I Suggest You Don’t Offend Me
I Suggest You Don’t Offend Me Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Lin Shu said a few more words, and sure enough, Tie Niu’s tone on the other end of the phone became even more enthusiastic. He kept assuring her that he would absolutely live up to the mission and do a great job.

Lin Shu was about to continue praising him when she suddenly felt a gaze full of intense emotion behind her.

She turned around and saw that Xu Shijia had somehow appeared in the clearing and was now staring at her expressionlessly.

He had overheard.

It seemed like a very awkward situation, but Lin Shu wasn’t afraid at all.

This was just like a player being caught while keeping multiple romantic interests — this is when your skills come into play!

Staying calm under pressure is the key to turning a crisis into an opportunity!

Adaptability is an essential quality for becoming an excellent lawyer!

As a boss, the most important thing is to have thick skin! And to master the three key tricks of being a workplace “player.”

Lin Shu calmly looked at Xu Shijia and said, “I was just talking to Tie Niu on the phone.”

Xu Shijia wasn’t buying it, his face cold. “I heard. You said he’s got strong professional skills, a hardworking spirit, and that he’s the core of the team. You’re really efficient—copying and pasting compliments, huh? Couldn’t even switch up the words?”

“How many people have you said those same things to? What did Tie Niu even do? Has he worked as hard as me, being out here on a business trip in a rundown house for hours?”

First trick of the workplace “player”: I wasn’t sincere with him, I was forced.

“Tie Niu can’t compare to you.”

Lin Shu added, looking troubled, “But what could I do?”

“Xu Shijia, unlike you, I don’t come from a privileged background. I have to fight for my place on my own. In life, we all have to live in reality, and sometimes, we’re forced to say things we don’t really mean. There are many people I can’t afford to offend.”

But Xu Shijia wasn’t appeased at all. Sarcastically, he replied, “Oh, so you can offend me? Do you even know who I am? I bet you don’t! You’ve been targeting me from the start!”

“Forget who you are for a second. Let me ask you, do you even know who Tie Niu is?”

Xu Shijia scowled, “Who is he?”

“He’s the Crown Prince of Xinhe!”

Lin Shu’s words left Xu Shijia completely stunned.

“The Crown Prince of Xinhe?!” His face showed a mix of shock and confusion. “Tie Niu? He’s the Crown Prince of Xinhe?”

More shocked than his voice was his face, which looked as if he’d been struck by lightning, clearly hearing this for the first time.

How could he be so out of the loop?

Lin Shu was genuinely surprised. “You didn’t even know that?”

She almost felt sorry for him. “That’s why I say, you should spend more time at work. If you were clocking in from nine to five and hanging out with your colleagues, you’d know that Tie Niu is the Crown Prince of Xinhe!”

“Keep your eyes open from now on. You’ve got a long way to go in the workplace.”

Lin Shu explained earnestly, “Tie Niu is the youngest son of Wang Yannian, the boss of Xinhe. Xinhe contributes 80% of our law firm’s revenue. Even though I don’t handle Xinhe’s business directly or get a share of it, this ‘hot potato’ Crown Prince of Xinhe was forced onto our team. So tell me, can I afford to offend him? If I upset him and Xinhe takes its legal business elsewhere, how would I survive at Tianhao?”

“I may be your boss, but at the end of the day, I’m just a high-level employee. Now you understand my feelings about dealing with Tie Niu, right? It’s like walking on thin ice.”

“Moreover, even if I don’t care who he is, I still have to consider the other partners, right? Otherwise, if Tianhao loses this client, it would not only be a huge blow to the partners but could also lead to layoffs, affecting the livelihoods of many legal professionals.”

The second move of the “Three Tricks of a Manipulative Woman”—”It’s just a fling between him and me.”

Lin Shu skillfully said, “As for you, even though you’re somewhat delicate and come from a good family, I genuinely consider you as my equal, someone I feel closer to. That’s why there are things I’m more willing to share honestly with you, but with Tie Niu, I have to be more cautious and selective.”

