Get Lost, Damn Money!
Get Lost, Damn Money! Chapter 9

Chen Xi was sitting in her seat talking to Chen Yiran, “I’m really looking forward to the kissing scene later!”

Chen Yiran’s eyes changed slightly and he looked at her and said, “What kissing scene?”

Chen Xi looked at him in surprise. “Brother Yiran, haven’t you read the story of Snow White? The prince kissed Snow White, who ate the poisoned apple, to wake her up.”

Chen Yiran: “……”

What an illogical setting was that?

“They’re doing a new version of Snow White. Since it’s new, there must be no such plot.”

Chen Xi thought for a while, nodded and said, “That’s right, maybe it’s Snow White who will kiss awake the prince who ate the poisoned apple!”

Chen Yiran: “……”


“Linlin, what are you looking at?” The club president walked to the stage and called out to Li Linlin, who was standing furtively behind the curtain.

Li Linlin quickly retracted her head and smiled at him. “It’s nothing. I just saw some people holding banners in the audience seat. They must have bought scalped tickets again.”

The club president also opened a little of the curtain and took a peek outside. “Not necessarily. This time the school also released some tickets to the outside world and I heard that they’re very strict. When entering the campus, their ID cards will be checked. If it’s different from the ID card used for purchasing the ticket, they will not be allowed in.”

“So it’s like that.” Li Linlin nodded and headed backstage. “I’ll go back to warming up.”

En, don’t be nervous, just perform normally.”

“Okay, okay.” Li Linlin smiled weakly. It wasn’t her first time to go on stage. Although her heart still beats a little faster every time before a performance, it’s much better than her first time.

But today, she was really nervous again. Because Chen Yiran was sitting right below!

This was the first time Chen Yiran had come to watch her play. After all, he was usually so busy that he didn’t even have time to eat, let alone watch a play.

How did Xixi managed to invite him there?!

Li Linlin sat down and took a deep breath, trying to think of a way to calm down. Chen Yiran was sitting below so she had to perform even better and she mustn’t suck!

“Linlin, it’s rare to see you so nervous.” Ning Le sat next to Li Linlin and touched up her makeup. She would be the first to appear later, but she looked much calmer than Li Linlin. “Oh, I see. Did the person you like come to watch the show?”

Li Linlin: “……”

Students at Imperial University were too smart for their own good sometimes. 🙂

“Hey, what’s this? Lu Sheng is also watching me below.” Ning Le had on the dark queen’s makeup but was like a mother hen protecting her chick. She patted Li Linlin on the shoulder. “Relax. Conquer him with your charm on stage!”

Li Linlin: “……”

Wasn’t it agreed to use money?

Soon, the performance officially kicked off. After the lights on the stage dimmed, the audience quieted down. The magnetic voice of the narrator came from the stage, accompanied by soft background music, “Once upon a time, there was a magic mirror that knew everything in the world. Its owner was a beautiful woman, and every day, she would look at the mirror and admire her own beauty.”

Lights hit the stage and the originally dark place lit up. Ning Le sat in front of the mirror and asked the familiar question, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”

The actor playing the magic mirror answered her, “Thou, O Queen, art the fairest in the land.”

The narrator’s voice came back, “The woman was very satisfied with the answer of the magic mirror, until one day……”

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”

“Snow White, O Queen, with skin as white as snow and hair as black as ebony, is the fairest of them all.” The magic mirror answered without any desire for survival.

The lights lit up once again and Snow White appeared on the stage. As soon as Li Linlin came into view, cheers came from the audience. If it weren’t for the security guards paying close attention, they might have shouted slogans on the spot.

Li Linlin wasn’t affected by them and focused on performing. Before going on stage, she was worried that she would be unable to resist looking at Chen Yiran’s direction, but after standing under the spot light, she didn’t remember that thought at all.

Their adaptation of Snow White this time didn’t deliberately make eye-catching changes and still remained largely consistent with the fairy tale in terms of the main story line, except that the core of the story had been changed into a feminist one.

Snow White gradually transformed from a little girl who was dependent on her father and ignorant of the world to a woman with her own thoughts and independent personality. Instead of living happily ever after with the prince, she drove the queen and her faction away, reclaimed sovereignty of the land, and became the queen that protects the people.

When the story progressed to the time when Snow White eats the poisoned apple and was put into a crystal coffin, the prince appeared for the first time.

As soon as he pops up, Chen Xi subconsciously sat up straight. “It’s here, it’s here.”

The scene she had been waiting for was finally here.

The actor playing the prince had short blond hair and was wearing a medieval prince’s costume. The design of his pants made his legs appear longer and the knight boots he’s wearing visually elongated the lines.

This actor was a student of the Department of Mathematics. He’s quite popular at Imperial University because of his good looks. As soon as he appeared on the stage, there were girls in the audience screaming for him.

Holding the hilt of sword on his waist, the prince walked to the crystal coffin and looked down at Snow White inside. As if he was stunned by Snow White’s beauty, the prince clearly exuded a heartfelt emotion.

Anyone who had seen or read 《Snow White》 knows that there’s a kissing scene right there in the plot. But because this was a new version, the audience wasn’t sure if it would follow the original plot.

