Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight
Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 83

The gates of Bolay City opened early in the morning, and the people waiting outside to enter the city formed long lines.

“Line up, line up, everyone, don’t push, let’s go one by one.”

The guards at the gate tried their best to maintain order, but with so many people trying to enter, the scene was still a bit chaotic.

After traveling day and night for two days, Sol’s group finally arrived at the entrance to Bolay City.

Though they had traveled light and looked weary, their distinctive appearances made them stand out even in the crowd, and anyone with eyes could tell they were not ordinary travelers.

“Five copper nars per person, ten for a horse.”

Soon, Sol’s group reached the front of the line. The guards at the gate took extra care to examine them, for they were tall and striking, with an aura completely different from the timid commoners around them.

After the guard explained the cost of entry, Sol’s assistant swiftly produced their money pouches and paid.


Although the guard took a few extra glances at Sol’s group, they didn’t ask for further identification after collecting the entry fee and allowed them to pass.

Sol, who had been holding a command arrow and official documents, was ready to reveal their identities if the guards continued to interrogate them. He hadn’t expected the guards to let them pass without further questions after taking their money, as if the sole purpose of the guards was to collect the fee.

Despite the smooth passage, Sol shook his head imperceptibly.

“Kutz, what are your thoughts?”

Kutz was one of Sol’s trusted subordinates, ever at his side. With the power of a Great Knight, Kutz was Sol’s right hand, and Sol had brought him along on this trip to the River Valley.

Having spent many years in the military, Kutz immediately grasped Sol’s meaning.

“The guards at the gate show no alertness whatsoever. If we were to enter the Imperial Capital without declaring our identities, we would surely be interrogated multiple times, possibly detained. If there were truly a war, these guards would be unable to hold up.”

“I wonder what the guardian regiment is like.”

Sol’s faith in the unseen guardian regiment waned by the moment.

“The guardian regiment is different from these gate guards. As an official formation of the kingdom, they cannot be so negligent.”

Kutz’s words were hesitant, but he still clung to some hope for the guardian regiment.

“Let’s hope so.”

Sol and his retinue walked through the streets of Bolay City, where people were bustling about, peddlers were hawking their wares, and many well-dressed individuals passed by. It was clear that the wealthy outnumbered the poor in this city.

In the face of such prosperity, Sol felt as if he were in the Imperial Capital. The River Valley’s wealth exceeded even the rumors.

Then Sol remembered that the River Valley only contributed about a hundred thousand gold pieces in taxes to the kingdom each year, clearly not commensurate with the riches on display.

But these were just thoughts for later. The most important thing right now was to assess the guardian regiment’s battle readiness so they could head north as soon as possible and take care of the cannibal demons.

Sol was clear on what needed to be done upon arriving in the River Valley. First, he needed to take command of the guardian regiment and prepare it for the march north. Second, he needed to reveal his identity and summon any knights and quasi-knights who wanted to join him on his march north.

Lastly, he intended to ask the River Valley’s nobles for financial and material support, as well as volunteers, to aid the northern lands. He knew these nobles well enough; a mere command from the Imperial Capital thousands of kilometers away wouldn’t be enough to convince them to take such a request seriously.

Without his personal oversight, who knew how they might dawdle or otherwise drag their feet?

“Let’s go directly to the guardian regiment’s encampment.”

There was little else to see on the streets beyond the temporary prosperity, so Sol decided to go straight to the source and assess the situation at the guardian regiment’s encampment.

“Who goes there?”

After some inquiries, they found the guardian regiment’s encampment, which was right inside Bolay City, its target as large as it could be.

The soldiers guarding the camp stopped them at the gate, standing ramrod straight in their light yellow standard issue armor, looking somewhat more disciplined than the average militia. Sol had no intention of bothering with these ordinary soldiers and flashed his token of authority. “I am the kingdom’s appointed temporary consul to the River Valley, Sol. The River Valley’s guardian army will answer to me until further notice. Please notify your commanding officer.”

Leon had bestowed upon Sol the title of temporary consul, allowing him to oversee the preparations for aid to the northern lands.

However, appointing a governor to the River Valley from the kingdom was also a tad unconventional, so the title of interim had been added. Leon had granted Sol near unlimited authority, and it was up to Sol to decide how far he wanted to wield it.

The guard at the entrance of the camp was stunned briefly. Sol’s name was frighteningly grand, but as a low-ranking soldier, he had no way to access information from the higher-ups, and thus could not even authenticate the token Sol presented.

“You—you all wait here for a moment. I’ll go notify someone.”

Sol and his companions appeared to be fit and capable, while the beasts they rode seemed extraordinary as well, unlike the work of any imposters. However, the soldier dared not make his own judgment and went inside to report.

“Sir, there are individuals outside claiming to be an interim governor appointed by the Imperial Capital.”

Dane, who sat drinking black tea from the south, heard the guard’s report. This expensive beverage was said to have calming effects, which came as no surprise, as recent news from the capital had disturbed his peace of mind. He had hoped to ease his anxiety with some of this black tea.

Upon hearing the guard’s report, Dane’s hand froze mid-sip, his brows knitted tightly together.

The Imperial Capital’s envoy had arrived far too early, at least a week before he expected. The gaps in his ranks had yet to be filled, and many preparations were still incomplete—it was quite troublesome, and he would have to find a way to stall the envoy first.

As he pondered, he asked, “Do we know who’s arrived?”

“I think he said his name is Sol.”

Dane’s hand shivered, and the teacup in his hand crashed to the floor, its shards scattering across the room.

“His name is Sol?”

“I’m fairly certain.”

Seeing how alarmed Dane was, the guard who’d come to report hesitated slightly, but after double-checking, he confirmed, “Yes, his name is Sol.”

“Tap, tap, tap…” Dane tapped his trembling hand on the table, attempting to alleviate his unease.

It couldn’t be that Sol, the man who rarely left the Imperial Capital. Besides, given the size of the dragon’s target, it would be impossible for him to arrive at the guardian regiment’s encampment without any warning.

At this thought, Dane collected himself, then stood. “Lead me out to greet them.”

“Yes sir.”


Sol, who was waiting by the gate, heard a voice he hadn’t heard in many years. He turned to see a rather corpulent officer emerge from the camp, straining against the largest battle armor, which could barely contain his paunch.


After a moment of hesitation, Sol managed to recognize the man before him. Although he knew the captain of the guardian regiment was named Dane, the man before him seemed far removed from the youthful, talented leader he had envisioned.

Dane was a civilian genius who had graduated from the Imperial Capital’s Knight Academy. During the period in which he studied at the academy, Sol happened to be teaching there, and so there was indeed a mentor-student relationship between them.

However, upon being recognized, Dane showed no hint of joy or surprise; instead, he felt only endless terror. He had never expected the person the Imperial Capital sent would be none other than Sol.

A saying went that no dragon could subdue a local snake, but that was only true when the dragon in question wasn’t strong enough. To the River Valley, Sol was no strong dragon, but rather a violet-golden dragon, incomparably powerful.

The strategies Dane had devised to protect himself earlier now failed to give him any courage to stand against Sol.

“Sir, please don’t make the general wait outside,” one of Sol’s personal attendants said, reminding Dane.

“Teacher, please come in,” said Dane, whose mind was still stuck in a stupor, only reacting after hearing the reminder to invite Sol into the camp.

Under Sol’s escort, Dane entered the encampment without any soldiers blocking his way. As he walked, his mind raced desperately for a plan to keep himself alive…


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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