His Red Box
His Red Box Chapter 4

“I thought you wanted attention, so I’m giving it to you.”

Another punch landed from me.

I didn’t even need to look to know the livestream was exploding now.

Xu Lie lunged at me, and I thought he was going to hit me. I tried to dodge, but suddenly I felt a lightness on my face.

—Xu Lie had yanked off my mask.


Not only that, but he shouted at the camera, “My roommate is Li Zhuo, he’s a streamer, and this is his real face!”

My face was now exposed to the public.

I stared blankly at the camera, my mind going blank.

It felt like there were countless eyes behind the screen, watching this ridiculous scene unfold.

Xu Lie looked even more pleased with himself:

“You guys don’t know this yet! My roommate likes men! Maybe the way he was in that video was him enjoying that handsome guy giving him an injection!

“Li Zhuo is a freak! Living with him for so long, I’ve always been on edge, scared he might try something on me.

“He once got drunk and told me that his ex-boyfriend was a doctor too…”

Before he could finish, I yanked the plug.

Gu Yongge was my weak spot.

I wouldn’t allow anyone to drag him into something that might affect him, especially not in front of a public audience like this.

“Xu Lie.”

I clenched my fists, the words squeezing out between gritted teeth.

“Are you seriously tired of living?”


Punch after punch.

I lost count of how many times I hit him, and I couldn’t remember how vicious his counterattacks were.

I only knew that by the time I was gathering my few remaining belongings, ready to walk out of that cramped little apartment, everything in front of me was drenched in blood.

Xu Lie was slumped weakly in his chair by his computer desk, his face swollen like a pig’s head.

He groaned, calling out to me:

“Li Zhuo, don’t blame me.

“If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for liking men.

“That time you came out to me, I was scared out of my mind. I’ve always been terrified you’d try something on me, so now that you’re cutting ties with me, yeah, it hurts, but at least I’m relieved…”

How utterly ridiculous.

Just because I like men, does that mean I would like him?

I turned back, unable to suppress my sarcasm:

“Thanks to you, I guess I’ve officially come out to the entire internet today. Much appreciated.

“But you know, I’ve only ever liked one person.”

I gave Xu Lie one final warning.

“Oh, and have you ever heard this saying? People who mock love will eventually cry because of it.

“Maybe that’s why you got dumped. After all, a moron like you doesn’t deserve anyone’s love, whether it’s a man or a woman.

“Let’s leave it at that for today. Don’t make things worse, and don’t drag the person I care about into this.

“Otherwise, I’ll really kill you.”

Xu Lie was terrified by the look in my eyes.

He flinched.

I turned around, stepping out of the door, only to see a familiar figure.

—Gu Yongge was standing at the bottom of the stairs, hands in his pockets, looking up at me.

I had no idea how long he’d been standing there or how much he had heard.


I froze in place.

Had Gu Yongge followed me here?

I instinctively felt that now wasn’t the right time to see him.

I quickly hid my bruised fists behind my back.

I averted my gaze and rushed down the stairs.


Gu Yongge’s low voice froze me in place.


That familiar, oppressive feeling from my ex.


I followed Gu Yongge back to his car.

After he rolled up the windows, the atmosphere between us became even more tense.

“Why are you following me?” I decided to go on the offensive.

Gu Yongge rested his hands on the steering wheel, tapping lightly.

“Just passing by.”

I choked for a second. “You think I’m a three-year-old you can trick?

“The hospital is to the north, and my place is south.”

He smirked slightly and finally admitted the truth:

“You forgot your prescription.

“And since I just finished my shift and saw the murderous look on your face, I was worried you’d cause trouble at the hospital, so I followed you.”

Me: “…”

So, you followed me the whole way?

Gu Yongge, don’t be ridiculous.

He looked over my injuries.

Then, suddenly, Gu Yongge leaned down toward me, getting so close that he almost touched my leg.

I jumped in surprise, quickly sitting up straight.

“What are you doing?!”

He didn’t answer, instead opening the small first aid kit in his car.

The man in front of me, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, rolled up his sleeves and carefully picked out some medicine, his movements as elegant as if he were handling fine art.

Gu Yongge took out some iodine and cotton swabs, snapped one in half, and applied it to my forehead.

I winced in pain, letting out a soft, involuntary yelp.


I didn’t even realize it hurt that much.

Even though Gu Yongge was being gentle.

Right now, he was so close.

As his gaze locked on my wounds, my skin began to burn, the heat creeping all the way up to my neck.

Was it the wound that stung, or was my face heating up?

But Gu Yongge seemed completely unaware, patiently treating my injuries.

He was more focused than I was.

“Packing your things so quickly… Where are you planning to stay tonight?”

I shrugged it off.

“I’ll sleep at the train station, under a bridge, or maybe just crash at your hospital.”

The more I talked, the more worked up I got, spitting out my frustrations in his car.

“Who the hell dies from holding it in? I refuse to believe it.”

Gu Yongge sighed, slowing down his movements.

“Well, it can happen.

“A sudden release of urine can overstimulate the nerves. The faster the bladder empties, the more blood flows downward, causing a lack of blood supply to the brain, which can result in urination syncope.”

Me: “…Thanks for the medical trivia.”

Once Gu Yongge finished applying the medicine, he suddenly changed the topic:

“I have a suggestion. Maybe you should consider it.”



“Gu Yongge, are you out of your mind?”

I was completely stunned by what he said.

I even started doubting my ears.

I didn’t hear wrong, right? Did he seriously just suggest that I move into his place?

“I thought about it. Instead of you staying at the hospital, it would be better for you to live at my place. I can manage this internally at work, and it makes sense.

“Most importantly, I don’t lack money.”

Gu Yongge knew exactly how to handle me.

I used to be a spoiled rich kid with family backing, and he was the one who had nothing.


September 23 when I start posting my translation here, please take care of me. Free chapters in Lock chapters are scheduled to be free, more information can be found in the comment section of the specific novel. If you like my translation please consider buying me a Coffee. My Buy Me A Coffee account link: https://buymeacoffee.com/lhaozi

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