As expected, this speech silenced Xu Shijia.

Lin Shu noticed a thoughtful expression appearing on his face.

Seizing the moment, Lin Shu gently persuaded, “It’s true that I don’t dare offend Tie Niu, but I’m not afraid of offending you. Have you thought about the deeper logic behind this? It’s because Tie Niu is an outsider to me, someone I always remain wary of. But you, I already consider as part of our team, which is why I treat you differently.”

“But deep down, you and I both know who’s really working the hardest, who’s more professional, and who’s the true core of this team. You get what I mean, right?”

Perhaps due to being out of the loop, a complex and indescribable expression appeared on Xu Shijia’s face. He stared at Lin Shu for a moment before saying, “I see.”

He added meaningfully, “So Tie Niu is actually the prince of Xinhe Group.”

Exactly! Look at you, so out of touch with the news!

The third move of the “Three Tricks of a Manipulative Woman”—”The one I truly love is you.”

“So, remember, what I say and do with him is because of his status. But what I say to you comes from the fact that you are just you.”

With this final combo of the “Office Manipulator’s Three Moves,” Xu Shijia’s anger visibly subsided, even showing a hint of a meaningful smile.

He had been successfully pacified.

He blinked and stared at Lin Shu: “So, because I’m not the youngest son of Xinhe Group, the emotions you show me are your real, unfiltered ones? You see me as one of your own?”

Of course!

Silly boy, if you were a prince, you wouldn’t even need to show up! Why would I need to display my genuine emotions to you?

This one clearly hadn’t encountered enough manipulative flattery in life, with no resistance to it whatsoever.

By closing the distance, calling him “one of us,” and playing the emotional card, the next step would be making him work like a horse!

Unfortunately, Xu Shijia didn’t understand this logic; he clearly fell for Lin Shu’s tricks.

“Alright then,” he said, raising his chin with a slightly awkward tone, “I won’t mention any of this to Tie Niu. After all, with someone like him, even if you showed him your true emotions, he wouldn’t understand.”

“Mm, also, don’t bring up Tie Niu’s identity in front of him. Don’t reveal it. He seems pretty low-key, and some wealthy people prefer to keep their identities hidden to avoid trouble. It’s understandable.”


After all the advice, Lin Shu patted Xu Shijia on the shoulder, “Actually, families like yours are better—you have money, but not so much that you’re isolated from the masses. Someone like Tie Niu, with his status as the prince of Xinhe, is only surrounded by people attracted to his wealth. How could he possibly have any genuine relationships? He probably has a lot of troubles.”

Xu Shijia paused for a moment, glanced at Lin Shu, then averted his eyes and softly said, “That’s true. You do lose something.”

Lose something? As if you could really understand what that feels like!

What could money make you lose? Nothing but troubles!



But having come this far, not delivering a final blow would be a waste.

Lin Shu smiled at Xu Shijia, “We’re about the same age, so we should have a lot in common. I’m not the type of boss to put on airs just because of my position. In the future, we can interact more casually—you can think of me as a friend.”

It seemed that something suddenly occurred to Xu Shijia: “I came to find you because, after working for almost five hours, I feel like I…”

“I know, I know. There’s still three hours left in the eight-hour workday, right? You’re so dedicated that you probably want me to go back and work with you.”

Without giving him a chance to refuse, Lin Shu dragged Xu Shijia along, “Let’s go. We’re heading back to work.”



Lin Shu was very pleased with Xu Shijia.

Over the past few days of due diligence, under Lin Shu’s intermittent “encouragement,” Xu Shijia worked alongside her to complete the review of materials.

The due diligence legal opinion had a template. One only needed to update it with the specific situation of each target company.

Therefore, during such mergers and acquisitions, lawyers would review materials on-site and simultaneously update the legal issues they found in the template. By the end of the business trip, a preliminary version of the legal due diligence report would already be in place. The remaining work would be fine-tuning and forming the draft.

The partner leading the team was responsible for polishing and reviewing the final version, signing off on it, and assuming responsibility for the issued legal opinion.

