I Fell In Love with a Rich Man by Mistake
I Fell In Love with a Rich Man by Mistake Chapter 7.2

Chapter 7.2

Thinking this, Wen Tang casually forwarded Jiang Qianya’s like collection ad to Ke Xin on WeChat.

Ke Xin and Yang Yang handled all her small personal and work-related issues. Yang Yang was strong, while Ke Xin was meticulous.

She sent a voice message with the ad: “Ke Xin, please post this ad on your Moments to collect likes. I need 50 to get the poster. I really want it.”

Of course, she wouldn’t post the ad publicly on her own Moments; that would cause chaos. Everyone knew she was a rival of Jiang Qianya.

The ad was only visible to the “little cool guy.”

Ke Xin, who always responded to Wen Tang’s messages promptly, was puzzled.

“Why are we promoting Jiang Qianya and collecting likes?”

Ke Xin sent a voice message, her tone filled with confusion.

Wen Tang quickly replied with two words: “For someone.”

Ke Xin didn’t ask any more questions.

As Wen Tang’s assistant, Ke Xin had always been loyal. Three years ago, when she was bullied while working for another actress, Wen Tang took her under her wing.

Wen Tang had a tough exterior but a soft heart.

Soon, Ke Xin handled the matter.

Since she couldn’t use her own Moments—too many people would speculate—Ke Xin managed to arrange it discreetly.

“The poster can’t be picked up immediately; it will be available next week at a designated location. Is that okay, Tang Tang?”

After handling this, Ke Xin informed Wen Tang.

Wen Tang replied, “No problem.”

She wasn’t in a hurry.

She only wanted to create a small surprise for someone.

That night, she had a beautiful sleep.

The next morning, Wen Tang left at eight o’clock sharp.

Ke Xin and Yang Yang followed behind her. They always arrived half an hour early, unlike Wen Tang, who liked to sleep in.

Wen Tang had hoped not to encounter her neighbor again.

However, things rarely go as planned.

As soon as Wen Tang opened the door and stepped out, she looked up and saw her neighbor, Zhou Jingyu, from across the hall.

What a coincidence!

Seeing Zhou Jingyu, Wen Tang was momentarily stunned.

The door Wen Tang had opened blocked Ke Xin and Yang Yang, who were following her.

Wen Tang stood still, and they couldn’t move.

Ke Xin tugged on Wen Tang’s sleeve, asking, “Tang Tang, what’s wrong?”

Nothing was wrong.

It was just awkward.

Wen Tang knew she had been unreasonable yesterday.

Zhou Jingyu showed no sign of disturbance upon seeing Wen Tang. He gave her a brief nod and walked towards the elevator.

He completely ignored the events of yesterday.

Wen Tang “…”

She should have been relieved that her neighbor was so considerate, but his disregard made her question her own charm.

She touched her face, feeling unsure.

It shouldn’t be this way!

She was confident she looked just as beautiful as always.

“Tang Tang? Tang Tang??”

Yang Yang and Ke Xin were anxious to get out of the doorway.

Though it felt like an eternity, it was only a brief moment. Wen Tang, though not eager to see her neighbor, faced him without fear.

To prove this, she lifted her head high and walked towards the elevator with the same confidence she had on the red carpet.

Zhou Jingyu had already pressed the elevator button, and Wen Tang, Ke Xin, and Yang Yang followed.

Since Zhou Jingyu acted as if nothing had happened, Wen Tang could do the same!

Determined not to lose face, Wen Tang stood next to Zhou Jingyu at the elevator. She kept her face expressionless, but her eyes subtly assessed her new neighbor.

Last night, Wen Tang was so angry that she didn’t really notice Zhou Jingyu; she only remembered that he looked quite good.

But now, it was clear that he was more than just good-looking—he was stunning!

Even Wen Tang, who was never one to focus solely on appearances, had to admit it.

His looks were comparable to top male stars, and his aura was even more exceptional.

Wen Tang had never considered herself someone who focused on appearances. After working in the industry for so long, she knew that a person’s character was more important than their looks. Yet, as she observed her new neighbor, her gaze couldn’t help but linger. She was so absorbed that she didn’t even notice when the elevator arrived.

It wasn’t until Zhou Jingyu stepped into the elevator first that Wen Tang snapped out of it, pretending nothing had happened and following him in.

Once inside the elevator, Wen Tang tried to ignore Zhou Jingyu’s strong presence and resumed her haughty demeanor, staring straight ahead.

They were both headed to the basement level.

Zhou Jingyu’s parking spot was closer to the elevator than Wen Tang’s, so he drove off first.

