Gotham City Simulator
Gotham City Simulator Chapter 63

“Shared teammate achievements,” which obviously meant that if others defeated these three bosses, the results would be included in the instance settlement.

Vivi and Robin were now in the Batplane. She had put away her horse and balloons.

Upon noticing the explosion at Arkham, Robin, being right next to her, was naturally the first and most convenient teammate to recruit. Additionally, by teaming up with him, their team now included “Batman” and “Oracle,” indicating that he had already been in a team state before.

——However, Nightwing was not present.

Tim naturally did not refuse Vivi’s request to join, as he could tell that even if he refused, she would ride her white horse to Arkham.

He was worried about another issue: Batman’s condition wasn’t good. The crazies at Arkham had clearly planned this well. Currently, Batman had several broken ribs and was locked in the deepest cell at Arkham.

Tim wanted to rush to Arkham, but Batman had instructed him to deal with the lunatics causing havoc in the city first. Batman would escape Arkham on his own.

He understood, but he still worried.

At this moment, Vivi had already closed her eyes—

Since teammate achievements were shared, the more teammates, the better. She intended to recruit more than just Robin.

First, she moved the icon of the fourth corpse from the warden’s office to Mr. C’s panel, a task she was quite adept at. Then, Vivi selected Mr. C’s panel. The panel in her mind glowed faintly. In the character interface, she successfully dragged Mr. C’s panel… and slowly placed it on Bella Bettywen’s character interface.

The two characters overlapped halfway.

——Blackgate Prison.

The silver-haired man sitting in the chair grabbed a pair of goggles from the void and put them on his forehead.

As he let go, his silver hair turned black, his heterochromatic eyes became dark purple; he became her.

She strode out, pushing open the door: “Notify all guards to strengthen security and raise the alert level!”

“Arkham is indeed unsettled right now, but if the inmates here think they can take advantage of the chaos, they are gravely mistaken.”

No one dared to meet her gaze as she passed. This was Warden Bettywen, who treated the worst criminals with utmost cruelty. Even Black Mask couldn’t endure her punishments, and the Penguin worked diligently for her.

Everyone knew of this warden’s terrifying prowess. Fame wasn’t always a bad thing; the entire Blackgate Prison mobilized immediately. The woman coldly surveyed everyone before returning to her room to make a call.

“Winston, I assume you are aware of the situation at Arkham…”

After making this call to the head of the SWAT special forces, she turned her chair to face the window, her back to the door.

She crossed her fingers over her abdomen, appearing to rest. Those passing by her half-open office could only see her elbow on the armrest, but they knew that if anything happened at Blackgate, this lady would spring into action—

Like a black panther napping in front of you, ready to become the top predator as soon as it opened its eyes.

With her there, others in the chaos felt more assured.

What they didn’t know was that the warden resting was actually a corpse.

Vivi first had Mr. C possess Corpse No. 4, then had Mr. C, capable of animating corpses, wear the warden’s glasses to become the warden, adding all Blackgate’s guards and SWAT soldiers to the teammate list. Only four minutes had passed.

Currently, Corpse No. 4’s icon was on Bella’s interface, and Vivi could monitor everyone’s health status through the teammate list, keeping track of the battle’s progress and any disturbances at Blackgate.

Now, removing the contact lenses from Corpse No. 4, Vivi repeated the process with the mayor’s glasses.

——City Hall.

“Jar, notify the GCPD to capture the escapees, and if necessary, authorize lethal force. Inform the City Hall security team in the East District and contact the minister to be vigilant; the East District might get chaotic tonight with so many escapees from Arkham. Also, contact Millie and Shelk to stay safe and alert.”

After saying this, the mayor paused for a moment: “I’m going to my study. Send any updates directly to my phone, Jar.”

Then Vivi opened her eyes. The two corpses now looked like the mayor and the warden. She could overlap Mr. C’s interface whenever necessary to animate them and issue commands.

——Although wearing contact lenses under other glasses was a bit strange, Gotham was a haven for oddities, wasn’t it?

Exactly seven minutes had passed.

Vivi returned to her main body and called Little Violin. It could be said that the mayor was most concerned about the East District. She had spent a month barely starting to renovate it, and if the Arkham lunatics ruined it, she might just bomb Arkham directly.

During her call, Robin and Oracle discussed “Bane.” After escaping prison, the man was on a rampage on the Island of Isolation, and the guards couldn’t stop him due to his inhuman strength.

Vivi took out a box of nails from her pocket, totaling 64, and threw them to Robin as the plane auto-piloted.

“Are you going to find Bane?” Vivi asked. “Then let’s split up. Drop me at Robinson Park; Poison Ivy is there, right? It’s not hard to use these nails; you activate them by hammering them into a wall, whether with a hammer or your hand.”

“Then pack up the patients like before?” Judging by Black Mask’s situation, these were very useful tools. Tim thanked her. “You want to handle Poison Ivy alone?”

