Get Lost, Damn Money!
Get Lost, Damn Money! Chapter 2

An hour later, Li Linlin’s studio.

“It’s Chen Yiran, it’s Chen Yiran again!” Wu Hui paced back and forth in the office, scolding Li Linlin thoroughly, “Tell me, how many silly things have you done for Chen Yiran?!”

“……” Li Linlin looked at her defiantly. “What silly things have I done? Wu Hui’er, let me tell you, the only silly thing I, Li Linlin, have ever done in my life is hiring you as my manager!”

Despite holding the title as Li Linlin’s manager, Wu Hui was actually her classmate and roommate. Strictly speaking, Li Linlin wasn’t a star, but her father was Li Shen, a legend in the music industry, so she had received a lot of attention from the outside world since she was a child.

She hadn’t acted in any TV shows nor had she produced any songs. Her only representative work was a secretly taken photo of herself writing in class when she was fifteen years old. That photo was widely circulated on the Internet and was highly praised. The media even dubbed her as ‘the most beautiful profile’ and ‘rare beauty’.

Wu Hui encouraged her to establish this studio but it had only taken on one job since then, which was to shoot a promotional clip for Xingguang[1]starlight Land.

This amusement park was funded and built by Huachuang Group. And as soon as Li Linlin heard that it was Chen Yiran who opened it, she immediately stated that she wanted no money and that the other side could take as many pictures as they like.

Oh, this was probably one of the silly things Wu Hui’er thought she’d done.

But in the end, the project team directly transferred a sum of money to her card, and the amount was more than twice what Wu Hui initially wanted.

She felt that Wu Hui’er was the silly one. 🙂

“Heh, you still don’t admit it?!” Wu Hui crossed her arms and looked at Li Linlin with a sneer. “I can’t even figure out how you managed to get into Imperial University with your brain full of romance!”

Li Linlin argued strongly, “It’s because of it that I passed the exam!”

Chen Yiran had been outstanding since he’s a child. He even got a master’s degree from a prestigious foreign university. In order to catch up with his pace, Li Linlin studied very hard and even skipped a grade in middle school. Later, when Chen Yiran returned to the country to develop his career, she gave up the idea of ​​studying abroad and instead applied for the first-class domestic school, Imperial University.

Chen Xi, who was on the side, weakly interrupted the quarrel between the two. “Okay, guys, cut it out a bit. It’s fine as long as Linlin isn’t hurt. You’d better check Weibo, this matter is on the hot search.”

Wu Hui and Li Linlin were silent for a second, then they simultaneously took out their phones and started scrolling.

The topic ‘Snow White Li Linlin’ had indeed remained firmly on the hot search list and was still at a relatively high position. After clicking into the link, they could see many on-scene photos taken by airport passengers. Basically, they were full of excitement and praise.

The quality of the photos varied, from those without filters to those that have been finely retouched. But it has to be said that Li Linlin’s face was really something. It survived the deadly angles of straight male photography and even gave off a sweet and dreamy fairytale-like atmosphere.

Chen Xi couldn’t help but sigh. “But still, Linlin’s face is stunning.”

Next to her, Wu Hui snorted. “Is it? Change the way you think.”

Chen Xi: “……”

“Things have become a hot topic so you must post on Weibo. You’d better apologize. No matter what, you’re the one who brought this up.” Wu Hui’er always kept her identity as a manager in mind and immediately arranged PR work for Li Linlin.

Li Linlin scoffed at Wu Hui’er in her mind, but her hand still honestly started typing.

「Li Linlin v: Sorry, sorry, I caused trouble to the brothers and sisters at the airport today. QAQ  I went there for personal matters and left in such a hurry that I didn’t even managed to change my clothes for the play. I really didn’t mean to do it. QAQ  I apologize once again to the airport staff and hope that everyone will take the initiative to abide by order at the airport in the future. Thank you all for your attention. (^_-)」

After posting on Weibo, fans soon came to leave messages. While everyone was blowing rainbow farts, they also didn’t forget to inquire about the play.

Although Imperial University wasn’t a drama school, its drama club was very famous and had produced several famous actors and actresses. Those who could get into Imperial University were top students and carried their own halo, so they were more popular among the audience after entering the entertainment industry.

Because of her love for acting, Li Linlin joined the drama club through an interview in her freshman year and had performed in quite a few plays in the past few years. Because there were fans who wanted to see her, the ticket price had been increased several times by scalpers.

This time they would be performing a new version of Snow White and it would be open to the public soon. Li Linlin originally wanted Chen Yiran to come and see it, but she didn’t expect that she wouldn’t even see him that day.

“Stop sighing about it, isn’t it just a man?” Wu Hui got angry when seeing Li Linlin looking like this. “That Chen Yiran, apart from being handsome, what else is good about him? Why are you so head over heels about him?”

