The Little Monk of the God of War’s Household
LMGW Chapter 6: Zero Combat Power

He Qing only started refining his elixirs after setting up a barrier in the room. Once finished, he dismissed the barrier and stepped out. After calculating on his fingers, he realized that Duan Chenhui hadn’t come back during the half month he had been refining elixirs. Could it be that Duan Chenhui’s susceptibility period still wasn’t over? Or was he just too busy?

He Qing went over to the lotus pond to feed the koi, muttering to himself as he watched the fish, “I wonder how the General is doing now.”

The butler followed behind, offering comfort, “The General should be returning soon.”

“Mhm.” But He Qing wasn’t really concerned about that. The next day, he packed his things and headed to the First Central Academy. As the name suggests, the First Academy is the top academy.

It has many different departments, such as Botany, Combat, Medicine, and Mechanics. Due to Duan Chenhui’s massive military achievements, He Qing easily got into the Botany department, thanks to the hefty bonus points from Duan Chenhui’s influence.

He was literally the poster child for “relying on your husband.”

He Qing opened his transcript and sighed as he looked at the additional bonus points. He couldn’t help but admire Duan Chenhui a little; all those points were earned through life-and-death battles.

The hovercar arrived at the academy’s entrance.

“Uncle Cai, you can head back. I’ll go in by myself,” He Qing said as he got out of the car.

The butler looked at him, hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded. “Very well. Goodbye, Mr. He. If anything happens, feel free to call me or the General.”

“I know.” He Qing waved his hand and shut the car door. In truth, he and Duan Chenhui almost never texted, let alone randomly called each other. They were practically strangers.

The butler drove away.

He Qing glanced around. The wealthy students arrived in chauffeured vehicles, while the ordinary ones dragged large bags of luggage, often accompanied by nervous parents giving last-minute advice.

He Qing chuckled and walked into Central Academy.

At the front of the academy stood two rows of towering mutant plane trees and a banyan tree. He Qing’s striking figure immediately caught the attention of the crowd, some even stumbling towards trash bins. Thankfully, the bins were intelligent and issued a friendly reminder: “Please be careful, student.”

“Look, it’s that Tower Flower, He Qing!”

“Wow… He’s even more stunning than in the videos… Ahem, I mean, whatever, it’s not that impressive…”

“But what does it matter? A pretty face won’t keep the General!”

“Well, having that face isn’t bad either… It’d be nice to just admire it at home,” someone muttered quietly.

“General, it’s He Qing,” Yang Fan said, pushing Duan Chenhui’s wheelchair from the other side of the plane trees.

Duan Chenhui glanced over. He Qing was walking along the stone path, dappled sunlight casting shadows on his face, leaving a sparse play of light and shadow under his eyelashes.

Duan Chenhui was reminded of morning dew and afternoon sunshine—calm, peaceful, like a gentle breeze sweeping through.

“Suddenly, I feel a bit sleepy.”

“General, are you unwell?” Yang Fan asked in confusion, lowering his head.

“I’m fine.” Duan Chenhui continued to watch, his eyes following He Qing. “Follow him.”

“…Huh?” Yang Fan thought he might have misheard. “Aren’t we going over?”

Duan Chenhui lightly caressed the armrest and smiled. “It’s more fun to follow him. Just don’t let him notice.”

“Yes, sir.” Yang Fan got serious. He wasn’t about to be bested by an Omega.

Duan Chenhui kept his gaze fixed on He Qing, watching as he strolled along the plane tree-lined path, past the banyan tree, and through the flower beds, as if exploring a new world.

He Qing finally stopped by the lotus pond, staring at the bare patch of water. “I guess only the General can grow lotus flowers properly here.”

Duan Chenhui smiled. He remembered that the pond in the school was filled with aquatic plants, but it did still bloom—it just bloomed underwater.

Suddenly, a senior student couldn’t hold back and ran over to He Qing, asking, “Are you a new student?” He pointed to the badge on his arm, showing he was part of the student council.

He Qing glanced at him, clasped his hands together, and said, “Hello, senior. I’m He Qing, a transfer student.”

