Hagakure Sakura Does Not Lament
Hagakure Sakura Doesn’t Lament Chapter 190

“The reason for waking up Azuma-san is that her abilities are useful… That’s why. Considering the need to counter that eye, it’s better to have more hands on deck.”

“No, but will she really listen so easily? Given the way things are, it seems like they were fighting just moments ago, right? Is it really okay?”

Tsugumi asked this, and Mibu nodded slightly.

“That’s true, but it seems Azuma-san was severely betrayed by her contracted deity. Therefore, there’s no reason for her to remain hostile towards us, and I think it’s best to use what we have available. —Well, I’m not very good at persuasion, so I’d appreciate it if you could follow up appropriately, Tsugumi.”

Seeing Mibu smile as she said this, Tsugumi reluctantly nodded.

Although she was somewhat uneasy about cooperating with Azuma, she understood Mibu’s point.

Tsugumi didn’t think that just the two of them could handle that eye. As Mibu said, it’s certainly better to use any available forces.

“Well, if you put it that way… But don’t expect too much from my follow-up. I’m hated by Azuma to the point of death, so I think anything I say will only make things worse.”

“Is that so? Then it can’t be helped. Alright, let’s wake Azuma-san up for now.”

With that, Mibu moved swiftly to Azuma’s side, placed her hand on Azuma’s curled-up back, and delivered an electric shock with a sharp sound. It was quite a crude method of waking someone up.

As the white light flashed, Azuma opened her eyes with a small cry of “Eek!?”

“What? Ouch! What’s happening? Are you trying to torture me?!”

Azuma, still bound, looked at Mibu with a fearful shout.

…Such a reaction made it seem as though they were doing something wrong.

Noticing Tsugumi standing behind Mibu, Azuma’s face showed a brief look of surprise before she muttered regretfully as if she had realized something.

“…Ah, it seems the ritual failed. Really, it’s the worst.”

“Save the complaints for later. Fortunately, it seems you’re still conscious. —Azuma-san, do you understand the current situation?”

Mibu, twirling a pair of scissors she had somehow acquired, peered into Azuma’s eyes as she said this.

…It was probably meant to cut the bindings, but to Azuma, it would likely appear as a weapon meant to intimidate.

“The current situation… Is it that I lost? Or is it that I was turned into a plaything by the gods? Whatever it is, just hand me over to the government already.”

Azuma said this in a sullen manner and sighed heavily. However, despite her defiant attitude, her expression and body trembled with fear. …She seemed like a completely different person compared to when she was facing Tsugumi in the grand hall.

“You seem quite broken. Hmm, anyway, before we talk, look up.”

Mibu said this and pointed to the sky. Following her lead, Azuma looked up with a puzzled expression.

—The eye that had appeared high in the sky still exuded a sinister presence. Recognizing the monstrous entity or deity, Azuma turned pale and screamed in horror.

“What’s that… Is that the ‘Kimi-no-kami’ the goddess mentioned? Such an—evil thing?”

“I’ll explain briefly since we’re short on time. Azuma-san’s contracted deity is that—Tsugumi calls it ‘M■yagu■-sama,’ I believe. It seems that deity is attempting to descend to the earth and destroy this country. From the looks of it, Azuma-san wasn’t informed about this by that goddess.”

“Destroy the country? Why would it… I only wanted to prove that my parents were right…”

To Azuma’s stunned muttering, Mibu responded in her usual manner.

“Unfortunately, Azuma-san was probably just used by the goddess. —And while I hate to ask this when you’re so confused, if you don’t support that goddess, we’d like your cooperation. We want to prevent that eye from coming down any further. Of course, if you cooperate, we’ll release your bindings. What do you say?”

Azuma looked up at Mibu with a bewildered expression and hesitantly opened her mouth.

“…Cooperate? Are you serious? Do you know what I’ve done until now?”

“No, we’re not in a position to be joking right now, are we? Besides, what Azuma-san has done until now doesn’t really matter at this point… We don’t have the luxury to debate such matters. Just answer simply whether you will cooperate or not.”

“But… I…”

Seeing Azuma hesitating to answer, Tsugumi thought that persuading her would likely be impossible. It wasn’t that Mibu’s way of persuading was poor. —The real issue was that Azuma’s spirit was broken.

Having been betrayed by the deity she trusted, and discovering that everything she relied on was false, it was understandable that she couldn’t stand up again.

However, they couldn’t afford to be lenient about it now.

Tsugumi sighed quietly and looked up at the sky.

