Get Lost, Damn Money!
Get Lost, Damn Money! Chapter 28

When Li Linlin ran back, she had already put on a pair of mid-top shoes on her feet.

“Brother Yiran, let’s go.” She smiled at Chen Yiran and walked alongside him. “Are you staying here tonight as well?”

En, I’m staying on the other side. There are many types of hotels built on this mountain.”

“I know. Xiao Xi and Xiaoxiao send me a picture of their room. The place they’re staying at also looks nice.”

“It’s because our focus this time is on accommodation and dining.” Other than the natural scenery of Youxian Mountain, there were no other attractions to enjoy. What they want was the environment, as well as accommodation and dining that was integrated with the surroundings.

“It feels good to come here occasionally to unwind and relax.” Li Linlin quite likes the place. The mountain had a kind of silence far away from the bustling city, which allowed city people who have always been tense, to have a short period of relaxation. “It’s not far and a good way to take a vacation by inviting friends or family over on the weekend. It’s also a great choice for writers and musicians to stay at for a month to create and find inspiration!”

“Mm.” Chen Yiran nodded and told Li Linlin, “We are also preparing to hold corresponding activities for various festivals. We still need to further discuss the specific plans.”

Li Linlin looked at him and chuckled. “It suddenly feels like we’re in a meeting.”

“……” Chen Yiran also slightly curled his lips and said, “We had a daylong meeting today and will have to continue it tomorrow. Some things still haven’t been discussed.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I just feel like Brother Yiran is working so hard, it’s as if you still haven’t gotten off work.”

“Work is never finished.”

“……” Is that so?

The night scenery at the mountain was completely filled with various lights. Chen Yiran had seen it before and had optimized the plan several times. He might still continue to make adjustments afterwards. All these things in his eyes were work, but this was the first time Li Linlin saw it, and she seemed a bit excited. “Ah, this restaurant is the one we will use for shooting. So it looks like this at night. It seems even dreamier with the lighting on!”

Li Linlin ran over and called out to Chen Yiran, “Brother Yiran, help me take a picture!”

Chen Yiran smiled helplessly, took out his mobile phone and pointed the camera at Li Linlin.

“Remember to add filter.” After saying so, Li Linlin asked him again, “Do you have a beauty filter app on your phone?”


“……” What an unsurprising answer. “Then use mine.”

Li Linlin tapped on her phone and opened her most commonly used filter app.

Chen Yiran took a picture of her with her mobile phone, then was pulled by Li Linlin to take another photo in front of the restaurant together.

“I’ll send it on to you.” Li Linlin saved the photo and sent it to Chen Yiran. His phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and also saved the photo sent by Li Linlin.

“It’s really beautiful here.” Perhaps because it hadn’t been officially opened yet and there were very few people, it had more of the mountainous atmosphere.

Chen Yiran slowly looked around and nodded. “True.”

It seemed to look better than the last few times he came.

In the woods not far away, there was a sudden rustling sound. Li Linlin and Chen Yiran looked in the direction of the sound and the mood gradually became tense. “Brother Yiran, there won’t be any snakes here, right?”

Chen Yiran raised his eyebrows slightly. “There are definitely snakes in mountains.”

Li Linlin: “……”

Then how can you speak so calmly?!

“Don’t worry, it shouldn’t be a snake.” Chen Yiran sidestepped and blocked Li Linlin behind him. “The prevention and control of venomous insects, snakes and ants on the mountain is a matter that we have focused on in the early stages. Our staffs conduct regular inspections and also placed first aid manuals in every room. In addition, the mountain has a medical team to ensure the safety of every visitor.”

Li Linlin felt relieved when he heard what he said, however, she didn’t know if the medical team had started working yet?

Just as she was thinking that, a man walked out of the woods.

“President Chen, Little Sister Linlin, you’re…… admiring the moonlight?” Fu Angsi patted the fallen leaves on his shoulders and smiled awkwardly at them.

Chen Yiran looked at him indifferently. “What are you doing there?”

“Oh, I just saw a kitten and chased after it.” Fu Angsi shrugged. “It was gone in a flash.”

After saying so, he ambiguously asked, “Am I interrupting something?”

Chen Yiran ignored him and turned his head towards Li Linlin. “I’ll send you back to the villa.”

“Okay.” Li Linlin waved her hand at Fu Angsi and followed Chen Yiran.

Fu Angsi remained in place, his pair of intelligent eyes saw through everything.

He was wondering why Chen Yiran went on a special trip to Youxian Mountain today. It turned out that he was there for Little Sister Linlin?

Heh, saying that he only regarded Li Linlin as his sister, he, Fu Angsi, was the first one not believing it!

“Meow~” A little kitten emerged from the grass next to him, looked up at Fu Angsi, then scampered away.

Fu Angsi: “……”

He just wanted to pet the kitten. How come even cats didn’t want to get close to him?

On the contrary, Chen Yiran, the cold-faced and cold-hearted guy, was unexpectedly liked by the little animals.

He had it hard.


Probably because she and Chen Yiran had walked a few rounds and made an appointment to meet again, Li Linlin was in a high mood and lay in bed for a long time before falling asleep. She didn’t sleep for long when the staff of the show came to wake her up. Li Linlin was feeling groggy.

But it didn’t matter. She’s just there to be a salted fish and didn’t need to work hard to perform.

In order to increase its selling point, the show also stipulated a clothing theme for everyone each episode. This time it was red and black. The guests must dress up mainly in red and black colors. The stylist prepared the clothes for everyone in advance. Li Linlin did the styling while yawning.