He quickly added, “I’ll go with you first. Poison Ivy can control plants to attack and use toxins to control others. She’ll be expecting interference and will have controlled many people to ambush us. Besides, she’s immune to all toxins; anesthetics are useless. She’s very dangerous.”

Vivi: “How does she control people with toxins, by injection?”

Robin’s expression turned indescribable: “…She injects toxins through kissing.”

Vivi glanced at the map: “You’d better go find Bane. Ordinary police can’t handle him,” she urged. “I’ll deal with Poison Ivy. Even if I can’t, I’ll be fine.”

This indeed was what Robin was anxious about. Joker and Harley Quinn had disappeared, and Poison Ivy had entered Robinson Park, but capturing her didn’t seem as urgent as dealing with Bane, the dangerous Bane.

Tim was silent for a few seconds. Ahead was the lush Robinson Park. He handed Vivi some gel bombs and two particle guns, then looked her in the eye and said, “Don’t kill anyone. I mean… if it’s not absolutely necessary, try not to.”

Vivi, of course, had the right to kill to protect herself, which was everyone’s legal right.

The Batplane dropped her off at the park entrance. Vivi summoned her white horse and whistled.

Blue icons indicated teammates who had joined the party.

A map unfurled before Vivi’s eyes, showing Poison Ivy and the other red enemies in the park who had been converted by her.

Vivi enlarged the map, and all of Gotham slowly appeared before her, dotted with blue points. While there weren’t many compared to the entire city’s population, these blue points were unmistakable and couldn’t be ignored.

In instance mode, the map also had slight changes: a massive semi-transparent green circle centered around Poison Ivy and a red circle centered around Bane on the Island of Isolation. However, the map didn’t show Joker’s marker.

She knew Poison Ivy, Bane, and Joker were all Batman’s old foes, often breaking out of Arkham Asylum for some fun.

The most dangerous, crazy, and uncontrollable among them was Joker, the maniac!

Hence, he was the third boss. Based on Vivi’s instance experience, if she couldn’t find him, she would have to defeat the first two bosses to discover his location. Hopefully, he would stay put like a dumb NPC and not cause trouble in the meantime.

——Though that was unlikely.

She patted her horse’s neck.

White received the command and began running in the direction Vivi chose.

Her map remained open, showing Poison Ivy with no movement, but a cluster of red dots surrounded her. If Vivi used a large-scale weapon—one of which she indeed had in her inventory—the converted hostages would become collateral damage.

On the plane, Robin had explained how Batman dealt with Poison Ivy, but Vivi wouldn’t use those methods.

“How does she make plants grow rapidly without wilting?” Vivi asked. “Is it solely her power?”

“Poison Ivy often controls the living vines she carries, as well as some ancient large trees that can draw nutrients directly from the soil. If she controls ordinary plants, they wither quickly once her power is withdrawn,” Oracle explained over the comms. “Her power can affect plants, but ordinary plants can’t withstand it.”

“Alright,” the rain had reduced to a drizzle. She spoke from her bouncing horse, “So, Poison Ivy is more like a plant than a person, right?”

Oracle’s voice was muffled: “What are you planning?”

By now, White had entered the green circle area, and Poison Ivy noticed her. The first sign of trouble was the plants on the ground beginning to move, with tree roots becoming natural tripwires. Fortunately, she had a skilled horse.

White skillfully avoided all dangers, far more reliable than Vivi’s own riding. Vivi lay low on the horse’s back, opened the gold coin shop, and muttered, “Damn Sharp.”

Quincy Sharp, the warden of Arkham Asylum, had taken half a box of her hair conditioner without reporting back, so she didn’t know if it had been used on the prisoners. That had cost her money.

But now, Sharp’s fate was unknown, so she cursed him once and moved on.

After achieving the milestone, the gold coin shop allowed past purchases. With the time White had gained her, Vivi found the item she was looking for.

【Effective Hair Conditioner, 2000 gold coins/box

【Accelerates hair growth, giving you lush hair. The more you use, the faster it grows. Use with caution, as rapid, extensive growth leads to yellowing strands—this is just conditioner and not a cure for baldness

【When growing hair quickly, remember to replenish energy

【Players can pay an extra 100 gold coins for the “package” feature, turning small bottles into a large one

This was it!

Looking at this, Poison Ivy’s ability and the conditioner’s effect were almost identical.

It wasn’t just trees anymore; dense vines obscured the sky, and the map showed countless red dots—humans under Poison Ivy’s control. Vivi glanced over the agile vines, recalling the information Oracle had given.

【“Poison Ivy believes plants are alive, and science does show they have life. She can awaken dormant plants and communicate with them…”】

It’s worth a try.

Vivi reined in her horse. The vines began to reach for her, and White nervously stomped its hooves. A giant flower bud lowered slowly, along with several dozen men bound and hanging upside down, many in police uniforms.

“What do you want?” the bud opened, revealing a red-haired, green-skinned woman standing in the center. “Here to catch me too, little knight?”

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