The Little Sweet Wife Arrives At The Courtyard In The Seventies
The Little Sweet Wife Arrives At The Courtyard In The Seventies | Chapter 20 

◎ First update + Second update + Third update ◎


Xu Shengjie was wearing a brand-new white shirt and black trousers today, and he arrived at the Liang family’s door in high spirits. 

Song Chunhua greeted him with a warm smile. It’s often said that a mother-in-law grows more affectionate toward her son-in-law the more she sees him. Xu Shengjie seemed upright and dependable to her, which reassured her as she hoped for a good match for her daughter. 

“Aunt,” Xu Shengjie had delivered the bride price of 188 and a sewing machine to the Liang family a couple of days ago, and today he was here to take Liang Baozhen into the city to get the marriage certificate and arrange the banquet. 

“Why are you still calling her aunt?” 

“It’s time to call her mother now!” 

The villagers joked around, which made Song Chunhua smile even more. She stepped in and said, “Wait a minute. After we’ve served him tea and given him the red envelope, then he can call us again.” 

“Shengjie, go into the house and pick up Baozhen.” Liang Zhigao held the pipe in his hand but did not light it. He just felt more at ease holding his old friend. 

When Baoying got married, Song Jianguo was an educated youth who went to the countryside. They still lived at his home after they got married, so there was not much sadness. But this time Baozhen is different. She is marrying far away, so they can’t see each other every day in the future. 

Song Chunhua and Liang Zhigao stayed back and watched as everyone pushed Xu Shengjie into Baozhen’s room. The noise was overwhelming. 

The house was filled with noise and was very lively, but the smile on Song Chunhua’s face gradually faded and her eyes became red. She didn’t react until her husband poked her arm with his pipe. 

“It’s a good day today. Why are you crying?” Liang Zhigao’s voice was lower than usual. Seeing his wife’s red eyes, he also blinked, “Don’t make a fool of yourself.” 

“I know,” Song Chunhua sniffed and smiled. “I’m just so happy. It might be harder to see my daughter in the future, but I hope she will have a better life.” 

“Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings; don’t worry too much.”


While the two were talking, the crowd in the room suddenly stepped back; they were laughing as they welcomed the bride and groom out. 

Xu Shengjie and Liang Baozhen came out one after another. The room was crowded and noisy. As soon as they saw each other in the crowd, they were pushed out and went straight to the main room. 

Liang Baozhen had dressed up carefully today. She was wearing the red clothes they had prepared, which made her look beautiful. She was as beautiful as a painting when she stood there. The man next to her was well-dressed as well and stood tall like a pine tree. When they stood side by side, they were a perfect match. 

Liang Baozhen glanced at the white shirt of the man next to her. She couldn’t even see clearly what he looked like today, but she smelled a faint scent of soapberry. 

“Serve tea to your parents and address them properly.” 



After serving the tea and changing how they addressed each other, the formalities were completed. 

The villagers enjoyed the fruit candies from the Liang family, praised the newlyweds and congratulated them on finding a good son-in-law. 

To avoid missing the auspicious time, Xu Shengjie and Liang Baozhen had to leave immediately to get their certificate. 

“Shengjie, I’m handing Baozhen over to you. You have to treat her well.” Song Chunhua didn’t have anything else to say at this moment. Thousands of words were not as important as this sentence. 

“Mother, don’t worry.” 

Liang Zhigao patted his son-in-law on the shoulder and nodded, signaling them to leave, “Don’t waste time.” 

“Sister, remember to come back and see us.” 

“Baozhen, if you need anything, let us know. If you’re too busy to come back, have someone send a message. ” Liang Baoying helped her mother raise her younger sister. The two sisters had a deep affection and were even more reluctant to part at this moment. 

Liang Baozhen could barely hold back her tears because of her family’s messages. She didn’t dare to speak, fearing it would show her weakness, and just nodded. 

She turned around and saw her second brother and Xu Shengjie talking about something. They stopped talking when they saw her looking at them. 

Liang Baojun was the happiest person in the Liang family. He was happy for his sister. “I have already made an agreement with my brother-in-law. Don’t worry, he won’t dare to bully you.” 

Liang Baojun was actually one year younger than Xu Shengjie, but now he was particularly excited to call him brother-in-law. 

Liang Zhigao finally lit up his pipe. A puff of white smoke rose up, as he watched the figures of his daughter and son-in-law gradually disappear into the distance. 


The excitement faded away, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet. Liang Baozhen and Xu Shengjie, who were waiting for the bus, were speechless for a while. There was a subtle awkwardness in the air. 