“What’s wrong? Did you not sleep well last night?” The makeup artist helped Li Linlin improve her complexion, making her look brighter than earlier.

Li Linlin said, “Perhaps I’m not use to the bed.”

After getting dressed, Li Linlin and the others were led to gather on the lawn. The place had been decorated and in addition to the balloons, tables and chairs, the most eye-catching thing was the many plush toys hanging in the air.

The filming equipment and lighting were already in place, and the two hosts of the show were standing together, seemingly checking their cue cards.

“Little Sister Linlin, come here and have breakfast.” The person in charge called Li Linlin to the table and she sat down along with the other guests. “Your first meal is provided by the restaurant but for the next period, you will have to cook for yourselves.”

A camera was filming the breakfast. Everyone looked surprised and started discussing. Li Linlin was the only one at the table who was eating seriously.

It’s rare that Wu Hui wasn’t managing her, so of course she had to eat more!

The food provided by the restaurant was delicious. As expected of the Yu family. This was really a strong partnership between Huachuang and them. Li Linlin sighed while eating and unconsciously finished everything on the plate.

After breakfast, she felt better than before, however, she was still a little groggy. It seemed that lack of sleep was really no good.

After everyone was done eating, one of the host came over to call them and said that the official recording would begin. The person in charge of that day’s task had already told them that the guests would be divided into two groups and would compete in small games to determine the winning team. The winners would get priority in selecting ingredients for their restaurant.

The number and types of ingredients provided by the program group were limited. The team that chooses first would have an advantage in the subsequent business operation. All the guests were gearing up, except Li Linlin who had ‘forced to open for business’ written all over her face and reluctantly agreed with a few words.

“Then let’s ask friends who want to be captains to raise their hands.” The hosts guided the guests and half of the people present raised their hands. After calling out their names, they first selected the captain through a mini game, and then asked the winning captains to pick their team members.

Li Linlin sat on the side and watched others jumping around. More than half an hour passed. It turned out that being a salted fish in a variety show was such an easy thing to do!

She had also been chosen by a team. Anyway, she would stand wherever she was told to stand. She was in the same team as Shang Ci, and for some reason, the other guests were all making the sound of eating melon.

Li Linlin: “……”

Everyone was really dedicated to their work.

After being divided into two groups, the hosts didn’t let everyone take a break but directly started the next segment. The plush toys hanging on the lawn were the items that the two groups had to snatch.

“Do you think that whichever team grabs more plush toys within the specified time will win?” The two hosts spoke in unison and continued, “Wrong guess!”

“Please take a closer look at these toys. Your task is to find the real one among a group of fakes.”

“What do you mean by the real one?” A guest asked.

One of the hosts answered, “It’s a plush toy with a hidden secret.”

“That’s right. One of them has a logo of our show printed on its eyes, so please look for it carefully.”

This condition was too detailed. However, the plush toys were hung high so the guests could only see clearly whether there’s a logo or not by pulling one off and inspecting it closely. During the game, everyone could snatch each other’s toys or interfere with each other when getting one. In short, after the countdown ends, whichever team had the real plush toy wins.

Once the game started, the guests jumped up and pulled the plush toys hanging above them. The plush toys weren’t tied tightly and were easy to pull off. Some accidentally fell even if no one pulled them. Li Linlin pretended to jump a couple times and then kept walking around the field, picking up the toys that fell on the ground.

“Is this a logo?” A male guest found a plush toy and after studying it for a long time, he thought that the eyes looked like it had a logo, so he went to his teammates to confirm.

As a result, when he said that, everyone went to grab the plush toy in his hand and a battle immediately broke.

Li Linlin watched the fire from across the bank and applauded slowly. “Whoa~”

When the hosts saw everyone wrestling together, they came up to stop it, like a referee in a boxing match. Because this game was quite physically demanding, everyone took a short break before continuing to grab plush toys.

The music started playing again and Li Linlin stayed in the outer circle, perfectly performing the role of a beautiful girl picking up ‘trash’.

She remained like a salted fish until the end when the hosts started counting down. Everyone else was trying their best to stuff plush toys into their arms in order to increase the chance of getting the real one. Li Linlin felt that her hands were empty and that it wouldn’t look good so she picked up the one at her feet.

“Three, two, one, stop! Please separate!” The hosts jumped out and took control once again. “The game is over!”

“It was a really intense and interesting game. There’s something we didn’t tell you all earlier. Actually, the real plush toy has a sensor installed on it.”

“That’s right, where its location is, the director can see it at a glance through the monitor.”

Everyone made the sound of eating melon again. The music stopped and a magnetic voice sounded from the speaker, “Congratulations guests, one of you successfully got the real one.”

The camera tracked and captured the expressions of each guest. Everyone looked vaguely expectant and nervous. Li Linlin stood there with a numb look on her face as she heard the announcer read out her name, “Congratulations to Li Linlin, you successfully found the real one! White Team wins!”

“Yay——!” The members of the white team immediately cheered and ran towards Li Linlin, the heroine, happily.

Li Linlin: “……?”


Li Linlin, who was in a state of shock, once again discovered that human beings’ joys and sorrows were really not the same!

“Let’s verify whether the plush toy in Li Linlin’s hand is the real one.” The hosts also came over, picked up the plush toy in Li Linlin’s hand and studied it. “Yes, it has the logo in its left eye. Let the cameraman take a close-up shot.”

The cameraman not only gave the plush toy a close-up, but also gave Li Linlin several close-ups.

This was a highlight moment for Li Linlin. Her outstanding performance allowed the white team to come out on top!

“Congratulations to Li Linlin! Congratulations to White Team!”

Li Linlin: “……”

Thank you all. 🙂


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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