If she couldn’t stand up on her own, she’d have to force her to do so. Even if it meant doing something morally questionable.

—Well, playing the bad guy… she was used to it. She’d manage it well.

Thinking this, Tsugumi gently placed a hand on Mibu’s shoulder in a comforting manner and nodded slightly. It was time for a change of players.

Then, standing in front of Azuma as Mibu stepped aside, Tsugumi began to speak.

“—So, are you going to slink away?”

Looking down at Azuma, Tsugumi said quietly.

“I don’t really care about you or what happens to you. But, causing so much trouble for others and then just ignoring it? I couldn’t possibly do such a shameful thing. —Well, but I guess it can’t be helped. You’re just a pride-less loser… Aren’t you? Ha, just rot away here, pitiful and irresponsible.”

As Tsugumi said this scornfully, Azuma’s eyes, which had been trembling and unfocused, gradually widened as if to pierce through Tsugumi.

Even if it was due to the goddess Eris stirring up hatred, Azuma would surely never forgive Tsugumi under any circumstances. It was no longer a matter of logic.

That’s why… Azuma couldn’t ignore Tsugumi’s words.

“I’m… a loser?”

“If not, then what are you? Ah, maybe you’re a pitiful loser who, manipulated by the goddess, trampled on innocent people and gained nothing from it. You really are a pathetic creature. Well, I don’t intend to sympathize, though.”

Having reached her limit, Azuma glared fiercely at Tsugumi, her eyes blazing with anger as she shouted.

“—Which mouth is saying such things!? You, of all people, have no right to say that to me!!”

Well, that’s true. For Azuma, it must be incredibly infuriating to have the same harsh treatment she gave in the grand hall returned to her.

…If it were Yukitaka, he might have handled the situation more skillfully, but that kind of provoking skill requires a natural talent, so this is the limit for Tsugumi.

However, at this point, it’s enough to provoke Azuma’s resistance against Tsugumi even in this situation. As long as Azuma remains here, she won’t be able to escape or back down.

—As long as her anger and hatred towards Tsugumi don’t disappear.

Tsugumi then crouched in front of Azuma and firmly grabbed her by the neck, saying:

“Then stop whining and cooperate with Mibu. Isn’t that the responsibility of someone who’s made a mess? —I’m not running away, so you shouldn’t either.”

With Tsugumi’s pressure, Azuma gritted her teeth and nodded slightly as if holding back her anger.

…Although it feels odd to say this after guiding her, Azuma’s disposition really seems to be a misfortune. Well, it might be better to lament how much she is hated.

While thinking this, Tsugumi saw Azuma’s acceptance and then let go of her neck. She waved her hand behind her back in a way that wasn’t visible to Mibu.

Then, Tsugumi smoothly stepped away from Azuma and ceded her place to Mibu. The role of the villain was over for now.

“Are you willing to cooperate? If so, I need to confirm something. —Can you move outside this city by means of teleportation? If possible, I’d like you to bring someone or a deity who could counter that eye to the government.”

As Mibu cut Azuma’s restraints with the scissors, she asked this question. Azuma straightened up, shifted slightly, and then shook her head in response.

“…I can move freely within the city, but probably not outside. The goddess has put up a barrier around the city, so the correct coordinates are unclear. …You can’t do it either, right?”

“Well, that’s right. I can use teleportation, but when trying to go to a location beyond a certain distance, it’s like hitting a wall and I can’t proceed. I think I can get close to the eye above, but moving sideways is only possible up to the wall surrounding the city.”

With Tsugumi’s response, Mibu frowned in thought and then asked Azuma again.

“I see… If I recall correctly, Azuma-san could teleport with others as well, right? If so, can you teleport with me to the side of that eye? I have some things I want to try, and I’d like to see it up close.”

Azuma made a grimacing face and then spoke.

“I can do that, but… Due to the skirmish with Mibu… I’ve used up quite a lot of capacity, so I think teleporting together is limited to twice. …What’s with that look? Do you think I’m useless?”

Azuma spat this out and glared at Tsugumi, who had been quietly listening. …Her paranoia was quite excessive.

“I don’t think of you that way. —But two times, huh? Then, it’d be wasteful to use both trips for going and returning, so I’ll make a parachute out of thread when we descend.”

“Ah, that’s helpful. —And there’s something else I’d like you to do, Tsugumi.”

With that, Mibu pointed to the sky and said:

“—Please make a path for me.”


Just a guy translating stuff.

1 comment
  1. KuroNekoQ has spoken 2 weeks ago

    thanks for the chapter


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