Gentle Training for the Wild
Gentle Training for the Wild Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Fu Cheng was like a steel wolf in the military. For him, doing a few push-ups was not an issue.

He could keep going indefinitely if he didn’t want to stop.

Remembering the recent days of standing at attention, where Fu Cheng had watched them and punished anyone who moved, Youyi had been penalized with running laps. There was a day when Youyi was penalized with frog jumps, and she couldn’t straighten her legs for half the day.

“How many have you counted?”

“Two hundred sixty-eight.”

“Nonsense.” Fu Cheng turned her face to kiss her and pulled her into his lap with a sense of punishment. His voice was cold and indifferent, “It’s clearly two hundred seventy-six.”

Eight short.

How could this be?

As Youyi wondered about it, her mind went blank.

After dark, the takeout had already gone cold.

Fu Cheng reheated it in the microwave, brought it to the bedside, set up a small table, and poured a glass of water.

Youyi was so hungry that she didn’t care what the food was. She grabbed the chopsticks and began eating, even though the reheated rice was a bit hard. She didn’t mind too much.

Fu Cheng ate a bit too and, seeing how hungry Youyi was, handed her the water.

“What are your plans for National Day?” Fu Cheng finally had the chance to ask.

Youyi’s home was in the neighboring city, just two hours by high-speed train. He wondered if she planned to go home or had other plans.

Youyi shook her head, “No plans.”

Since starting university, she hadn’t been keen on going home except during the winter and summer breaks.

The atmosphere at home was quite stifling for her, and sometimes Youyi didn’t want to cause any conflict.

Now that she wasn’t going home, she had a better reason.

Aside from that home, she now had another place of her own.

Fu Cheng, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts, helped her clean up the takeout containers, neatly folding them and tying them up before taking them outside.

Youyi’s leg, which had been injured earlier, was almost healed. Fu Cheng had brought some scar removal cream from somewhere and was applying it to her leg while she rested it on his lap.

Her skin was tender, but the injury wasn’t severe enough to leave a scar.

Youyi wanted to mention that his palm had burned her ankle, and the cooling cream, combined with the alternating hot and cold sensations, made her forget what she intended to say.

“Does your company have a National Day holiday?” You Yi asked to make conversation.

Fu Cheng replied, “Yes.”

Since Fu Cheng owned the company, being the boss meant he had complete freedom. Whether or not the company had a National Day holiday probably didn’t matter much to him.

“Let’s go look at furniture in a couple of days,” Fu Cheng said. “There’s still a lot I haven’t bought for the place.”

His house was indeed quite empty. After they got their marriage certificate, they had moved in hastily with only the most basic furniture. There were still many details missing, but Fu Cheng didn’t mind too much.

He was used to a room with just a bed and a table. Having too many things around felt a bit unfamiliar to him.

Fu Cheng wanted to ask Youyi to go with him, but he also wanted to know when she might be ready to move in with him. Although she had already decorated her place quite nicely.

“I’ll go with you when I have time,” Youyi said.

Fu Cheng replied, “Yes, we’ll buy things you like.”

Youyi was momentarily taken aback and didn’t respond.

After a while, Fu Cheng went to take a shower.

He brought his clothes to Youyi’s bathroom to wash. Youyi frowned and asked why he wasn’t using his own.

She had already washed her hair but hadn’t dried it yet. With all the commotion, her hair was nearly dry, and she still wanted to take another shower.

There was only one bathroom, and it was occupied.

Fu Cheng knew she was particular about cleanliness and said, “You don’t need to rush.”

It wasn’t as if she didn’t have the energy.

That night didn’t end where it seemed to have started.

Even though Fu Cheng didn’t say anything directly, Youyi immediately understood his intentions.

Fu Cheng showered quickly, probably just taking a quick rinse. When he came out, he had a towel wrapped around his waist.

Youyi noticed a scar about two centimeters long on his lower back.

He had some smaller scars on his body, but they were hardly noticeable and added a certain ruggedness to him.

The scar on his back was long and appeared to have been stitched.

Youyi hadn’t noticed it before, as she hadn’t seen his back.

Noticing her gaze, Fu Cheng turned around and saw her looking at the scar on his waist.

