I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse
I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse Chapter 11: The Marquis’s Daughter

That morning, when Liu Ziqi received the invitation, she was furious. Her mother had gone to great lengths to keep the situation in the household under wraps, but somehow, someone had leaked the news. Wang Pinting from the Duke’s Mansion, who had always been at odds with her, seized the opportunity to mock her.

The invitation had been delivered with great fanfare, leaving Liu Ziqi no choice but to attend; otherwise, it would appear as if she was avoiding the confrontation out of fear.

At that moment, a phantom appeared in her mind—text appeared on it “Cross Dimensional Delivery,” offering to send her a concealer that could solve her problem instantly.

Shocked and scared yet determined not to let Wang Pinting have the upper hand, Liu Ziqi immediately agreed to the transaction.

Afterward, the vision lingered in her mind, along with a countdown showing the delivery time and the distance between her and the product.

Liu Ziqi knew this was a stroke of fortune. She summoned her trusted servants, warned them to keep this from the main household, and waited to see if this mysterious “Cross-Dimensional Delivery” could truly help her.

As the delivery approached, Liu Ziqi, despite the protests of her maids, left her quarters in a rush, not even bothering to fix her hair. She had been confined to her courtyard for days because of the acne on her face, and it was driving her mad. With no one to impress, she had given up on her usual meticulous grooming.

When she rounded the corner and saw the strange mount and the person on it, she stopped abruptly, her maids rushing to shield her.

“You must be Liu Ziqi. I’m here to deliver your order,” Yun Tutu said, feeling a bit duped. She had always imagined ladies of noble houses to be impeccably dressed and groomed, yet this girl, protected by her maids, looked disheveled and unkempt, far less refined than her servants.

“Yes, that’s me,” Liu Ziqi said, pushing past her maid, Shi Lan. “You’re the one from Cross-Dimensional Delivery? Where’s the product I ordered?”

She had been holed up in her courtyard for days, going crazy over a few pimples. Unable to leave the estate, she had even given up on her appearance.

Now that Yun Tutu could see Liu Ziqi up close, she noticed that the girl’s acne had mostly subsided, but the red marks were still quite noticeable.

There are many factors that can cause acne, but it’s not something that can’t be fixed with proper care, Yun Tutu thought. Seeing that the acne had already reduced, likely due to some herbal treatments, she figured that with the right external treatments, Liu Ziqi’s face would soon return to normal.

It felt rude to keep talking with her helmet on, so Yun Tutu quickly removed it, catching Liu Ziqi’s curious gaze.

“Are you from a foreign land?” Liu Ziqi asked, noticing Yun Tutu’s brown hair, though her features were those of a native.

“We’re from the same country,” Yun Tutu replied, not knowing which dynasty or fictional world this was, but since they spoke the same language and used traditional characters, it was safe to assume they were compatriots.

“Then why is your hair different from ours?” Liu Ziqi pointed at Yun Tutu’s chestnut-brown curls.

“Oh, this? It’s dyed and permed,” Yun Tutu explained. She had spent a lot to achieve a more mature look for job hunting.

Reaching into her storage box, Yun Tutu pulled out the concealer. “Here’s the concealer you ordered. Would you like to try it out first?”

The sales assistant had given her some samples, so she figured she could let Liu Ziqi test it before making the final purchase. Yun Tutu couldn’t understand why Song Song insisted on payment upon delivery. It made her job much harder.

“Can I really try it first?” Liu Ziqi asked, pleasantly surprised. She quickly shooed her maids away, ignoring their worried glances as she approached Yun Tutu.

“Of course! Do you have any noticeable scars or marks? We can test it on those first before applying it to your face,” Yun Tutu suggested. She had worked part-time in sales before, so she knew a thing or two about customer service. Plus, the delivery deadline was still a way off, giving her time to upsell the other products she had brought along.

She realized that as long as the main task was completed, Song Song wouldn’t interfere with any additional sales. This was great news—she could use this opportunity to engage in some trading.

“I’ll do it,” said Shi Ju, one of the maids, stepping forward and offering her hand. She had a prominent scar from an old burn on the back of her hand.

Liu Ziqi blinked, recognizing the scar. It had been there since Shi Ju was a child, burned while doing housework before being sold as a slave. Though the scar had healed, it left a permanent mark, one that Shi Ju always tried to hide, fearing it would displease her mistress.

Normally, a maid with such a flaw wouldn’t have made it into Liu Ziqi’s service, but Shi Ju was an excellent cook, particularly skilled at making pastries, so an exception had been made.

Without hesitation, Yun Tutu took Shi Ju’s hand and applied a small amount of the concealer, ready to demonstrate the wonders of modern cosmetic technology.

Liu Ziqi, curious, leaned in and caught the scent wafting from Yun Tutu—a delicate, jasmine-like fragrance. She couldn’t help but take a deep breath, intrigued by this mysterious woman who seemed to possess otherworldly abilities.

Before she could delve further into her thoughts, gasps of astonishment filled the air. The unsightly scar on Shi Ju’s hand had vanished completely.

“It’s like magic!” Li Momo exclaimed, her eyes wide. “Miss, what kind of sorcery is this?”

“It’s not as mystical as you think,” Yun Tutu replied, feeling a bit embarrassed by their awe. “The effect is temporary. Once you wash it off, the scar will reappear.”

Shi Ju’s face fell slightly. Of course, scars don’t just disappear so easily. But for now, she marveled at her smooth, unblemished hand.

“So it washes off?” Liu Ziqi frowned. In this heat, even with ice at the banquet, she would still sweat. That would make the concealer rather useless.

“Not with light sweating,” Yun Tutu reassured her. “I also have some setting products that can help. Would you like to try them?”

Since Liu Ziqi’s acne had already subsided and only red marks remained, Yun Tutu was confident that the concealer would do the trick.

Liu Ziqi’s interest was piqued. “Let me try it myself this time.”

Her maids panicked. “Miss, let us try it first. If something goes wrong…”

After all, these products were from an unknown source, and they couldn’t risk their mistress’s safety.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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