Hagakure Sakura Does Not Lament
Hagakure Sakura Doesn’t Lament Chapter 182

――Nemesis is the enforcer of divine punishment in Greek mythology.

In the general sense, she would be considered an entity aligned with justice. Therefore, it was unsettling that this Nemesis was in agreement with Azuma’s plan.

Nemesis’s judgments are primarily passed on arrogant humans who disrespect the gods. In other words, Nemesis’s very existence should be the complete opposite of Azuma’s actions, which seek to bring down and manipulate gods.

…What could this contradiction possibly mean?

“Well, the sun should be setting soon, right? Once it does, I’ll start the ritual. ――Honestly, I would have preferred to start earlier, but it’s easier to fail when Amaterasu’s power is strong. Still, isn’t it good that your short remaining life has been extended a bit?”

Azuma made this sarcastic remark as she lightly leaped off the pedestal where Tsugumi was placed, and gently traced her finger along the edge of the pedestal.

At that moment, black shadows spread out in an instant, making the details of the patterns engraved on the pedestal clearly visible. …Was this the result of Azuma’s shadow skill?

In the center of the pedestal—around the area where Tsugumi was placed—a magic circle appeared, inscribed with a mix of Sanskrit characters and runes.

Just looking at it brought forth an ominous and unsettling feeling that sent chills down her spine.

――But, why was it? She also felt a strange sense of familiarity and nostalgia, akin to homesickness. Well, it was probably just her imagination.

“This pedestal, according to Professor Asakura, was originally mixed with rocks deeply connected to the god that was supposed to be summoned. And the patterns inscribed here are part of a technique to seal the god within a vessel and control it. I suppose you could call it a legacy left behind by your real sister? It didn’t even get a single scorch mark during that great fire, so its spiritual efficacy must be the real deal, huh?”

Azuma said this as if she were making small talk, then pulled out a bottle filled with red sand from her shadow and poured the sand into the grooves of the pattern.

The sand flowed like water, eventually filling every part of the magic circle. To an onlooker, it might have seemed like a beautiful sight, but Tsugumi sensed something ominous from it.

At that moment, Tsugumi noticed the sharp, metallic scent of iron coming from the sand.

――Ah, life is flowing away.

It was an irreversible flow that could never return. The glowing red color absorbed by the patterns—a representation of the victims’ bitter regrets—shone with a madly dazzling beauty.

…Azuma claimed that her actions were justified, but that was absolutely wrong. Any result achieved by hurting others is nothing more than a counterfeit.

“Well, that should do it. Originally, there were supposed to be a bunch of annoying rituals, like incantations, to summon the intended god, but we can skip those this time, so it’s convenient. Well, it’s all thanks to that blessing from eleven years ago.”


“Yes. Though, for you all, it’s probably more like a curse.”

Azuma said this and then smiled at Tsugumi.

“Have you ever wondered? You, me, and your sister—all the children who escaped that great fire gained abilities related to transference. The transference skill is pretty rare, even among magical girls, so it’s strange, isn’t it? Well, normally, no one would think that their own bodies were affected by contamination…”

Azuma continued speaking as if it were just a way to pass the time.

“On that day, fragments of Kijin, the god that was summoned but couldn’t enter the vessel, spilled out, burning the innocent people and bestowing blessings—curses—on those who had the potential to become magical girls, whose bodies became vessels for the god’s power. You, being at the center of the ritual and specifically crafted as a vessel, must have been especially affected. An ability with no usage limit, combined with a short recast time—that’s an extraordinary skill, don’t you think? Don’t you realize?”

…Now that she mentioned it, it made sense.

When Chidori gained the transference skill, Tsugumi had assumed it was because they were blood-related, thinking siblings could share similar traits.

――A boundary signifies something that separates or connects different dimensions. If this blessing existed, it would explain why gaining a transference skill was easier.

…And if they were influenced by divine power, it might also explain why neither of them sustained any burns during that great fire.

“Could it be that the reason Chidori and I escaped that day without being burned by the flames was…”

“Just like a poisonous snake doesn’t die from its own venom, humans who have absorbed the god’s fragments develop a resistance to divine power. …Well, normally, even then, you’d suffer some injuries. But in your sister’s case, you were nearby, having absorbed more fragments than anyone else, so she was unharmed. …Meanwhile, I got pretty badly burned. Life is so unfair, don’t you think?”

Azuma spoke with a sly tone, but Tsugumi was overwhelmed with confusion, as everything she was hearing was completely new to her.

――There are fragments of a god within me. I never had any awareness of that, but now that it’s been mentioned, some of my past questions are beginning to make sense.

――I see. They’re planning to use me not only as a vessel but also as a marker to summon the same god as before.

That would certainly explain why the ritual could be simplified; it’s logical. However, whether or not I’ll go along with it is another matter entirely.

No matter how suitable Tsugumi might be as a vessel for the god, it’s meaningless if she herself rejects the ritual. Tsugumi had no intention of walking to her death when failure was inevitable.

――There’s about an hour left before the sun completely sets. If I don’t stop the ritual by then, there will be massive casualties centered around this town.

As she lightly shifted her body, trying to see if she could slip out of the bindings, Azuma struck Tsugumi’s cheek with a shadow extending from her feet, as if to admonish her.

“I told you to stay still, didn’t I? Let me be clear—Nanase Chidori is here as your backup. ――In other words, if you obediently become the vessel, your beloved sister will be released unharmed. You should think carefully about that.”

Azuma’s words were like a sharp rebuke, and Tsugumi bit her lip.

…While there was an ace up her sleeve that could potentially break her out of this situation, finding the right moment to use it was tricky. At the very least, it wouldn’t be easy with Azuma keeping watch.