Liang Baozhen glanced sideways and only saw the man’s throat move slightly but he remained silent. 

She lowered her head and stared at the mud, silently counting the footprints in it. Xu Shengjie looked down and saw Liang Baozhen’s white neck. He clenched his fists at his sides, and a thin layer of sweat formed on his palms. 

“The bus is here,” Xu Shengjie spoke up, finally breaking the silence. 

“Oh.” Liang Baozhen raised her head and glanced into the distance. An old bus was slowly approaching, bumping along the uneven road. 

When she looked away, her gaze accidentally met his dark eyes. 

Xu Shengjie looked different today compared to before. He was neatly dressed, looking quite energetic and handsome. Liang Baozhen felt a little embarrassed after taking one look at him, she withdrew her gaze and continued to stare at the muddy ground. 

The muddy ground seemed safer. Phew. 

When the bus finally arrived, the two got on. It was still early; the sky had just brightened, and it was quiet all around. There weren’t a lot of people on the bus, and there were quite a few empty seats. 

Liang Baozhen chose a seat in the middle row by the window and quickly opened it as soon as she sat down. The bus often carried various items and had a strong smell inside. 

Not long after, the seat next to her suddenly sank, and Xu Shengjie also sat down. 

The bus seats were narrow, and Xu Shengjie was very tall, so even when he kept his arms folded, he couldn’t avoid bumping into Liang Baozhen as the bus swayed. 

Every time the bus made a turn, Liang Baozhen’s arm would rub against his shirt, causing it to feel hot.


After a bumpy ride, they reached the city just as the sky was brightening. They got off the bus in the west part of the city and needed to head to the neighborhood office in Crescent Alley, located in the east, to register their marriage and get their certificate. 

To get there, they could either take the bus, which would take about twenty minutes, or…


“Old Xu, here!” Hong Saner stood by the roadside with a Phoenix-brand bicycle. When he saw Xu Shengjie, he shouted and waved at him. 

He had a bicycle at home that he treasured very much, and the only person he would lend it to was Xu Shengjie. 

The two had known each other since childhood, and even though Xu Shengjie had been away for a few years serving in the military, they stayed in touch. After he returned from the army, they got together again. Today, Xu Shengjie is getting married, and while walking wouldn’t have been a problem for him, he had to consider his bride. 

Borrowing a bicycle was the best option. 

“Wait a moment.” Xu Shengjie glanced at Liang Baozhen and hurriedly crossed the road to find Hong Saner on the other side. 

Liang Baozhen stood on the side of the road and watched as the two men talked for a few moments and then walked over together. She guessed that the man was Xu Shengjie’s friend, so she took a few steps forward to greet him. 

“This is my friend, Hong Saner,” Xu Shengjie introduced him. “This is my wife, Liang Baozhen.” 

The term “wife” was pronounced with a bit more emphasis. 

Liang Baozhen’s ears turned red when she heard the words “my wife.” She didn’t even look at Xu Shengjie but just smiled and greeted Hong Saner. 

“Hello, sister-in-law!” Hong Saner was very outgoing and spoke casually. However, when he saw Liang Baozhen, he was extremely surprised. He never expected his brother would marry such a beautiful woman. 

Casting an ambiguous look at Xu Shengjie, Hong Saner looked at Liang Baozhen with a flattering expression. “Sister-in-law, do you have any sisters at home? It’s best if they’re not married… Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing!” 

Xu Shengjie grabbed Hong Saner by the neck and started to strangle him. Ignoring his struggle, he explained to Liang Baozhen, “Ignore him. He’s mentally ill.”


Liang Baozhen smiled at Hong Saner’s funny behavior, not feeling offended at all. “My elder sister got married a long time ago, and my younger sister is still in elementary school.” 

Hong Saner felt a little regretful. Alas, his wish to become a brother-in-law to Xu Shengjie was shattered. What a pity! 

“Well, you two should hurry up and get your marriage certificate before the auspicious time passes. If you go now, you’ll catch the neighborhood office open,” Hong Saner patted his bicycle seat while showing off. “I washed it myself yesterday, nice and clean, and even waxed it. How about it, satisfied?” 

Xu Shengjie took a look at the clean and tidy bicycle and nodded. “Thank you.” 

“Don’t mention it. Okay, I’m going now. Sister-in-law, goodbye.” 


Liang Baozhen watched as Hong Saner ran back across the street, and just as she looked away, she saw Xu Shengjie on the bicycle, gesturing for her to get on the back seat. 

