Hagakure Sakura Does Not Lament
Hagakure Sakura Doesn’t Lament Chapter 188

The Rift in the Sky — From high above, those eyes gazed down intently at Tsugumi.

— It is likely not a magical beast.

There is no malice in those eyes, no intent to torment people that is typical of magical beasts.

Yet, the overwhelming pressure from that presence made it impossible for Tsugumi to look away. But it felt less like it was looking at Tsugumi herself and more like it was looking at something within her…

…Though she had no confirmation, it was likely that this was the Kami of the Boundary mentioned by Azuma.

What was peculiar was that it appeared from the rift in the sky. That rift was, no matter how one looked at it, identical to the ones through which magical beasts emerge.

Tsugumi didn’t know the details of the ritual, but perhaps that deity was trying to manifest by directly utilizing the energy of the rift.

— But how could such a thing be possible? Even other deities can only use the leaking energy. Does this mean that deity is truly special?

…Kami of the Boundary. Kami of the Barrier. In other words, it was a god who presides over boundaries.

Tsugumi hadn’t thought much about it when she spoke with Azuma, but why did the Star of Dawn choose that deity?

Summoning a deity who presides over boundaries to control the rift in the sky is not an odd concept in itself.

However, if a single divine power could control the rift, why didn’t other gods do the same?

The energy leaking from the rift is comparable to that of the divine age. Was there truly no deity who attempted to monopolize that energy, not just create a split soul?

One could argue that Amaterasu is somewhat close to that position, but Amaterasu does not completely grasp the rift in the sky.

Moreover, a deity with a notable name should be able to spread a new theory to gain the ability to control boundaries. Why didn’t they do that?

Other deities could have forcibly extracted the power to control boundaries from myths if they wished.

But no one did. — Perhaps it’s because even with the power to control boundaries, they couldn’t interfere with the rift itself.

As Tsugumi was deep in thought, the voice she heard earlier echoed from behind her.

‘You have a good intuition,’ ‘You’re just like a star child,’ ‘I don’t like children like you,’ ‘I actually think foolish children are cuter.’

When Tsugumi spun around abruptly, she saw someone with large black wings spread like a cloak, and a serene smile plastered on their face.

…This was likely Azuma’s contracted deity—Eris.

In fact, why did they think this was Nemesis? It was so blatantly suspicious.

As Tsugumi warily thought this, Eris made a dissatisfied face and said:

‘Yes, it’s Eris,’ ‘Children these days are so perceptive,’ ‘It’s quite annoying,’ ‘I just don’t need to pretend anymore,’ ‘Aren’t black wings cooler?’ ‘Until just now, I was pretending to be Nemesis.’

Eris said this while flapping her wings.

…Indeed, black does seem cooler and more crow-like than white, but it’s disconcerting to have my thoughts read so naturally.

I had a feeling when she spoke to me telepathically, but she is likely a type of deity skilled in mental empathy. With this ability, it must be easy for her to manipulate a contractor.

…What should I do? Tsugumi thought as she let out a small sigh.

To be honest, there is almost nothing Tsugumi, a human, can do against a deity. The only reason she could still live is that Eris has no intention of attacking.

If Eris had that intention, Tsugumi would have been dead a long time ago.

A staff borrowed from Bell might be able to cause damage, but if thoughts are being read, even landing an attack would be difficult. It’s essentially a checkmate situation.

What Tsugumi could do was either wait quietly for rescue or try to extract information from Eris.

Tsugumi glanced at the sky and then opened her mouth, trying her luck with a question.

‘…Is this ritual really meant to summon a deity to control the rift in the sky?’

‘You already know that, don’t you?’ ‘No, it’s not,’ ‘It used to be, but,’ ‘Does that look cute to you?’ ‘That thing has no proper will,’ ‘It’s just a mechanism,’ ‘It’s the closest thing to the power of the sky,’ ‘It’s both a gate and a key,’ ‘Once, it was the shadow of invaders and their vanguard,’ ‘But people named it and altered its existence,’ ‘Miyagu,’ ‘Thus, the gate was closed,’ ‘This ritual is to open that gate,’ ‘The barrier won’t work anymore.’

‘And then—You should be able to see a beautiful scene like when the sky was torn apart.’

Eris’s matter-of-fact explanation made Tsugumi’s head spin.

There was quite important information, such as the Kami of the Boundary—Miyagu?—being originally on the side of magical beasts, but there was no point in pursuing that right now.

Although some parts were inaudible, in summary, it seemed Eris wanted to recreate the hell of ancient Japan—the time when magical beasts first appeared.

Eris’s “gate” wasn’t clear, but the fact that the magical girl’s isolation barrier would become ineffective was quite troubling. If the barrier is no longer usable, the damage in battles with magical beasts would increase tremendously.

If that happens, the country would likely never recover.

Tsugumi looked at Eris with a stern expression and asked:

‘—Do you intend to destroy this country?’

“Hmm? It doesn’t really matter to me,” Eris said with a smile. “But if we don’t all do our best, we’ll be destroyed. Not even time to laugh. Show me your struggle. To your heart’s content. To the point of vomiting blood. Because—doesn’t that sound more interesting?”

Tsugumi wanted to hold her head in frustration at Eris’s seemingly amused tone.