The scene was quieter than ever before, and all the audience stared at the stage with bated breath, as if waiting for something.

Chen Yiran narrowed his eyes slightly as the young man on the stage bent down on his knees. The closer he leaned to Li Linlin, the sharper Chen Yiran’s eyes became.

The prince on the stage felt a chill for no reason, as if death was watching him.

If it weren’t for the on-going performance, he would definitely look back, but he could only force himself to continue acting while sweating coldly.

“Wait.” An old voice interrupted the prince’s movements and an old man walked over surrounded by seven dwarfs. “What she needs is knowledge, not a prince’s kiss!”

When the script was first finalized, the actor playing the prince found this segment inadequate, but right now he felt a sense of joy of surviving a disaster!

Because he felt the gaze of death weakened!

The old man was the wise person in the village, who was asked by the seven dwarfs to help detoxify the poison on the princess. After Snow White was saved, she learned a lot from the old man, and in the process, she rejected the prince’s proposal and chose to return to her own country and confront the evil queen head-on.

After that, the prince had basically no scenes, like a tool male lead in a female lead-led drama.

At the end of the story, the screenwriter once again modified the theme and made Snow White tell the queen that a woman’s worth wasn’t only in her appearance and that there was no single definition of beauty. Just like what was written on the play poster, the magic mirror wasn’t qualified to decide who the most beautiful person was to begin with.

The performance came to a perfect close and all the actors came to the stage to bow to the audience, who then gave the actors warm applause. Chen Xi applauded and said to Chen Yiran beside her, “This version is well adapted, worthy of the level of Imperial University students.”

Chen Yiran nodded approvingly. “Especially the part about helping Snow White detoxify poison, the original is too anti-intellectual.”

Chen Xi looked at him sideways. Heh, men.

After the performance, Li Linlin did not go out for dinner with everyone. Instead, she went to the parking lot outside the campus and found Chen Yiran’s car. Chen Yiran personally drove today. Chen Xi was sitting in the back seat and when she saw Li Linlin coming, she waved through the window.

Li Linlin secretly took a deep breath, opened the car door and got in. “Xixi, Brother Yiran.”

“Hmm.” Chen Yiran in the driver’s seat responded casually and looked at her through the rearview mirror. “Fasten your seat belt.”

“Oh.” Li Linlin fastened her seat belt, as obedient as a quail.

“Where is Wu Hui? How did you shake her off?” Chen Xi asked curiously.

Li Linlin glanced at Chen Yiran in the front row, then whispered into Chen Xi’s ear, “I told her Brother Yiran is also here. She’s immediately frightened and didn’t dare to come.”

Chen Xi knew that Chen Yiran went to pick up the drunken Li Linlin that day. As someone who had faced Chen Yiran’s anger directly, it was normal for Wu Hui to have such a reaction. After all, even the employees in Chen Yiran’s company couldn’t bear his gaze.

Chen Yiran concentrated in driving and did not chat with the two girls in the back seat. Instead, the two muttered together all the way in the back.

Only after ordering their food at the hot pot restaurant, did Chen Yiran started talking to Li Linlin, “Today’s performance was good. It’s wonderful.”

Receiving Chen Yiran’s praise, Li Linlin was immediately elated. “Thank you, Brother Yiran. I’m so happy that you came!”

“Hmm.” Chen Yiran responded. He had previously worried that meeting would be awkward, but with the relationship between their two families, it was impossible for them to stay away from each other forever. Moreover, as an older brother, he should take the initiative to handle this matter.

“My brother pushed off a meeting to come and watch!” Chen Xi winked at Li Linlin from the side.

“Ahem.” Chen Yiran coughed slightly and changed the subject. “Didn’t you say you wanted to change manager before? I’ll help you contact a senior manager at Shengteng Entertainment. If you agree, I’ll let her go to your studio and be specifically responsible for your affairs.”

“Ah?” Li Linlin was taken aback. Did Brother Yiran really want to replace Wu Hui’er? “That-, I’m just saying it. I don’t really want to replace Wu Hui.”

Chen Yiran said, “It’s true that she’s not quite suitable. She’s only about the same age as you. How is she going to help you negotiate things outside?”

“Err…… It’s true that we don’t have much experience right now, but Wu Hui, Xixi and I have grown up together! And we haven’t graduated yet, so we won’t be taking too many jobs either.” When Li Linlin said this, her voice gradually weakened. “It was really unplanned that day. And it’s an honest place! We just sang and didn’t do anything else!”

“Really?” Chen Yiran glanced at her. “Then do you dare tell Uncle Li and Aunt Yu Wan?”

Li Linlin: “……”

She didn’t dare. 🙂

“It’s good that you know.” Chen Yiran didn’t need to hear her answer to know what she was thinking. “You’re not allowed to go to that kind of place again.”

The corners of Li Linlin’s lips invisibly turned downwards. She muttered in a low voice, “Still caring so much. It’s not like you’re going to accept my confession……”

“What did you say?” Chen Yiran asked.

“……” Li Linlin said fawningly, “I said Brother Yiran is smart and handsome!”

Chen Xi took out her mobile phone and secretly sent a message to Li Linlin, 【Ignore him. Take me with you next time. [Wink]】


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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