Today, Liang Baozhen wore the red clothes she made last time. The top was a red shirt with ruffles, and the bottom was originally a pair of red trousers, but now they had been taken apart and sewn into a red skirt, and the hem fluttered and danced like crimson waves. 

Xu Shengjie turned his head and looked closely at his bride. The red dress made her skin look even whiter. She stood gracefully in the light; her eyebrows and eyes were enchanting, and there was a touch of red on her lips. He suddenly felt that he couldn’t look any longer and awkwardly turned away. “Let’s go get the certificate first.” 

He unconsciously swallowed; Xu Shengjie suppressed the surprise in his eyes and turned back, leaving only the back of his head visible. At that moment, all he could hear was the pounding of his own heart. 

The bicycle’s back seat suddenly felt heavy, and Xu Shengjie felt someone gently grabbing the two corners of the hem of his shirt. He exerted some force on his feet and set off. 

Crescent Alley is located in the east of the city. The two of them were heading to the neighborhood office responsible for that area to register their marriage. Liang Baozhen carried the certification letter issued in advance at the brigade in her bag. As they made their way to the office, she couldn’t help but glance at the streets of Beijing that were left behind, she suddenly felt a sense of novelty. 

“We’ll get the marriage certificate first, and then go to the department store to buy you some clothes in the afternoon. Look at what you want to get. I have the tickets and money with me.” Remembering what his grandmother had mentioned, he added casually, “It seems that girls in the city now like to wear dresses. You might want to check those out.” 

Liang Baozhen was holding onto Xu Shengjie’s clothes. They were a bit apart, but it suddenly became hot, and the air felt stuffy. After hearing this, she muttered, “You even know what girls wear in the city?”


The bicycle bell suddenly rang. Xu Shengjie panicked and pressed the bell with his hand. The dinging sound woke him up, and he immediately defended himself, “My grandma told me.” 


“I don’t usually know much about these things.” 


Liang Baozhen blinked, and a smile formed in the corner of her eyes. She looked up slightly but only saw the back of his head, which was dark and had a swirl on top—she wondered if it indicated his stubborn personality. 

To ease the awkwardness, Xu Shengjie cleared his throat, pedaled the bicycle continuously, and kept talking about their plans for later. 

“By the way, the banquet will start at noon. I have asked my cousin to come and cook. He is a chef at a state-owned restaurant and has excellent cooking skills. My grandmother and several aunts in the courtyard are also helping.” 

“What time can we go back?” 

“About nine o’clock.” 


“What about the candies, melon seeds, and peanuts for the neighbors? Have they all been bought?” 

“I’ve bought them,” Xu Shengjie replied. “Do you have anything you want? Is there anything I missed?” 

Liang Baozhen shook her head, thinking that the arrangement was good and thoughtful. When she realized that Xu Shengjie was riding a bicycle and couldn’t see her, she quickly replied. 

“It’s good. I don’t think there’s anything missing.” 

The person on the back seat was light, and Xu Shengjie used to pedal very fast, which had become a habit. But today he deliberately slowed down and rode much more steadily. 

After riding for over forty minutes, they finally reached a familiar area. Xu Shengjie parked his bike on the side of the road, swung his long legs over, and looked at Liang Baozhen. “We’re here.” 

The Hua Ling District Street Office oversees five main streets and eight alleys of various sizes, with Crescent Alley being the largest. The office is located on a street adjacent to Crescent Alley, about a twenty-minute walk away. 

Liang Baozhen found everything new and interesting today. It was the time when workers went out to work, and people in blue and gray work clothes were walking around frequently, so the two of them in red and white were particularly eye-catching. 

“Wait for a moment.” After parking the bicycle, Xu Shengjie said something to Liang Baozhen and went to the steamed bun shop on the street. 

After a while, he came back with six steamed buns. 

“Have some to fill your stomach.” Xu Shengjie handed three buns to Liang Baozhen. 

It was about a seven to eight-minute walk from the street corner to the neighborhood office. Xu Shengjie finished the three steamed buns in two minutes. Turning around, he saw Liang Baozhen eating one in small bites. 

“This steamed bun smells so good.” The steamed buns in the city are much softer than those in the countryside, and the flour is much finer, so the taste is naturally very different. 

“There’s a shop at the end of our alley that has even better buns; you should try it sometime.”


When they arrived at the neighborhood office, Liang Baozhen had just finished eating three steamed buns. She wiped her mouth with a handkerchief and then went in with Xu Shengjie. 

“Comrade, would you like to register for marriage?” The clerk guessed the purpose of their visit at a glance because of their outstanding looks. 

“Yes, thank you for your help.” Xu Shengjie handed over their household registration certificates, documents, and some information about them. They watched the clerk check and ask questions one by one, then turned around and wrote on a piece of paper. 

