How Can My Wife Be So Adorable?
How Can My Wife Be So Adorable Chapter 181 – Beauty! Will You Be My Wife?!

After handing over the entire Minghua Forbidden Zone to these demons and Little Tian, Chen Xing arrived beneath the enormous black hole suspended in the airspace of that forbidden zone.

At this moment, the private dimensional channel was closed.

Chen Xing’s thoughts stirred.

Suddenly, a flash of white light passed through the black hole.

The next moment, the entire Minghua Forbidden Zone began to shake violently!

At this time, in a certain place, Lord Dian’er were sobbing desperately, floating in a puddle. Indeed, all the water in the puddle was his tears.

Originally melancholic, he suddenly became spirited after feeling the vibrations.

Here it comes again! This time, he must go in!

Soon, a powerful energy spread from the black hole in the sky. The red mist emerged from it once again.

Lord Dian’er quickly realized that the demon dimension was opening. His son was in the demon dimension!

However, he hesitated.

His wife was in the elven dimension, and his son was in the demon dimension. What if he went to the demon dimension and the entrance to the elven dimension opened again?

So, he wasn’t very willing to go to the demon dimension. Children aren’t as important as wives…

Just as he was hesitating, he noticed a figure in the air.

Because the black hole was relatively close to him, he quickly recognized that it was Chen Xing!

“Wait!” Lord Dian’er shouted loudly.

Suddenly, a hundred-meter-long giant beast appeared not far below Chen Xing.

“Big Black Mouse!” Little Zero exclaimed in surprise.

Chen Xing looked down, having not seen this guy for a few days, he had forgotten about it! Goodness, instead of being an obedient ball for little Zero, it had gone off somewhere to slack off?

Chen Xing, with Zero in his arms, flipped in the air and landed on the back of the big black mouse.

Seeing this, Lord Dian’er, the big black mouse, cried out, “Wuwu!”

“My son is also in the demon dimension! Take me there!”

His hundreds of meters tall body sobbed, and tears flowed from his eyes like a waterfall. If he keeps crying like this, Minghua City might end up flooded!

Seeing this, little Zero felt a bit sorry: “Chen Xing, let’s help it, it’s so pitiful…”

Chen Xing nodded. Taking it to the demon dimension was just a casual thing to do. Moreover, it could be a decent fighting companion.

However, what both of them didn’t realize was that the big black mouse wasn’t crying for his son. He was just reminded of the pain of losing his wife. He had lost eleven wives!

What does that mean!? It means that its nightly intimate moments had been reduced by eleven minutes!

Really, he’s so sad, sqeek squeek…

Seeing it crying non-stop, Chen Xing helplessly said: “Alright, stop crying. If you keep crying, you’ll flood the city.”


The hundred-meter beast disappeared, and Chen Xing, holding little Zero, landed on the ground.

By this time, Lord Dian’er had stopped crying and was looking at the black hole in the sky with a determined expression on his face. His emotional shifts were as unpredictable as playing, making it hard to understand. After looking at the hollow in the sky for a while, his two large eyes turned to Chen Xing: “How are we going? Can you stop grabbing my tail? Several times I almost got yanked off by you!”

Seeing Lord Dian’er return to its small coal ball appearance, little Zero’s hands couldn’t help but reach out as if to pat the furry ball! All round and plump, it was hard to resist the urge to give it a little squeeze.

Of course, Lord Dian’er noticed the dangerous look in little Zero’s eyes as she stared at him.

He hurriedly said: “Cough… What do you want to do? Give it up, we have no future between us! Besides, I’m a proper mouse with a wife, uh, eleven wives!”

“Huh?” (●─●)

Little Zero turned her head toward Chen Xing in confusion: “What is it saying?”

Chen Xing gave it a faint glance and extended a foot: “Come up.”

Lord Dian’er: ???

“What for?”

Chen Xing sneered, “Didn’t you ask me how to go? Step on my shoes.”

Seeing this, Lord Dian’er rolled onto the top of Chen Xing’s shoe and said: “Let’s go! My son! I’m coming!”

Before his words even finished, Chen Xing kicked him like kicking a soccer ball, sending him flying into the air.


He kicked him directly, sending him flying!

Above the sky, a shrill and desperate cry resounded: “Damn it! You liar! My wives are gone, and you treat me like this!”

The next moment…

“My wife! Waaah…”

Then, he cried and disappeared into the hollow, his voice fading away. The black hole was several kilometers above the ground, and Chen Xing took a direct shot and kicked it in like a soccer goal!

Right after, with little Zero in his arms, Chen Xing jumped and leapt straight into the sky.

They flew into the passage leading to the demon dimension!

The passage to the demon dimension was filled with twisted clockwork and enveloped in red mist. Chen Xing immediately handed a protective mask to little Zero.

It was a child-sized one, as her face was too small for the adult version, which could even cover her head!

The red mist seemed to have no effect on Lord Dian’er. Perhaps because, being a mouse that eats anything, it was immune to all poisons.

The passage was quite long. Chen Xing held Zero and walked for about ten minutes before reaching the end. Along the way, he directly put on the demon attire and adorned himself with it.

Long black demon horns grew from the silver fragments of hair atop his head. The contrast between black and white was striking and very eye-catching!

Seeing this, little Zero blushed and sneaked a laugh in her heart: Hehe… Husband looks so handsome!!!

He wore the imposing demon armor.

Compared to his Demon King armor, it had a lot less material, at least his face was exposed. There were quite a few crimson patterns on his face, giving it an intriguing touch.