“I’m Zhang Yi. Let me show you around the academy. If you have any questions, feel free to ask,” Zhang Yi said as he began walking with He Qing.

Meanwhile, the campus forum exploded:

[Whoa! The student council is making a move? It’s the annual freshman welcome event.]

[Zhang Yi picked He Qing! I feel like he’s got a personal grudge or something.]

[Hahaha, it does seem that way.]

[Wait a minute, isn’t that General Duan in the corner of the video?]

[OMG, it really is! Zhang Yi’s in trouble now!]

Zhang Yi led He Qing on a winding path. “Speaking of which, when the General had his mental power tested, even the dean came personally. The whole school was in an uproar.”

“The General is truly remarkable,” He Qing replied with a smile. “I heard he’s ranked number one in combat and has held that spot for years.”

“…” Zhang Yi, who was ranked second, twitched at the corners of his mouth, feeling like he’d been stabbed in the heart. He glanced at He Qing. “Ahem, well, that’s the General for you… He was even pursued by the campus belle once.”

“Too bad they didn’t have a fated bond.” He Qing said wistfully. If they had, the General would have been married by now, and He Qing wouldn’t be entangled with him.

“…” Zhang Yi felt another pang in his chest. “The campus belle is really beautiful. The General—”

He Qing suddenly turned his head and stared at him. The sight of He Qing’s perfect features nearly made Zhang Yi’s heart stop.

He Qing was even more stunning than the campus belle.

Zhang Yi wiped his face. “Anyway, let’s not talk about that. The school’s combat ranking board is available online. You can challenge anyone on it, and if you win, you can even take on challengers from other schools.”

He Qing’s eyes lit up. “How do you access it?” He had been itching to stretch his muscles, but hadn’t had the chance while at the White Tower, so his roots were practically rusty.

Zhang Yi assumed he just wanted to spectate. “You scan the QR code after logging in, and you can join anonymously.”

“Thanks, I’ll remember that.” He Qing nodded. “Senior, you’re in the Combat Department, right? You must be really strong.”

“I’m okay…” Zhang Yi gritted his teeth. “Let me take you to the botanical garden.”

Campus Forum:

[I feel like Zhang Yi’s been on the losing end the whole time!]

[Haha, it’s kind of funny. Do you think He Qing is doing it on purpose?]

[On closer inspection, it doesn’t seem like he’s outright dissing Zhang Yi, but there’s definitely some subtle strategy going on!]

[Right, I think he’s being low-key shady! Does the General know? The General doesn’t like this type, right??]

[??? But where did that rumor even come from? No one’s ever seen the General like anyone before, right?]

As speculation swirled online, Zhang Yi led He Qing into the botanical garden, which was filled with all sorts of exotic plants, their leaves blocking out the sun.

Looking around, He Qing thought it was less of a botanical garden and more like a miniature tropical rainforest. He walked further in, noticing that many plants had signs beside them.

For example: [Watch your step! Step on me, and you’ll fail the course!] This was a massive Rafflesia.

[Don’t pick my flowers! Or I’ll fail you, sob sob sob.] This was a prickly plant with no flowers at all.

There was even a more menacing one that said: [Man-eating plant seedlings. Do not disturb. Feeds on flies when small, humans when grown.]

He Qing quickly caught on. “So this is the experimental field for the Botany Department, huh?”

Zhang Yi nodded. “Yeah, these mutant plants are all active and dangerous. If you’re scared, you can transfer departments.”

“I think it’s pretty interesting.” He Qing’s eyes gleamed. If there were any spiritually awakened plants here, that’d be even better.

Zhang Yi smiled politely. “Up ahead is a huge man-eating lantern flower, planted by the dean himself.”

“Let’s go see it.” He Qing glanced around; the mutant plants were all still, as if preparing for something.

Zhang Yi chuckled as he continued explaining the plants along the way. “Over there is centipede grass, which wraps around people. Not too dangerous. Next to it is a leechChu Yan flower, which sucks blood…”

“What’s the use of leech flowers?” He Qing asked, eager to learn.