In Wen Tang’s car, Ke Xin stared excitedly at Zhou Jingyu’s car ahead. “Tang Tang, Tang Tang! Is that man your neighbor? Oh my gosh, he’s so handsome!!”

Ke Xin had been so captivated by Zhou Jingyu that she hadn’t noticed the elevator arriving. Wen Tang’s reaction was one of resigned amusement.

Though her new neighbor was indeed handsome, Wen Tang and he were simply not a good match!

Ke Xin was excited about their neighbor’s looks, but Yang Yang, who was male and had a different taste in men, was indifferent. “He’s good-looking, but you don’t have to be so excited. You’re exaggerating, Ke Xin.”

Ke Xin shook her head vigorously. “No, no, no! It’s not just about his looks! The most important thing is his aura. Do you understand aura?!”

Yang Yang didn’t understand and shook his head indifferently.

Wen Tang, however, did understand.

But when she saw her neighbor, she could only think about the embarrassing incident that happened in the elevator the previous afternoon.

He had witnessed her shouting and even crying.

It was so humiliating!

Wen Tang didn’t want to discuss him any further and decided to focus on her phone.

Yang Yang had no interest in men, so Ke Xin was left to express her excitement alone. She had never seen someone so handsome and with such an aura. To say she was starstruck was an understatement; her eyes were glued to him!

But with the two people beside her not cooperating, Ke Xin was left frustrated.

Wen Tang, indifferent to Ke Xin’s excitement, took out her phone and decided to message Gong Yue.

After a brief moment of thought, she sent him two messages.

[ Candy: Senior Brother~]

[ Candy: Good morning!]

After sending them, she exited the chat with him.

As expected, there was no response.

Wen Tang didn’t mind at all; mornings were busy, not the best time for chatting.

It was just a way to keep in touch.

Once she arrived at the film set, Wen Tang was busy from morning until 9:30 PM, finishing her day’s shoot.

After spending the whole day indoors, she finally noticed the heavy snowfall outside when she stepped out.

The weather in Lingcheng was extremely cold.

Wen Tang, being from the south and rarely seeing heavy snow in her childhood, had encountered many things as an actress—walking on walls, swimming in water, and jumping through fire. But she had seen little snow.

As she got into the car, bundled up tightly, she felt the warmth of the heater and sighed in relief.

Ke Xin handed Wen Tang her phone. The time on the phone was just minutes away from ten. She remembered that Gong Yue usually went to bed around this time.

She opened the conversation with Gong Yue.

The conversation still showed her morning greeting.

Taking advantage of the last bit of the evening, Wen Tang decided to flirt a bit with the “little cool guy.”

She took a photo of the snow outside, checked it for quality, and sent it.

[ Candy: Senior Brother, did you see? It’s snowing~]

[ Candy: The snow is so beautiful.]

Meanwhile, Zhou Jingyu was working late at his company. The entire top floor of the Shengling Group building, where the CEO’s office was located, was brightly lit.

When his phone chimed, he glanced at it briefly.

When she had sent her morning messages, he had been driving. By the time he saw them, he was already busy at work. Due to the tiresome nature of his blind date, he hadn’t replied.

Now, seeing her message, he stood by the window.

His office was on the top floor of the building, with a panoramic view of the snow-covered city below. The sight reminded him of the snow in France.

Every winter, he spent the cold season alone in a large house with just a cat.

[Y: Yes, I saw it.]

After a full day of intense work, Zhou Jingyu was tired. He valued his sleep; when he was in France, he went to bed at ten every night. Since returning to his country, maintaining this habit has been difficult due to his busy schedule.

There was always more work to be done, and after standing by the window for two minutes, he returned to his desk, saved his documents, shut down his computer, and left the office.

He kept his phone in hand. Wen Tang, upon seeing his reply, couldn’t help but smile.

Just like last night, he replied at this time.

Being busy was a good thing, even if he was just a small-time actor.

Wen Tang quickly typed her response.

[ Candy: Senior Brother, I’ve collected fifty likes~]

[ Candy: I’m about to get a Jiang Qianya poster!]

[ Candy: Thank you so much, Senior Brother!!!]

After a while, she received a reply.

[Y: You’re welcome.]

As always, his responses were brief, but once a conversation started, he wouldn’t suddenly disappear. There would always be a reply if one just waited.

Wen Tang found the experience quite enjoyable.

Sitting in the car, she began a casual, aimless conversation with Gong Yue.

It was unclear whether he was busy or not, but his responses were often delayed, and he seemed slow to reply.

Her long messages usually earned only short, clipped responses from him—often just a single character.

[Y: Yes.]

He was truly the epitome of brevity.

So aloof and distant!


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Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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