I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse
I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse Chapter 18: Pingyang Marquis Mansion (Part 2)

Lin Xi hadn’t dared to speak this way before. As she grew older, the Marquis visited her less frequently, giving the women in the rear courtyard more opportunities to act arrogantly. But ever since her daughter helped her rejuvenate her skin and taught her those miraculous makeup techniques, the Marquis had stayed in the main courtyard for several nights in a row.

“When the time comes, we’ll dress up beautifully and let Uncle see,” Liu Ziqi said happily, excited about her uncle’s return.

“Ziqi, is there any way to contact that person again?” Lin Xi asked, frowning slightly. In the past few days, one guest after another had come to the mansion, and some of them were of higher status, making it difficult to refuse their requests.

But her daughter didn’t have much of the skincare products left, and no matter who they gave them to, it would offend someone. Lin Xi had to bear the brunt of the pressure.

“I’m not sure. I’ve tried to contact her, but there’s been no response,” Liu Ziqi said, feeling sorry for her mother, who had taken on most of the burden.

“We’ll have to wait and see. I’ve told them that you obtained these things by chance. I assured them that if we have another opportunity like this, we’ll try to get more for them.”

Navigating the inner courtyard was like this—one had to be careful not to offend anyone, even if it didn’t involve the front courtyard.

For now, it seemed that these people believed them, but what about in the future?

“I’ve already spoken to a few close friends, telling them this is all we have,” Liu Ziqi added, feeling troubled. Although everyone appeared to understand on the surface, who knew if any resentment might build up over time? Women were naturally concerned with their appearance, and if others didn’t know the truth, they might think she was hiding something.

She checked the time and decided it was time to remove her face mask. She patted her face gently to help the remaining serum absorb.

When Lin Qianxue saw her cousin’s flawless, radiant skin, she couldn’t help but widen her eyes in amazement. “The scars are really gone, and your skin is even more supple than before.”

It wasn’t that the skincare products Yun Tutu provided were miraculous; it was simply that ancient women didn’t have much in the way of skincare products.

Ladies of noble birth spent their days indoors, which kept their skin fair, but even so, they had to endure the harshness of winter and summer. Beyond the natural collagen of youth, they only had access to low-quality powders.

Before using the skincare products, Lin Xi was just over thirty, but her face already showed signs of aging.

Lin Qianxue stayed with Liu Ziqi for two days, trying out various skincare and makeup products. She felt that her skin had improved significantly, and only then did she leave, satisfied.

The Pingyang Marquis’ Mansion had long been under scrutiny, so it didn’t take long for people to notice the changes in Lin Qianxue’s appearance when she left. As a result, Liu Ziqi received even more invitations.

Despite her best efforts to control the flow of visitors, her limited supply of skincare products was running low.

What worried her most was that the Empress had sent someone from the palace, summoning her and her mother.

When they returned from the palace, both mother and daughter were drenched in sweat.

Although the Empress believed that they only had a limited supply of these products, she hinted that they should prioritize the palace if they ever came across such good items again.

Liu Ziqi’s emotions fluctuated wildly, and Songsong quickly picked up on this. Reflecting on its recent lack of diligence, it reestablished the connection.

When the screen appeared again, Liu Ziqi exclaimed, “Mother, it’s back!”

She grabbed Lin Xi’s hand excitedly. “We’ve reconnected with Cross-Dimensional Delivery…”

“Then quickly ask her to send more things. Price is no object,” Lin Xi said, her mind already working fast. “We need at least 20 sets of each item—no, better make it 30 sets…”

The last batch of products had cost 200 gold coins, and with the larger quantity they needed now, she had to calculate how much gold they had on hand.

“Ask for as much as she can bring. I’ll have someone exchange gold immediately,” Lin Xi said, remembering that the young woman had a fondness for gold. It was best to prepare more.

The Marquis’ treasury had gold ingots, but those belonged to the household. Lin Xi wasn’t willing to let the other women in the rear courtyard benefit from her daughter’s fortune. She knew all too well that those women had been whispering sour remarks to the Marquis lately. Fortunately, he had been staying in the main courtyard, giving them few opportunities. The thought made her clench her teeth in frustration.


“You have an order. The Marquis’ daughter needs skincare and makeup products…”

Yun Tutu was playing an online game with Songsong when the voice suddenly echoed in her mind. She glanced at the laptop beside her, seeing the keyboard typing furiously with no visible operator.

She was used to such paranormal occurrences by now but still slowed her actions. “You can multitask?”

“I have no choice—it’s crunch time,” Songsong replied, ignoring Yun Tutu. Only after the game ended did it say, “Do you want me to prepare the items, or do you want to do it yourself?”

Yun Tutu checked the time. “Why is it taking longer each time?”

“Of course it is. Now that I’ve gathered some energy, and since the other party hasn’t set a strict deadline, there’s no rush.”

“So considerate?” Yun Tutu narrowed her eyes. “So if I don’t complete the transaction, nothing will happen?”

“Not exactly,” Songsong hesitated. “Even though I’ve collected some energy, the duration is still limited. It’s just not as urgent as the first order.”

Yun Tutu nodded, half understanding. “So, the longer I stay in the other dimension, the more time I’ll have?”

“That’s one way to look at it, but it depends on my capabilities,” Songsong said, its tone softer than before, having developed a bit of a friendship with Yun Tutu over the past few days. “So the more tasks you complete, the more likely you’ll be able to take a little time to explore on your next trip.”

This was excellent news, and Yun Tutu felt an immediate sense of satisfaction. It was like getting a free vacation, with no travel costs involved. She had really found a great job.

“But what does ‘several’ mean?” she asked. “They could at least give me an exact number, so there won’t be any complaints if it’s too much or too little.”

“The skincare and makeup products you sent last time were very well received. They want as much as you can provide.”

“Since they didn’t know how much you could supply, they didn’t specify a number.”

Yun Tutu chuckled. “They want more, but there’s only so much room in the trunk. Even if I hang a few more items on the frame, how much more can I carry?”

“Complete this order, and I’ll give you an upgrade,” Songsong said, gritting its teeth. “They say a worker must first sharpen their tools. If next time they specify a number, we’ll be better prepared to fulfill the order.”

“Let’s go shopping, then,” Yun Tutu said, shutting down her computer and unplugging the power cord.

She preferred to handle the shopping herself; it made her feel more involved.

Songsong remained silent, knowing full well that Yun Tutu was simply indulging her shopping addiction under the guise of being thorough.

At the same mall, Yun Tutu encountered the same sales associates as before. When they saw her enter, their smiles were exceptionally genuine.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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