Xu Shijia’s draft was commendable, and Lin Shu gave her approval: “Your foundation is very solid. You’ve listed all the legal issues in the materials in great detail.”

“What especially surprised me was your awareness of comparison and comprehensiveness. You noticed the discrepancy between the company’s publicly declared number of employees and the actual number paying social insurance, and you pointed out the risks of non-compliant employment and the potential need for large-scale back payments of employee social insurance.”

Praise was necessary, but when managing subordinates, you could never only praise.

Everything has diminishing returns. When someone eats the first sweet date, they savor it with strong happiness, but by the time they eat a whole basket, they become numb.

A little stick is always necessary, especially for someone like Xu Shijia.

“But you missed a legal risk in the area of intellectual property.”

As expected, Xu Shijia’s face showed disbelief: “Impossible. I reviewed all the contracts related to their seasoning product patents, even the packaging designs. Any risks I found have already been listed.”

Lin Shu smiled and said, “You’ve identified all the issues presented in the company’s materials, but often, the reason lawyers conduct on-site due diligence is because there are many problems that can’t be found in written materials.”

“I noticed that the office computers the employees use all run on cracked versions of Office software, which means they are pirated and not properly licensed. This could lead to future claims, so it’s a legal risk we need to warn the client about.”

“Apart from intellectual property, this seasoning factory also has significant violations related to unauthorized constructions, such as the new and old office buildings. According to the land use approval, the entire site is designated for industrial use. The ‘Urban and Rural Planning Law of the People’s Republic of China’ and the ‘Urban Real Estate Management Law’ clearly state that ‘industrial land is designated for industrial, warehousing, logistics, and other production-related uses.'”

“While the new office building provides convenience for the employees, unfortunately, office buildings in a factory must meet certain standards and be registered for approval. I couldn’t find the corresponding documents. And leaving the office building aside, the dormitories on top of the new building are clear violations.”

“Dormitories are classified as non-productive use, so unless they receive approval, all the dormitory buildings in this factory are illegal constructions. If they can’t get approval in the future, they face demolition, which would be a huge expense and a major legal risk for the client.”

“And by the way, did you notice the smell of Peppercorns in the air outside the factory?”

Xu Shijia paused, clearly not understanding why Lin Shu was suddenly bringing this up. But after recalling it, his face twisted in disgust. “I smelled it. It was awful—the working environment there is terrible.”

“Do you think this is an unrelated issue? But think carefully— is it really irrelevant?”

Lin Shu’s tone was calm and measured: “Why does the air around the factory smell like Peppercorns? Have you thought about the reason?”

“I went into their production workshop and found that the area where they crush and dry chili and Peppercorns raw materials isn’t fully enclosed. They haven’t installed proper collection and treatment systems for the exhaust gases produced by the crushing and drying processes. Instead, they use exhaust fans to release it outside the factory. According to environmental assessment requirements, these gases should be treated and discharged through high-altitude chimneys.”

“So, this seasoning factory has significant environmental compliance risks. This is the most critical issue. It’s the one we must warn the client about the most.”

When it came to professional matters, Lin Shu’s tone grew serious: “The legal risks you identified are good, but compared to the environmental and unauthorized construction issues, those are minor details. Small issues might help the client negotiate a lower price in the acquisition, but major issues will determine whether the client proceeds with the acquisition at all.”

Before Lin Shu spoke, Xu Shijia had been unconvinced. But after hearing her out, although he was clearly emotional, he couldn’t refute her.

Managing a team can involve being friendly and claiming to be friends with subordinates, but one must also demonstrate superior expertise to make sure they understand their roles.

Some bosses like to nitpick small details, using humiliation to establish authority, but Lin Shu had always disdained such tactics.

That’s a strategy for people without real ability, just posturing.

When it came to professional ability, Lin Shu was always confident.

She had become a partner at such a young age because she was better than them.

Naturally, having his work dismissed on the spot didn’t make Xu Shijia happy.

