Gotham City Simulator
Gotham City Simulator Chapter 5

After the gunshot, the assassin chose to retreat smoothly, quickly disappearing at the end of the city hall. In contrast, [Spider-Man], the little green dot, arrived rapidly. Besides him, other staff members were approaching, seemingly attracted by the gunshot.

Seeing that she had to get up before [Spider-Man] saw the “mayor’s” body after scaling two more walls, Vivi immediately chose to resurrect. She quickly lifted a nearby sewer cover and pushed the body in.

——She couldn’t just leave her own body out in the open.

She would come back to remove the body after completing this task.

As for the [Cremation] and spending money options, the mayor was broke.

Just after closing the manhole cover, Vivi saw Spider-Man, but she didn’t care about him and turned to run——

“Hey, wait!”

Wait for what!

Spider-Man was the fastest to arrive, followed by the guards, but the guards didn’t scale the walls, instead, they used the doors, so they were much slower.

The police flashlights emitted straight beams of light, slicing through the quiet night like blades.

It seemed like a bad night to be out——anyway, Vivi didn’t think she could change into the mayor’s identity in the open. She decided to run back to her rest room first, then put on her glasses, and change back to her original identity in a safe place!

——Then call the police and send Spider-Man to labour reform.

Ignoring the noises behind her, Vivi moved into the rest room with the agility of a cat. Players’ bodies naturally didn’t feel pain, so she took the most direct route, inevitably bumping into railings or getting cut by sharp leaves. But since there was no blood, she didn’t care.

Thunder rumbled outside the window, suggesting that Gotham was about to receive more rain.

Vivi took out her glasses, but after thinking for a moment, she didn’t immediately put them on.

On the map, the green dot representing Spider-Man was right beside her, and the emotional symbol above it was [Depressed].

Vivi slowly turned her head——

There was a figure hanging upside down by the window, head down, somehow clinging to the window frame, waving at Vivi. Using this angle, she finally saw clearly that the person was also wearing a red hood.

Vivi: Why are you called Spider-Man, you might as well change your name to Red Hood.

The eyes on that hood blinked, scanning the room to see if there was anyone else, then swiftly flipped inside. He approached Vivi, speaking rapidly: “Are you okay? Did you hear the gunshot just now, did you see anything… Hey wait, are you hurt?”

Peter immediately noticed the cut in the girl’s palm, but it seemed she treated it promptly, so there was no blood… no, not prompt treatment, that wound was weird, like cutting open the skin but underneath was still skin——if he turned on the light, he might see more clearly.

But the girl in front of him didn’t answer, instead, she ran to the door and pushed it open——

The rest room was connected to the mayor’s office, so naturally, the mayor’s office was outside the door.

Vivi had a clear plan; Spider-Man could fly (she didn’t know the principle, but since it was a game, flying wasn’t strange), was very fast, and intelligent. If she called the police, he would have run away long ago.

So, she wanted to lure this person into a closed space, and moreover, a space that ordinary people couldn’t easily escape from, and she knew just the place.

While running, Vivi had already notified the guards through the system panel——

The guards and city hall employees were her direct subordinates, like the secretary, and could be contacted through the system panel.

However… there were also red-named among the guards. Rather, there were quite a few red-named hidden in the city hall, and because there were more than one or two, Vivi had remained inactive.

Now, she had called the guards to encircle from both the office’s main door and the rest room window.

Sure enough, noticing the lights from afar and seeing Vivi running towards the office, Spider-Man, although confused, followed her.

A normal person would also follow at this time, because normal people have curiosity.

As soon as Spider-Man entered, Vivi called the guards to enter directly through the broken window of the rest room. She saw Spider-Man pause for a moment, then quickly scan the office environment, probably looking for a place to escape subconsciously.

——An expert!

Just then, a “thump thump” sound came from their left.

The footsteps outside were messy, and the thumping wasn’t very loud, but they heard it anyway.

Vivi was startled: this sound wasn’t part of her plan.

At this moment, Spider-Man had already noticed the half-circular wall

made of steel bars.

Part of the guards had already reached the office door, and the rest had entered the rest room, less than five meters from the two, separated only by a door.

At this moment, Spider-Man turned his head due to the noise——

Left with no other choice, Vivi immediately put on her glasses.

The player’s current identity has switched to [Anna Alek]

It wasn’t just the glasses that changed; even her coat transformed into a luxurious sapphire blue uniform. Her height increased, and her entire demeanour and voice underwent subtle changes.

At that moment, Vivi also understood what the strange creature making the noises was—

It was the former Chief-of-Staff, Shelk!

“Bang,” it seemed like Shelk had rolled out from under the desk, making a “woof woof” sound. On the map, the emotional symbol above his head was frantically flashing, indicating [Excitement].

However, due to the angle, even though they could guess what was happening based on the sound, they couldn’t see the situation behind the semi-circular desk—unless Shelk stood up.

Vivi: …It seems I forgot about him, but that’s not the focus right now.

Before Spider-Man could react, Vivi, standing behind him, cleared her throat softly: “Who are you?”

This caused Spider-Man to pause, missing the chance to check the situation behind the desk.


The guards broke in from both sides simultaneously.

Vivi immediately pointed at Spider-Man: “Catch him——”

Peter: “……”


Before he could understand why the girl behind him suddenly disappeared, and then how this lady suddenly appeared, gunshots rang out.

It seemed that the first person to shoot had inspired the others, and Spider-Man immediately leaped onto the crystal chandelier. The guards shifted their aim and naturally started shooting at the chandelier——

Vivi: “Wait a minute……”


That was the sound of the chandelier falling to the ground, glass shards colliding with the floor.

It was also the sound of gold coins flowing out of Vivi’s account.

And that wasn’t all. Probably realizing that heading towards the steel-reinforced wall would not only slow down his escape but also likely result in getting injured in the hail of bullets, Spider-Man, unflinchingly, dove straight forward—towards the office door, and beyond that was the city hall corridor. But he didn’t use the door, instead, he smashed through the wall, leaving a human-shaped hole, and then, his figure disappeared after a few leaps.

With everyone gone, the gunfire naturally stopped.

Perhaps frightened by the storm of bullets, even the “former Chief-of-Staff” didn’t dare make a sound, probably still lying there.

Amidst the dust swirling in the air, Vivi silently gazed at the wall with a large hole in it, then at the chaotic heap of the old crystal chandelier, creating an eerily silent atmosphere.

The guards looked at each other, possibly only then having time to wonder why they chose to shoot when the mayor was in the room—what if the mayor had been put in danger?

But Vivi raised her hand and dismissed the group.

She silently calculated how much she would need to allocate for repairs, mentally adding the first person to shoot and Spider-Man to her blacklist.

Spider-Man, causing such destruction in the city hall in the middle of the night, even without a system task, Vivi was determined to catch him and make him pay.

And that person who fired the first shot and caused chaos…

Vivi knew him, because he was a red name, and his position was—

[Penguin’s Underling].

Although she couldn’t mark it on the map, Vivi had already memorized the face of this underling!

Not just the underling himself, but also the Penguin behind him, she wouldn’t let go!

Penguin, Spider-Man, are you guys pairing up? Choose between labour reform in prison or selling your body in the zoo!

After confirming everyone had left, the exhausted and somewhat disoriented “Mayor” turned on the light.


Under the harsh light, accompanied by the sound of her heels, Vivi walked up to where Shelk lay on the ground. Tied up too tightly and gagged with a towel, he couldn’t escape or call out, only slowly wriggling on the ground, trying to escape—

The moment he saw Vivi.

On the map, the former Secretary-General’s [Excitement] immediately turned into [Terror].

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