Eris was a goddess of discord and strife, with a penchant for blood and war. For Eris, the chaotic state before the appearance of the magical girls was probably preferable.

…It’s likely that Eris used Azuma, who was related to the Dawn Star, for this purpose. Such a heartless act.

“You can go home now. I’ll remove your restraints. You probably can’t use your abilities yet, but… the role of the catalyst is over. You’re no longer needed. Goodbye.”

Eris said this with indifference and removed Tsugumi’s restraints. It seemed she was really allowed to go home.

Tsugumi touched the bruised areas and stared at the floor, lost in thought. The term “catalyst” Eris had used was troubling.

—And soon, Tsugumi realized that it referred to the fragments of the God of Crossroads.

Eris wasn’t keeping Tsugumi here to use her as a vessel but rather as a marker to summon the deity.

—“Allowed to go home,” huh? It’s quite casually said.

Tsugumi would prefer that option if it were feasible. Honestly, things had escalated beyond merely cleaning up the Dawn Star’s mess.

Facing gods, regardless of the magical beasts, was far too much for a human like Tsugumi. Even speaking face-to-face with a god she hadn’t contracted with was, frankly, overwhelming.

…It might be odd for Tsugumi to worry about failing to prevent the summoning of a god, but what is the government planning to do? Even if gods like Bell or those affiliated with the government were present, it’s uncertain if they could stop Eris or that boundary god.

Eris seemed likely to turn a blind eye to humans recklessly struggling, but if other gods intervened, Eris would likely come to obstruct them.

Moreover, the power of the God of Crossroads saturating this land would likely have adverse effects on other gods as well. Even in a less than perfect state, would Tsugumi be able to compete against Eris, the god of conflict and martial prowess?

A trickle of unpleasant sweat appeared.

Tsugumi had hoped that the gods, seeing the gravity of the situation, would come to resolve it. But perhaps this was an even more critical situation than she had anticipated.

If Eris’s scheme succeeded, the damage would exceed what happened thirty-one years ago.

—Is there really nothing I can do except watch helplessly because I lack power?

“…Is there no way to stop it?”

“Nope,” Eris replied. “Now it’s just a matter of widening the rift. Oh, but… it might be possible to push it back with force or to use it as a vessel as originally planned. What will you do? Will you become a vessel? That would be interesting too.”

Tsugumi shook her head in response to Eris’s casual inquiries.

“I won’t. If I were to contain that within myself, I would no longer be me.”

Perhaps Tsugumi would have sacrificed herself if it meant saving her loved ones. There was still a voice in her heart asking if becoming a vessel wouldn’t be more rational, but as long as Tsugumi was Tsugumi, she couldn’t choose that option. Even if ordered by the government.

—After all, she had promised Chidori that she would return alive. She couldn’t return a fake with a different essence to Chidori.

—However, whether to escape from here without doing anything was another matter.

“I have no intention of dying for the world… But, running away now would be too disgraceful…”

—This thought is probably being read as well.

Eris, can you hear me?

From now on, this insignificant human will set out to confront the gods.

This isn’t about self-sacrifice or taking responsibility for a great fire.

It’s because someone who runs away shamefully without doing anything is unworthy of being a contractor for the god Bell.

“Don’t interfere, Goddess. Isn’t it the stylish thing for you to laugh and overlook the actions of a petty human?”

With that, Tsugumi grinned defiantly.

Even if she fled while leaving the deity that would break the barrier behind, only despair awaited. That’s why Tsugumi decided to stay here of her own will.

She had no intention of dying but felt it was the least she could do to struggle until the help Chidori had summoned arrived.

—Before Eris moves, she will push back that eye as much as possible. That’s the best Tsugumi can do.

Now, check your hand. Is there really nothing you can do here? If there are no trump cards, create one. Don’t slump in defeat. Observe your opponent calmly. There must be some breakthrough.

With that, Tsugumi took out the staff borrowed from Bell, not aiming it at Eris but holding it with both hands as if in prayer.

This staff, although a replica, had the power of guidance. Closing her eyes and praying for its assistance, she thought she heard a snap, like a finger snap.

At that moment, a sharp pain struck her eyes, and physiological tears began to well up. When she opened her eyes, Tsugumi’s vision had completely changed.

“…Red, threads…”

In the filthy great hall, many red threads floated. It resembled the scenery Tsugumi had faced with desperate resolve in Hakone.

The threads visible to Tsugumi were not like the death-causation visualization of Suzuon’s magic eye; instead, they indicated the fate of the objects—meaning their weaknesses. It was a powerful ability, but its greatest drawback was that it couldn’t be used by free will.

Tsugumi glanced at the staff she held. Perhaps Bell had given her this staff anticipating such a situation.

Tsugumi carefully slid the staff into the belt of her slacks and tore apart the threads of unpleasant presence entangling her—seals to suppress her abilities. At the same time, the heaviness she had been feeling in her body disappeared.

“…Now that the threads have appeared, it seems I can also teleport. Yeah, I can do it.”

Tsugumi lightly waved at the somewhat dissatisfied-looking Eris and jumped into the air.

—Now, let’s begin stalling for time.


Just a guy translating stuff.

1 comment
  1. KuroNekoQ has spoken 4 weeks ago

    thanks for the chapter


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