Not long after, the two received a marriage certificate that looked like an award certificate. 

‘Xu Shengjie and Liang Baozhen applied for marriage. After review, they met the requirements of the Chinese Marriage Law. Their registration is approved, and this certificate is issued.’ 

Looking at the thin piece of paper, Liang Baozhen felt emotional. The two names listed together meant that she would spend the rest of her life with this person. 


Crescent Alley is on the right side of Qingshui Street. Just turn off the main road and walk in. There are many courtyard houses inside. Originally, it was the residence of kings and princes in the early years. Later, after years of ups and downs, it was finally confiscated. Now it is a family compound allocated by the neighborhood office and rented to employees of state-owned factories. 

This alley is neither big nor small in Beijing. Entering from the entrance of the alley, there are eight courtyards symmetrically distributed on both sides, most of which are two-story and three-story. 

The Xu family lived in a two-story courtyard house in the middle of the alley. The courtyard had long been divided into pieces and was now crowded with eleven families. 

Today is a working day, and all the people with formal jobs in the courtyard have gone out, leaving only a few aunts to help with the Xu family’s wedding banquet. 

Liang Baozhen had seen this courtyard house in her dream and had some impression of the carvings on the outer wall and the patterns on the screen wall. 

However, when she actually set foot inside, it felt like she had crossed into another world. 

The two walked in from the main entrance, and just as they reached the covered walkway, Liang Baozhen noticed a flash of cold light. Before she could react, Xu Shengjie had grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him. Then they heard the clattering sound of silverware hitting the ground. 

A carbon steel kitchen knife with a silver sheen was lying in the corner of the wall, just two steps in front of Liang Baozhen and Xu Shengjie. 

“Ow! Stop causing trouble! You almost hit someone!” 

“That’s a kitchen knife. If you cut someone with it, they’ll die!” 

Several aunts in the yard were talking at once, surrounding a couple who were arguing. The scene was chaotic. Aunt Zhang noticed that Xu Shengjie had brought someone back, so she wiped her hands on her apron and went over to greet them. 

Liang Baozhen had just calmed down from the shock of a kitchen knife falling from the sky, and she felt her arm was a little hot. Xu Shengjie had just grabbed her arm to protect her safety and had not let go yet. 

Xu Shengjie has big palms, and calluses have formed on his fingertips from years of training. Now that his fingers were pressed against her fair and tender skin, Liang Baozhen felt a little itchy and hot. 

“Xiao Xu, is this your wife?” Aunt Zhang only knew that Xu Shengjie had found a girl from the countryside, but she didn’t expect her to be so beautiful and she’s not inferior to the other girls in the city. “Oh, she’s really beautiful!” 

Xu Shengjie was awakened by Aunt Zhang’s shout and quickly pulled his hand back. Only the remaining warmth and soft touch were left on his fingers. 

He had never realized that human skin could be so soft. It seemed as if he could break Liang Baozhen’s arm with just the slightest pressure, so he had to be very careful not to apply too much force. 

“Aunt Zhang, this is Liang Baozhen, my wife.” Xu Shengjie introduced Liang Baozhen in a low voice, “This is Aunt Zhang from the west wing of the courtyard. She lives nearby and we interact often.” 

“Hello, Aunt Zhang.” Liang Baozhen greeted obediently. 

With her good looks and courteous demeanor, Aunt Zhang immediately felt a lot of affection for this young bride. When she saw the two of them standing together, she felt comfortable. “Xiao Lu, Caili, stop arguing. Why are you making a fuss on such an auspicious day?” 

The second courtyard was bustling with activity. Liang Baozhen couldn’t help but be curious and looked over. Xu Shengjie looked at her and explained, “Brother Lu and Sister Cheng have a big quarrel every three days and a small quarrel every five days.” 

Everyone in the courtyard is used to it, but it is indeed dangerous this time when they throw kitchen knives. 

Xu Shengjie picked up the kitchen knife and called Liang Baozhen to go in together. 

The two wedding tables were set up in the courtyard of the second entrance. Two round wooden tables had been set up. The Xu family did not have enough stools, so they borrowed some from the neighbors and gathered sixteen. 

The stove was set up in a ventilated place in the courtyard with Xu Shengjie’s maternal uncle stirring a dish with a spatula, and several aunts were trying to stop the fight. 

Zhou Yun had just put a cold dish on the table when she turned around and saw the girl next to her grandson. The beautiful girl said a few words to her grandson, then looked over and called out, “Grandma.”


