Get Lost, Damn Money!
Get Lost, Damn Money! Chapter 24

When Li Linlin saw Chen Yiran, she immediately froze on the spot.

Was it really Brother Yiran? Master Chang Xin was so amazing. This was too accurate!

Chen Yiran was talking to someone with his head turned to the side, but as if he noticing her gaze, he glanced towards her. Li Linlin had put on a mask and sunglasses when she came out, looking discordant from other people. When Chen Yiran looked over, she panicked and turned around with her bag on her shoulder.

Chen Yiran withdrew his gaze and said something to the people around him. The others nodded and walked out of the hotel, leaving Chen Yiran alone. He glanced at the suspicious figure again and approached her.

“Linlin.” He called out as he walked towards the stairway.

Li Linlin’s shoulders shook. She turned around and smiled at him. “Brother Yiran, what a coincidence.”

She was wearing a mask and her voice sounded muffled. Chen Yiran curled his lips and asked her, “What are you doing here?”

Li Linlin said, “I ate in the buffet restaurant upstairs.”

Chen Yiran nodded slightly and asked her, “Then where are you going now?”

“I-I don’t have any more work so I’m heading back to Yinwan.”

“I’ll give you a lift. Let’s go.”

“……Ah, okay!” Li Linlin cheerfully followed him.

Chen Yiran’s car was waiting in front of the hotel. When the driver saw him coming out, he drove the car over. The bellboy came forward to open the car door for them. Chen Yiran waited until Li Linlin get in first before sitting inside the car from the other side.

Once Li Linlin was inside, she took off her sunglasses and mask, and smiled at Chen Yiran. “I was afraid of being recognized so I covered myself up.”

After that, she asked curiously, “But how did you recognize me, Brother Yiran?”

Chen Yiran asked back, “How are you unrecognizable?”

He added while fastening his seat belt, “But with your current popularity, it’s indeed unsafe to go out alone. How about I find some bodyguards for you?”

“No need, no need, you already gave me assistants, I’ll hire a bodyguard myself.”

Chen Yiran tilted his head slightly and said with a light smile. “There’s no need to be so polite with me.”

Li Linlin said, “No, in fact, I’ve made some money recently. It’s enough to hire a bodyguard.”

“I heard. You picked up two advertisements?”

“Yes.” Li Linlin nodded and asked him, “Brother Yiran, what were you doing at the hotel just now?”

Chen Yiran said, “I had a meeting there today and had a meal together afterwards. I didn’t expect to meet you as soon as we came out.”

Li Linlin laughed foolishly. “Hehe, I also decided to go there to eat on the spur of the moment.”

Now it has been proven that her decision was right!

The journey from Dingou Hotel to Yinwan didn’t take long. In order to increase the chance of spending more time with Chen Yiran, Li Linlin carefully said, “Brother Yiran, please let me down at Wetland Park later.”

There’s a wetland park near Yinwan. In addition to creating many natural landscapes, it also had built courts and tracks for people who exercise. Many nearby residents would go for a walk with their dogs at night. When Li Linlin and the others first moved in, Wu Hui would drag them there every day. As time passed, their interest faded.

When Chen Yiran heard what she said, he glanced sideways at her. “It’s so late, what are you going to do in the park?”

Li Linlin said, “I ate a bit too much and want to go for a walk to help digestion so Wu Hui won’t say I’ve put on weight again.”

“I think you’re too thin.” Chen Yiran had seen a lot of female celebrities in the entertainment industry. Each one was thinner than the last. If Linlin were as thin as them, he would definitely be the first to disagree.

“Alas, it can’t be helped. The camera stretch people out and everyone is trying their best to control their figure in order to look good.” Obviously, technology had advanced to the point where AI could change faces, so why had the problem of the camera making people look fatter still not solved?

“Is that what looks good? Aesthetics aren’t singular.” At least when he saw those skinny celebrities, he didn’t think they looked good. “But it’s true that you should move around after eating too much in the evening. I’ll accompany you for a walk. I don’t feel comfortable with you being alone.”

Li Linlin’s purpose from the very beginning was to make him accompany her. After hearing what he said, she quickly agreed happily, “Okay, thank you Brother Yiran!”

Chen Yiran couldn’t help but laughed. “It’s just a walk, what are you thanking me for?”

The driver took them outside the Wetland Park and parked the car. Li Linlin put on her mask but no longer wore her glasses—— After all, it’s strange to wear sunglasses this time of the night.

The street lights in the park were all lit up, illuminating the carefully crafted landscape. Chen Yiran and Li Linlin walked side by side on the path and people walking and jogging passed by them in twos and threes.

There were many people with pets on the lawn, letting their dogs out for exercise. Li Linlin even saw a person walking a rabbit.

Her eyes sparkled in the night and she raised her eyes slightly to look at Chen Yiran beside her. “Brother Yiran, I heard you haven’t stayed in the house in Yinwan since you bought it. Then you must’ve never strolled around Wetland Park, right?”

“Indeed. I’m usually too busy with work.” This park had been repaired for a long time but this was his first time there. Li Linlin smiled and told him, “There’s also a park near our home which is bigger than here.”

Chen Yiran looked at her and smiled a bit. “I know. Lize Park is famous.”

Lize Park was the most famous park in A City before the completion of Starlight Park and was still one of the favorite wedding photo shooting spots for the citizens of A City.

