From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy
From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy Chapter 4

Chapter 4

“Dad, are you talking about Bo Jinxiu, the heir to the richest family in the country?”

The old man nodded. “That’s him.”

Yan Father looked helpless. “This is too difficult. He’s a prince in the capital, and we’re worlds apart. Besides, the Yan family and the Bo family have such different social standings. How could we possibly get close to him?”

It is well known that the Bo family is the richest in the country. With many branches and complex offspring, Bo Jinxiu is the old man Bo’s late-in-life son and the designated heir. However, he is very low-profile and has never appeared in public. The outside world doesn’t even know what he looks like. It’s unclear why the old man suddenly mentioned him.

The old man continued, “The land for the Paradise Resort has long been bought by the Bo family. According to inside information, old man Bo has assigned Bo Jinxiu full responsibility for this project. If Yan’s company can gain his favor, the chances of us being selected as the construction company will be much higher.”

“Dad, this is totally unreliable. There are so many people trying to curry favor with the Bo family. If we rashly visit the capital, we might not even get a chance to meet him.”

“Who says we have to go to the capital? Bo Jinxiu is currently in Rongcheng and has reportedly settled here for the past three years.”

Yan Feng frowned. “As a prince from the capital, it would be reasonable for him to come to Rongcheng to inspect the resort project. But how could he have settled here for three years?”

“Old Madam Bo is from Rongcheng. She came here to recuperate three years ago, and Bo Jinxiu came with her. But this matter was unknown to outsiders until now. They have been living at the Lushan Manor in Rongcheng.”

Lushan Manor is a villa built on the mountainside in the southern district. The entire mountain has only one villa. Years ago, rumors had it that its owner was a reclusive rich person. It turns out it belongs to the Bo family.

“Dad, how did you find out about this? The outside world doesn’t know,” Yan Mother asked, unable to hold back.

“Previously, no one knew. But now, everyone knows because tomorrow is Old Madam Bo’s seventieth birthday. For the first time ever, the Yan family received two invitation cards.”

“It’s not just the Bo family; all the prominent families in Rongcheng received invitations. Presumably, Old Madam Bo, having lived here for so long, is willing to lower her stature and make connections.”

“But anyway, this is an opportunity. It’s also why I had Ah Feng return urgently.”

With that, the old man took out two invitation cards. “Ah Feng, Ciyou, you two will attend Old Madam Bo’s birthday banquet tomorrow night. Prepare a suitable gift and make sure to show yourselves in front of Bo Jinxiu. It’s best if you can have a few words with him and make a good impression.”

“Alright, alright, stop talking about work at the dinner table.”

Yan Mother seized the opportunity to speak up. “I’ve already prepared the room. Since you’re back, you should both sleep in the master bedroom tonight. Since you’re married, it’s about time you had a child.”

Jiang Ciyou had her own room in the Yan family’s home. After marriage, she had continued to stay in her own room and not moved into the shared bedroom.

“I have something to do tonight. I need to go out,” Yan Feng said indifferently.

Yan Mother slammed her chopsticks on the table. “Going out to see that vixen? If you dare to leave Ciyou alone tonight, I’ll have someone skin that vixen alive.”

“Mom, don’t be ridiculous.”

“Just watch me.”

Jiang Ciyou said nothing, sitting quietly as she drank chicken soup while watching the drama unfold.

To be honest, completely letting go was impossible. After all, during her lowest point in life, the two people she trusted most had betrayed her deeply. She had hated them and sought revenge.

But now, after the passage of time, her temperament had softened. At this moment, she could watch the drama with a detached interest. She didn’t even know when she had managed to move past it.

However, she was still curious about how far Yan Feng would go for Xia Ling.

In the bedroom, the two of them exchanged silent glances. Yan Feng was on the balcony, calling Xia Ling. After half an hour of coaxing, he could still occasionally hear the sounds of her crying inside. Yan Feng remained tirelessly patient.

Jiang Ciyou couldn’t help but think back to when she was dating Yan Feng. It seemed like he had never been this patient with her. They were too familiar with each other. So much so that when Yan Feng first tried to kiss her, she laughed heartily at his reddened ears.

“Jiang Ciyou! What are you laughing at?” the young Yan Feng asked, annoyed.

“When I look at your mouth, I think of when we were in kindergarten and you got stung by bees while trying to get honeycomb. Your lips were swollen like sausages, and those ears of yours looked just like Zhou Bajie,” Jiang Ciyou laughed so hard she nearly fell over, while Yan Feng was extremely irritated.

After that, Yan Feng never took  the initiative to kiss him again. During their two years of official dating, she hadn’t even given him her first kiss. It was quite a failure.

If she hadn’t met that person, she might have lived to 23 without ever knowing what a kiss felt like. The image of that person’s demonic yet breathtakingly beautiful face appeared in her mind. Also, the way he looked when he kissed her, so passionate and unruly. It was like a reincarnated male fox spirit, enchanting her soul.

Jiang Ciyou smiled. After just three hours of breaking up, she found herself missing him…

Jiang Ciyou picked up her phone and found the number of that person. The contact was saved as “Pretty Boy.”

Jiang Ciyou was surprised to realize that after three years of sleeping with him, she hadn’t even asked for his real name. But it wasn’t entirely her fault. They always met at night, and the conversations were always straight to the point. In the heat of the moment, they called each other “baby” or “darling.”

Jiang Ciyou suddenly felt like a bad person, having been with someone without even knowing who they really were. As she was lost in thought, her phone suddenly vibrated. The screen displayed the contact name “Pretty Boy.”

Jiang Ciyou hesitated for a few seconds, then finally answered the call.

“Has it only been a short while, and you’re already missing me?”

Jiang Ciyou’s voice was naturally charming, soft and delicate, making it incredibly soothing to hear.

There was a pause on the other end.

A deep, somewhat restrained voice came through.

“Where are you now?”

“At home.”

“Come over to Green Villa. I want to see you.”

Jiang Ciyou absently twisted her hair with her fingers, her voice nonchalant.

“I can’t. I told you, my husband is back, and I need to accompany him tonight.”

“Jiang Ciyou, you’re not allowed to sleep with him.” The man’s voice was clearly losing control.

“Alright, if you keep insisting, I’ll offer you an extra payout. With that, you won’t need to work at the ‘Black Horse Club’ anymore.”

“Jiang Ciyou, it’s not about the money. Do you know who I am?”

“No matter who you are, we’re over.”

Compared to the anger on the other end, Jiang Ciyou’s voice remained gentle and soothing, almost as if she were comforting a child.

At this moment, Yan Feng had finally finished his call and entered the room from the balcony.

Jiang Ciyou intentionally smiled brightly. “Alright, my husband is back, so you should get some rest too.”

The man on the phone let out an angry roar. “Jiang Ciyou, if you dare hang up…”


The call was ended.

Jiang Ciyou also set her phone to “Do Not Disturb” mode and placed it face down on the balcony.

Yan Feng glanced at her and frowned. “Whose call was that?”

Jiang Ciyou’s smile was relaxed. “My boyfriend’s.”

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