How Can My Wife Be So Adorable?
How Can My Wife Be So Adorable Chapter 188 – Thousand Moonflower City

Zero looked down in disbelief.

She had thought that after her transformation, she was already quite grown-up. However, Chen Xing completely shattered her perception.

Even San’er couldn’t help but say: 【Goodness, why did you go so big?】

Chen Xing chuckled softly, admitting that he intentionally did so just to see little Zero’s reaction. And her reaction didn’t disappoint him!

Seeing the utterly bewildered expression on her face, Chen Xing couldn’t help but burst out laughing, “What’s wrong, my wife?”

Little Zero was still in a daze. Even when Chen Xing unexpectedly called her his wife, she didn’t react.


She stared at him for a while with her beautiful eyes before it finally clicked!

“Chen… Chen Xing!?”

Chen Xing walked over with a smile and lifted her up in his arms.


What does it feel like to be carried by a beautiful young lady like a princess? Little Zero couldn’t even dream that one day she would experience being held like this by Chen Xing.

She couldn’t help but look down into Chen Xing’s arms at the two lumps of clay.

“Hmm… H… Husband?” As she spoke, she reached out her finger and poked the two lumps of clay.

After poking them, she widened her eyes in surprise. They were somewhat soft and springy. Could it really be clay?

This was beyond bizarre. The texture even made little Zero doubt her senses. If it weren’t for Chen Xing’s voice still sounding like a boy’s, she would have definitely called for help!

With a puzzled expression, she raised her head to look at her beautiful husband.

Just as she was about to speak, Chen Xing’s thin lips parted slightly. A bewitching voice flowed out from his mouth: “What’s the matter, little Zero?”

That voice was enchanting, alluring, and incredibly sexy!



Little Zero didn’t know what expression to put on her face anymore. She trembled in Chen Xing’s arms, too nervous to speak!

Internally, she even began to doubt: Hm… Could it be… Chen Xing was originally a girl!? And he had been pretending to be a boy all this time!?

Did… I end up with a wife!?

She gazed at Chen Xing in fear, her eyes wide open, and she timidly asked: “Chen… Xing? Is it really you…”

Chen Xing held back his laughter and continued using that feminine voice: “Yes, it’s me!”

“Hmm… You’re a girl…”


Chen Xing was momentarily stunned, then burst into laughter. He switched back to his male voice, “How could your husband be a girl?”


Seeing her puzzled expression, Chen Xing couldn’t help but lean in closer and whisper: “Didn’t you touch little Chen Xing too? Forgot?”


As soon as he said this, a scene immediately popped into little Zero’s mind. Her laughing face turned instantly red.

“Um! I… I, I, I…”

“Um!” Unable to find the right words, she just snuggled into Chen Xing’s arms.

However, now there were two lumps of clay in his embrace, so there was naturally less space. This made little Zero a bit uncomfortable. She didn’t dare to press too hard, afraid she would flatten Chen Xing!

Seeing her expression, Chen Xing chuckled and said: “It’s alright, press as much as you want. This material is special and very springy.”

“Um… Oh…” After saying that, she gently pressed against him.

Internally: Um… It’s quite soft… Is mine this soft too…

Thinking this, she lowered her head and glanced at her own…

Internally musing: It seems like Chen Xing hasn’t pressed it down…

At this thought, her face suddenly turned red! She quickly shook her little head: Um… What am I thinking! I won’t let him press it!

Chen Xing held little Zero and followed Demon King Moran’s instructions. They dashed towards the Thousand Moonflower City.

In Chen Xing’s embrace, little Zero soon accepted Chen Xing’s new appearance.

Hehe… Husband looks so pretty! Wearing women’s clothes must make him even prettier!

If Chen Xing knew what little Zero was thinking, he would definitely pull off a look so ugly that she would doubt her life choices.

With Chen Xing’s speed, even while carrying Little Zero, they were much faster than a Lightwing Sports Car!

Chen Xing teased little Zero along the way, and they covered around seven hundred kilometers per hour! After all, he was already on the S-Rank list with over two million combat power.

Even so, they ran for a full five hours!

It’s worth noting that it was due to his astonishing stamina. Otherwise, another Spirit Master running at such speed would need to take a break during the journey. However, Chen Xing was only slightly sweaty.

He was fine, but little Zero had grown somewhat numb from being in his arms! She had been lying in his arms for more than five hours.

Finally, in the distance, they saw a massive and towering city!

It was the most prosperous city in the entire Demon Realm. The main city – Thousand Moonflower City!

