How Can My Wife Be So Adorable?
How Can My Wife Be So Adorable Chapter 180 – Cheap Labor

Chen Xing reluctantly activated the online shopping system. He spent two hundred thousand crystal coins to buy a large pile of meat. All meat!

Get full and then work well!


As they let out satisfied burps, they almost had enough to eat.

However, the demons letting out burps was a bit… Those burps carried a lot of gas, and they could even create a gust of wind. There was a faintly unpleasant smell to it.

“Ugh…” Little Zero pinched her nose and leaned in Chen Xing’s arms; the smell was a nightmare for her!

Chen Xing also frowned, coldly saying: “If you burp again, I’ll chop you up!”

“Burp~ Quack!” Frightened, a demon quickly covered his mouth!

Chen Xing’s stern gaze swept over, and no one dared to burp again. Then, not in the best mood, he said: “Are you full now? Get to work!”

Just as he was about to carry little Zero away, he heard a “pfft~~~” sound! One of the demons who was halfway through burping actually farted…

Elegantly and melodiously~

Chen Xing’s face instantly turned dark!

Immediately after: “Pfft~” “Pfft~” “Pfft~”

Many of the demons began farting!


A flash of white light, and the demon sword appeared in Chen Xing’s hand! In a deep voice, he said, “Suck it back in.”

All the demons immediately took a deep breath. Seems they had quite the lung capacity. As everyone inhaled, they created a gust of wind together!

Chen Xing even began to suspect that they were quite skilled at this, wondering if they had practiced a lot before?

However, he suddenly felt a bit nauseous.


He just lifted Little Zero and left the area!

What the hell…

Behind him, a group of demons continued burping and farting, running wildly after Chen Xing. The scene was comical.

Somehow, something tickled little Zero’s funny bone. She couldn’t help but laugh continuously in his arms. Chen Xing was both amused and helpless: “Why are you so happy?”

“Giggle… I don’t know, it’s just funny…”

Chen Xing chuckled softly and affectionately ruffled her hair: “Silly…”

“Huh? You’re the silly one…”

As the two of them chatted and laughed, they had already reached the outskirts of Minghua City.

Due to the previous strike by the Grand Swordsman Vol, this city was already in ruins. Subsequently, Chen Xing will have the demons flatten it.

The system could actually flatten it too. However, this wasn’t part of the package deal, and the flattening service wasn’t free! It required a cost of 100 million crystal coins!

Although Minghua City wasn’t large, it was still a small city. However, considering that the demons only needed to manage two meals, why not cut expenses?

Soon, guided by Chen Xing’s instructions, more than 700 demons started to flatten Minghua City.

It had to be said that these demons were truly efficient workers! They made quick progress, flattening a substantial portion of the city in no time. After all, they were demons with strength comparable to S-ranking Spirit Masters!

When they encountered rubble, they’d punch it into pieces and then fill the gaps with the debris. They stuffed everything in, and then Chen Xing had San’er get some cement in to fill the gaps. Simple and straightforward!

In almost less than an afternoon, the 700 demons completely flattened the entire Minghua City. And they didn’t even seem tired one by one; it was as if they could continue for another half a day.

Chen Xing nodded in satisfaction, thinking: This bunch of pigs… er, demons are really impressive!

Then, San’er directly selected a blueprint from the system’s space, a factory design from the super system dimension, and purchased all the necessary materials. The total cost was 1 billion crystal coins!

Chen Xing felt a pang of pain, but… This group of demons had saved him 5 billion! Otherwise, if the system was to build it, it would cost an additional 5 billion crystal coins.

As Chen Xing needed a factory that could supply goods worldwide in the future, it had to be of considerable size. In the blueprint provided by San’er, the entire factory had several levels, and the total floor area surpassed 100 square kilometers!

What kind of concept was this? It was almost the size of certain districts in certain cities. It was no longer just a future factory; it was a future city!

A scale like this, even for the system, would take at least a week to build. With such a massive area, relying on these 700 demons, it might take an extremely long time.

