I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse
I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse Chapter 2: Cross-Dimensional Delivery

“Is there no way to change this number?” Yun Tutu sighed, rubbing her forehead. “Can we negotiate a bit? How about giving me a different number?”

“This number is automatically generated and cannot be changed.”

“So how do I get there?” Yun Tutu stood by the window, spotting the conspicuous delivery motorcycle with the license plate 0038. She was certain that it hadn’t been there before she went inside.

“Alright, 0038 it is. I’ll try delivering one order first.”

“By the way, can I ask about the payment for this job?” After looking for so many jobs, she knew better than to skip discussing compensation upfront.

“You can barter with the recipient upon delivery.”

“Payment on delivery, huh…” Yun Tutu dragged out her words, thinking that this type of delivery might be tricky. “Is there any way to get paid upfront? What if the recipient refuses to pay?”

“No one can refuse payment to this company. Please proceed with the delivery confidently.”

Yun Tutu blinked, her long fake eyelashes adding an extra touch of allure to her already captivating eyes.

“Alright then, I’ll give it a try. But if it doesn’t work out, you’ll have to let me uninstall the app.”

The screen flickered a few times, then displayed, “Please deliver the package quickly; otherwise, you will face penalties for being late.”

“There’s a penalty for being late too?” Yun Tutu thought about all the complaints that food delivery services usually face—she didn’t want to be stuck in a losing deal.

She quickly grabbed her phone, switched to a pair of flats at the door, and dashed to the courtyard to find the motorcycle.

To make a delivery, she needed to have something to deliver. Yun Tutu opened the delivery box and found a bag of steamed buns neatly packed inside. Each one was as big as her hand, and there were probably about ten of them.

Mounting the motorcycle, she realized that the screen from earlier had reappeared in front of her. “This thing follows me around? Isn’t that going to be a distraction on the road…?”

She quickly put on the safety helmet that was sitting on the bike. Immediately, a route map appeared before her eyes.

It seemed like a winding path, but it wasn’t far. “Could this really be a prank?”

Yun Tutu rode the motorcycle to the corner and stopped. The beef dumplings from this shop were pretty good, but they always closed early. Today, she was lucky to catch them open, so she bought some for dinner later.

She purchased half a pound of beef dumplings and a bowl of broth, placing them in the rear compartment. Then she followed the navigation system and set off again.

Yun Tutu didn’t notice that as she rode, the space around her began to distort. By the time she came to her senses, she was driving on a rugged mountain path.

It was only then that she realized the tall buildings were gone, replaced by a desolate mountain road.

“What’s going on?”

“You have entered a different dimension,” the screen flashed in front of her. “Please follow the route on the screen. The customer is waiting ahead.”

Glancing at the text, Yun Tutu felt even more nervous. It seemed she had indeed downloaded a very unusual app—one that could even enable cross-dimensional deliveries. She really had stumbled upon something extraordinary…

The further she went, the rougher the road became. Yet, despite the uneven terrain, the motorcycle didn’t jolt or bump at all.

“Hey, this Cross-Dimensional Delivery bike is pretty impressive. Even on this awful road, the ride is so smooth.”

The screen remained silent, only flashing route markers and a countdown to the final delivery time.

Seeing that there were only a few minutes left, Yun Tutu focused, tightening her grip on the throttle to speed up.

After rounding a mountain, she finally arrived at the entrance of a cave.

“This is the place?” Yun Tutu was curious about this delivery. She grabbed the bag of buns and looked around before settling her eyes on the cave. She called out, “Is Xiaoya here? Your delivery has arrived!”

Zhao Xiaoya lay weakly inside the cave. She had fled with her village to escape famine. With limited food supplies, her parents had focused on her younger brother, leaving her to carry heavy loads and care for her younger sister, which had drained her energy and left her feet covered in blisters.

When she could no longer walk, she had sensed the growing resentment in her parents’ eyes.

Finally, today, she couldn’t get up. She watched helplessly as the villagers left one by one. Her parents, carrying her brother, looked back at her once before continuing on.

What hurt her most was that the sister she had cared for didn’t even glance at her, instead running to catch up with their parents.

This path they had taken to escape was very remote. No one had passed by since yesterday, and she had been lying in this cave all day. All she wanted before she died was to taste a white steamed bun one last time.

It was the best food she had ever had, given to her by the young lady of the landlord’s family where she had worked as a servant.

Just before she lost consciousness, she thought she heard a voice saying, “White steamed bun ordered, now en route. Please check for delivery…”

She didn’t know how long she had slept, but when she heard someone calling her name, she felt a flicker of hope. Had her parents come back to find her?

“Is Xiaoya here? Xiaoya?” Yun Tutu called out again, summoning the courage to step further into the dark cave.

Normally, she was very cautious and valued her life. Entering a strange cave, especially one that might be hiding wild animals, was something she would usually avoid at all costs.

But the circumstances didn’t allow for that. The screen in front of her kept flashing, warning her that she was close to exceeding the time limit.

“Father… Mother…” A weak voice called out from inside the cave, and Yun Tutu finally relaxed. It was definitely a person.

The screen, which could sense her thoughts, flickered, almost as if mocking her.

“I’m coming in. Your steamed buns are here,” Yun Tutu announced politely. She took out her phone to use as a flashlight, cautiously making her way deeper into the cave.

The cave had once housed an entire village. Without proper ventilation, the air inside was quite unpleasant.

Zhao Xiaoya squinted against the sudden brightness, trying to make out who was approaching. Why was sunlight coming into the cave?

“Where are you?” Yun Tutu called out, her flashlight beam finally revealing a human-like figure huddled in a corner.

Just as she spotted the person, the screen in front of her flashed, “Delivery completed. Please proceed with the transaction.”

Yun Tutu let out a sigh of relief. This first delivery had been nerve-wracking, but the recipient didn’t seem to be in great shape.

She remembered the order note mentioning that the customer wanted to eat a white steamed bun before dying. If she had thought it was a joke before, now it seemed all too real.

Crossing dimensions was already happening—what other surprises could there be?

Yun Tutu quickly approached the frail figure in the corner and finally saw the emaciated little girl lying there. She softened her voice as much as possible and asked, “Are you Xiaoya?”

Zhao Xiaoya, weak and powerless, looked at the strange young woman before her. Why wasn’t she wearing a traditional skirt?

“Are you Xiaoya?” Yun Tutu asked again, slightly impatient this time. “Did you order the buns?”

Yun Tutu looked worriedly at the little girl, squatted down, and asked in a low voice, “Are you okay? Do you need help?”

Zhao Xiaoya, struggling to speak, asked hoarsely, “Did my parents send you?”

Yun Tutu was baffled. What did this have to do with her parents?

As she got closer, she could see clearly that this was indeed a famine-stricken refugee. The girl was emaciated, nothing but skin and bones, dressed in ragged clothing.

Yun Tutu pursed her lips and looked down at the bag of steamed buns in her hand. She quickly turned and ran back out of the cave.

Zhao Xiaoya lay there, her heart sinking. “So… my parents didn’t come to take me away… I’m just a burden…”

She had no idea if the person who had just entered was a spirit or a ghost, but they had clearly been repulsed by the sight of her.

Yun Tutu hurriedly retrieved the broth she had just bought and rushed back to the cave. She knelt down in front of Zhao Xiaoya. “Are you alright? Can you sit up?”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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