As soon as she said this, Li Linlin became unhappy. “There are so many good things about him, I can’t finish listing them all day and night!”

“Heh, is that right?”

Li Linlin took out the financial magazine she had kept in the studio in a huff. She flipped open the page of Chen Yiran’s exclusive interview and held it out to Wu Hui. “He went to a prestigious school abroad that is very difficult to get into, and his grades have always been excellent during his time there!”

“Oh, our school isn’t bad either.”

“There’s more! Three years ago, he returned to the country with a huge amount of capital and an elite team, and single-handedly expanded the domestic territory of Huachuang Group to the scale it is today. He has an unshakable position in the business community of A City. Isn’t that outstanding enough?!”

Huachuang Group started as a small company established abroad by Chen Yiran’s father and a few of his friends. After decades of operation, the company gradually developed into a large enterprise of a certain scale. However, the domestic branches of Huachuang Group have been operating in a state of stagnation since its establishment. It only took Chen Yiran and his elite team three years to bring it back to life and give it a new look.

With the rapid development of the country in recent years, Huachuang Group has also focused on its domestic operations, and Chen Yiran was the pioneer of the group’s expansion.

Wu Hui fell into a brief silence after reading Chen Yiran’s interview. “……So, why did you set your goal so high? Can you change it to an easier one?!”

Can a man like Chen Yiran really fall in love with a woman?

“No way.” Li Linlin refused without even thinking.

Wu Hui sneered again and threw the magazine back to Li Linlin. “I’m too lazy to care. Anyway, if you screw things up again at the charity gala tomorrow night, I’ll stew you!”

Li Linlin lounged on the sofa and didn’t even look at her. “I don’t want to go. Anyway, my brain is full of romance and I don’t have the heart to work.”

“……” Others ‘flatter’ you and you take it seriously, then started boasting? “You have to go even if you don’t want to!”

“I won’t!”

Chen Xi’s eyes moved as she spoke to Li Linlin who was on the side, “Is that the charity gala hosted by TOMATO magazine? My brother seems to be going too.”

Li Linlin’s eyes lit up and she bounced up from the sofa. “Where’s my dress, where’s my dress?!”

Chen Xi: “……”

In a sense, having a love brain[2]mindset that is fixated on romance indeed push Linlin to become even better.

After trying on her dress, Li Linlin went back to school with Wu Hui. She still had the Snow White dress from the drama club with her so she dragged her suitcase and went to the club first. There were still many people rehearsing at this time. She went straight to the costume room and hung the princess dress back in place, contemplating whether she should iron it or not.

Just as she was about to find the iron, she heard a commotion outside. Li Linlin subconsciously turned hear head around and saw Shen Jie storming in.

There’s a pocketknife in the other person’s hand.

Li Linlin was stunned and quickly took two steps back. “Shen Jie, calm down, murder is illegal.”

Other members also ran after Shen Jie, all trying to persuade Shen Jie to calm down.

Shen Jie ignored them. She glanced at the costumes hanging on the rack, walked up and slashed a few times on the dress with the knife. The dress that was still in good condition just now was torn to pieces in the blink of an eye, and the fabric drooped down.

Everyone in the room was astonished. Li Linlin was also stunned for a moment before coming back to her senses. “Shen Jie, what’s wrong with you?! The play is about to start soon. What do you mean by tearing the dress apart?”

Shen Jie used the dress to vent her anger and her hand holding the knife trembled. Li Linlin saw that the knife fell as soon as Shen Jie loosened her grip and quickly stepped on the knife under her feet. Shen Jie didn’t pay attention to this. She stood there and took a few breaths before yelling at Li Linlin, “You all still want to perform? You did this to me and now the whole school knows about the matter with Ji Zifeng! You all still want to perform?!”

Li Linlin’s eyebrows twitched. Species were indeed diverse. Shen Jie’s brain circuit was beyond her comprehension. “What do you mean we did this to you? You’re not blaming Ji Zifeng, that scumbag, or the rich lady who came at your door, but instead you hate us?”

“Tell me about it.” Other members of the drama club chimed in, “It’s not like we called the person here. Aren’t you just thinking that we’re easier to bully?!”

“That’s right. If you have the ability, go to Ji Zifeng and make trouble with that rich lady. What’s the point of taking out your anger on us?”

“Moreover, you yourself are playing the role of Snow White. After ruining the dress, you also won’t be able to wear it.”

Shen Jie was the Snow White actress in Group B. There’s only one outfit which she and Li Linlin both use.

Shen Jie became even more agitated as she listened to their words. “Wasn’t it you guys who told her Ji Zifeng and I were together? And when Ji Zifeng and I came back, it was you who pointed us out to her, Li Linlin!”

Because of the unexpected mistake, Li Linlin wasn’t able to pick up Chen Yiran at the airport. She hadn’t even settled accounts with them yet, but they were now coming to find her.