“Oh!” Zhou Yun looked at Liang Baozhen’s clear eyes and felt very satisfied. She thought her grandson had chosen well. 

It’s said that you can tell a lot about a person just by their eyes. Zhou Yun has met so many people in her life, and she thinks there is some truth to this. 

“Xiaoya, Xiaowei, come here quickly and meet your sister-in-law!” 

Xu Shengya and Xu Shengwei were not idle either. They were helping with housework. When they heard their grandmother’s words, they jumped out quickly, thinking that Liang Baozhen might fly away at any moment. 


Xu Shengwei looked at his sister-in-law and shouted very loudly. His voice was loud to begin with, and it became even louder due to excitement. Xu Shengya snuggled up to her brother, with only half of her body exposed, and timidly called out, “Sister-in-law.” 

She didn’t know whether her sister-in-law would like her. If her sister-in-law disliked her because she was sick, she would stay away from her. 

“It’s Xiaowei and Xiaoya, right?” Liang Baozhen took out the candy she had prepared from her bag and gave one to each of the two children. Xu Shengjie’s brother and sister were about the same age as Liang Baoling, and she felt a sense of familiarity when she saw them. 

Xu Shengya looked timid, so she waved and called her over. “I also have a younger sister at home who is about your age. You can get to know each other when you have a chance.” 

Xu Shengya nodded and seeing that her beautiful sister-in-law didn’t seem to hate her, she quietly smiled. 


“Congratulations! Xiao Xu you finally got married.” 

“Your grandma won’t have to take care of the house alone anymore. There’s someone who can help out.”


“You’re called Baozhen, right? It’s a nice name and you look good, really not bad.” 

The neighbors in the courtyard congratulated the newlyweds, but the couple in the corner who had just fought and thrown a kitchen knife were still arguing. 

“Lu Yuan, stop pretending! Did you look at her just now? You were even flirting with her in front of me; do you have any shame?” The speaker was Cheng Caili, who lived in the opposite house. She was a salesperson in the supply and marketing cooperative. She had a good job, a good family background, and was beautiful, so she wasn’t someone who easily put up with things. 

Today, she came to Xu’s family to help with the banquet, but she saw her husband, Lu Yuan, flirting with Widow Chen in the courtyard, and they immediately confronted each other. After a while, the fight got out of hand, and she even picked up a kitchen knife… 

“Cheng Caili, today is someone’s wedding. Why are you making a scene? If you have anything to say, let’s go home and talk about it?” Lu Yuan said with a strained expression, his face turning blue and red. He grabbed his wife, trying to lead her back inside the house. 

Cheng Caili looked at the newlyweds not far away, wiped her eyes, and walked over and said cheerfully, “Xiao Xu, Xiao Liang, right? Congratulations on your marriage. I’m sorry for today. I’ll go back to the house first and come back to drink your wedding wine later.” 

Liang Baozhen looked at the neighbor who threw the kitchen knife. She had short hair, delicate features, and clear eyes. Although she had just quarreled fiercely, she spoke sincerely now. “Thank you, sister. Remember to come later.” 

“Shengjie, we’ll go back to the house first. You go about with your celebration,” Lu Yuan said and went home with Cheng Caili. 

One of the parties involved, Widow Chen, was cracking melon seeds on the side, glancing around with a somewhat coquettish look. 

After working until almost noon, the two tables of food were finally ready. 

There were more than 30 people from the eleven households in the courtyard. Because some of them were away for work and could not come back, there were still more than ten people left, and they all sat together at two round tables. 

“Come, come, let’s congratulate Xiao Xu on getting married!” Old bachelor Sun Zhiqiang raised his bowl and invited everyone. 

After taking a sip of wine, Wu Fengxia, who was sitting next to him, teased him, “Sun Zhiqiang, what’s the matter? Do you want to get married too?” 

“Better find Aunt Zhang to introduce you to someone.” 

Sun Zhiqiang was the only bachelor in the courtyard. He was over forty-two and still unmarried. Everyone kept teasing him, but he didn’t let them off. He took another sip of wine and said, “No need to rush, no need to rush; it’s all about taking it slow.” 

“Are you still slow? If you’re any slower, your baby will call you grandpa!” 


The meal was very lively. There hadn’t been a happy event in the courtyard for a long time, so Xu Shengjie’s wedding banquet felt like a break from the usual routine. 

After the meal, everyone helped clean up the dishes. Xu Shengjie gave his cousin a red envelope, thanked him, then turned around and distributed the wedding candies to everyone in the courtyard, and went home with full blessings. 


After the meal, Liang Baozhen was taken home by Zhou Yun. 