His expression soured.

After giving him a blow, Lin Shu knew it was time to offer some comfort.

Otherwise, his enthusiasm for work might be crushed!

Lin Shu softened her tone and looked gently at Xu Shijia: “Xu Shijia, I know you feel wronged. You’ve worked overtime for three days, staying up late and working hard, only to be criticized. It must feel like the more you do, the more mistakes you make.”

The first move of the manipulative office woman—criticizing you for your own good.

“But the reason I criticize you is because I believe in you.”

“When doing legal due diligence, if you just follow the standard steps, you’ll always be stuck screening materials and never become a lawyer who can stand on their own. But with your potential, it would be a waste to stop there, so I want you to grow quickly and take on more responsibility.”

“You see, do I criticize Wang Tie Niu? Do I criticize Liu Xuhui? I only criticize you, Xu Shijia. Don’t you understand what that means?”

“Parents always criticize the child they love most. It’s the same principle here. As the team member with the most potential, you are the one I’m focusing on developing, so of course, my standards for you are stricter.”

“Of course, I realize I may be a bit presumptuous. I should respect your opinion and ask first. After all, everyone has different career goals, and not everyone wants to grow. I understand that too. So, if you feel like you don’t want me to hold you to such high standards, you can tell me.”

As expected, Xu Shijia’s expression softened after hearing this.

He cleared his throat: “I’m not that fragile. If you want to criticize me, go ahead. I really didn’t catch those issues in the due diligence. I didn’t do a good job.”

Lin Shu, fearing that Xu Shijia might reconsider, swiftly responded, “I knew I wasn’t wrong about you!”

Cutting off any path for him to take back his words!

Lin Shu looked at Xu Shijia with a look of approval. “I knew you were someone who could handle high expectations.”

Now I can scold you freely in the future!

But of course, she didn’t say that. Keeping a straight face, Lin Shu continued: “Since you’ve said that, I won’t hold back in the future. I’ll say what needs to be said. Just remember my intentions and don’t take it to heart.”

Xu Shijia glanced at Lin Shu and then looked away. “Fine.”

Xu Shijia was older than Lin Shu, but clearly less experienced in the workplace.

This newcomer to the professional world had no idea what kind of storm he had invited with the words “fine.”

Everything was going according to Lin Shu’s plan.

Next came the second move of the manipulative office woman—“I can’t do this without you.”

With a sincere and serious expression, Lin Shu said, “Actually, I have you to thank for discovering these legal risks. Because you helped me review the materials and lightened my workload, I had time to chat with the office and factory employees. That’s how I found out they were using pirated software and had time to visit the workshop and uncover the environmental compliance issues.”

“If it had been someone less capable, I probably would have had to help review the materials too. There would be no time to check on other issues while barely managing everything.” 

“So this report is the result of teamwork between the two of us. Both contributions are essential.” 

As soon as these words were spoken, Xu Shijia’s expression visibly brightened. 

He glanced at Lin Shu, not saying anything, but the slight upward tilt of his eyebrows, despite his effort to suppress it, betrayed his feelings. 

“I know your family is well-off, so you probably don’t feel a pressing need for money. But money you earn yourself is completely different from money your family gives you. Imagine how proud and happy your family would be when they finally get to use the first money you earned!” 

“A man shouldn’t rely on his parents forever, right? Besides, you can’t live off them for the rest of your life.” 


Lin Shu looked into Xu Shijia’s eyes and said sincerely, “Don’t worry. Stick with me, and your parents will be proud of you. It won’t be long now because I’ve already arranged your next tasks.” 

“Get a good rest tonight. Tomorrow, we’re heading back to Rong City.” 

“Once we get back, we’ll finalize the due diligence report, and then you can start on your new assignments. As soon as we return to the law firm, I’ll hand over several case files to you. You can start following up right away. It won’t be long before your family can use the first money you earn.” 



Lin Shu and Xu Shijia went on a three-day business trip, while Wang Tie Niu secretly applied for jobs for three days. 