The layout of the entire city resembled a giant pyramid. The pinnacle of the tower seemed to touch the clouds. It was divided into several levels, with each level having a different scenery.

Even the architectural styles differed. The buildings in the lower levels were mostly low and spacious, not very tall, but they covered a large area. And from a distance, you could see many demon folk strolling through the city.

This was because the lower levels were mostly inhabited by middle-ranking demons.

However, in the upper levels, the buildings gradually became more luxurious. Some even resembled modern architecture, standing out from the rest of the Demon Realm’s structures. It was as if they came from another world.

This was because the city was the main residence of every Demon King in succession. These Demon Kings came from various different planes.

After each new Demon King took office, they would construct unique buildings from their homeworld to preserve their feelings of nostalgia.

Though the main city resembled a tiered pyramid with each layer stacked atop another, the overlapping sections weren’t entirely unused.

The spaces between the layers were hollowed out into numerous chambers. The outskirts of the main city were dedicated to recreational areas. The inner parts of each layer, where the sections overlapped with the upper level, were hollowed out to create indoor zones and residential areas.

The design was ingenious, making full use of space.

The upper layers housed higher-ranking demons. The central and highest point of the city appeared like a floating isle suspended in the air. It was where every Demon King resided!

However, the floating isle wasn’t truly floating. Upon closer inspection, it became clear that it was supported by giant transparent columns made from an unknown material, resembling tree roots!

From a distance, it appeared to be a floating isle, quite magnificent!

Seeing this, Chen Xing also couldn’t help but admire inwardly: This little isle is quite stylish. Little Zero will surely like it. I’ll replicate a smaller version for Minghua City!

“This city looks so beautiful!”

Seeing little Zero’s enjoyment, Chen Xing softly inquired: “Do you like it?”

“Like it!” With eyes sparkling, little Zero gazed at the main city that had undergone countless years of evolution.

The city was trendy while also exuding an ancient charm.

To ensure proper drainage, a long, diagonal path had been specially designed from top to bottom on each level. Water flowed down from the top-most floating isle to the next level, gathering there before continuing to the level below. It continuously gathered and eventually formed a robust stream.

The main city had a total of twelve of these main waterways, which ran from top to bottom, creating an impressive sight.

Even though it is a main city of demons, it has the aura of a god’s mansion!

Chen Xing also felt that this city was constructed with great uniqueness: “Alright, from today, it’ll be named ‘Zero City’.”

“Hmm… Why?”

Chen Xing smiled and said: “Since you like it, I’ll give it to you, and it’ll share your name.”

Little Zero chuckled and shook her head: “No, no. I want it to be named ‘Chen City.’ Hehe… I prefer that. If it’s named ‘Chen,’ I’ll like it more.”

Chen Xing’s eyes curved slightly as he couldn’t resist planting a kiss on her cheek: “Okay, whatever you like.”


Soon, they arrived beneath the colossal main city.

Standing at the base of that city was even more awe-inspiring! It had so many layers that they couldn’t be counted. Looking up, it felt like the city was piercing through the clouds.

“Chen Xing~ You can put me down now~” As usual, whenever they arrived in a new place, little Zero wanted to explore on her own.

However, the scale of this city was so vast that it would take her quite a while to walk around.

Chen Xing held Zero’s hand and walked towards the city gate.

Several demons by the city gate noticed them and approached.

“Wait a moment!”

Upon hearing the voice, Chen Xing halted.

“Both of you!”

In fact, those demons had noticed them from quite a distance while Chen Xing and Zero were approaching the city. They were simply too stunning!

Yet, no matter how stunning they were, they needed to undergo an inspection to enter the main city.

That was the order of the Succubus Queen! A strict order.

“What’s the matter?” Chen Xing asked in a feminine voice.

The female demons, seeing Chen Xing and Zero’s breathtaking beauty, felt a bit envious. n their hearts, they couldn’t help but marvel at how the world could contain such stunning demons. Even the Succubus Queen might not be as attractive as these two before them!

Inexplicably, a sense of admiration welled up within them: “Sorry, both of you. It’s a routine inspection.”

Seeing that their attitude was still good, Chen Xing lightly nodded.

Subsequently, the group approached. Strange light seemed to twinkle in their eyes.

That was… the light of lilies!? [1]TL: ‘Lily’ or ‘being lily’ is slang for female homosexuals/lesbians

Chen Xing suddenly felt something was amiss! Was this inspection really straightforward?


1 TL: ‘Lily’ or ‘being lily’ is slang for female homosexuals/lesbians

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