Hence, Chen Xing selected a demon that seemed relatively intelligent, directly transmitting the design plan from the system into the walnut-sized core of his brain. He would temporarily oversee it.

As for himself, he was preparing to enter the demon dimension! He would go there and bring back some demons to work!

With his influence, who knew if he could do it even faster than the system!

Chen Xing looked at those demons and, through San’er’s amplification, solemnly addressed them: “You all keep working here. I’ll go to the demon dimension to bring more people over. Don’t slack off; no work, no food.”


Seeing this, Chen Xing nodded approvingly.

San’er couldn’t help but comment: 【If others knew that you’re treating the demons as tools, I wonder what their reaction would be.】

Chen Xing chuckled and replied, “Cheap labor is just too good!”

【Tsk tsk, the wicked capitalist!】

Chen Xing chuckled lightly and then went to find the somewhat foolish robotic servant, Little Tian. He intended to put it in charge.

“Big Brother, Sister-in-law, welcome home!”

Listening to the robot’s greeting, little Zero pursed her lips and giggled quietly. Hearing it made her feel a bit happy.

After calling out, Little Tian went back to continuing its cleaning routine.

Chen Xing looked at it. Was there really anything left to clean? The floor was so clean it could reflect light. Yet, Little Tian was still there, holding a mop, casually wiping the floor. Isn’t this guy just slacking off?

“What are you doing?”

Little Tian: “Slacking off and killing time…”

Because the robot’s programming dictated that once it decided what to say, it couldn’t stop. As a result, Little Tian blurted out its true thoughts!

But quickly, it changed its words: “No, I mean, I’m cleaning!”

Chen Xing: “…”

Indeed, it’s slacking off!

“Follow me, I have a new task for you.”

Little Tian: “Damn it!”

Chen Xing: “What’s wrong?”

He felt like there was something a bit off about this robot!

Little Tian: “Nothing! Big Brother, just tell me what you need.”

“Come with me.”

“Okay, Big Brother!”

Little Tian followed behind Chen Xing and little Zero, trailing along enthusiastically.

Zero blinked as she nestled on Chen Xing’s shoulder, quietly observing the oversized head of Little Tian bobbing up and down as it rolled along on its tracks. Whenever it encountered uneven terrain, its big head swayed like a tumbling doll, looking quite amusing.

Zero became fascinated by watching this.

And Little Tian noticed that all along the way, Zero was looking at it. Suddenly, it spoke up: “Sister-in-law, do you have any instructions!?”

“Um!” Startled, Zero quickly shrunk back into Chen Xing’s embrace, only one eye peeking out: Oops, got caught while peeking!

How embarrassing…

Little Tian: “Could it be because I’m too handsome!?”

Chen Xing: “…”

The robot’s voice lacked any particular tone. But when Little Tian said that, it somehow made people feel like it was being cheeky!

Chen Xing asked San’er: “This robot seems to have your flavor… Could it be your son?”

San’er directly retorted: 【Get lost, I don’t have such a stupid son, and besides, I’m single!】

There was a sympathetic look in Chen XIng’s eyes. “Hmm.”

【What’s with that look?】

Chen Xing didn’t say anything but kissed the little cutie in his arms.

Little Zero, who had been quietly napping in Chen Xing’s arms, was suddenly kissed. She pursed her lips and giggled, saying: “What are you doing~?”

Chen Xing smiled and shook his head: “Nothing, just wanted to kiss you.”

Zero playfully bit her pink lips and said with a touch of arrogance: “Um… not giving you a kiss… hehe…”

【Ding~ Sweetness Points +100~】

Chen Xing smiled gently and said: “If you act like this, San’er might starve!”

San’er: ???

Little Zero was puzzled: “Huh? Does San’er need to eat too?”

Chen Xing stifled a laugh and pinched her small face: “Yeah.”

“Then… what does he like to eat?”

“Dog food.”

【Get lost @¥@¥@#】

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