Wang Tie Niu was well aware of Xu Shijia’s spoiled temperament. Sending this young master on a business trip meant Lin Shu would definitely come back worn out. 

He had a feeling that their team might soon fall apart. 

So, he made contingency plans. 

On the day Lin Shu and Xu Shijia “returned triumphantly,” Wang Tie Niu was ready. 

As expected, there was no room for two tigers on one mountain. One of them looked revitalized, while the other looked utterly exhausted. 

But surprisingly… 

It was Lin Shu who looked full of energy, and Xu Shijia who looked completely drained. 

The young master looked like life had beaten him down for three days and nights, as if he’d been tortured nonstop. 

Wang Tie Niu felt like he’d seen a ghost. 

Because instead of going home to rest, Xu Shijia sat at his desk and seriously started working. 

Though still handsome, dark circles had appeared under his eyes, as if he hadn’t slept for days. Yet, he was downing black coffee, exuding a determined “wounded but still fighting” vibe. 

Wang Tie Niu’s heart skipped a beat. Something was wrong. 

When he passed by Xu Shijia’s desk on his way to the restroom and took a quick glance at his computer screen and workspace, he panicked even more— 

“Huige! Something big has happened!” 

“Xinhe Group is definitely in trouble! They’re about to crash! I remember you own some of Xinhe’s stock, right? Sell it fast! Otherwise, it’ll be too late!” 

Liu Xuhui was skeptical. “No way, Xinhe is a huge listed company. Their financials are public, and I’ve studied them—the situation looks great. Where are you getting this info?” 

Wang Tie Niu secretly pointed at Xu Shijia’s desk. “Do you know what the young master is working on? He’s writing a due diligence report!” 

“And right after coming back, Lin Par immediately called him into the office. When he came out, he was carrying a whole stack of case files, all piled up on his desk. It looks like they’ve assigned him a bunch of work!” 

As a lawyer, Wang Tie Niu’s analysis was sound: “If Xinhe wasn’t in trouble, would the young master be at work? In this day and age, unless a family’s in trouble, who would go out and work as a lawyer? It looks like his family’s fortunes have taken a downturn! Otherwise, would he be like this?” 

“I don’t think so…” 

Liu Xuhui said he didn’t believe it, but added, “You’re the same age as the young master. Go check it out and see what’s really going on.” 

Wang Tie Niu glanced at his own stocks, then looked over at Xu Shijia sitting not far away, and decided he had to take matters into his own hands. 


“Xu Shijia, uh, about your family…” 

Wang Tie Niu felt awkward, but for the sake of his stocks, he bit the bullet and approached Xu Shijia. 

However, his attention was first caught by what was on Xu Shijia’s computer screen: “Why are you looking up standards for workplace injury claims and compensation procedures? Are you working on a workplace injury case?” 

Xu Shijia, looking irritated, responded coldly as always, “No.” 

“Then are you interested in taking on cases like this in the future? If so, I can refer you to some cases when they come up!” 

“I’m not interested.” 

“Then why are you looking into this?” 

Without lifting his head, Xu Shijia continued to study the workplace injury regulations. “You can’t live off your parents forever.” 


“I want my parents to use the money I earn as soon as possible.” 

Wang Tie Niu was starting to feel uncomfortable with the atmosphere, but he still tried to keep the conversation going: “What does that have to do with workplace injuries?” 

Xu Shijia glanced at the pile of case files on his desk, then at the large words “Workplace Injury Compensation” on his computer screen, and said in a faint voice— 

“I think if this keeps up, this might be the first money I make for my family.” 

He added expressionlessly, “And also the last.” 


This was bad! Even Xu Shijia, who couldn’t rely on his parents anymore, had fallen to the point of thinking about supporting his family with his workplace injury compensation! 

Wang Tie Niu felt like he didn’t need to ask any more questions. 

The answer was already obvious. 

Xu Shijia’s recent strange behavior made perfect sense. 

Xinhe Group was doomed! 

He had to sell his stocks immediately! 

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