How could it be so expensive?”

The waiter patiently explained, “You ordered every item on our menu, including some rare hidden dishes. The cost of the dishes is 180,000. Additionally, you ordered bottles of our 200,000-per-bottle wine, and we also charge a 5% service fee.”

Xia Ling almost fainted.

She didn’t have that much money.

She thought even if she ordered a lot, it wouldn’t exceed 10,000.

How could it be so much?

The others were also stunned.

They began to accuse Jiang Ciyou.

“Jiang Ciyou, are you deliberately seeking revenge? You ordered 980,000 worth of food! Do you have no shame?”

“Have you never had good things before? Grabbing this chance to exploit us.”

“I think Jiang Ciyou should pay for this. She ordered the food, she should be responsible.”

Jiang Ciyou looked at the others with a smile.

“When you were eating, why didn’t you say anything? Black truffle casserole, Kobe beef—didn’t you say the ingredients were too precious? As for the wine, I only ordered one bottle; the rest was added by you.”

“Jiang Ciyou, stop making excuses.”

Jiang Ciyou calmly said, “Since you’re so upset for Xia Ling, why don’t we split the bill evenly? Everyone ate the same amount, so it’s the fairest way.”

At the mention of splitting the bill, everyone fell silent.

Even if it meant each person would have to pay nearly 100,000.

That’s several months’ worth of salary.

A girl standing next to Xia Ling spoke up, “With Xia Ling’s boyfriend being so outstanding, Xia Ling will be a wealthy wife in the future and won’t care about the cost of a meal.”

Xia Ling felt like she was being grilled on a spit.

In reality, she and Yan Feng didn’t have much money.

After Yan Feng went abroad, the Yan family had stopped providing financial support.

They hadn’t lived as luxuriously abroad as others imagined over the past three years.

Yan Feng was proud and refused to ask his family for money.

Xia Ling only had around 100,000 in her account, earned over the past three years from tutoring Chinese families.

She definitely couldn’t afford nearly a million in dining expenses.

She could only call Yan Feng.

Yan Feng had already returned to the company and was probably not short of money anymore.

Upon hearing that she had spent nearly a million on a single meal, Yan Feng’s voice was laced with irritation, “Xia Ling, are you eating dragon meat or something? 980,000 for one meal?”

Xia Ling’s voice was plaintive, “I was treating my colleagues with an exclusive interview from Bo Jinxiu. Ciyou was the one who ordered, and I didn’t know she’d ordered so much, including expensive wine.”

Hearing Jiang Ciyou’s name, Yan Feng’s frown deepened. His tone softened considerably as he said, “I’m sorry for misunderstanding you. It turns out it was Jiang Ciyou’s doing.”

Yan Feng was silent for two seconds before saying, “I’m nearby. I’ll come over immediately.”

Ten minutes later.

Yan Feng arrived at the Taikoo Mansion.

He first went to settle the bill.

Then he went to the private room.

When Xia Ling saw Yan Feng, her eyes seemed to be glistening with tears, as if she had suffered a great injustice.

She quickly walked up to Yan Feng, “Ah Feng, you’re finally here.”

In front of everyone, Yan Feng gently put his arm around Xia Ling’s shoulders, “Don’t worry, I’ve already settled the bill.”

Everyone sighed with relief upon hearing that the bill had been settled.

Their attitudes changed instantly.

Vivian took the lead in complimenting, “Xia Ling, you’re really lucky. Your boyfriend is both handsome and rich.”

Xia Ling, blushing, introduced him to everyone, “Let me introduce, this is my boyfriend, Yan Feng.”

Vivian was astonished, “I’ve heard of the heir to the Yan family named Yan Feng. Could it be…”

Yan Feng calmly replied, “It’s just a name coincidence.”

Having said that, he turned his attention to Jiang Ciyou.

“Jiang Ciyou, come out here!”

Everyone was very surprised.

Jiang Ciyou walked over to Yan Feng, carrying a small handbag and wearing high heels, and coolly said, “Good dogs don’t block the way.”

Yan Feng was infuriated.

He grabbed Jiang Ciyou’s arm and led her outside.

Soon, they turned into a nearby empty room.

The door closed from the inside.

The spectators were left dumbfounded by the whole scene.

Xia Ling’s face also showed a hint of embarrassment.

“Xia Ling, does your boyfriend know Jiang Ciyou?”

“We three were high school classmates, so we know each other. Besides, Ciyou…”

Xia Ling stopped mid-sentence, deliberately not continuing.

Vivian snorted, “Now I understand why Jiang Ciyou dislikes you so much. She must have liked your boyfriend back in high school but couldn’t have him, so she’s jealous of you.”

Xia Ling, trying to defend Jiang Ciyou, said, “It’s not like you think, and those things are all in the past.”

On the other side.

After Yan Feng pulled Jiang Ciyou into the room, he coldly questioned, “Jiang Ciyou, I’ve told you countless times not to bully Xia Ling. Are you ignoring my words?”

Jiang Ciyou casually sat down on a sofa.

She looked down at her newly done nails, “She chose to treat, and no one forced her.”

“So you deliberately ordered such expensive dishes? You know Xia Ling’s family situation. Aren’t you just taking advantage of your wealth to embarrass her? How are you any different from those who bully others with their wealth?”

Jiang Ciyou looked up, her eyes clear but with a visible hint of anger.

“Indeed, I’m aware of her family situation and know that neither of you have money now, so I’m deliberately bullying her. As for why, I’m just returning the favor in the same way.”

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