“You can extract medicinal essences from them…”

Zhang Yi talked non-stop, his mouth practically dry by the time they reached the deeper part of the garden. He pointed up at a tree. “This is the man-eating lantern flower.”

He Qing looked up. Countless vines dangled like willow branches, with round white buds hanging from them. A massive flower bud grew on the tree trunk, large enough to swallow a person whole.

Zhang Yi smiled. “This plant glows to attract prey.” Then, changing his tone, he added, “And we’ve just entered its hunting range.”

After saying that, Zhang Yi turned and ran, calling back, “So, see you later, junior! Good luck!”

He Qing watched Zhang Yi run off, then casually touched the lantern flower, smiling as he channeled his spiritual energy. “Good luck to you too.”

The moment he said that, the entire lantern flower went wild, twisting and writhing as if it had just been injected with adrenaline.

In the distance, Zhang Yi tripped and fell with a loud “thud.” When he looked back, he saw that one of the lantern flower’s vines had somehow wrapped itself around his leg!

“Help, help! Save me—” Zhang Yi flailed his arms, trying to grab onto something, but to no avail. He didn’t dare cut the dean’s plant and was slowly dragged deeper into the garden by the vine.

The students hiding behind the trees covered their mouths, faces contorting as they tried to stifle their laughter.

Campus Forum:

[Pffft! This is hilarious! What the heck, Zhang Yi?]

[What’s he doing? This is so embarrassing!]

[Help! I can’t bear to watch, he looks so dumb! Haha!]

[Let’s see what’s happening with He Qing! Streamer, get us a better view!]

The camera panned over to show He Qing, who remained perfectly still as the vines wrapped around him, lifting him into the air and bundling him into a ball, leaving only his head exposed.

[Uhh… I’m not sure which one is more ridiculous!]

[Honestly, Zhang Yi is still funnier! Hahaha!]

[He Qing really has zero combat power, huh?]

“Could you let me down?” He Qing asked, turning his head to look at the lantern flower. He hadn’t expected to find a plant in the interstellar world that behaved like a spiritual plant, absorbing spiritual energy. Given time, it might even develop intelligence.

“Idiot, it just wants to eat us! Hurry up and think of a way to get down!” Zhang Yi was now pushing against the giant flower bud, struggling to stop himself from being sucked inside.

He Qing glanced at him. “Won’t the fluid inside dissolve you?”

“Shut up.” Zhang Yi glared at him. “Why hasn’t it swallowed you yet?”

He Qing smiled slightly. “Maybe it thinks you’re more nutritious since I’m a vegetarian.”

“You, you…” Zhang Yi was speechless. What happened to his fragile, delicate persona? This guy was clearly a ruthless mastermind in disguise!

Livestream Chat:

[Do you think Zhang Yi can hold on? Someone should go help him.]

[Don’t worry, the fluid inside only numbs you. It’s harmless to humans, hahaha.]

Just as they said that, Zhang Yi was unceremoniously sucked into the flower with a splat, letting out a desperate scream:

“Aaaahhh! It’s so sticky and gross—!!”

“Amitabha, I hope you’ll be alright,” He Qing murmured, silently reciting the Heart Sutra, when suddenly a familiar voice came from below.

“He Qing.”

He Qing opened his eyes and found himself staring directly at Duan Chenhui standing beneath the tree.

“…General, I’ve been kidnapped.”

Duan Chenhui looked up at him. A lantern flower petal floated down, like a snowflake. He caught it and smiled. “You don’t seem to be in much danger.”

He Qing lowered his gaze, pouting. “I heard that princesses in high towers braid their long hair into ropes to climb down, but my hair isn’t that long.”

“Do you need help?” Duan Chenhui, amused by He Qing’s act, played along.

“I really do,” He Qing nodded quickly. “The General is wise and mighty.”

“Then I’ll help you.” Duan Chenhui almost laughed out loud. He stood up, pulled out his laser sword, and accurately sliced through the vine holding He Qing. As flower petals rained down, he spread his arms, waiting to catch He Qing.

