Light In The Deep Alley
Light In The Deep Alley: Chapter 84

Chapter 84

After finishing washing up, Qin Qingzhuo used a towel to dry his hair, pushed open the bathroom door, and walked out. As he lifted his eyes, he saw that Zhong Yang and Peng Keshi had come over at some point.

Peng Keshi leaned against the shelf, while Zhong Yang sat on a high stool. Both were engrossed in their phones.

“I sent you messages, but you didn’t reply. I was saying, Jiang…” Zhong Yang stopped mid-sentence, raised his head, and upon seeing Qin Qingzhuo walking out, the second half of his sentence choked in his throat. “No, Qing…”

Qin Qingzhuo had just taken a shower at Jiang Ji’s place, which meant… a very impactful fact struck Zhong Yang’s mind.

Although he had assumed early on that Qin Qingzhuo and Jiang Ji had slept together, this thought was confirmed for the first time.

“You guys…” He usually talked non-stop, but now his tongue seemed to be tied in a hundred and eight knots. A complete word couldn’t come out, and he ended up blushing, making a big embarrassment of himself. “I…”

This stammering appearance practically displayed all his mental activities on his face, and Qin Qingzhuo also felt a bit awkward for a moment.

Peng Keshi glanced at Zhong Yang, unable to hold back her laughter.

Her laughter diluted the awkward atmosphere, and Qin Qingzhuo also chuckled.

As the atmosphere returned to normal, Peng Keshi greeted Qin Qingzhuo openly, “Big Brother Qingzhuo, long time no see.”

“Yes, long time no see,” Qin Qingzhuo replied with a smile.

Zhong Yang finally regained his composure, realizing he had overreacted. He scratched his head, “Sorry, Brother Qingzhuo, don’t mind me. Mainly, I’m still a kid who hasn’t been in a relationship…”

Qin Qingzhuo was amused by his words, “You’re making it difficult for me to respond.”

“Brother Qingzhuo, just ignore him,” Peng Keshi said, then turned around and teased Zhong Yang, “If it weren’t for this mouth of yours, you wouldn’t still be single.”

“Hmm,” Qin Qingzhuo nodded in a seemingly serious manner, “makes sense.”

“I…” Zhong Yang was about to explain, but the door behind him was pushed open, and Jiang Ji, hearing the commotion, walked out.

He glanced at Zhong Yang and Peng Keshi, “What’s going on? Do you need something from me?”

“Did you not check your phone? We sent you messages this morning. Since you didn’t reply, we came to find you,” Peng Keshi explained, taking out her phone and showing a screen to Jiang Ji. Then, she turned to Qin Qingzhuo, “Brother Qingzhuo, it’s related to you too. Take a look.”

“What?” Qin Qingzhuo walked over to Jiang Ji’s side, looking at the phone screen together with him.

On the screen, someone had posted a series of pictures on Weibo, capturing Qin Qingzhuo and Jiang Ji on Red Lu Slope Street last night.

There were images of Jiang Ji lighting a cigarette for Qin Qingzhuo, the two holding hands as they walked through the alley, Jiang Ji wiping tears from Qin Qingzhuo’s eyes face-to-face, and the two embracing on the street… Almost every moment from last night had been captured.

Qin Qingzhuo furrowed his brows lightly. Although he had anticipated that these images would be taken, seeing them still made his heart sink.

Jiang Ji, however, seemed unconcerned. He scrolled through all the photos, then handed the phone back to Peng Keshi. “The photos turned out quite well.”

“They’re indeed well-taken,” Peng Keshi said, taking the phone with a smile.

“Many people in the comments are shipping you two,” Zhong Yang interjected.

Upon hearing Zhong Yang’s words, Qin Qingzhuo forced a smile. Compared to Jiang Ji’s indifferent attitude, he had deeper concerns. But he didn’t show it too much and didn’t dwell on the topic of the photos any longer. “Since all three of you are here, how about visiting my studio later? We haven’t found time for you to familiarize yourselves with the place.”

“Sure!” Zhong Yang eagerly agreed. “Brother Qingzhuo, remember you signed us! If you don’t mention it, I’ll think you’ve forgotten about it!”

“I’ll send the address to them,” Jiang Ji said, reaching up to ruffle his still-damp hair. His voice was slightly lowered. “You go dry your hair in the room first.”

Zhong Yang immediately clicked his tongue, while Peng Keshi turned her face away, a faint smile playing on her lips.