Li Linlin blinked at him, her eyes seeming to hold the light of the entire springtime. “Then did you know that Lize Park is where my parents pledge their love?”

Chen Yiran paused for a moment and said, “I remember that Uncle Li wrote a song called Lize Park, is that the reason?”

“Yes, hahaha, they still like to play his song in the park even now.” It’s really not for nothing that her father had been famous for so many years. The songs he wrote twenty years ago were still classics people listen to today.

“Let me tell you something, when my father first fell in love with my mother, their financial conditions were very difficult. I heard my mother say that they lived in a teeny tiny house and that they dreamed of moving into the big villa next to Lize Park everyday as a way to motivate themselves.”

Although the Chen and the Li family have a good relationship, Chen Yiran had never heard of the love story between Li Shen and Yu Wan. He looked at Li Linlin and asked her rather curiously, “And then? They finally realized their dream through constant hard work?”

“Then they broke up! Didn’t expect that, right?”

Chen Yiran: “……”

He indeed didn’t expect this development.

“But in the end, after going in circles, they still ended up together. By the time they met each other again, they had grown into outstanding adults.” As Li Linlin was saying this, a Samoyed appeared in sight led by its owner.

When passing by Li Linlin, it squatted on the ground and refused to move, even rubbing its head against her. The owner awkwardly pulled the rope and stood aside. “Haha, Snowball seems to like you very much.”

Li Linlin squatted down and touched the Samoyed’s ​​head. “Its name is Snowball? It’s quite fitting.”


“Snowball~” Li Linlin called it and went to ruffle its fur. Snowball rubbed its head against her hand again before being taken away by its owner.

Chen Yiran looked at Li Linlin beside him and told her, “I see that you like animals and they like to approach you. How come you haven’t thought getting a dog?”

Li Linlin’s eyes darkened a few points, as if she had thought of something. “I don’t dare raise another one.”

Chen Yiran was baffled, “Why?”

Li Linlin looked up at him. “Do you remember we used to have a Shiba Inu at home? It was raised by my father and its name was Lili.”

Chen Yiran thought about it and seemed to have some impression. “I remember. When I was in high school, I went to your house to celebrate your birthday and saw it.”

“Yes, Lili is also a person— no— a dog who witnessed my parents’ love.” Li Linlin continued to walk side by side with Chen Yiran as she spoke. “But the life span of animals is too short compared to humans. When Lili died, I cried for a long time.”

Chen Yiran’s eyes moved slightly. He went to study abroad after graduating from high school. Li Linlin was still a child at that time. Later, he stayed abroad before returning to the country more than three years ago. Regarding Chen Xi and Li Linlin’s affairs over the years, he had actually been absent a lot.

Li Linlin seemed to be thinking about the situation back then and her mood dropped. “There was no warning that day and I happily took Lili for a walk. Later on, while walking, she lay on the ground and refused to move. She often acted spoiled like that with me so I thought she’s making trouble again. I thought that if I coaxed her and petted her as usual, she would stand up and continue walking with me, but that time she really couldn’t stand up anymore.”

As Li Linlin spoke, her eyes turned red. Lili’s death was a huge blow to her. Although Li Shen had raised the dog for longer, Li Linlin cried harder than Li Shen.

“I could feel that she was trying very hard to stand up and go home with me, but she— she couldn’t— stand up……” Li Linlin’s voice took on a sobbing tone as she spoke. She felt that it was extremely embarrassing to cry like this outside, but she just couldn’t control her tears.

Chen Yiran never had a pet because he knew he didn’t have time to accompany them, but he seems to be able to relate to the feelings Li Linlin was talking about. He didn’t know what words to use to comfort her and he had never been a person who was good at comforting others. He pursed his lips slightly as he looked at Li Linlin with her drooping head next to him, raised his hand and gently rubbed her head.

Perhaps it was because his movements were too gentle and too careful, it made Li Linlin even more vulnerable and she cried harder than before.

Some people strolling passed by look at the situation on their side and pointed at Chen Yiran.

“What kind of man is that, bullying a little girl?”

“Yeah. He looks like a decent person but he’s essentially a dog man.”

“You’re insulting dogs. My family’s Jigglypuff won’t make me cry.”

Chen Yiran: “……”

Chen Yiran didn’t bring anything with him when he got out of the car and no tissue to hand Li Linlin. Fortunately, Li Linlin had tissues in her bag and took them out to wipe away the tears on her face. “I’m sorry, Brother Yiran……”

“It’s alright.” Chen Yiran rubbed her head again as he looked at her. “I’ve never had a pet and don’t know what to say to comfort you. But I think that if you still like pets, it’s okay to get another one. Stop worrying about them leaving you early. I think all pet owners understand this in their hearts. But even if they are gone and no longer stays with their owners, the feelings between them and their owners won’t change, right?”

Li Linlin raised her red eyes and looked at him. Chen Yiran patted her head and told her, “Just like now, even if Lili’s gone, you’ll always remember her. Your love for her is still the same as before, isn’t that enough?”

Li Linlin pursed her lips and responded in a low voice, “Hmm.”

Chen Yiran nodded and continued walking forward with her. He looked at the long road and his eyes moved slightly.

Life was full of all kinds of partings. Even people couldn’t stay by another person’s side forever, let alone pets.


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

1 comment
  1. Nightcheese has spoken 9 months ago



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