He Qing’s heart skipped a beat. He was pretty high up. If he just fell, he might crush Duan Chenhui. So, he quickly grabbed onto a vine to slow his descent and then landed smoothly in Duan Chenhui’s arms.

“Whew, that was scary,” He Qing said, leaning against Duan Chenhui’s shoulder.

Duan Chenhui hesitated for a moment, then set He Qing down into a wheelchair, holding onto the armrests as he looked at him. “Let me see your hand? I can catch you.”

Although Duan Chenhui had a leg injury, catching He Qing was no big deal.

“…I’m fine.” He Qing, who had cultivated an iron body, lowered his eyes and hid his hands behind his back. The problem was, he was really fine—he’d have to rub his hands raw to make them look injured…

Duan Chenhui continued to stare at him. “Show me.”

He Qing didn’t move, and the two of them were locked in a standoff for a moment.

Livestream Chat:

[I can’t bear to watch this anymore. Covering my eyes.]

Just then, another voice broke the silence. “General, General, I’m still here! I can’t move… Help!”

Duan Chenhui: “You can still move your mouth.”

Zhang Yi: “……!!!”

Livestream Chat:

[……] Whoa! General, what did you just say?!! Oh my god, oh my god, the General’s changed!!

He Qing glanced at Zhang Yi, who was still stuck in the tree, and deftly changed the subject. “Zhang Yi must be suffering.”

“Pranks have consequences.” Duan Chenhui pushed He Qing along. “Since you won’t show me, let’s go to the infirmary.”

“…Okay.” He Qing glanced back and sighed, locking eyes with Zhang Yi. He waved at him. “Goodbye, Zhang Yi. Thanks for showing me around the academy.”

“You’re welcome…” Zhang Yi almost coughed up blood. He was terrified the General would hold a grudge! Someone save him!

Finally, the forum caught up:

[What the heck! The General’s totally spoiling him! This isn’t the cold, distant relationship the rumors suggested!!]

Soon, the entire academy knew about this amusing incident.

In the end, He Qing’s hands were wrapped in eighteen layers of bandages by the doctor. He walked out of the infirmary, only to see Zhang Yi being carried in on a stretcher by other students.

He Qing ran over, waving his bandaged hand in greeting. “Hi, Zhang Yi.”

Zhang Yi twitched at the corner of his eye, his face contorted, unable to utter a single word.

He Qing smiled softly, clasping his hands together. “Amitabha, wishing you a speedy recovery.”

“He’ll be fine. He’ll be better by tomorrow,” said one of the students carrying Zhang Yi. Then they spotted Duan Chenhui standing behind He Qing and immediately bolted, almost dropping Zhang Yi in their rush.

He Qing watched them go. “Am I that scary?”

“It’s getting late. I’ll take you to your classroom.” Duan Chenhui said from behind him, “Your hands will be better by tomorrow. If not, go see Dr. Zhang.”

“Yes.” He Qing turned and began pushing Duan Chenhui’s wheelchair. Ah, it seems everyone’s actually afraid of the General.

Not only had Duan Chenhui killed many insectoids, but he was also feared by other races because of his high kill count in interstellar wars. He was even known as the “God of Slaughter” to their enemies.

Duan Chenhui brought He Qing to the classroom door. He Qing looked inside. “General, you should go. I’ll head in on my own.”

“Mhm.” Duan Chenhui scanned the room and, seeing nothing amiss, nodded and left.

He Qing turned and entered the classroom. The moment he stepped inside, all the students’ eyes were on him. He Qing sensed that this class had a mix of Omegas, Betas, and Alphas. He had thought it would be all Omegas, but the First Academy was clearly different from the White Tower.

He Qing ignored the various expressions and calmly walked to the back, choosing an empty seat by the window.

The classmate sitting across the aisle from him glanced over a few times, then lowered his head to play a game, only to look up again after a while, staring at He Qing.

He Qing met his gaze. “Do you need something?”

The student glanced at him again, then whispered, “The seat next to you is already taken… by the school bully, Chu Yan…”

He Qing looked at the empty desk beside him. “So, I can’t sit here?”

