From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy
From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Jiang Ciyou sneered coldly, “Three years ago, didn’t you know my situation? Yet you both betrayed me when I was at my most desperate, pushing me into an abyss. Compared to what you did, my little tricks are nothing.”

Yan Feng’s expression faltered.

“Jiang Ciyou, the situation you ended up in was all your own fault. You were the one who betrayed me first.”

Yan Feng glared hatefully at Jiang Ciyou’s face.

“Jiang Ciyou, what happened that summer during our freshman year? Are you brave enough to tell me?”

Jiang Ciyou’s face turned ashen instantly.

Yan Feng… how did he know?

Seeing Jiang Ciyou’s pale face, Yan Feng was clearly astonished.

What was infuriating was that, even in extreme panic, her face remained exaggeratedly beautiful.

“So, who did you give your first time to?”

Jiang Ciyou stood up, her gaze turning extremely cold, “Shut up.”

Yan Feng smirked, “Feeling embarrassed and angry, Jiang Ciyou, you’re just a cheap, filthy, hypocritical woman. Why did you marry me? Isn’t it because you can’t go back to the Jiang family? If you were still the Jiang family’s young lady, would you still choose to marry me?”

“Now you love me desperately because you’re afraid of losing your last lifeline, losing the wealth and status of your later life.”

“But why do you think I, Yan Feng, would be a fool to take on a woman like you? You’re a hypocritical and filthy woman, not even worth a single strand of Xia Ling’s hair.”

“That’s enough, Yan Feng.”

Jiang Ciyou’s fingers trembled slightly.

She harbored a secret in her heart.

A secret that no one knew.

She hadn’t told anyone, convincing herself it was just a nightmare.

She had successfully erased that event from her memory.

She thought that no one in this world would know about it.

But Jiang Ciyou hadn’t expected that Yan Feng already knew.

So, was this the reason Yan Feng’s attitude towards her had changed so drastically?

Jiang Ciyou didn’t want to recall that event.

In fact, aside from some physical traces and injuries, her mind was blank about that incident.

Jiang Ciyou walked straight to the door and left.

When Jiang Ciyou opened the door in a hurry, Xia Ling was standing right outside.

Jiang Ciyou gave Xia Ling a deep look.

Without saying anything, she left.

Yan Feng also came out.

“Ah Feng, what did you say to Ciyou? She looked very upset.”

Yan Feng replied, “Nothing much, just mentioned that incident.”

Xia Ling’s expression changed, “You promised me you wouldn’t bring it up in front of Ciyou.”

“I didn’t want to either, but she’s been so unreasonable. It’s good to knock some of her arrogance down so she doesn’t always bully you. Xia Ling, you’re too kind, still thinking about her at a time like this.”

Xia Ling frowned, clearly anxious.

Jiang Ciyou must be suspicious of her.

Jiang Ciyou drove away.

The car aimlessly traveled on the elevated highway.

That summer of their freshman year, she had been violated.

In fact, she truly didn’t remember what happened that day.

It seemed she had been drugged and lost consciousness.

When she woke up, she was already in a hotel bed.

She had no clothes on.

Her physical discomfort made her realize something was wrong.

Later, she went to the hospital for an examination, and indeed, her hymen was broken.

But because she had been drugged, the entire sequence of events and her memory of that day had vanished.

She didn’t know what had happened.

Since no male bodily fluids were detected at the hospital, reporting to the police was useless.

No one knew about it.

Jiang Ciyou hadn’t told anyone.

Shen Nuo hadn’t said anything, and Xia Ling hadn’t either.

It was as if the incident had never happened.

But how did Yan Feng know? It seemed he had known for a long time.

How he knew, Jiang Ciyou could guess. It must have been because Xia Ling used it to ruin her relationship with Yan Feng during that summer camp in sophomore year.

So, when Yan Feng returned, he was like a different person.

But how did Xia Ling find out?

There was only one possibility.

Everything is related to her.

Xia Ling, if it’s really you, I won’t let you off.

Jiang Ciyou’s fingers tightened on the steering wheel.

Jiang Ciyou drove aimlessly.

In the end, she somehow arrived at the Green Villa.

The bedroom lights at the Green Villa were unexpectedly on.

Jiang Ciyou drove straight in.

The car stopped in the yard.

Jiang Ciyou got out and went inside.

Bo Jinxiu heard the sound of the car parking downstairs.

As he reached the staircase, he saw Jiang Ciyou already starting to go up the stairs.

Bo Jinxiu had just finished his shower and was wearing a set of gray pajamas.

The plain style looked exceptionally stylish on him.

He casually had his hands in his pockets.

Seeing Jiang Ciyou’s figure, he taunted, “You were so full of yourself. I thought you’d never come looking for me again.”

Jiang Ciyou showed no expression, her high heels clicking on the white marble stairs with a crisp sound.

As Jiang Ciyou came closer, Bo Jinxiu felt like the sound of those high heels was pounding on his heart, making his heartbeat quicken unconsciously.

It was all because of Jiang Ciyou’s face, which was devastatingly beautiful.

But as she got closer, Bo Jinxiu noticed something was off about Jiang Ciyou today.

Her face was ashen, but her eyes burned with intense anger and deep hatred.

It was as if she wanted to burn everything in this world to the ground.

Yet, because of this, she seemed even more vivid than usual, like a phoenix reborn from the flames.

Bo Jinxiu frowned slightly, “Is it really necessary to have such a murderous expression just because you lost a bit of face during the day?”

The next second.

Jiang Ciyou took a step up the stairs, one hand forcefully grabbing Bo Jinxiu’s shoulder.

The other hand pressed the back of his head, and she kissed him fiercely.

Jiang Ciyou’s kiss was aggressive and urgent, almost unreasonable.

Bo Jinxiu was momentarily stunned.

In their three years together, he had always initiated such things.

This was the first time she had come at him like this.

But the man only hesitated for a second.

Then he wrapped his arms around her waist and returned the kiss passionately.

High heels were kicked down the stairs.

They continued kissing and entangled with each other, stumbling into the bedroom.

The man held her waist tightly and lifted her up.

Jiang Ciyou’s long legs naturally wrapped around his waist.

Her skirt had long been pushed up to her waist, and his large hands roamed freely, both of them lost in their passion.

They continued to kiss, pressed against the door, for a long time.

Eventually, the man carried her and pressed her onto the soft bed…

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