I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse
I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse Chapter 20: Pingyang Marquis Mansion (Part 4)

Yun Tutu wasn’t there to get involved in their inner-court drama. She offered a polite, distant smile and said, “There’s no need for that. After all, we’re just in a business relationship. By the way, how’s the inventory going? Would you like to check my list?”

Yun Tutu pulled out the traditional Chinese character inventory list that she had already had Songsupdate. The list even included the exact quantities.

Lin Xi was even more shocked when she saw the pristine, flawless paper. Since when could paper be made so smooth and impeccable? Clearly, Yun Tutu was no ordinary person, so Lin Xi didn’t dare take offense at her straightforward manner. She quickly called for Nanny Li. “Please bring the gold over with the other housekeepers”

She then summoned her personal maid, who arrived with two wooden boxes, one in each hand. “Since this is our first meeting, please accept these as a token of appreciation.”

More gifts? Yun Tutu’s eyes widened slightly. How much wealth did they have to be this extravagant?

Fortunately, she had prepared in advance. While buying perfume earlier, she had noticed someone selling handmade soap. She’d bought a few bars on a whim and had them in her bag. Although it felt like she was getting the better deal, these items were unique in this world.

“Thank you, Madam,” Yun Tutu said, accepting the gifts with both hands. A maid immediately stepped forward to take them from her. This gesture made Yun Tutu even more aware of the strict class distinctions in this society.

“And here’s a gift for you, Madam—a bar of handmade soap,” Yun Tutu said, retrieving the soap from her bag. Seeing that she had some time, she began explaining how to use it. “This is used for washing…”

The transaction went smoothly, and Yun Tutu earned another thousand gold coins.

Through some subtle probing during the exchange, she had learned that this world was indeed fictional—there were no historical records of it. This realization quashed her plans to take any antiques back to her world.

Gold could easily be exchanged for money, but antiques of unknown origin could bring trouble.

Given that the Marquis wife had been present this time, Yun Tutu felt a bit stifled. Once the transaction was complete, she quickly took her leave.

Lin Xi and her daughter were disappointed not to secure a promise of future transactions, but they didn’t want to risk offending Yun Tutu. Both parties remained courteous.

As they watched Yun Tutu and her scooter vanish into thin air, Lin Xi sighed and said to Liu Ziqi, “Be sure to treat Miss Yun with respect in the future. If there’s another transaction, inform your uncle first.”

Although she was married into the Liu family, her maternal family was still her support. If her family could secure their position as imperial merchants, they would surely reward them handsomely.

“And what about Father?” Liu Ziqi hesitated, remembering her father’s instructions. The transaction had come up unexpectedly, and her father was out of town. How would they explain it to him when he returned?

“I’ll handle your father,” Lin Xi replied, feeling more confident in dealing with the Marquis now that her daughter had this unique connection. There were many people in the household, but only her daughter had such an opportunity, making it her trump card.

Back in the real world, Yun Tutu wasted no time returning home, even bringing her scooter inside her cramped apartment.

“All this gold—I can’t keep calm,” Yun Tutu admitted. She was starting to worry that if things continued like this, she might develop heart problems.

“Look at you, so timid and easily overwhelmed,” Songsong’s designated computer lit up again, with no patience for Yun Tutu’s fragile state of mind.

“Do you think it would be too conspicuous to exchange all this gold for money?” Yun Tutu asked, feeling uneasy about her newfound wealth. She was just an ordinary person, after all.

Looking at the computer screen flashing before her, an idea began to form in her mind…

“Then just keep it,” Soso replied nonchalantly. “Didn’t you say you liked the idea of sleeping on a bed of gold? You can save up and eventually make a gold bed. I can help with that.”

“Hah,” Yun Tutu chuckled as she walked over to her own computer. “Who would want to sleep on something so hard? Next time, I want to trade for something different.”

“That’s your choice,” Songsong responded, sounding somewhat surprised. “I don’t recall getting involved or setting any strict rules.”

Yun Tutu paused.

“You have a new delivery request,” Songsong announced. “A user named ‘I Want to Give Up’ has requested a delivery of a world map to Emperor Qin Shi Huang…”

The notification appeared so suddenly that Yun Tutu blinked in disbelief. She hadn’t even had a chance to sit down and catch her breath. And what was this? Emperor Qin Shi Huang? Was it who she thought it was?

She admired their ancestors, but she hadn’t planned on meeting them face to face.

“Hah, so with enough energy, I can automatically find tasks…” Songsong sounded thrilled, as if it would have been jumping for joy if it had a body.

“But this request sounds strange. It was submitted by a user named ‘I Want to Give Up.’ Could this be from our dimension?” Yun Tutu asked. The previous two dimensions she had visited were parallel worlds, but Qin Shi Huang was a real historical figure.

“Uh, let me check,” Songsong said, pausing for a long moment before returning with a heavy tone. “There’s been a glitch. This request was actually submitted by a high school student from your dimension.”

Normally, people from your world aren’t supposed to submit tasks, but somehow this person’s request ended up in the system.

“I’ll look into it further…” Songsong went silent again for a while, this time taking half an hour before returning. “It’s not just his own frustration—it’s the combined resentment of many people that has gathered around him, forming a strong will that was captured by the system, creating this task.”

Songsong still didn’t quite understand. “Isn’t it just learning another language? How hard can that be?”

Yun Tutu felt a pang of shared pain. This wasn’t just one person’s frustration; it was the collective resentment of countless students, herself included.

“Even though I’m done with school and don’t plan on studying abroad, I don’t want my descendants to have to learn this language. If anyone should be learning a language, it should be others learning ours. I’m taking this job.”

Yun Tutu’s passionate declaration was met with Songsong’s teasing. “As if you have a choice. The task is set, so let’s get to work.”

“Wait,” Yun Tutu suddenly hesitated. “What if delivering this map changes history? Will I even still exist?”

This was serious. Who knew what Qin Shi Huang would do with a world map?

“You’re overthinking it. With so many worlds, any major changes will simply create new parallel worlds. There might even be another version of you in one of them.”


Yun Tutu sighed. “So even if I deliver the map, we’ll still have to learn English.”

“Don’t be so dramatic. If you need to learn a language, learn it. If you don’t, then don’t,” Songsong replied, finding nothing troubling about the situation. “You eat every day, but that doesn’t make you a chef, does it?”

It seemed… like that made sense.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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