“I’m just giving you a heads-up…” The student lowered his head and resumed playing his game.

“Thanks.” He Qing didn’t mind. He turned to look out the window. As a spirit being, attending school was a novel experience for him. It didn’t matter who his seatmate was.

Suddenly, he spotted Duan Chenhui in the building across the courtyard. Duan Chenhui must have walked along this hallway and into the other building. Out of nowhere, Duan Chenhui turned his head, and their eyes met across the distance.

He Qing smiled and raised his hand in greeting. Duan Chenhui raised his hand slightly in response.

He Qing leaned on his desk, watching Duan Chenhui. Today, Duan Chenhui was wearing his military uniform, and as a high-ranking officer, he looked especially upright and handsome. The golden badges on his uniform shone even more brilliantly. He was truly a sight to behold.

To He Qing, Duan Chenhui was like a glittering spiritual stone.

But in Duan Chenhui’s eyes, He Qing looked at him like he was staring at a vault full of treasure. Duan Chenhui never really understood what He Qing’s gaze meant. He had tried to probe before, but He Qing didn’t seem to care about money or jewels.

He just liked going to the lotus pond to feed koi and pick lotus flowers.

“Is that him? Let me take a closer look,” said an elderly man with white hair, walking beside Duan Chenhui, smiling warmly.

“Do you have a class with the Botany Department?” Duan Chenhui smiled but didn’t stop him.

“I’m the dean. I can substitute when I like.” The old dean chuckled, walking briskly with his cane. He gave Duan Chenhui a knowing look. “It’s rare for you to give the opening lecture.”

“I just happened to be free,” Duan Chenhui replied casually.

The dean stroked his chin. “Even though he’s not very strong, he’s in Botany, not Combat. Don’t worry about him.”

Duan Chenhui said nothing, but suddenly saw countless dandelion seeds floating through the air, some even drifting down in front of him.

The dean looked up and waved his cane angrily. “Those little brats planted dandelions on the roof again! Do they know how hard it is to clean that up?”

“They’re pretty, though.” Duan Chenhui glanced upward. These dandelions were a mutant variety, with larger, fluffier parachutes.

The students in the hallway looked up as well. “Wow! Is this the dandelion seed shower to welcome new students?”

“Help! I’m on cleanup duty today!”

“There are cleaning robots! You must’ve been punished!”

“Shut up.”

He Qing agreed with everyone. The dandelions were indeed pretty. He opened the window slightly, but a sharp voice immediately cut in. “Close the window. I’m allergic to dandelions.”

“Sorry, I didn’t know.” He Qing closed the window and turned to look at his new deskmate. His new seatmate, Chu Yan, had a head of fiery red hair. He plopped down in his chair, crossing his legs, and was about to light a cigarette.

He Qing pointed at the cigarette. “You’re not allowed to smoke in class.”

Chu Yan turned and glared at him. “Mind your own business.”

The surrounding students: [Oh no! He Qing’s clashing with the school bully! Does he have a death wish?!]

He Qing smiled gently, not backing down. Instead, he pulled out an ashtray and placed it on the desk. “If you must, go ahead.”

Chu Yan looked at the ashtray, then at He Qing, then glanced at the students staring at him. “You’re nuts.” He said, then stuffed the cigarette into his mouth and started chewing it.

“…” He Qing blinked and calmly put the ashtray away.

Chu Yan glanced at him again.

He Qing smiled and stored the ashtray.

Chu Yan turned his head, refusing to look at him anymore.

Amitabha, He Qing thought as he lightly brushed his prayer beads.

The other students wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads. Luckily, a fight didn’t break out, or none of them would stand a chance against the school bully.

But! Could it be that the school bully actually responded to He Qing’s tactics?!! No wonder the General is so taken with him! He’s got some serious tricks up his sleeve!

Everyone was utterly shocked. Could they also try using a similar strategy against the school bully in the future?


1 chapter will be unlock per week ~ Join my Discord for more latest updates 🤔

1 comment
  1. Stephanie has spoken 2 weeks ago

    Thanks for the update


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