How Can My Wife Be So Adorable?
How Can My Wife Be So Adorable Chapter 200 – Headless Queen

Her head was gone! Where was the voice coming from?

Chen Xing hadn’t even heard clearly. The voice seemed to surround him in 3D sound. It came from all directions!

Was this an illusion? Where was her real body? How could she speak when her head was gone?

After a brief moment of shock, all the demons present erupted into earth-shaking cries: “Queen! Queen! Queen!”

They chanted her title.

And Kanlegi stood there dumbfounded. How was he supposed to fight this!?

Fortunately, Chen Xing had intervened and tested the situation for him. He knew he couldn’t wield a peak strike like that. Even if he managed to do it, he doubted that Thousand Moonflower Queen only had one life.

If it weren’t for Chen Xing today, he would’ve surely died without a whole body!

Why without a whole body?

Because he wouldn’t have that… you know.

And the moment Chen Xing heard the commotion, he was already retreating swiftly with little Zero in his arms. In an instant, he reached the exit.

Those who thought the queen was dead, upon hearing her voice, cheered and joyously rushed towards the exit, their emotions boiling over.

They were determined to make Chen Xing pay a price. How dare he hurt their queen!?

“Kill her!”

“Kill them!”

“The queen has given the order! Kill her!”

An angry cacophony filled the entire arena. All the demons went wild, charging at Chen Xing as if possessed.

What’s it like to have nearly a million demons rushing toward you?

Little Zero didn’t even lift her head. She could hear the sounds of the footsteps, the yelling, the cursing, and the cheering. Her body was trembling in Chen Xing’s arms.

Chen Xing’s face darkened, his mood soured.

It wasn’t because of the million demons charging at him, but because of Thousand Moonflower Queen! He, who was usually able to kill in a single strike, had actually failed!

“Bold wretch! Daring to attack the queen!”

“Kill this scum!”

As they cursed, the demons charged at Chen Xing.

Among them were experts prepared to participate in the martial arts matchmaking! They held swords in their hands, their approach fierce.

Many of them had battle strengths ranging from around two million, matching Chen Xing’s strength! A million people… a sea of them!

Standing several kilometers away, it looked incredibly bleak.

Not to mention Chen Xing was right in the heart of them!

As the saying goes, it’s hard for two fists to fend off four hands; a multitude of ants can kill an elephant. A normal person in such a situation would essentially put down their weapons and await their death. They’d be torn to pieces by the nearly million demons!


In this direst moment, little Zero also raised her head.

She didn’t look at the hundreds of thousands of demons charging towards her. Instead, she gazed gently at Chen Xing. If she were to die here today, she wished that in her final moments, she could keep looking at him.

Ideally, she wanted to etch his appearance into her soul! Then, in her next life, she would find him again. Through this life and all lives to come, she wanted to be forever with Chen Xing!

Seeing her like this, Chen Xing soothingly murmured, “It’s okay, don’t be afraid.”

“Um… love you…”

Truth be told, even as she faced death, little Zero still wanted to give him a kiss. But she was afraid of bothering Chen Xing. What if they could escape!?

Suddenly, San’er couldn’t stand it any longer: 【Chen Xing, that’s about enough, hurry up and run, stop acting tough!】

Little Zero, who had already been in despair, felt a glimmer of hope when she heard this:

“Husband… run quickly… I… I don’t want you to die…”

Little Zero indeed wasn’t afraid of dying. What she feared most was witnessing Chen Xing’s death right in front of her! Given his personality, he wouldn’t die later than she did. He would protect her even at the cost of his life!

Even if she died shortly after seeing Chen Xing’s death, she didn’t want to endure that momentary agony.

Just the thought of him dying was enough to make her heart ache. How could she bear it?

Chen Xing stared at the demons rushing toward them, his expression unchanging.

He wasn’t acting tough. In fact, he was waiting, waiting for Thousand Moonflower Queen to rise again. He wanted to see what she was really capable of. A quick glance was enough before he fled.

He wasn’t afraid of her. After all, he still held the Number One Assassin Artifact in his hand: Thousand Feather Kill!

In Chen Xing’s hands with a battle strength of two million, Thousand Feather Kill could exert its full power and easily slay even those with six million battle strength!

But since San’er and little Zero had both said so, Chen Xing naturally listened.

After all, he was still holding Zero in his arms. He didn’t want to put her in danger.

And that Thousand Moonflower Queen… He didn’t know what kind of witchcraft she had used, but being able to survive a beheading was simply ludicrous!

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy leads to victory in a hundred battles, and Chen Xing understood this principle. However, Thousand Moonflower Queen’s life was his to take, it was just a matter of time!

“Husband… listen to me…”

Chen Xing chuckled lightly and patted her little head: “Alright.”

Then he closed his eyes.

A surge of killing intent suddenly erupted. In an instant, it enveloped the entire massive arena!

With that killing intent present, although his eyes were closed, every person’s facial expression, body movements, all of it appeared in his mind!

The nearly million demons, each and every one, were seen clearly by him!

Seeing Chen Xing close his eyes, little Zero bit her lip, looking at him with some concern. But she knew that he definitely wouldn’t give in easily.

That wasn’t his style!

Husband… go for it! (>_<)~!


Chen Xing’s eyes were shut, but his eyebrows twitched.

His killing intent had caught Thousand Moonflower Queen’s aura!

She… was standing up! A headless female demon suddenly rose from the ground, standing straight!

“I’ll kill you!”

Her melodious voice was no longer pleasant to hear. It was extremely sharp and piercing, still coming from all directions as before, in a 3D surround sound.

Chen Xing was greatly astonished in his heart. He had clearly covered the entire scene with his killing intent. Why did it still sound like 3D surround sound!?

He couldn’t even find where the sound source was coming from! This had completely overturned his understanding!


That headless corpse of Thousand Moonflower Queen, it suddenly kicked off the ground and flew towards Chen Xing!

And when little Zero heard the Queen’s voice, she was scared and quickly turned to look at the corpse.

She saw the headless female corpse!

Its appearance was just like a city cockroach! Without its head, it could still flap its wings and fly towards you! (Just kidding)

“Wow… help! Help… Husband, Husband…”

Terrified, she quickly nestled into Chen Xing’s arms! But she didn’t close her eyes; instead, she raised her head in his embrace, staring at him in fear. No matter what, she didn’t want to close her eyes.

Suddenly, Chen Xing’s closed eyes opened. His eyelids slowly lifted.

It was a gaze little Zero had never seen before. That one look left her in a daze!

That gaze was like the dawn of the primordial chaos! It deeply shocked her.

She still couldn’t understand why that one look could shake her as if she had experienced the opening of heaven and earth.

Then, Chen Xing slowly spoke: “Blade cleaves water, pure and traceless. All things in the world, without me they cease!”


The killing intent that had permeated the entire arena suddenly contracted. It disappeared into thin air!


The demonic blade in his hand erupted into a loud hum!

The deep abyssal eye at the bottom of the demonic blade revealed an expression of disbelief.

Demon King Moran directly exclaimed: “What is this!?”

And Chen Xing had already swung his blade!


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