“Stop being uselessly angry here. If we don’t tell others, they won’t find out about it? Aren’t you usually the most high-profile, showing off all the crap you and Ji Zifeng were doing to the world?! Shen Jie, let me tell you, I got cursed for nothing because of you. Don’t you need to compensate me for psychological damage?”

“You-, you still have the nerve to ask me for compensation?!” Shen Jie appeared like she was seeing such a shameless person for the first time. She was shocked and then glared at Li Linlin angrily. “Do you know what’s being said about me in school right now? You want me to compensate you? Then who’s going to compensate me for the loss of my reputation?!”

“Go to whoever spread the word. What’s the point of coming to the drama club to make a fuss? You vented your anger on a piece of clothing, aren’t you just feeling that you have no face to go on stage so you don’t want others to do so as well?”

“You-, you-……” Shen Jie was so angry that she couldn’t speak coherently. She stared at Li Linlin as if she wanted to hold Li Linlin and bring her down to die with her. The president of the drama club which was also part of the student council arrived in time and firmly brought Shen Jie under control.

“Shen Jie, what’s all this fuss? This is a school. Do you still want to graduate?!”

After being yelled at like this, Shen Jie finally broke down and burst into tears.

She cried so loudly and piercingly that some of the older boys were immediately at a loss. In the end, the school counselor had to personally come and took her away.

After Shen Jie left, the members sighed and gathered around the torn dress, thinking of ways they could save it.

Li Linlin took a picture of the dress and sent it to Chen Xi. 【Xixi, do you think this dress can still be salvaged?】

【Xixi: ……Is this the one you wore at the airport today?】

【Linlin: Yes.】

【Xixi: How did it become like that?】

【Linlin: Ahh, it’s a long story. [Pretty girl sigh]】

【Xixi: I have a solution. How about you guys do 《Cinderella》 instead? It’ll still work with patches.】

【Li Linlin: ……】

Xixi is very humorous. 🙂

She packed the princess dress back into her suitcase and dragged it straight to Chen Xi’s studio the next day.

Chen Xi’s studio was established at the same time as Li Linlin’s. The two of them have loved doing everything together since they were young. The two studios weren’t far apart, but their decoration styles were completely different. Chen Xi’s studio follows the traditional style. Many of the furniture were made of wood and there’s also a Chinese-style courtyard full of flowers and plants.

She usually attends classes at school so she has hired someone to come over and help her water the plants.

Li Linlin and Chen Xi were both still university students, and the money to open their studios was provided by their families. Every time Wu Hui sees the two of them, she wants to sigh at their Baifumei[3]refers to fair-skinned females w/ wealthy families and good looks life cheat.

“But this Shen Jie is really ruthless, slashing the dress like this.” Li Linlin was sitting in front of the dresser as Chen Xi does her hair, while Wu Hui stood next to them looking at the remains of the dress.

Chen Xi also had a headache when she heard it. “I’ll try my best to help you repair it. I may need to add some design.”

“It’s alright, as long as we can use it for the performance next week.” Li Linlin touched the sapphire necklace around her neck and told them, “Shen Jie is actually quite miserable. She didn’t know what Ji Zifeng was doing. In the final analysis, it’s Ji Zifeng, that scumbag’s fault.”

“It’s really disgusting.” Chen Xi said as she pinned the gemstone hairpin on Li Linlin’s hair. Then she clapped her hands and said, “It’s done! Stand up and take a look.”

Li Linlin moved the chair back, lifted the hem of her dress and stood up.

Her dress tonight was inspired by mermaid princess. The long aqua blue dress was handmade by Chen Xi. The pearls on the shoulder straps and neckline, as well as sequins on the skirt that mimics fish scales, were all selected by Chen Xi and sewn stitch by stitch. It took more than a month to complete.

In addition to these sparkling embellishments, the skirt also has a diamond pattern design that imitates a fishtail. The trailing gauze behind was gorgeous but not cumbersome. The delicate materials were layered and lightly trailed on the ground.

“Truly beautiful!” Chen Xi was very satisfied with her work. The aqua blue color she chose was very flattering to Li Linlin’s skin tone. After putting it on, Li Linlin’s whole body looked so fair that it seemed to glow. The cinched design at the waist makes it looked slimmer, making Li Linlin’s already slender waist look even easier to grip. Her shiny hair was draped smoothly over her shoulders, and the gemstone hairpin on her head complemented the sequins on her dress.

“Linlin, you’ll definitely outshine all the beauties tonight!” Chen Xi said with confidence.

“Beauties?” Li Linlin looked at her. “I’m not interested in beauties, I just want to overwhelm Brother~Yi~ran~”

“……” Wu Hui rolled her eyes skillfully from the side.


1 starlight
2 mindset that is fixated on romance
3 refers to fair-skinned females w/ wealthy families and good looks


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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