It had to be said that anything looked good on someone handsome. His demon subordinates, although burly, had faces that resembled melon peels. Each of them was crooked and uneven, with teeth as jagged as the edge of a broken bowl. Who knew what they had been eating to end up like this! However, that appearance indeed gave them a more demonic look.

Demons like Chen Xing might be a rarity in the demon dimension, possibly one of a kind. The most handsome lad in the entire demon dimension! Enough to shock the demon ladies for a whole year!

Little Zero also took on her demon form. But she was still in Chen Xing’s embrace, unwilling to let go. If she could be held a bit longer, why not~


Finally, the two along with the big black mouse stepped out of the passage and entered the demon dimension!

The exit was inside a cave near a small town.

As Chen Xing walked out of the cave, he was taken aback by the bustling small town in front of him.

“Is… this the demon dimension?”

Chen Xing, Zero, and the big black mouse were astonished!

However, San’er laughed: 【Surprised, aren’t you? This is the demon dimension!】

The imagined demon dimension was full of corpses and the smoke of war, with a scene of apocalypse.

Chen Xing couldn’t believe his eyes as he looked at the prosperous little town beneath his feet. The roads here were smooth and paved with marble. Every piece of marble was seamlessly connected, without any irregularities!

The melodious laughter of female demon folk could be heard everywhere.

Small demon beasts pulled carts along the streets, with demons sitting on top wearing golden ornaments on their heads. Clearly, they were higher-ranking demons.

The entire town looked harmonious!

However, the demons under Chen Xing had spoken as if this dimension was plagued by constant battles and unbearable hardships!

The disparity was just too vast.

It made Chen Xing couldn’t help but doubt if he had come to the wrong place! How could they be talking about recasting the glory of their race? Wasn’t this already glorious? Why did they need to recast anything?

Standing on the mountain, he had a wide view.

The entire demon world was full of birdsong and fragrance, with picturesque landscapes. This scenery was more beautiful than the Spirit Continent, the Minghua Forbidden Zone, and even Earth!

“What’s going on?” Chen Xing couldn’t help but ask San’er.

The difference from his imagination was just too great!

San’er smiled: 【You’ll know once you enter the city!】

With a sense of puzzlement in his heart, Chen Xing carried little Zero and took the big black mouse, making his way down the mountain.

Lord Dian’er simply rolled down. Rolling was probably faster, bouncing all the way. It bounced onto a small path outside the town. Just as he lifted his head, a unique creature of the demon dimension rushed by—a two-headed demon hound, pulling a wooden cart.

Seated on the cart was a higher-ranking demon, evident from the demon armor protruding from her chest, marking her as a female demon.

However, what caught Lord Dian’er’ attention wasn’t the female demon. It was the two-headed demon hound pulling the cart in front of her!

Since they were both beasts, he recognized it at a glance—it was a female two-headed demon hound…

What a surprise!

Two heads! So exciting!

The pitch-black, glossy fur is so beautiful!

The bony dog face, the sexy dog ears, the muscular little legs – they all fit Lord Dian’er’ aesthetic sense perfectly!

Gazing at the beautiful faces of the twin sisters, Lord Dian’er couldn’t help but be captivated. Immediately, he shouted at the top of his lungs: “Beauty!!! Will you be my wife!?”

He completely forgot about his son and eleven wives!

Chen Xing, far behind, heard the voice. Helplessly rubbing his forehead, he thought: Is this guy seriously trying to woo a dog?


Suddenly, Lord Dian’er barked, startling the two-headed dog, causing the cart to come to a halt.

Both the heads of the dog turned to look at him. Standing in place, they started barking wildly at Lord Dian’er!

“Woof, woof, woof!”

“Hey!? Pretty feisty temper! I like it!”

At the same time, the female demon seated in the carriage also looked down at the tiny Lord Dian’er on the ground.

“Grr grr grr…” (What is this thing?)

But Lord Dian’er couldn’t understand a word of it: “What are you saying? Ugly jerk?”

To be honest, the female demon wasn’t ugly at all; she even had a hint of sexiness. However, Lord Dian’er was a big black mouse. It didn’t care for anything related to humanoids.

“Woof, woof, woof!” The two-headed dog barked again when it heard Lord Dian’er talking.

Lord Dian’er was taken aback and hurriedly explained: “Hey, baby, I wasn’t talking about you, I was referring to the ugly jerk you’re pulling behind you!”

Seeing Lord Dian’er glaring with its large eyes, the female demon found it incredibly cute, especially because it could speak.

She smiled sweetly: “Grr grr grr…” (Such a cute little thing! It would be fun to kick it around like a ball!)

As the female demon and Lord Dian’er, along with the two-headed dog, conversed in their own ways, Chen Xing walked toward Lord Dian’er while carrying little Zero.

The female demon sitting on the wooden cart immediately noticed Chen Xing and Zero. After a brief moment of surprise, she immediately showed a fierce expression!

Her exposed fangs, she yelled loudly: “Release my sister!”

“Huh?” (◎_◎;)?

Both little Zero and Chen Xing looked utterly confused.

The next moment, the wooden cart exploded with a resounding boom! The female demon charged straight towards Chen Xing!


Sharp and elongated demonic claws emerged. They were about thirty centimeters long.

Extremely daunting!

Chen Xing: ????

What’s going on!?

After the wooden cart exploded, the two-headed dog was also released from confinement! It bared its teeth and charged straight towards Lord Dian’er!


Seeing the twin-headed sisters baring their teeth, Lord Dian’er couldn’t help but bare his small teeth too: “Oh my! So excited!?”

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