Still, Tsugumi couldn’t help but think.

She had never once considered that she might have fragments of a god within her. …No, now that she thought about it, when she was hospitalized after the fight with Radon in Hakone, Bell had mentioned that her soul seemed to be covered by something. Could that have been the reason the fragments were hidden?

In any case, Tsugumi herself had no idea what was happening inside her own body.

And that, without feeling even the slightest discomfort…was the most terrifying thing of all.

Azuma had called the god Kijin.

A god who governs mountain passes and crossroads—Sarutahiko no Mikoto comes to mind as an obvious candidate, but it doesn’t quite feel right.

Other gods who govern boundaries include Terminus from Roman mythology and Japan’s Dosojin, but when I think about Azuma’s goals, their powers don’t seem to match up either.

I can’t explain it well, but if they’re trying to control that tear in the sky, then it seems more appropriate for an entity like M■y■g■-sama, something without a clear form or will, like the beasts that descend before they fully materialize.


The moment Tsugumi thought this, a throbbing pain struck her head as if she’d been hit with a bat. At the same time, nausea swirled in her gut, as though her insides were being churned.

She clenched her teeth to suppress her scream, and the pain gradually subsided, but the sudden sharpness left her confused.

…Could it be that when Azuma hit me earlier, it caused some brain damage?

If that’s the case, even if I manage to escape from these bindings, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to perform at my usual level. In such a state, can I really outrun Azuma, who’s at full strength?

As Tsugumi pondered her next move, she heard the sound of the large hall’s door creaking open.

She twisted her body slightly to peer toward the door.

Entering the room were Asakura, dressed like a Shinto priest, and Chidori, looking exactly as she had that morning.

Chidori’s hands were restrained by something like handcuffs, and she had a rough-looking belt around her neck. Her expression was one of confusion and fear, and her body trembled slightly.

…Compared to me, who’s been stripped completely bare, I suppose she’s slightly better off, but combined with her pale complexion, she’s in pretty bad shape.

“Huh? You brought her here too? I’d prefer to keep the backup safe until the end just in case something goes wrong, and I’d hate for her to escape.”

“I’ve taken precautions… Her powers are sealed just like his, so there’s no issue. Besides, I believe she should witness this. At the very least, she has the right to do so.”

“Hmph. You’re surprisingly kind to your friend’s granddaughter, aren’t you, Professor? Oh, sorry, I guess she’s not your friend anymore!”

Azuma laughed lightly as she spoke, while Asakura gave her a slightly troubled smile.

――Thump, thump. Tsugumi’s heart pounded loudly.

Not only was Chidori’s condition concerning, but the current situation was also terrible. …The earlier provocation had been based on the assumption that Chidori wouldn’t come here.

Azuma had called Chidori a backup, so Tsugumi had assumed that she was hidden away somewhere safe from the ritual’s effects.

…Could it be that they’re so confident in the ritual’s success that they no longer see the need for a backup?

But as long as Chidori is here, Tsugumi can’t escape on her own. If she tries, they might simply use Chidori as the sacrificial substitute instead.

In that case, there would be no time left for negotiations or rescue.

To be clear, Tsugumi had no intention of abandoning Chidori here.

Even if escaping alone was the most logical choice, it was something Tsugumi could never bring herself to do.

…No matter what it takes, Tsugumi is determined to get Chidori out of here. The problem, however, is Chidori herself…

――What kind of explanation did Chidori receive to get her to come here?

Depending on that, she might not even listen to what I have to say.

Whatever Chidori was told, whatever she thinks of Tsugumi/Hagakure Sakura because of it, that’s her choice.

I have no intention of making excuses now, nor do I intend to ask for forgiveness.

Since regaining her memories, Tsugumi had always been prepared to accept any blame once Chidori learned the truth.

――But now is not that time.

The most urgent priority now is to stop the ritual and ensure Chidori’s safety. No matter how much Chidori might scold her, Tsugumi was not willing to compromise on that.

Perhaps sensing Tsugumi’s internal struggle, Azuma smirked and asked Asakura a question.

“What did you tell her to bring her here? Did you tell her about her adorable little brother playing magical girl? Oh, and wasn’t there also that thing with her mother?”

Asakura glanced briefly at Chidori, then responded with a wry smile.

“I told her everything… Well, at least as much as I know.”

Upon hearing Asakura’s words, Tsugumi felt her mind grow cold.

She couldn’t bring herself to look at Chidori, instead lowering her gaze and letting out a small sigh.

――Though Tsugumi’s heart pounded like a hammer, her mind was strangely calm.

So, she’s been told everything… Tsugumi thought with a sense of resignation, accompanied by a quiet sorrow, realizing that this was the end.

――Since regaining her memories of the past, she had always been prepared for this moment.

…The reason she kept delaying the truth was purely out of selfishness. Tsugumi just wanted to stay by Chidori’s side, so she couldn’t bring herself to say anything. She had known that once she did, it would all be over.

If she were in Chidori’s position, she knew she could never forgive someone who had deceived her for over ten years—especially not if that person was the one responsible for her mother’s death. In fact, Tsugumi might have been filled with rage, furious at such a terrible betrayal.

“So, now that all your dirty secrets are out in the open, how do you feel?”

Azuma leaned in to peer at Tsugumi’s downcast face as she asked. …What a truly vile woman.

Tsugumi let out a bitter laugh, and with a resigned tone, she replied,

“――…It feels like the end of the world.”


Just a guy translating stuff.

1 comment
  1. KuroNekoQ has spoken 2 months ago

    thanks for the chapter


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