“You are the bride today so take a good rest.” Zhou Yun was very affectionate to her granddaughter-in-law and asked her to go back to the house. “Everyone helps each other on weekdays, and today they are just repaying our kindness. Tomorrow we can give some egg cakes to the aunts who helped us and acknowledge them.” 

Liang Baozhen nodded, understanding that her grandmother was doing her a favor on purpose, allowing her to show herself in front of the aunts and giving a thank-you gift to make a good impression. 

Before she got married, Song Chunhua patiently taught her to get along well with her husband’s family. Since the Xu family was small, there weren’t many complications. She also needed to get along with the neighbors, both distant relatives and close ones, as they could all help each other. 

Seeing her grandmother treat her so attentively, Liang Baozhen felt warm in her heart and felt closer to her. Her own grandparents passed away early. They didn’t survive the famine in the early years. Liang Baozhen was still very young at that time, just a few years old. Now, when she thinks about it, her impression of her grandparents is already very cloudy. 

Zhou Yun grabbed his granddaughter-in-law’s hand and went into his eldest grandson’s room. 

The Xu family lived in the east wing of the courtyard, which was twenty-one square meters in total and had three separate rooms. 

Zhou Yun had one room, Xu Shengjie had another, and Xu Shengwei and Xu Shengya slept on bunk beds. 

At this moment, Xu Shengjie’s originally simple and plain room was filled with festive decorations. The window was adorned with large double happiness characters, and the once-gray bedding had been replaced with red. 

Beside the bed were two of Liang Baozhen’s dowry boxes, which Liang Baojun had brought over a few days ago. 

“I didn’t feel this way before, but now that Shengjie is married, I suddenly feel that the place is a little small.” Zhou Yun looked at her own house and wondered what to do when she had great-grandchildren in the future. It would definitely not be big enough to accommodate them. 

Liang Baozhen’s room in the countryside is as big as the two rooms here, not to mention that she has a yard. However, she also knows that houses in the city are very expensive and naturally cannot be as spacious as those in the countryside. 

“It’s already good Grandma. We can change it later when we have a chance.” 

In the past, she would have thought it was already good to have a separate room in the city, since many married couples didn’t have one. But she had remembered some information from the book. It mentions that everything would develop quickly in the future, with commercial housing having beautiful decorations, and the wealthy people even living in villas… 

“Wait until Shengjie is done with his work, and he’ll take you out for a walk.” Zhou Yun took her granddaughter-in-law’s hand and sat down. There were many people around and many things to do just now, but now that she had a good look at Liang Baozhen. She noticed that the child had pleasant appearance.

“I didn’t go to your house last time. Your parents won’t blame me, right?” Zhou Yun had been thinking about this matter. As the only elder in Xu Shengjie’s family, she should have visited, but her health did not allow it. 

The bus to the countryside would shake her apart. 

“No, my mother also thought that it’s better not to make this trip, or you will tire yourself out.” Liang Baozhen looked at Xu Shengjie’s grandmother with a kind expression. When the old lady smiled, her eyes crinkled up, and Xu Shengya mirrored her. 

“I brought some herbs up; I’ll prepare them for you to drink later. They grow on the mountain. It’s inconvenient to see a doctor in the village, and barefoot doctors love to use these.” 

“That’s great. The mountains are wonderful; there are treasures everywhere.” Zhou Yun talked with Liang Baozhen for a while. She felt a bit envious of the Liang family, which had such a large and lively household. 

The Xu family had fewer people, but now it’s better with the new daughter-in-law; everything feels different. 


Xu Shengwei came back from playing outside for a while. When he entered the house, he didn’t see anyone but heard voices in his brother’s room. 

“Grandma.” Xu Shengwei rushed in with a flash, his little face glowing with heat. When he saw his sister-in-law was also there, he immediately stood properly and said, “Sister-in-law.”


“Come here quickly.” Zhou Yun wiped her grandson’s forehead and felt sweat on her hand. “Wash your face; it’s all sweaty.” 

Seeing his grandson go out obediently, Zhou Yun turned to her granddaughter-in-law and said, “Xiaowei and Xiaoya have had a hard life. Their parents passed away when they were just over one year old. It’s pitiful to see such young children left behind. Baozhen, don’t worry; these two are my grandchildren, so you won’t have to take care of them all by yourself.” 

Some people outside say that marrying Xu Shengjie is no different from being a stepmother. Once Zhou Yun leaves, she will still have to raise two children. 

Zhou Yun was worried that Liang Baozhen might be influenced by the rumors, so she made her position clear in advance. 

