How Can My Wife Be So Adorable?
How Can My Wife Be So Adorable Chapter 187 – It’s Even Bigger Than Me!?

However, he turned around and faced away from the entrance, blocking little Zero’s view. He didn’t want to startle her; otherwise, she might faint!

Besides, it wasn’t the right time for little Chen Xing to reveal himself. His appearance should be more carefully orchestrated!

Of course, it had to be on a night when the wind was howling, and the moonlight was infinite… cough cough…

Little Zero pursed her lips in anticipation and approached the side of the small dark room. Hehe… let me see what you’re up to… (☆▽☆)…

Then she extended her little hand and cautiously opened a small slit in the curtain. Her eyes sneaked a peek…

Through the gap, she saw Chen Xing’s back, facing away from her. His sturdy and imposing back was clear to her.

So fair-skinned!

Although Chen Xing wasn’t as fair as little Zero, it wasn’t too far off.


Little Zero was startled and quickly covered her mouth, afraid that she might accidentally make a sound. At the same time, she hurriedly let go of the curtain!

“Thump, thump, thump!”

Her heart was racing!

I… just now… saw something? Husband…without clothes?!


“Thump, thump, thump!” Her heart was still pounding wildly.

Because now, all she could think of was Chen Xing’s back and that fair, white… behind…

Demon King Moran saw her blushing little face and understood what had happened. A playful smile appeared on his face.

Little Zero stood frozen at the doorway… her face flushed, lost in her thoughts.

Hmm… Chen Xing is also really fair…

Thinking this way, the image of his figure remained vivid in her mind. The more she thought about it, the redder her face became…

Chen Xing didn’t even need to look, he knew that little Zero was probably standing there, stunned and unsure of what to do. Seeing her stillness, he decided to tease her a bit. He took a quiet step forward.

At that moment, little Zero was still frozen in place. Inner thoughts: Hmm… What should I do? I actually peeked at him…

He clearly covered up because he was shy and didn’t want me to see. But I still peeked… oh no…

Should I tell him?

Honest little Zero didn’t want to lie to Chen Xing… but she was also afraid he would be angry if he found out!

Maybe… I should show him too?

And so…

In little Zero’s mind, a certain image was conjured. Her body quickly heated up!

The crimson demonic patterns seemed to blend with her own skin tone. Her whole body turned bright red.

Above her little head, faint white smoke seemed to be rising… shy to the point of emitting smoke.

No, no!

Absolutely not… too… too embarrassing!

As she was thinking this…


The curtain suddenly pulled back!

Chen Xing appeared in front of her.

Little Zero’s mouth hung open in a shocked “O” shape!

Solid arms, broad chest, sexy abs…

“Umm!” Before she could look further down, Zero instinctively covered her eyes with her little hands!

“Husband… Chen Xing! I… I didn’t peek!”

Chen Xing didn’t say anything, but she blurted it out herself!

In fact, by this point, Chen Xing had already put on the demon armor on his lower body. He couldn’t resist teasing the little one: “You’ve seen me… you’ve seen me all before the wedding!”

“What should I do? I’m sad.”

Little Zero, with her eyes covered, bit her lip lightly: “Sob… I didn’t mean to…”

Chen Xing struggled to hold back his laughter and said: “You didn’t mean to, but you still saw everything.”

“Umm… I didn’t… I just saw… I saw…”

Chen Xing restrained his laughter and raised an eyebrow: “Saw what?”


Little Zero was too embarrassed to say the “behind” word!

Staying in place, she covered her eyes and stammered, unable to speak properly.

Chen Xing put on a pretend distressed tone: “You saw everything, what should we do now?”

“Umm…” Little Zero had no idea what to do.


A bright idea flashed in her mind, recalling something Chen Xing often said. Blushing, she mumbled in a small voice: “We… we’re like an old married couple… seeing… what’s the big deal…” As she said this, even she felt embarrassed, her face turning even redder.

Chen Xing almost burst out laughing after hearing this. Well, she really grasped the essence of his words!

Of course, Chen Xing wouldn’t just let her off that easily, “Even as an old married couple, equality still matters! You’ve seen me, so I should see you too!”

With that, he took a couple of steps forward and scooped her up in his arms!

“Wow… no, don’t!” Little Zero covered her eyes and struggled in Chen Xing’s embrace, alarmed!

Just the thought of standing naked in front of him was enough to make her blush uncontrollably. Her whole body seemed to be burning up.

Her skin seemed redder than the demonic patterns!

“Don’t… don’t look… help…” Struggling and crying for help, little Zero’s pleas echoed.

Chen Xing couldn’t hold back any longer when he saw her like this, accidentally breaking character, “Haha…”

Hearing his laughter, little Zero paused in her struggle.