Qin Qingzhuo felt inexplicably guilty, but he didn’t show it on his face. He just said to the two, “I’ll head over first,” then turned and walked towards Jiang Ji’s room.

Back in the room, Qin Qingzhuo leaned against the table, blow-drying his hair while pondering over the photos.

Last night, with alcohol in his system and emotions on the brink of losing control, he hadn’t thought much about it. It was only now, sober, that he realized his negligence.

He didn’t really care about himself; after all, he had already withdrawn from the limelight, and no matter how much the public clamored, it wouldn’t affect his work much.

Moreover, even during his years as a singer, he hadn’t really avoided paparazzi. At that time, he didn’t have any underground romances or messy personal life; at most, he would smoke and drink with friends during gatherings. No matter how much the media sensationalized it or how much his agency warned him, he remained indifferent, staying true to himself.

It was only after he got together with Ji Chi that he developed some sensitivity to paparazzi.

And now, he had to consider Jiang Ji. Jiang Ji was only nineteen, just entering the public eye, and his talent was just being recognized. Exposing a same-sex relationship would only bring negative consequences to him, especially with someone like Qin Qingzhuo, whose reputation was not favorable…

He should be more cautious, Qin Qingzhuo sighed.

He should talk to Li Zi face-to-face about this when he goes to the studio later, he thought.

The door was pushed open, and Jiang Ji walked in.

Just like last night, he approached and took the hairdryer from Qin Qingzhuo’s hand, helping him dry his hair.

Amidst the loud noise of the dryer, neither of them spoke.

After a while, when the hair was dry, Jiang Ji turned off the dryer. “Are you still thinking about those photos?” he asked.

Qin Qingzhuo grunted in response.

“Is it because of me?”

Qin Qingzhuo remained silent.

Jiang Ji coiled up the dryer’s cord and placed it aside. “If it’s because of me, there’s really no need to think so much.”

Qin Qingzhuo looked up at him. He didn’t ask, but Jiang Ji spoke up, “Because I don’t care. I don’t care whether others like me or how they see me.”

After a pause, he leaned in and pecked Qin Qingzhuo’s lips, whispering, “As long as you like me, that’s enough.”

A strange sensation overwhelmed Qin Qingzhuo. It felt like his heart was wrapped in honey, the sweetness overpowering the bitterness of his concerns. Qin Qingzhuo softly grunted in response.

“I’ll clean up the trash,” Jiang Ji said, “and then we’ll go out too.”

Qin Qingzhuo nodded and asked, “Are Zhong Yang and Keshi still waiting outside?”

“They’ve got something to do and left first. They’ll go directly to the studio later.”

Jiang Ji said as he walked to the other side of the bed, tossing the empty tissue bag into the trash can and picking up a small bottle cap. His gaze scanned the floor as if looking for something.

Qin Qingzhuo’s eyes followed suit, then he walked to the bed opposite Jiang Ji, half crouching down to pick up a glycerin bottle that had rolled under the bed.

As his fingers touched the bottle, Qin Qingzhuo suddenly remembered what he had said last night—

“Do you have any moisturizer? Glycerin will do…”

“Harder, pour a bit more…”

Intentionally guiding the other to explore his body was simply unimaginable.

But Jiang Ji’s innocence and awkwardness in this matter made it hard for him to resist doing so.

Even though he later discovered that Jiang Ji’s theoretical knowledge was not lacking, sometimes he seemed deliberately enticing him to say those words…

Footsteps approached, and Jiang Ji walked towards him. Qin Qingzhuo snapped out of his thoughts.

Realizing what he had been thinking about, he felt his face flush slightly.

He stood up, pretending to be casual as he handed the picked-up glycerin bottle to Jiang Ji. “Is this what you were looking for?”

But Jiang Ji didn’t take it. Instead, he stood in front of Qin Qingzhuo, looking at him with meaningful eyes. “Teacher Qin, what were you just thinking about?” he asked.

Their eyes met, and they both chuckled simultaneously.

It wasn’t clear who leaned in first, but they leaned in for another kiss.

Qin Qingzhuo gradually stepped back until his back was against the wall.

“I’m not like Ji Chi,” Jiang Ji suddenly said.

“Hmm?” Qin Qingzhuo was slightly startled, unsure why Jiang Ji brought this up.