It’s better to clear things up first to avoid any misunderstandings that might be hard to resolve later. 

“Grandma, what are you talking about? We’re all family now. As a family, we don’t talk like we’re from different households.” 

The Xu family are all sincere people. Putting herself in their shoes, Liang Baozhen thought that she just needed to live a good life in the future. 

“That’s right!” Zhou Yun was happy. Listening to the footsteps outside, she knew that it was her eldest grandson coming back. 

She hurriedly called him in and stood up to go out, “Shengjie, help Baozhen sort out her dowry, and then go to the department store to buy some clothes. Today is an auspicious day; buy whatever you like.” 

Zhou Yun was well-educated when she was young. She worked in a textile factory and married a factory employee. They had two sons and a daughter. The eldest daughter married in the next city, so it was not easy for them to see each other. Xu Shengjie’s father was the most filial but passed away early, the remaining third son’s family had not been in touch with her for a long time. 

The third son’s family was always thinking about the money in the old lady’s hands. The two elderly people had good living conditions back then, even though they had experienced famine. The third son felt that his mother still had savings, but they were only subsidizing his second brother’s family, so he wanted to take them away. 

Whether Zhou Yun had money or not was unknown to anyone. 

Xu Shengjie distributed cigarettes and candies to the people in the courtyard and was then pulled aside by a few men to talk for a while then after that he washed his arms before entering the house. 

His once solemn and dignified room now looked very different, especially with the woman in the middle of the room, bending over a wooden box and carefully selecting something. 

Her long black braid hung to her waist, contrasting with her porcelain-white face, giving her a glowing appearance. 

“You…” Xu Shengjie suddenly felt awkward in his own room, as if he were an outsider. He didn’t know what to do for a moment. “Is there anything I can help you with?” 

Liang Baozhen looked back at him and pointed at a few small items in the dowry. “Can you please put these away.” 

Liang Baozhen’s dowry and clothes were placed in two large wooden boxes. The rice cabinet had been placed in the living room. The dressing mirror and some small items were still lying inside, while she was still arranging her clothes. 

It was difficult for the villagers to save cloth tickets, and Liang Baozhen had neither too many nor too few clothes. But Song Chunhua loved her daughter so much that she’d rather make fewer new clothes for herself and save for her daughter. 

There were two short-sleeved jackets, one long-sleeved jacket with a front opening, two pairs of long pants, one skirt, and winter clothes, including a cotton-padded jacket and a pair of cotton pants. 

Opening Xu Shengjie’s yellow wooden wardrobe, there was plenty of space left. Most of his clothes were military uniforms, all in olive green, and the factory clothes were all black and blue, all neatly folded. 

Looking at the unusually neat clothes, Liang Baozhen turned to look at Xu Shengjie, who was placing the things he brought. She unfolded her own clothes and folded them again, only putting them in when they looked very neat. 

Xu Shengjie placed the dressing mirror in the middle of the table and put away the other things one by one. When he finished, he saw the distinct and colorful clothes in the wardrobe. 

Next to his dark clothes was a pile of brightly colored clothes with some floral patterns. 

There was an indescribable feeling in his heart, and it seemed as if the whole room had become brighter.


“Let’s go to the department store.” He had to follow his grandmother’s orders and buy clothes for the bride. 


Crescent Alley is quite far from the department store and requires a trip across town. Xu Shengjie took Liang Baozhen on the bus, which cost three cents per person. 

There were many people on the bus, and there were no seats left. As soon as Liang Baozhen got on the bus, she was pushed inside by the crowd. In the past, she seldom went into the city when she lived in the countryside, and she relied on her own two feet to go everywhere. Now she was pushed around by the crowd and had no strength to resist at all. 

“Move in a little bit!” 

“Don’t block the door!” 

The eldery people behind them were full of energy and kept urging everyone to go inside. With so many people pushing and shoving, it was hard to maintain balance, and breathing became difficult. 

Suddenly, Liang Baozhen felt a firm grip on her right elbow, the warm touch startled her. 

She became alarmed, wondering if there was a pervert on the bus. 

Before she could react, she was pulled out of the crowd by a strong force and found herself in a less crowded area. The space around her was much more comfortable. 

Xu Shengjie pulled her in front of him, next to a window seat. His broad shoulder blocked the crowd behind, and he held onto the overhead handrail with one hand. “Stand here and relax a bit.” 

After saying that, he glanced at Liang Baozhen’s flushed face and then reached out to open the window in front of him a little. 

The bus was old, and the window rollers were a bit stuck. The lady sitting in front of the window tried to open it but only managed to open it slightly, she said a few complaints. Now, seeing the young man push it open easily, a cool breeze blew in, making it much easier to breathe. 