“Umm…” She subtly loosened her fingers just a bit. Through the gap between her fingers, she saw Chen Xing’s smiling face.

He was laughing?

What’s so funny…

Then she peeked down slightly, only to realize that Chen Xing had already put on the demon armor on his lower body. She had been tricked again…

She immediately released her hands covering her eyes: “Hmph…” (•̀⤙•́ )

Chen Xing’s laughter was infectious, and little Zero couldn’t help but pout: “Stinky Chen Xing! Hmph… I’m going down!”

Chen Xing chuckled and pinched her small face, “You dare to scold me?”

“Umm…” Zero’s face was being held, and she couldn’t break free, so she could only protest in a small voice: “This… this is a way of showing love! It’s not scolding you~”

Chen Xing was both amused and exasperated. Oh goodness, she’s learned all the nonsense he usually talks! What can he do! After all, he’s the one who taught her all that!

“Not bad, you’ve learned to talk back now.” Saying this, Chen Xing lightly patted her bottom.

Little Zero blushed and struggled a bit: “Wuwu… it tickles! Don’t… you’re the one who taught me all this… wuwu… bullying… wuwu” (>_<)~~~~!

She looked so innocent…

But Chen Xing found it quite funny. With a laugh, he playfully bit her cheek.


“Umm…” Little Zero gently wiped off the saliva from her cheek, seeing that he seemed to have forgotten about what happened just now, in a quiet voice, she said: “Can you put me down now?”

Chen Xing laughed and set her down. After all, he still needed to change his appearance.

Little Zero stood beside him, her face still flushed.

Chen Xing turned around, laughing, and said: “Wait for me a moment, I’ll be ready soon.”

Little Zero softly responded with “okay.” Her gaze seemed somewhat wandering, and she sneakily glanced at Chen Xing’s bottom.

Even though he was currently wearing the demon armor, Zero’s mind was still filled with the previous image… Her face couldn’t help but turn red again.

Chen Xing took out a mirror and placed it on the table inside the small room, then took a seat. He pulled out two pieces of slimming face tape and lifted his facial features a bit. The already slender shape of his face looked a bit more feminine.

Yes, he was disguising himself as a succubus!

Next, various makeup tools swept across his face incessantly, his hands moving so quickly that they left afterimages. These actions seemed to be ingrained in his DNA, done in one fluid motion.

Previously, in order to infiltrate various organizations within the Assassin Star, he had done these sorts of things a lot. He had even cross-dressed before.

However, Assassin Star’s women’s clothing is not much different from men’s clothing. After all, everyone was an assassin, so why bother with such appearances?

Soon, a complete set of feminine makeup appeared on his face. It was almost perfect, to the point that he might even look more beautiful than little Zero!

“San’er, help me with the hair extension.”

With San’er around, attaching hair extensions was a matter of moments.

Little Zero could only feel a slight dizziness. Chen Xing’s short hair suddenly turned into long hair!

She couldn’t help but exclaim in surprise: “Wow…”

Inner thoughts: Is this how I look from behind with long hair? Looks really good! (^__^)!

Chen Xing noticed her reaction and lowered his head to take a look.

Next was to inject some demonic essence! What do succubi need? A lot…!

“Bang! Bang!”

Two big chunks of clay appeared on the table in front of Chen Xing. He grabbed the clay and began smearing it on himself. His movements were as swift as a tiger’s!

Then he looked down, and goodness, it was quite a spectacle!

Chen Xing chuckled lightly, satisfied with the result, and nodded approvingly. He had put on the new demon armor he bought from the system’s online shopping interface! [150,000 crystal coins]

Since he had arrived in the demon realm, the shopping mall in the system’s interface had items relevant to the demon realm.

But why was a piece of armor so expensive? Because this female demon armor was carefully selected by him.

Various eyeballs, the fangs of fierce beasts, formed all kinds of decorations on it. It looked incredibly menacing!

A quick glance, and one would notice this peculiar demon armor. And it wasn’t like the more revealing type little Zero wore. Chen Xing also planned to buy one for her.

This kind of demon armor covered more and exposed less. Without those two chunks of clay, it looked almost identical to what a male demon would wear. It might even look more sinister than some of the male demon armors!

After finishing everything, Chen Xing stood up.


Everything in the small dark room disappeared, all sent back to the system space. With a smile on his face, he turned around and looked at little Zero.

Seeing him turn around, she looked up.

Even Demon King Moran turned to look. What a sight!

“Damn! You’re so damn amazing!” He couldn’t help but burst out in his dialect!

Standing before them was an exquisitely beautiful succubus. Silver long hair, delicate features, eyes as gentle as water. And those huge… things!

Little Zero was completely stunned on the spot. This… is Chen Xing!?

How could this be possible!

It’s even bigger than me!?

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