Get Lost, Damn Money!
Get Lost, Damn Money! Chapter 29

The variety show was recorded until noon and apart from having something to eat in the morning, no one had anything since.

Li Linlin couldn’t help but admire the other guests. She’d only been sitting down for so long but felt very hungry, while the others were still so energetic after jumping around all day.

At this moment, the show suddenly started a talent show. A female idol from Li Linlin’s team said that she could read palms. The host cued Li Linlin and asked her to show her palm.

Li Linlin could only extend her hand cooperatively. The other party scrutinized if for a while then said to Li Linlin, “From a palmistry perspective, your career is great. Usually, career is linked to wealth, so your financial luck won’t be bad either. It’s just that it will be a bit difficult to find a partner.”

Li Linlin: “……”

No, how was it okay to suddenly start a personal attack?!

As soon as the other party said it would be difficult for Li Linlin to find a partner, the guests at the scene burst into laughter. One of the host asked in disbelief, “No way, no way, it will be hard for Linlin to find a partner? Then aren’t people like me doomed to die alone?”

“Well, human beings are different from each other. Sometimes, it’s difficult for a person who’s too good to find a partner.”

“Is it because Linlin’s requirements are too high?” The host asked, “Why don’t Linlin take this opportunity to reveal you criteria for choosing a partner?”

“……” Li Linlin was silent for a moment, then said, “As long as they’re better than me in all aspects.”

“That’s a bit of a high standard then.” The host said, “Just academic qualification alone is going to eliminate a whole lot of people.”

Li Linlin said, “Not really, I think I’m actually quite ordinary.”

Now the host really laughed. “The same one that’s very popular recently? Humblebrag!”

“Right, right, Ordinary Li Linlin!”

Li Linlin: “……”

When the sun was about to set, that day’s recording finally ended. Li Linlin really didn’t expect that it would take so long. She was starving. Fortunately, she took extra bites in the morning, otherwise she would have passed out.

Just as she thought that, Li Linlin’s vision suddenly went dark and she fainted.


Chen Yiran had been on a meeting at the mountain that day, making final adjustments to the plan. By the time it ended, it was almost dark.

Assistant Wu hurried over and reported to Chen Yiran, “Not good, President Chen, I just received news from the program group that Miss Li has fainted.”

Chen Yiran was shock. He stood up abruptly and headed out, “What happened?”

“We don’t know yet, but the medical team stationed here has already rushed over.” Speaking of this, Assistant Wu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the medical team had already moved in, otherwise today’s matter would be troublesome.

Li Linlin suddenly fainted, frightening the crew. Fortunately, Shang Ci had quick eyesight and caught her when she fainted, otherwise she might have fallen on the ground.

They knew there’s a medical team on the mountain and called immediately. When Chen Yiran arrived, Li Linlin was already lying on the sofa with an IV drip.

“How did this happen?” Chen Yiran came over menacingly, making everyone scared. The doctor who treated Li Linlin glanced at him and said, “She have a slight fever and couple with the fact that she skipped a meal, she fainted.”

Chen Yiran immediately frowned and questioned the staffs of the show on the side, “Skipped a meal? You don’t even feed the guests during recording?”

The person in charge of the crew recognized Chen Yiran and was already a little afraid of him, but when he got this angry, he only felt his hair standing on end. “In order to catch up with the schedule, everyone has no time to eat. A lot of guests’ schedules are full so they have to go down the mountain today.”

Seeing Chen Yiran’s face turned darker, the person in charge quickly added, “But everyone had something this morning and Linlin ate the most!”

Assistant Wu: “……”

Chen Yiran sat in front of the sofa and reached out to touch Li Linlin’s forehead. “How is she now?”

“It’s nothing serious at the moment. The fever should go down in a while. Let her eat something light when she wakes up.”

Chen Yiran looked at the sleeping Li Linlin and asked the doctor, “Can I take her down the mountain?”

After all, their movements on the mountain were limited and he’s worried that Li Linlin’s condition might worsen at night. It’s inconvenient to leave her at the mountain’s clinic.

The doctor said, “Yes, but try not to wake her up and let her have a good rest. The IV drip also has to stay on.”

En.” Chen Yiran asked Assistant Wu to help hold the IV bag and picked Li Linlin up himself. The nurse also helped move the pole to the car so that Li Linlin could continue the infusion while being transported.

“Drive slowly and steadily.” Chen Yiran let Li Linlin rest her head on his lap and told the driver in the front seat. The driver responded and slowly started the car.

Assistant Wu sat in the passenger seat and turned around to ask Chen Yiran, “President Chen, are we taking Miss Li back to Yinwan?”

Chen Yiran frowned and thought for a while before saying, “Go to Xinghai Garden.”

He wasn’t at ease to let the other two girls take care of Li Linlin, but if she sent her home, only the butler was there. It’s still more reassuring to keep her by his side.

“Call Dr. Zeng and ask him to go to Xinghai Garden.”

“Yes, President Chen.” Assistant Wu was inwardly surprised. After Chen Yiran moved to Xinghai Garden, even he had only stepped on there a handful of times, not to mention a woman!

It seemed that in President Chen’s heart, Little Sister Linlin was really different!