“You really know how to take good care of your partner,” she said with a sharp eye, noticing their relationship at a glance, and joked cheerfully. 

Unexpectedly, Liang Baozhen’s face, which had just cooled down, turned even redder, and Xu Shengjie’s ears also turned a bit red. 


After getting off the bus, they still had to walk a few hundred meters to reach the department store. 

“I have some money with me; just buy whatever you like.” 

“Let’s take a look.” Liang Baozhen had a task too; Song Chunhua had specifically told her last night that in a marriage, things should be mutual, so she should remember to buy something for Xu Shengjie as well. 

It is normal to spend more money when you are newly married. Good things must start off well so that things will go smoothly in the future. 

“Xu…” Liang Baozhen was about to call him Comrade Xu but felt something was wrong, so she cleared her throat and changed her words, “Shengjie, what was going on with those two people arguing in the courtyard just now?” 

She was curious. If it weren’t for being new to the Xu family and not being very familiar with Xu Shengjie, she would have asked earlier. 

Xu Shengjie was momentarily caught off guard when she called him so affectionately. Seeing that Liang Baozhen was quite calm, he accepted it calmly. “Brother Lu and Sister Cheng got married two years ago. They often quarrel, and everyone in the courtyard is used to it.” 

Xu Shengjie recalled seeing them argue a few times since he had just been discharged from the military. “Brother Lu is a third-level worker at the steel factory, and Sister Cheng is a salesperson at the supply and marketing cooperative. Both have good jobs, and they’re a well-off couple in our courtyard, but they like to stir things up.” 

“Is that so?” Liang Baozhen nodded but didn’t dare to ask more after thinking about what Cheng Caili had said to Lu Yuan earlier. 

Seeing Liang Baozhen showing some rare interest, Xu Shengjie told her what he knew. There aren’t many women with formal jobs in the courtyard. Sister Cheng is the best at her job and has a lot of confidence. She never spoils Brother Lu. Last time Brother Lu came back drunk, she didn’t even open the door and left him outside to sleep all night.” 

“Sister Cheng is that formidable?” 

“That’s right. The next day, all the aunts in the courtyard tried to persuade her, but she silenced everyone. She’s truly impressive.” 

Liang Baozhen thought about the image of that male comrade sleeping at the door and turned to Xu Shengjie, “You won’t come home drunk in the future, will you?” 

She had seen people in the village cause a scene when drunk, and even a few strong men couldn’t stop them. 

Xu Shengjie stopped and looked at Liang Baozhen’s smiling almond eyes. He also grinned and said, “No.”


He didn’t have a drinking problem, but his tolerance was good. “If I really come home drunk, I’ll sleep at the door myself.” 

Liang Baozhen’s smile widened, and she became more familiar with the man. “That’s good. Very self-aware.” 


At this time, there weren’t many people in the department store, and people who could shop here had decent conditions at home. 

When the salesperson saw a well-matched couple coming in, she couldn’t help but take a few more glances at them. 

Women’s clothing is on the second floor, there’s an area that sells quality clothing made by local garment factories and fashionable clothes imported from Guangdong, Yuecheng, or abroad. 

Both the style and the fabric are top quality. 

Naturally, the price is also high. 

It was Xu Shengjie’s first time in the women’s clothing section, and he was overwhelmed by the range of colorful clothes. 

It was also Liang Baozhen’s first time. Usually, she made clothes herself from fabric at home and had never bought ready-made clothes. 

Each piece of clothes here had bright colors and comfortable fabrics, and it looked much better than ordinary homemade clothes. There are stand-up collars, round necks, puff sleeves, ruffles… 

Looking around, Liang Baozhen saw a light blue dress that was pure and simple, with a V-shaped neckline, a cinched waist, and a hem that draped in gentle waves. 

Xu Shengjie followed her line of sight, and his eyes lit up. The light blue dress was simple, delicate and very beautiful. 

It would definitely suit Liang Baozhen. 

“This one?” 

Before Liang Baozhen could answer, a female voice came from the other side. 

“Siming, this dress is so beautiful! Let’s buy this one!” 

Through the gaps between the hanging garments, Liang Baozhen saw Chen Siming and Dong Jiayan approaching. 

Dong Jiayan was pointing directly at the light blue dress. 

The author has something to say: 

Newly married couples who are not yet familiar with each other: 

Xu Shengjie: It’s my room, but I don’t know where to put my hands. 

Liang Baozhen: Don’t be polite, treat this place as your own home. 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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