“He’s afraid of your relationship being exposed, but I’m not. I’m looking forward to it,” Jiang Ji said, looking into his eyes. “He might betray and hurt you, but I won’t. I’ll like you for the rest of my life.”

The phrase “for the rest of my life” always seemed lighter when spoken by a young person, but under the gaze of those deep black eyes, Qin Qingzhuo could truly feel himself being intensely liked.

At least in this moment, he was willing to believe this vow.

“Jiang Ji, I never thought of comparing you to Ji Chi,” Qin Qingzhuo said. “I won’t do it in the future either. I hope you do the same, forget about Ji Chi’s name, and never mention it again.”

“Okay,” Jiang Ji replied, rubbing his hair with his palm.

When they stepped outside, the snow had stopped. It had snowed heavily late last night, and although a day had passed, there were still remnants of snow on the ground.

Jiang Bei was squatting at the door, using a twig to draw something on the thin layer of snow.

Hearing footsteps, she looked up and paused when she saw Qin Qingzhuo. Her movements stopped as well. “Huh?”

Her expression was bewildered. Qin Qingzhuo smiled and echoed her, “Huh?”

Jiang Ji just lightly smirked, carrying the trash and walking towards the garbage bin across the street.

“How come you’re here?” Jiang Bei maintained her surprised expression, looking up at Qin Qingzhuo.

It seemed like she hadn’t heard anything last night after all, which relieved Qin Qingzhuo.

“Guess,” Qin Qingzhuo squatted down in front of her, looking at the marks she had just made in the snow. “Are you writing your own name?”

Jiang Bei didn’t answer his question, guessing, “Did you two have a fight before, and now you’ve made up?”

“You’re quite clever,” Qin Qingzhuo chuckled.

“Why didn’t you reply to my messages then?” Jiang Bei looked a bit displeased. “I didn’t even argue with you.”

“Oh… that’s true,” Qin Qingzhuo remembered the two messages Jiang Bei had sent him earlier. At the time, he didn’t know how to respond, so he left them there temporarily, apologizing to Jiang Bei, “I meant to reply, but then I got busy and forgot. I’m sorry.”

Jiang Bei didn’t say anything, just pursed her lips.

“I’ll treat you to something delicious, like last time at that barbecue place, okay?” Qin Qingzhuo lowered his voice, continuing to coax her. “I’ll even have your brother play a few more rounds of games with you, and I’ll join too, alright?”

“I’m not that easily bribed,” Jiang Bei finally spoke, then added softly, “But you two shouldn’t argue anymore.”

Leaning close to his ear, Jiang Bei covered her voice with her hand. “Whenever you two fight, my brother goes back to how he used to be.”

For a moment, Qin Qingzhuo felt quite uncomfortable, pausing before nodding, “Alright, we won’t argue anymore.”

After throwing away the trash, Jiang Ji walked back. “What’s with the secret conversation?” he asked.

“Secret,” Jiang Bei returned to her usual demeanor.

“Let’s go,” Jiang Ji didn’t intend to continue questioning, “Let’s go out and grab something to eat together.”

“I’m not going, I’ve already eaten,” Jiang Bei said.

“What did you eat?” Jiang Ji asked her.

“I bought buns and porridge from over there,” Jiang Bei pointed behind her, “You guys woke up so late, I thought I was the only one.”

Hearing her words, Qin Qingzhuo felt a bit guilty again, but Jiang Ji remained unfazed, “Just stay here and don’t wander around. Lock the door early tonight.”

“Got it,” Jiang Bei waved him off, “Go on.”

Jiang Ji didn’t say anything else, walking with Qin Qingzhuo towards the motorcycle and helping him put on his helmet.

The two of them straddled the motorcycle. Jiang Ji turned his face slightly, looking through the windscreen of his helmet towards a certain position to the side.

Seeing him hesitating, Qin Qingzhuo followed his gaze, “What’s wrong?”

Jiang Ji withdrew his gaze and said, “Nothing,” reminding Qin Qingzhuo to hold on tight, then twisted the throttle and rode the motorcycle out.

In Qin Qingzhuo’s studio, there were over a dozen people gathered. Usually, everyone’s biological clocks were not synchronized; some stayed during the day while others came out at midnight. Since the studio was established, they had rarely gathered so neatly.

Over a dozen heads huddled together, murmuring at their phone screens—

“They must be together, right? Can you hold hands if you’re not together?”