Fu Cheng said, “I’ve had a lot of injuries before.”

Injuries and blood were a regular occurrence, but such a grotesque scar clearly indicated something more serious.

“Oh,” Youyi responded, not pressing further.

Fu Cheng observed her expression, then subtly turned away. He covered the scar with the towel and said softly, “If it scares you, don’t look.”

It was rare for her to see such a scar. It was long and unfamiliar, so it was understandable if it made her uneasy.

Youyi’s expression was a bit dazed.

She hadn’t seen the scar clearly before it was covered, leaving only a vague impression of a fierce beast, now lightly obscured.

Fu Cheng washed her unwashed underwear and hung them up. When he returned, Youyi had already gotten off the bed.

Her pink nightgown reached her thighs and hurt when she walked. She moved slowly, and Fu Cheng saw her underwear in his hand.

Youyi said, “I can wash them myself.”

Fu Cheng continued to hang the laundry, not responding.

He then grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge, which he had apparently put there without her noticing.

Fu Cheng opened the bottle, took two glasses from the table, and poured them.

He sat down on a chair and looked at Youyi, saying, “Have a drink.”

Youyi rarely drank alcohol.

Once, at a dormitory gathering, she had tried some fruit wine from the meal, found it pleasant, and ended up drinking a bit more. That night, she felt dizzy.

Youyi sat down on the other side, sniffed the wine, and found it had a pleasant aroma.

She took a sip.

The taste wasn’t harsh. It was mild and smooth, making her feel quite comfortable.

She took another sip.

Fu Cheng had poured more into his glass. He rested his arm on the table, which relaxed the tension in his arm muscles, and drank his glass in one go.

After finishing, Youyi handed her glass forward, so Fu Cheng poured her another glass.

Fu Cheng asked, “Do you like it?”

Youyi blinked but didn’t nod or shake her head.

Occasional drinking could be enjoyable, and under certain circumstances, it could be quite pleasant.

After just two glasses, her neck was already flushed.

Fu Cheng reached out and placed the back of his hand on her neck.

“Wow, you’re burning up.”

“Alright, let’s stop for now,” Fu Cheng said, taking the glass from her hand and placing it out of her reach, slightly exasperated by her low tolerance.

Youyi couldn’t reach the glass, even after stretching her fingers, so she gave up.

She rubbed her head.

Her safety awareness was strong. She never drank such alcohol outside. But since Fu Cheng was the one offering, she felt safe.

“They all say you’re targeting me on purpose,” Youyi said drowsily, feeling a bit wronged. She explained, “That day, he was the one who wanted to talk to me.”

“Hmm, got it,” Fu Cheng responded.

What did that mean?

She was at least more familiar with him than with others, yet she had no special treatment.

But it wasn’t that important. Youyi’s thoughts jumped around as she got drunk. She stood up, swayed, and was caught by Fu Cheng.

Looking up, she saw Fu Cheng’s face and was momentarily stunned.

“Can I touch your abs?” Youyi asked, still a bit confused.

Fu Cheng replied, “Go ahead.”

His muscles were tight and firm, with a good feel. Youyi had wanted to touch them before but had been too shy to ask Fu Cheng directly. Now, with the alcohol giving her courage, she reached out.

Her fingers touched his abs, pressing lightly.

Fu Cheng’s eyes darkened. He steadied Youyi and whispered in her ear, “If you want to try sitting, you can.”

Afterward, Fu Cheng had her count how many sit-ups she could do.

Youyi straightened her legs.

As she snuggled into his arms, Fu Cheng asked softly, “Do you want me to stay with you tonight?”

She said she was used to her own bed and didn’t want to sleep in his place. Now this was her bed and she could finally sleep there.

Youyi rested her head on his arm. The combination of drunkenness and extreme fatigue made it hard for her to open her eyes, and she mumbled a vague “mm.”

Fu Cheng tightened his arm around her.

Outside the window, the sky was dark. The white curtain had fallen to the floor, and a breeze had lifted a corner of it, making the curtain sway gently. The warm light from the bedside lamp showed that it was already past 1 AM.

He had come back at 5 PM.

Aside from eating and showering, it had been eight hours.


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