How Can My Wife Be So Adorable?
How Can My Wife Be So Adorable Chapter 186 – Lead The Demon Realm To True Prosperity

Why can little Zero purify demons?

Because she’s not only a familiar but also a succubus herself!

After enduring the succubi’s oppression, the male demons have long lost their desire for love. Only hatred remains.

The deep-rooted hatred and obsession in their hearts are focused on reclaiming the world for men. They no longer see the succubi as female demons but as enemies!

However, little Zero’s appearance has caused them to change their perspective. Her cuteness and her sweet love story with Chen Xing have fed them loads of ‘dog food’.

What happens when you’re fed too much dog food?

Exactly, you want to fall in love…

So, little Zero’s angelic face and personality have purified the hatred and obsession within them. They’ve rekindled their desire for love.

The demons also never expected that the esteemed familiar would be so adorable!

Chen Xing understands as well. No wonder purifying demons and feeding them dog food bring such great benefits.

Feeding these demons dog food is much harder than feeding humans!

Feeling somewhat helpless, he initially thought that these male demons simply couldn’t find partners, and he came to this world to help them find mates. But the truth is even more absurd than he thought!

Fortunately, little Zero seems to counteract the hatred within the demons. After all, she’s just too cute.

“So what should I do then? Shouldn’t I start by chopping off that Succubus Queen?”

To resolve all of this, it’s essential to begin with the Succubus Queen.

Demon King Moran nodded: “Yes, but what are you ruling this realm for?”

He looked at Chen Xing and Zero in his arms.

With this sudden question from Demon King Moran, Chen Xing was at a loss. Yeah… why is he ruling this realm?

“Oh, right!”

“I remember now, make them work for me, cheap labor! Demon people, the gods of labor!”

Demon King Moran was completely puzzled: ???

Seeing his expression, Chen Xing suddenly realized. Saying this in front of a former Demon King might not be appropriate, so he quickly pretended to be serious and said: “Cough… just a joke. Of course, it’s about rescuing our fellow men from dire straits!”

“At the same time, get rid of this cultural dross that has existed for thousands of years, and lead the demon realm to true prosperity!”

He said it with a righteous tone, sounding very just and honorable!

Of course, it was all nonsense. Chen Xing just needed cheap labor. Everything else was secondary.

Demon King Moran nodded in satisfaction, mentally giving Chen Xing a thumbs up. Even San’er almost believed it!

Little Zero, of course, unconditionally chose to believe it~

Looking at Chen Xing with admiration on her face: Mmm… my husband… so handsome…

Seeing Zero’s expression, Chen Xing’s lips slightly curled upwards as he tried not to burst into laughter. He patted her head, then turned to ask Demon King Moran: “By the way, this won’t have any impact on Zero, right? About your previous… Qiqi…”

He didn’t utter the word “death,” but even though his sentence wasn’t completed, Demon King Moran understood. Shaking his head, he said: “It definitely won’t affect the familiar.”

“However, no matter what, there will always be those unwilling, and there will always be some hidden succubus factions causing trouble.”

“Qiqi’s death was due to my carelessness and blind confidence. It was also due to my overly merciful nature that those schemers succeeded.”

After speaking, his eyes were filled with remorse and regret. If he had been more ruthless, hadn’t listened to Qiqi, and had just killed all those extreme resistors, Qiqi wouldn’t have died.

But what he didn’t know was that even if Qiqi hadn’t died, when Chu Jiu arrived, according to the programmed settings, Chu Jiu would definitely kill either him or Qiqi. At that point, one of them had to die. Then, there would be two different stories.

It’s worth mentioning that Chu Jiu herself didn’t want to kill anyone. She was only compelled by the programming. And now, in this situation, it just happened that Qiqi died, and then Chu Jiu appeared, which led to Chen Xing’s achievement.

Everything was dictated by fate and coincidences!

Chen Xing nodded without saying anything. He was certainly not like Demon King Moran. For those who deserved death, he would never show mercy.

“By the way, which realm did you come from?” Chen Xing suddenly remembered this matter and asked.

Demon King Moran replied calmly: “Do you know a place called Earth?”


Chen Xing was briefly stunned, then he smiled: “Oh my, fellow villager! Where are you from?”

Demon King Moran also showed surprise: “You’re also from Earth?”

Chen Xing nodded with a smile. Wow, he never expected to meet a fellow villager in the demon realm! When fellow villagers meet, their eyes become teary!

However, San’er didn’t seem to care: 【Normal, Earth is a major hub for transmigrators, considered a big customer for our company.】

【Many transmigrators are from Earth, so it’s not surprising to encounter one.】

Chen Xing chuckled softly. Despite what was said, he still found it quite incredible.

The two chatted for a while, and then Chen Xing asked: “Do you know where the Succubus Queen is located?”

“She should be in the Thousand Moonflower City.”

“Originally called the Abyss Ink City, it’s been renamed because the current Succubus Queen is known as Thousand Moonflower Queen.”

After Qiqi’s death, Demon King Moran had to take his revenge, so he directly abdicated and went into hiding for many years. Then the new Succubus Queen took over.

He knew the whole story but hadn’t paid much attention. After Qiqi died, he lost his sense of purpose in life.

“Thousand Moonflower City… what a beautiful name~” Suddenly, little Zero voiced her admiration.

Chen Xing smiled and patted her small head: “Before long, it will be our city. You can start thinking of a name.”

Upon hearing this, Zero’s face lit up with joy: “Mmm… great~ hehe…”

Then Chen Xing opened the online shopping system and made a few purchases. His current appearance could easily attract unnecessary trouble, and walking around could raise suspicion.

So he planned to disguise himself and go to the so-called Thousand Moonflower City. Additionally, he wanted to infiltrate the grassroots level and observe what these succubi typically had on their minds.

By doing so, Chen Xing could more precisely guide Zero to purify them.

After placing little Zero on the ground, Chen Xing spoke softly: “Wait here, I’ll change my appearance.”


Then Chen Xing turned around and began to work on it.

Visible in front of him was a pile of highly malleable mud. It was unclear what he intended to transform into.

“Cough…” Chen Xing suddenly turned and looked at little Zero. “Wait for me out here. Just a few minutes.”

“Huh?” Little Zero was a bit puzzled.


Suddenly, the space in front of her darkened, and a small room formed by black curtains enveloped Chen Xing inside.


Chen Xing disappeared abruptly, and little Zero subconsciously tried to step inside. However, she quickly remembered what he had just said.

She could only wait outside alone in silence. At the same time, she wondered: Does he need to hide while changing his appearance? Wasn’t he just doing it in front of me earlier?

How strange… What is he doing inside?

When Chen Xing and Zero were together, he was shameless beyond belief. This situation rarely occurred. This made little Zero even more curious in her heart. What exactly is he up to?

Mmm… sneak a peek… hehe…

So she quietly, stealthily walked over to the side of the curtain.

Demon King Moran watched Zero the entire time. Her adorable appearance reminded him of his own Qiqi, causing a pang of heartache.

If Qiqi were still here, little Zero and Qiqi would definitely have become good friends! Sigh…

Naturally, Chen Xing noticed little Zero getting closer, apparently planning to sneak a peek.

At that moment, he wasn’t wearing anything. However, he didn’t stop her with words, a slight smile curved at the corners of his mouth as he thought: If you want to see that badly, then I’ll show you.

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