“Is this so sudden? There didn’t seem to be any signs before…”

“They must have had a conflict before, didn’t Qingzhuo avoid Jiang Ji before?”

“No wonder Qingzhuo seemed restless and out of sorts last night…”

“F*ck, who suggested playing Murder Mystery last night? Such lack of vision delayed Qingzhuo until late at night!”

“You’re only saying that now, where was your insight earlier? Didn’t you know they were together without these photos?”

“We can’t be sure they’re together yet. Let’s see if Qingzhuo brings Jiang Ji here later.”

Someone suddenly heard the sound of a motorcycle engine outside the door and glanced outside, “Hey, they’re here! They came together!”

Inside the studio, everyone suddenly looked up and glanced outside. Someone whispered, “Wow, Qingzhuo didn’t change his clothes today… There’s no suspense now.”

“Alright,” Li Zi chuckled, “Mystery solved, huh? You gossipers.”

Outside the studio, Qin Qingzhuo dismounted the motorcycle, stood on the curb, removed his helmet, and ran his hand through his hair.

The streetlights had already come on, casting a bright white light on the snow piled up on the roadside.

Jiang Ji parked the motorcycle and walked over, holding his hand. “Let’s go.”

Several meters away, Qin Qingzhuo vaguely saw many people gathered around the round table on the ground floor of the studio. Walking in hand in hand would be a bit too ostentatious, not in line with his usual style, but Qin Qingzhuo didn’t pull away. He let Jiang Ji hold his hand.

Ascending the steps, although mentally prepared, Qin Qingzhuo was still somewhat surprised to see everyone gathered around the table through the glass door.

“So many people…” he muttered softly, pushing open the studio door. As soon as he stepped in, before he could say anything, Lin Qi Xian sang a line from “Light Peck”: “Tonight’s night is moist and soft, like your eyes, comforting.”

“What’s going on…” Qin Qingzhuo chuckled.

Li Zi followed up with the second line, “How many people are sleeping soundly at this moment, and I just opened my mouth to say I like you.”

As the last syllable fell, someone picked up the third line, “The raindrops in the distance blur into halos, silence is my anxious concealment.”

“Alright alright,” Qin Qingzhuo laughed, “Stop teasing.”

But no one listened to him, and they continued with the fourth line, leaving Qin Qingzhuo at a loss.

Jiang Ji suddenly chuckled beside him, and Qin Qingzhuo turned his head to look at him.

The usually expressionless boy looked at the people in the room, suppressing a smile. A shallow dimple appeared below his lips, and the youthful air was unabashedly displayed.

Alright… Qin Qingzhuo thought, if they’re so happy, then let them sing.

The whole song of “Light Peck” was sung before the studio quieted down.

“Finished singing?” Qin Qingzhuo said helplessly, “How old are you guys, really.”

“Oh, we have a newcomer here,” Lin Qi Xian, who started the song, said, “Qingzhuo, care to introduce?”

Qin Qingzhuo chuckled, “You guys made such a fuss, and you still want me to make an introduction?”

“Of course, we need an introduction ah,” someone chimed in.

“The lead singer and guitarist of Asperatus Band, Jiang Ji,” Qin Qingzhuo smiled, dismissing their curiosity. “Is that enough?”

The ones who had stirred up the commotion weren’t satisfied. “Is that it?” “Just like that?” “Qingzhuo, you’re no fun!”

“Jiang Ji, are you capable?” Lin Qi looked at Jiang Ji. “Your Teacher Qin, won’t speak for you!”

Jiang Ji remained silent, turning to look at Qin Qingzhuo with lips slightly pursed, appearing to hold back a smile.

Usually, his lips were slightly downturned, giving him a stubborn and unapproachable look. But when he smiled, a hint of tenderness emerged on his face.

Qin Qingzhuo met his gaze, feeling a stir within him, and reached out to hold Jiang Ji’s hand.

“My boyfriend, Jiang Ji.”

Qin Qingzhuo looked at his group of friends. “Is that clear enough now?”

As he finished speaking, he felt Jiang Ji’s hand tighten suddenly, almost painfully around his fingers.


Certified member of the IIO(International Introverts Organization), PhD holder in Overthinking and Ghosting, Spokesperson for BOBAH(Benefits of Being a Homebody), Founder of SFA(Salted Fish Association), Brand Ambassador for Couch Potato fall line Pajama set.

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