I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse
I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse Chapter 10: The Pingyang Marquis’s Mansion

Yun Tutu, being a girl herself, couldn’t resist the allure of cosmetics. After all, money is meant to be spent, so she indulged herself by buying an entire set of products and several tubes of lipstick.

A sales assistant at the neighboring counter noticed Yun Tutu waiting to finalize her purchase and quickly approached to upsell. “Ma’am, we’ve just received a new line of perfumes. Would you like to try some?”

Perfume? Yun Tutu realized she’d never actually used any before. The closest she’d come was spritzing on some floral water during the hot summer months. Everyone dreams of being a refined lady, and perfume could uplift her mood and enhance her personal style. Why not give it a try?

By the time the cashier finished totaling her items, Yun Tutu had added a few bottles of perfume to her haul.

Even though she felt a twinge of guilt for splurging nearly 50,000 yuan in one go, she quickly reminded herself that she needed to recoup the money. Grabbing her purchases, she dashed outside, ready to earn it all back.

Surprisingly, despite the substantial amount of products she bought, they all fit neatly into the seemingly small storage compartment of her scooter, with room to spare.

“Song Song, what’s going on here?” Yun Tutu asked as she started her scooter.

“Our company’s equipment is superior to ordinary scooters. Haven’t you noticed? This scooter doesn’t need fuel, and it never needs cleaning,” Song Song replied, a hint of pride in its voice. It had expected Yun Tutu to discover this much sooner.

“Is this storage compartment like a pocket dimension or something?” Yun Tutu’s mind raced with possibilities. “Does that mean I can store a lot more in here?”

“Tutu, it’s just a standard two-cubic-meter space. If you want a larger capacity, work hard, keep up the good work, and with enough energy, I can upgrade it for you.”

“Upgrades?” Yun Tutu felt like she had missed out on asking the right questions the previous night. “So, this is just a scooter for now, but eventually, I could get something bigger, like a truck?”

“Of course. It all depends on your efforts,” Song Song said. “Even a large truck is possible in the future.”

Yun Tutu hesitated as she fastened her helmet. “But I don’t have a driver’s license.”



“So, are we delivering now?” Yun Tutu could sense a hint of frustration in Song Song’s voice, so she quickly added, “I’ll sign up for driving lessons as soon as I finish this delivery.”

“Good girl, Tutu,” Song Song finally relented, its tone softening. A diligent worker was always a good sign, as it meant more energy would be generated. “Navigation is now activated. Please proceed.”

“Um, can we use a different phrase? In our culture, ‘proceed’ isn’t exactly a good omen…” Yun Tutu felt uneasy hearing it, even if she wasn’t particularly superstitious.

“Understood. Please start your journey,” Song Song quickly agreed, not bothering to mention that it had picked up the phrase from observing her earlier thoughts.

A screen appeared in front of Yun Tutu again, displaying the route.

She wasn’t sure how this navigation was programmed, but after a series of twists and turns down narrow alleyways, the space around her distorted, and she found herself in a long corridor.

The ancient marquis’s mansion was indeed grand. At the end of the corridor stood a tall archway with a plaque inscribed with the traditional characters for “Pingyang Marquis’s Mansion.”

“Are you the courier our lady was expecting?” A middle-aged maid opened a side gate, eyeing Yun Tutu curiously. When had the young mistress started associating with such people? And what was that strange contraption she was riding?

“Can I see her in person?” Yun Tutu asked. She had read the rules beforehand—deliveries had to be made directly to the client, or it could lead to complaints. She didn’t know what the consequences of a complaint were, but she was sure it wouldn’t be good.

“Please follow me,” the maid said, not asking any further questions, likely because she was just a servant following orders.

Yun Tutu glanced at the small staircase leading up from the side gate, then remembered the rough mountain roads she had previously navigated. She asked, “Song Song, can I take this in there?”

“Proceed. With the scooter, you can traverse any terrain with ease.”

Impressed by how overpowered her ride was, Yun Tutu revved the engine slightly and drove into the courtyard, leaving the maid wide-eyed in shock.

The gatekeeper inside was startled and was about to raise an alarm when she noticed the head maid, Li Momo, entering behind Yun Tutu. “You’re going the wrong way. Follow me,” the maid called out as she hurried after them.

Yun Tutu quickly braked and apologized. “Sorry, I lost control for a moment. Please, Li Momo, lead the way.”

As she followed the maid through the estate, Yun Tutu couldn’t help but admire the grand mansion, peering curiously at her surroundings. It completely slipped her mind that she was still wearing a helmet, making her look even stranger to the residents.

Still, with Li Momo leading the way, the servants had no choice but to hold back their curiosity.

The entire household knew that the young mistress had recently been suffering from a severe acne outbreak, and her temper had been particularly volatile.

Just that morning, she had received an invitation from the second daughter of the Duke’s household—a girl she never got along with—requesting her presence tomorrow. The young mistress, being competitive by nature, knew that the invitation was likely a ploy to mock her. She had flown into a rage early in the morning but had mysteriously calmed down later.

Despite the calm, no one dared provoke her, hoping that this strange visitor could keep her from getting angry again. After all, their lives as servants depended heavily on the moods of their masters.

Thanks to the prior notice and Li Momo’s guidance, Yun Tutu was quickly led to an elegant courtyard.

As they approached a small archway, Yun Tutu realized that this part of the estate was like a paradise, with beautiful artifacts placed along the corridors. Clearly, this marquis’s household was wealthy if even the young mistress’s quarters were this luxurious.

“Has she arrived yet?” A soft, slightly petulant voice called out before Yun Tutu even stepped inside. The voice sounded delicate.

Yun Tutu, curious about what this young lady looked like, slowed her pace to keep in step with Li Momo. Hearing the voice, she came to a stop and glanced in its direction.

Instead of a classically elegant young lady, she saw a petite figure with disheveled hair appearing around the corner.

“Mistress, it would be better to wait inside. Li Momo has gone to greet the courier,” a servant advised.

“What do you know? This delivery is my only hope right now. If anyone messes it up, they’ll have me to answer to,” the soft voice threatened, though it lacked the authority to make the threat truly intimidating.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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