From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy
From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy Chapter 25

Chapter 25

The man before her was impeccably dressed and handsome, like a living celestial being.

But as soon as he spoke, he pulled Jiang Ciyou back to reality.

“Don’t try to play games. You’re not losing out.”

Jiang Ciyou wasn’t embarrassed; instead, she remained graceful and composed. She clicked her high heels with interest as she examined the room’s decor.

She noticed that the layout was exactly the same as the Green Hills villa.

Bo Jinxiu stood up, walked behind Jiang Ciyou, and wrapped his arms around her slender waist. His lips were already near her ear, and his voice had a hint of intimacy.

“Why did you come to see me last night?”

Actually, she regretted it a lot. Despite not wanting to have any more entanglements with him, she had actively sought him out and even stayed the night.

Jiang Ciyou turned around, holding the man’s handsome face, and gently pecked his lips.

“Of course, it’s for the interview. Look, you’ve come to me voluntarily today, haven’t you?”

She smiled brightly, like a rose under the scorching sun, igniting a fiery spark in his heart.

Bo Jinxiu raised an eyebrow and said lightly :“If you’re not willing to talk, that’s fine. But since you’ve stirred things up again, this time I won’t let you off so easily.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a flurry of kisses descended upon her.

Before long, Jiang Ciyou was pressed onto the sofa.

“Don’t do this. We still have an interview later, and my makeup will be ruined.”

Bo Jinxiu made an effort to restrain himself and said hoarsely, “Come to the Green Hills villa tonight.”

Jiang Ciyou seemed to think for a moment. “Okay.”

Bo Jinxiu frowned. “You agreed so readily last time, too.”

Jiang Ciyou laughed. “Don’t worry, I won’t stand you up this time.”

The office connected to a large conference room. Jiang Ciyou entered from the internal access.

So, by the time others came in, Jiang Ciyou was already inside.

She nodded at the interview team, who then began their preparations in sync.

In no time, everything was ready.

Earlier, Xia Ling’s assistant had come over and handed a stack of documents to Jiang Ciyou.

“Sister Jiang, these are the interview scripts Xia Ling prepared for the Heaven Resort.”

Jiang Ciyou didn’t even look at them. “You can put them away. I don’t need her scripts.”

The assistant was anxious.

Yesterday, Xia Ling had stolen Jiang Ciyou’s credit, and she had prepared a stack of scripts, thinking she could make do with those.

These interview questions had been carefully considered by the entire team.

Jiang Ciyou was clearly refusing to use Xia Ling’s scripts out of spite.

And since today was the premiere interview, if it went wrong, it would be irreparable.

Xia Ling was at fault, but shouldn’t they prioritize the bigger picture in such special circumstances?

But Jiang Ciyou refused the scripts, and the assistant had no other option.

Once Bo Jinxiu entered, the interview officially began.

Because the news had been announced on official channels early in the morning, the premiere studio was immediately flooded with thousands of people, and the numbers were rapidly increasing.

“Bo Jinxiu, son of the richest man, the prince of the capital circle. We’ve only heard his voice, never seen him in person. I’ve heard many media outlets both domestic and international want to interview him, but his first public appearance is actually at our humble Rongcheng TV station.”

“Rongcheng TV has really made it big; the Beijing station must be furious.”

“Who is this interview host? I really like her looks. It’s that kind of beautiful yet dignified.”

“Rongcheng TV’s star, don’t you know? The host of the noon news, Jiang Ciyou. Her hosting style is professional and elegant. I’m so glad my treasure has been recognized.”

“I heard that this host got the interview opportunity by getting a hole-in-one while playing golf with the prince.”

Bo Jinxiu slowly walked into the interview room.

The camera immediately focused on his face.

The studio went silent for a second before it exploded with excitement.

“Who is this handsome guy? Secretary Zhang, give me one minute. I need all his information.”

“Wow, is there really someone this handsome in the world? So handsome…”

“I recognized him immediately. He’s my long-lost husband.”

Bo Jinxiu sat down.

Jiang Ciyou went through the usual formalities of introduction.

The studio had already exploded with excitement.

“Capital circle prince! So he’s Bo Jinxiu?? Ahhh, his looks are just my type!”

“Rich, powerful, and handsome. What door did God close for him?”

“My mom asked why I was holding chopsticks while watching TV, turns out I was just looking at my dish.”

Jiang Ciyou began the formal interview.

Most of the questions were about the Heaven Resort.

Due to her research on this project for Yan’s company, she was very familiar with it and asked very professional questions.

The assistant, who had been anxious, immediately relaxed.

Seeing the interview scripts still clutched in her hand, ready to be handed over, Xia Ling’s assistant tossed them into the nearby trash can.

Jiang Ciyou’s questions were far superior to Xia Ling’s—more professional, in-depth, and sophisticated.

In just twenty minutes, the number of viewers in the premiere studio surged to six million.

Finally, it was time for the last segment.

Jiang Ciyou wore a professional smile.

“Thank you, Mr. Bo, for accepting our interview at Rongcheng TV. Now, we have six million viewers in the premiere studio who are very curious about you. We’ll select three questions from enthusiastic viewers for you to answer, if that’s okay?”

Bo Jinxiu smiled graciously. “Sure.”

Under everyone’s gaze, the backstage quickly captured the questions from the premiere studio.

“The first question, Mr. Bo, do you have a girlfriend?”

After asking, Jiang Ciyou felt the question was a bit intrusive. To ease the atmosphere, she smiled and said, “It seems everyone is very interested in Mr. Bo’s personal life. If you find this question too personal, we can change it.”

“It’s fine.” Bo Jinxiu appeared quite generous.

In fact, the screen was filled with such questions.

“I don’t have a girlfriend.” Bo Jinxiu answered plainly.

Jiang Ciyou subtly curled her lips.

His answer was expected.

Over the past three years, Jiang Ciyou was certain that Bo Jinxiu had only had her as a woman in his life.

That was a woman’s intuition.

But she certainly couldn’t consider herself his girlfriend.

What was she, then?

A lover?

It didn’t seem so.

A lover at least has some feelings.

They both only craved each other’s physical warmth.

The second screenshot also appeared on the screen.

“The second question, Mr. Bo, what kind of woman do you like?”

Bo Jinxiu seemed to think for a moment before answering, “A woman who can’t cook well and has a mole at the corner of her eye.”

Jiang Ciyou felt a stir inside.

So Bo Jinxiu already had someone he liked.

She, of course, wouldn’t delude herself into thinking Bo Jinxiu liked her.

Because, over the past three years, she had never cooked for him, so he didn’t know her culinary skills at all.

As for the mole at the corner of the eye.

She did have a tiny mole at the corner of her eye, which was completely covered up with makeup.

Maybe he had already had someone he liked in his heart and initially liked her because she had a mole in the same place?

The premiere studio was in an uproar.

“What a niche preference. I can’t cook well, and I have a mole at the corner of my eye. Prince, would you like to take a look at me?”

“Isn’t it obvious? It’s not that the prince likes women who can’t cook and have a mole at the corner of their eye, but rather the woman he likes can’t cook and has a mole at the corner of her eye.”

“Looks like he’s already got someone in his heart. The woman liked by the prince must be incredibly happy. Is this a public confession?”

The third question also appeared in the screenshot.

In fact, there was no need to take a screenshot; the screen was filled with similar questions.

Jiang Ciyou asked, “Mr. Bo, does the person you like also like you?”

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