As the car drove all the way back to the city from Youxian Mountain, the IV fluid almost ran out. The nurse taught Chen Yiran how to pull out the needle. He carefully did so and gently pressed the skin with a cotton ball.

Li Linlin slept deeply all the way. On the one hand, her body was really tired, and on the other hand, it was also the effect of the medicine. It was only at this moment that she mumbled twice as if she was dreaming. However, her eyes still remained close.

After arriving at Xinghai Garden, Chen Yiran carried Li Linlin out of the car. Dr. Zeng had already arrived and was sitting in the lobby waiting for them.

Chen Yiran was holding Li Linlin and wasn’t able to move easily, so Assistant Wu followed and assisted him. Dr. Zeng couldn’t help but glance at the girl in Chen Yiran’s arms. He was really curious as to what kind of person it was that could make Chen Yiran so nervous.

The girl in Chen Yiran’s arms looked very young. Dr. Zeng first thought of the words ‘a wolf in a sheep’s clothing, a beast with a human face’, and then he felt that the little girl was becoming more familiar as he looked at her.

Wasn’t this the recently popular female star Li Linlin?

Chen Yiran was indeed worse than a beast! He actually extended his claws to Little Sister Linlin!

“What are you looking at?” Sensing that Dr. Zeng had been staring at Li Linlin, Chen Yiran spoke coldly, his voice sounding displeased.

Dr. Zeng quickly withdrew his gaze and coughed lightly. “What happened to her?”

Chen Yiran placed Li Linlin on the bed and covered her with a quilt. “She has a low fever and didn’t eat.”

“……?” Dr. Zeng had a lot of thoughts in his mind. Hadn’t eaten? A low fever? Then what’s he doing?

Really worse than a beast!

His gaze at Chen Yiran suddenly became a bit complicated.

“She still has a slight fever so keep an eye on her tonight.” After taking Li Linlin’s temperature, Dr. Zeng prescribed a medicine for her. “Let her take one when she wakes up. Not with an empty stomach. Give her some porridge first.”

En.” Chen Yiran nodded and accepted the medicine.

“And stop tossing her around.”

“?” Chen Yiran looked at him in confusion.

“Ahem, that’s all I have to say. I’m going first.” Dr. Zeng picked up his things and swiftly left.

Assistant Wu sent Dr. Zeng out then stood at the door of the room and asked Chen Yiran, “President Chen, I’ll help you cook something so Miss Li can eat when she wakes up.”

Chen Yiran thought for a while and told him, “No need. You can go back, I can do it myself.”

“Ah, all right.” Assistant Wu picked up his things as well and said to Chen Yiran, “Then I’m leaving?”


After Assistant Wu was gone, Chen Yiran checked the temperature of Li Linlin’s forehead again. He then got up, opened the door to the walk-in closet, and started taking off his coat.

When Li Linlin opened her eyes in a daze, what she saw was Chen Yiran changing clothes with his back to her.

“……” Li Linlin covered her mouth silently. What kind of blessing was this?! Brother Yiran was undressing!

Chen Yiran’s hand was already unbuckling the belt of his trousers when he suddenly felt a passionate gaze on him, so he turned back.

Li Linlin was staring at him with round eyes.

“……” Chen Yiran pretended to be calm and re-buckled the belt. He walked towards Li Linlin. “Awake?”

“……I don’t know if I’m awake.” Li Linlin felt light headed and she was lying in an unfamiliar place while Brother Yiran was taking off his pants…… It all seemed like a dream.

Chen Yiran chuckled softly and stretched out his hand to rub her head. “You still have a bit of a fever so sleep a little longer. I’ll call you once dinner is ready.”

Li Linlin was still in a daze but Chen Yiran didn’t notice. He got up and prepared to go to the kitchen to make her something to eat, but Li Linlin behind him suddenly slapped the bed and called out, “Chen Shan, come to bed! Where are you going?!”

Chen Yiran: “……”

The room was extremely quiet for a moment and only the sound of Li Linlin patting the mattress was particularly prominent. “Don’t go, wuuwuuwuu, come over and sleep.”

Chen Yiran: “……”

He had seen Li Linlin drunk once. At that time, she was extremely quiet, sleeping obediently in his arms. Unexpectedly, when she had a fever, she could burn herself into a state of drunkenness.

He reluctantly walked to the bed and sat down, trying to coax her to sleep. He didn’t expect that Li Linlin would keep sticking to him like a magnet. “Shanshan, hug.”

Chen Yiran: “……”

He placed one hand against Li Linlin’s head and looked at her with dark eyes. “Who taught you that name?”

Li Linlin looked back at him, seemingly confused. “Chen Shan? Aren’t you Chen Shan? Let’s stick together.”

Chen Yiran: “……”

He’d only ever heard of people acting crazy when drunk, he’d never thought that there were people that would act crazy because of fever.

“Stop making trouble and lie down.” He’s now glad that he didn’t send Li Linlin back to Yinwan, otherwise he didn’t know what the little girls would do.

“I want to lie down with you.”

“Aren’t you hungry?”

“Hungry.” When she said this, Li Linlin’s stomach even gave a particularly responsive grumble.

“Just lie still if you’re hungry. I’ll go and make dinner for you.”

Li Linlin seemed to finally understand human language and obediently lay still. Chen Yiran patted her head as a reward and went out to cook.


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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